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AIN, AN, ANE, EAN, EEN, EIGN, EIN, ENE and IN. Alfo the Plural Number of all the Nouns, compounded with the Word Man; as, Aldermen, . which fee in the Termination AN.

ENCE and ENSE. Thence Fence Whence Senfe Cleanfe Hence Denfe Condenfe Pence Cenfe Commence Confe quence Continence Concupifcence Confidence Competence Conference Circumference Benevolence Beneficence Defence Difpenfe Abftinence Diligence Deference Expence Evidence Eminence Eloquence Excellence Incontinence Im+ penitence Influence Innocence Infolence Impertinence Im pudence Improvidence Indifference Indigence Indolence Immenfe Incenfe Inference Intelligence Irreverence Incence Incidence Accidence Appetence Magnificence Malevolence Munificence Maleficence Negligence Pretence Pestilence Providence Penitence Pertinence Propenfe Prepenfe Preeminence Preference Prevalence Recompence Omnipotence Reference Refidence Reverence Offence Sufpenfe Tenfe Violence Affluence Vehemence Efluence Frankincenfe And the third Perfon Singular of the Verbs and Plural of the Nouns in EN, and all the other Terminations that rhyme to it. Alfo the Words in ANCE and INCE.

ENCH. Bench Drench Stench Trench Wench Quench Tench Wrench French Intrench Retrench. And the Terminations ANCH and INCH.

END and IEND. Attend Afcend Amend Apprehend Bend Blend Befriend Commend Contend Condefcend Comprehend Diftend Defcend Defend Depend Difcommend Dividend End Extend Expend Fore-fend Fiend Friend Intend Impend Lend Mend Mifpend Offend Obrend Portend Protend Pretend Rend Recommend Reprehend Reverend Sufpend Send Spend Tend Vend Tranfcend Unbend Dividend. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in EN, and of all the other Terminations that rhyme to it.

ENDS. Amends. This Word rhymes to the Plural of the Nouns, and third Perfon Singular of the prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in END.


ENGE. Revenge Avenge. And the Words in ANGE and INGE.

ENGTH. Length Strength. ENSE. See ENCE.

ENT and EANT. Afcent Attent Abfent Affent Augment Armipotent Bent Battlement Banifhment Content Circumvent Continent Abolishment Abftinent Abfent Accident Ac complishment Accoutrement Acknowledgment Admonish ment Advertisement Aliment Arbitrament Argument Blan dishment Aggrandizement Astonishment Benevolent Cha



Atifement Competent Complement Confident Confequent Corpulent Detriment Diffident Different Diligent Difcouragement Disfranchisement Difparagement Divertisement Document Difcontent Defcent Diffent Element Event Extent Eloquent Eminent Emolument Encouragement Equivalent Eftablishment Evident Excellent Exigent Experiment Extinguishment Foment Frequent Firmament Ferment Flatulent Fraudulent Government Indent Intent Invent Imbellifhment Imminent Impediment. Impenitent Impertinent Implement Impotent Impoverishment Imprisonment Improvident Impudent Incident Incompetent Incontinent Indifferent Indigent Innocent Infolent Inftrument Infufficient Irreverent Integument Interfluent Intelligent Lament Lent Leant Languishment Ligament Lineament Luculent Meant Monument Magnificent Malecontent Malevolent Management Medicament Mifreprefent Mifcontent Mifpent Munificent Muniment Negligent Nourishment Nutriment Ornament Oftent Ourwent O'erfpent Occident Omnipotent Opulent Orpiment Prevent Portent Parliament Punishment Pent Prefent Penitent Permanent Pertinent Peftilent Prefident Predicament Prevalent Profiuént Prominent Provident Repent Relent Rent Represent Refent Ravifhment Redolent Re-establishment Refluent Regiment Reverent Rudiment Sacrament Sediment Sentiment Settlement Succulent Subfequent Supplement Sent Scent Shent Spent Torment Tent Tournament Temperament Turbulent Vent Unmeant Went Underwent Unfpent Unbent Forewent Outwent Underwent Overwent Vehement Violent Virulent. And the Terminations AINT and ANT.

EP. Step Outstep. And the Terminations AP, APE, EAP, and EEP.

EPT. Accept Adept Except Intercept Crept Kept Slept Wept Swept. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs in EAP and IP.

ER. Err Parterre Adminifter Prefer Aver Her Defer Deter Infer Refer Transfer Prefer Confer Arbiter Character Biographer Cofmographer Aftronomer Geographer Hiftoriographer Typographer Swaggerer Tillager Villager Dowager Cottager Maffacre Victualler Remembrancer Slanderer Wanderer flander Malander Warrenner Purchaser Alabaster Flatterer Smatterer Idolater Theatre Caterer Amphitheatre Foreigner Provender Lavender Meffenger Paffenger Porrenger Scavenger Challenger Carpenter Diameter Barometer Sorcerer Artificer Officer Sacrificer Dulcimer Mariner Gardinet Examiner Cylinder Lingerer Harbinger Juniper Canifter Minifter Register Sophifter Presbyter Admonisher Furbisher Polisher Whisperer Scrivener Law-giver Driveller


Philofopher Cofferer Philologer Embroiderer. Loiterer Aftrologer Customer Almoner Falconer Probationer Stationer Coroner Commoner Confectioner Ufurer Penfioner Extortioner Waggoner Prifoner Commiflioner Practitioner Parishioner Grasshopper Paflover Follower Sepulchre Cu. cumber Trumpeter Thunderer Plunderer Murderer Treafu rer Lecturer Interpreter Ravifher Lucifer Chorifter. Alfo the Words in EAR, and all the other Terminations to which it rhymes.



ERGE, IRGE, and URGE. Serge Verge Emerge Cierge Dirge Urge Purge Surge Spurge. And the Termination



ERSE, EARSE, and IERCE. Verfe Difperfe Herfe A4verfe Averfe Interfperfe Tranfverfe Afperfe Traverfe Converfe Difperfe Immerfe Perverfe Reverfe Univerfe Serfe Rehearfe Amerce Coerce Commerce Fierce Pierce Tierce. And the Words in ARCE; together with the Plural Nom. ber of the Nouns and third Perfon Singular of the Verbs in AIR, ARE, EAR, EER, EIR, ER and ERE.

ERT. Advert Avert Affert Convert Defert Concert Divert Expert Inexpert Exert Infert Pervert Revert Subvert Animadvert Controvest Malapert Pert Wert. Alfo the Terminations ART, IRT, ORT and URT.

ERVE. Nerve Subferve Enerve Serve Swerve Conferve Deferve Differve Obferve Referve Preferve. And the Words in ARVE.

ES, ESE, and ESS. Accefs Addrefs Antipodes Abfolutenefs Abusiveness Advisedness Adulterefs Almightinefs Affo redness Blefs Backwardnefs Barrenness Bashfulnefs B aftli nefs Bitterness Bleffednefs Beggarlinefs Bodilefs Boifterouf nefs Brittleness Comprefs Chefs Acquiesce Affefs Carefs Confefs Chearfulness Comelinefs Comfortless Contentednefs Cloudinefs Clownifhnefs Covetoufnefs Courtlines Craftiness Crookedness Drefs Diftrefs Deprefs Digrefs Dif poffefs Daintinefs Deceitfulness Delicatenefs Dimenfionlefs Dizziness Drunkennefs Diffolutenefs Drowzinefs Excefs Exprefs Egrefs Eagerness Earneftnefs Eafinefs Embaffadrefs Emptinefs Erroneoufnefs Evennefs Exceffivenefs Featherlefs Feeblenefs Faithfulness Fatherlefs Fickleness Filthinels. Foolishness Forgetfulness Forwardness Friendliness Frowardnefs Fruitfulness Fulfomnefs Ghefs Ghaftliness Gentleness Giddinefs Godlinefs Governefs Gracefulness Greediness. Happiness Heavinefs Harbourlefs Harmlefnefs Haughtines Haltinefs Heinoufnefs Hideoufnefs Hoarinefs Hollownel.

[blocks in formation]

Holinefs Homelinefs Idlenefs Imprefs Ingrefs Imperioufnefs Inconfiderateness Joyfulness Irkfomnefs Knavithnefs Lefs Lafcivioufnefs Lawfulness Laziness Licentioufnefs Lionefs Limbernefs Littlenefs Livelinefs Loftinefs Lonefomnefs Loathfomnefs Lovelinefs Lowlinefs Lumpifhinefs Luftful nefs Luftinefs Luxurioufnefs. Mefs Malicioufnefs Manliness Marchionefs Matterlefs Meagrenefs Mellownefs Merrinefs Mightinefs Mindfulness Mistiness Moneyless Motherlefs Motionless Muftinefs Nakedness Narrownefs Naftiness Naufeoufnefs Naughtinefs Needinefs Niggardlinefs Nimblenefs Noblenefs Noifomnefs Nothingnefs Numberlefs Opprefs Obfequionfnefs Offenfivenefs Officioufnefs Obduratenefs Opennefs Outrageoufnefs. Prefs Poffefs Profefs Painfulness Patronefs Peaceablenefs Peevifhnefs Pennylefs Penfiveness Perfidioufnefs. Pitilefs Poetefs Populoufnefs Positiveness Prettiness Priorefs Prophetefs Publicknefs Purfinefs. Queftionless Quietnefs. Recefs Regrefs Redrefs Rapidnefs Rag gednefs Ranfomlefs Readiness Reafonlefs Reasonableness Rebellioufnefs Remedilefs Refervednefs Refoluteness Refpectfulness Reftlefnefs Reftivenefs Righteoufnefs Rofinefs Rottennefs Ruggedness Ruftinefs. Strefs Succefs Supprefs Savagenefs Scornfulness Scrupuloufnefs Seemlinefs Senfelefnefs Senfibleness Serioufnefs Shadinefs Shallownefs Shamefulness Shamelesnefs Shepherdefs Sicklinefs Sillinefs Sinfulnefs Skilfulness Slavifhnefs Slenderness Slipperinefs Slothfulness Sluggishnefs Spiritlefs Sorcerefs Sordidnefs Sottish nefs Sparingnefs Sprightlinefs Spitefulaefs Statelinefs Steadinefs Stedfaftnefs Stinginefs Stubbornness Sturdiness Sub miffivenefs Sullennefs Sumptuoufnefs Supperlefs Superftitioufnefs Surlinefs: Tranfgrefs Tardinefs Tedioufnefs Tendernefs Thankfulnefs Thoughtfulness Thirstinefs Thrifti nefs Towardlinefs Tractablenefs Truftinefs Tutorefs Unless Undrefs Nevertheless Valiantness Uglinefs Vigoroufnefs Unadvifedness Uncertainnefs Uncharitablenefs Uneafinefs Unnevennefs Unfaithfulness Unfeignednefs Ungodliness Unhappiness Ungracioufnefs Unhealthinefs Unlikelinefs Unluckinefs Unmannerlinefs Unmercifulness Unmindfulnefs Unpleafantnefs Unreafonablenefs Unquietnefs Unrighteoutnefs Unruliness Unfeemlinefs Unskilfulness Unfteadiness Unthankfulness Untimelinefs Untowardness Un warinefs Unwholefomnefs Unwillingness Unworthiness Uncleanlinefs Voluptuoufoefs Votarefs Ufefulness Waiwardnels Wakefulness Wantonnefs Warinefs Waftfulness Watchfulness Weaponlefs Wearinefs Weightinefs Wholefomnefs Wickedness Wildernefs Willingness Wilfulness Worldlinefs Worthiness Wretchedness Yellowness Youthfulness Thefe


Diocefe. To this 'Termination rhyme the Words in EASE, and all the other Words that rhyme to that Ending.

ESH, and EASH. Flefh Fresh Afresh Refresh Mesh. Thresh Leath. And the Terminations ASH and ISH.

ESK and ESQUE. Desk Morefque Grotefque Burlesque. And the Words in ASK and ISK.

EST. Atteft Arreft Beft Beheft Bequest Creft Contest Deteft Digeft Divelt Funett Gueft. Infelt Inquest Invest Jeft Impreft Left Moleft Neft Obreft Peft Proteft Quest Rest Request Teft Suggest Chest Vest West Wreft Unwrest Ma nifelt Intereft Dilintereft Almagest Anapeft. And the Ter minations AST, EAST, and IST, with all that rhyme to


ET, and EBT. Bet Befet Beget Bewet Debt Abet Corc net Get Forget Sherbet Jet Overfet Fret Let Wet Mer Underfet Regret Wher Net Pet Set Unfer Curvet Yet Spet Unwet Coverlet Violet Amulet Rivulet Parapet Amulet Leveret Epithet Flageolet Cabinet Marmofer Baronet Anchoret Alphabet. And the Termination EAT, and those that rhyme to it.

ETCH. Stretch Retch Etch Ferch Sketch Vetch Wretch And the Terminations ACH, ATCH, EACH, ICH, and ITCH.




EW, IEW, and UE Anew Accrue Brew Adieu. BlueBlew Askew Bedew Befhrew. Beftrew Crew Cue Clue Chew Drew Dew Due Ewe Eugh Imbrue-Endue Enfue Efchew. Few Flew Flue Forefhew, Grew Glue. Hew Hue Jew Outgrew Knew Foreknew Imbrue In-Lieu Mew New, Perdue Purfue Purlieu Pew Slew .Sew Stew Shew Spew Screw Strew Renew Rue Review Interview Subdue True Shrew. Sue Threw. Unfew Unskrew Undrew Withdrew Counterview Rough hew, Yew Undue View Untrue Vaglew Refidue. And the Terminations O, OO, OU, and Ŏw.

EWD. Lewd Shrewd Feud. And the Participle Paffive of the Verbs of the precedent Termination.

EWN. Hewn Shewn Rough-hewn, Chewn, from the Verb Chew, is us'd by Sir R. Blacmore. And fome of the Words in ONE, OOŃ, and OWN.

EX. Sex Wex Kex Vex Yex Annex Connex Perplex Complex Reflex Convex Circumflex. And the Plural Num; ber of the Nouns and third Perfon Singular of the Prefent Tenfe of the Verbs in ACK, AKE, EAŘ, ECK, EEK, and↑ ECT.

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