UNITED STATES MAGAZINE, AND DEMOCRATIC REVIEW, CONDUCTED BY THOMAS PRENTICE KETTELL. NEW SERIES. VOL. XIX. NEW-YORK: No. 142 FULTON-STREET, 1846. INDEX TO VOLUME XΙΧ. A LETTER of a Valetudinarian An Essay on the Ground and Reason of Punishment. An Essay on the Ground and Reason of Punishment; with special reference to the Penalty of Death. By Taylor Lewis, Esq. And a Defence of Capital Punishment. By Rev. George Cheever, D. D. With an Appendix, containing a Review of Burleigh on the Death Penalty.......... American Actors in England A Song of the Stars. By Miss Anna Blackwell... A Day in the Dead Letter Office. By Francis Copcutt. D. P. Kidder, A. M. (Concluded.).. Page 62 90 186 224 303 446 33 40 260 Financial and Commercial Review 71, 148, 220, 321, 401, 483 Gluck in Paris. Translated from the German. By Mrs. Von Hassel... 106 Gossip of the Month.... -332, 411, 491 Howard's Special Term Reports. New-York Supreme Court Special 19 Haydn's Apprenticeship. Translated from the German.... 193,298 Eliot Warburton, Esq.; author of the "Crescent and the Cross". 255 Human Clothing, Dyeing, and Calico-Printing. Practical Treatise on Dyeing and Calico-Printing, &c. By an Experienced Dyer; assisted by several scientific gentlemen. 305 Imaginary Commonwealths. By J. Sullivan Cox.. Marginalia. By Edgar A. Poe... 30 Miss Fuller's Papers on Literature and Art. Papers on Literature and Art. By S. Margaret Fuller, Author of "A Summer on the Lakes," "Woman in the Nineteenth Century," &c...... 198 Minstrelsy; Ancient and Modern. Minstrelsy; Ancient and Modern. Money. 1st. A Manual of Gold and Silver Coins of all nations struck with- 369 Notices of New Books.. No Remedy and Remedy. By D. P. Barhydt. .....76, 151, 235, 327, 408, 489 103 22 |