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Чести термини и фразе
00 Salary act take effect Act to amend agent amounts herein appropriated appointed Approved April April 15 Article authorized Board bonds certificate Chapter Coleman County constitutional rule requiring county clerk county court county jail county judge creates an emergency Dallas County days after adjournment days be suspended declaring an emergency district court drainage commissioners drainage district duty effect ninety days election enacted ending August 31 enrolled bill shows fees Fish and Oyster following vote foregoing act passed Frio county Governor hundred dollars imperative public necessity issued jurisdiction land laws in conflict Legislature of Texas less license malt liquors March 20 misdemeanor nays paid passage penalties person purchase purpose Railway Company read on three repealed rule requiring bills Section sell Takes effect ninety Texas thereof thereto thousand dollars three several days tion Travis County Twenty-ninth Legislature two-thirds vote violation yeas
Популарни одломци
Страница 63 - misbranded," as used herein, shall apply to all drugs, or articles of food, or articles which enter into the composition of food, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, design, or device regarding such article, or the ingredients or substances contained therein which shall be false or misleading in any particular...
Страница 63 - If it consists in whole or in part of a filthy, decomposed, or putrid animal or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if is the product of a diseased animal, or one that has died otherwise than by slaughter. Sec. 8. That the term "misbranded...
Страница 187 - Reasonable notice must first be given in writing by the party or his attorney proposing to take such deposition to the opposite party or his attorney of record, as either may be nearest, which notice shall state the name of the witness and the time and place of the taking of his deposition...
Страница 62 - In the case of confectionery : If it contain terra alba, barytes, talc, chrome yellow, or other mineral substance or poisonous color or flavor, or other ingredient deleterious or detrimental to health, or any vinous, malt, or spirituous liquor or compound or narcotic drug.
Страница 496 - State, or by deed, grant, sale or gift made or intended to take effect in possession or enjoyment after the death of the grantor...
Страница 73 - That no dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions of this Act when he can establish a guaranty signed by the wholesaler, jobber, manufacturer, or other party residing in the United States, from whom he purchases such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this Act, designating it.
Страница 64 - blend," as the case may be, is plainly stated on the package in which it is offered for sale: Provided, That the term blend as used herein shall be construed to mean a mixture of like substances, not excluding harmless coloring or flavoring ingredients used for the purpose of coloring and flavoring only: And provided further, That nothing in this Act shall be construed as requiring or compelling proprietors or manufacturers of proprietary foods which contain...
Страница 96 - That if any common carrier subject to the provisions of this act shall, directly or indirectly, by any special rate, rebate, drawback, or other device, charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or persons a greater or less compensation...
Страница 266 - ... shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction therefor shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars or by imprisonment in a county jail or penitentiary for a term of not more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment...
Страница 75 - When it is in the possession of any person with the intent to use it as a means of committing a public offense, or in the possession of another to whom he may have delivered it for the purpose of concealing it or preventing its being discovered...