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Appropriation Bills, Senate recedes from its amend- Ennis and Maddox, bill for the relief of; ordered to a

ments to, except that relative to the Florida
Land Commissioners, 620.

debate on this amendment; Senate insists there-
on, 620.

Appropriations for Military Service, motion to amend by
striking out additional allowance for surveys,
&c. 548; negatived, 558.

debate thereon, 548 to 554; 555 to 558.
motion to postpone; debate thereon; negatived,
554, 555.

bill amended and ordered to a third reading,


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Boyle and M'Girth's mounted rangers, bill for the relief

of; ordered to a third reading, 625.
bill passed and sent to H. of R. 633.

third reading, 144, 145.

Fortifications, amendments to bill making appropriation
for, 630, 631, 632.

bill ordered to a third reading, 633.

Hemp, debate on bill for allowing a drawback on cord-
age of foreign, 169, 334, 341.
bill rejected, 341.

Imprisonment for Debt, bill to abolish, 74.
amendments offered, 74, 126.

bill ordered to a third reading, 126.

read a third time, 162.

motion to recommit; debate thereon; adopted, 163
bill again read, 224.

debate on the principle of the bill, 224 to 230.
bill rejected, 230.

Indiana, resolution of the General Assembly of 671.
Cadets at West Point, debate on resolution to limit the Indian tribes, remarks on the bill for the preservation

number of, 136.

laid on the table, 137.

Calhoun, J. C., resolution requesting the President to
notify him of his being elected Vice President,

Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, bill authorizing a sub-
scription to the, 671.

two additional sections proposed, 672.
debate thereon, 672 to 678, negatived, 678.
on the principle of the bill, 679 to 681.
bill ordered to a third reading, 681.
passed as amended, and returned, 686.

Choctaws, letter from J. L. M'Donald relative to, laid on
the table, 630.

Circuit Courts. See Judiciary.

Claimants to lands in Missouri, &c., bill supplementary
to an act relative to; rejected, 637.
Columbian College, debate on bill for the relief of, 90

to 98; 230

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and civilization of, 639 to 645.
bill ordered to a third reading, 645.
passed and sent to H. R. 646.

Infantry Tactics, resolution for printing, 683.

[ocr errors]

Journals of the Congress of the Confederation, resolution
for subscribing to; negatived, 624.
Judiciary of the U. States, debate on bill for the amend
ment of the, 527 to 534.

amendment providing for the transfer of suits,


motion to recommit, 534; negatived, 605.
debate thereon, 535, 535, 603 to 605.
motion to postpone indefinitely, 582; negatived,


debate thereon, 582 to 589.
additional section proposed; negatived, 605.
amendment providing that the additional judges
shall not be justices of the Supreme Court, 605
debate thereon, 605 to 616; negatived, 619.
motion to recommit, 618; negatived, 619.
motion to recommit, with instructions, 618, 619;
withdrawn, 619.

motion to postpone indefinitely; negatived, 691.
amendment, reducing the number of additional
judges to two, 620.

bill recommitted, 620.
proposed instructions to the committee on the,

bill reported with amendments, 630.

623, 624

Lafayette, General, resolution of the House concurred in
for the reception of, 1.

report of the joint committee on the mode for
receiving, 2.

report of the Senate on the same subject, 2.
report from the Committee of Invitation, 3.
his reception by the Senate, 3.

bill making provision for, twice read, 12.
debate on third reading of, 28 to 33.


bill passed and sent to House of Representatives,


bill from the House of Representatives, making
provision for, passed, 56.

Senate proceeds to the H. of R. to count the
votes, 521.

VOL. I.-17

Lafayette bill, a Joint Committee appointed to announce Piracy bill, motion to recommit with instructions, 41,

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withdrawn, 412, renewed, 462, negatived, 441.
other amendments, 412, 413, 417.

motion to assist merchant vessels to arm, and to
employ an armed steam boat, &c. 419
debate thereon, 419 to 420, 434 to 435, nega.
tived, 435.

motion to strike out the fourth section, 435;
withdrawn, 461.

motion to strike out several sections; negative,


motion to strike out the second section; nep
tived, 462.

bill reported as amended, 462.

new sections offered; negatived, 462, 463.
amendments of the House of Representatives
concurred in, 734.

Post Office, bill to reduce into one the acts relative to;
amended and ordered to a third reading,
President, committee appointed for the reception of the
new, 713.

report of the committee, 735.
President's Accounts, message relative to the, 162.

motion to refer it to a Select Committee, 162.!
debate thereon; laid on the table, 162.
President of the Senate, vote of thanks to the, 738.
his reply, 738, 789.

Public Lands, resolution pledging them as a fund for ed
ucation and internal improvement; laid on the
table, 42.

to authorize banks indebted for, to pay in lands, 4
debate thereon, 42, 43; laid on the table, 43.
resolution appropriating them as a fund for the
emancipation of slaves; laid on the table, 620
counter resolution, 696, 697.

New England Mississippi Land Company, debate on the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the com
petition of the, 262, 487.

Ogden, Thomas L. and others, bill for the relief of, laid
on the table, 111.

Oregon, bill for the occupation of the, amended and laid
on the table, 684.

debate resumed, 687 to 695-698 to 713.
bill laid on the table, 713.

Peale's Portrait of Washington, debate on bill for the
purchase of, 624, 625, 638, 639.

bill amended and ordered to third reading, 638,

merce and navigation of the U. S. 620, 621.
of the Secretary of War, on pensioners, 11.
debate thereon, 11, 12.

referred to the committee on pensions, 12.
Roads and Canals, resolution for appointing a commit
tee on, 7.

Storrs, Mr.; his account of the trade between Missouri
and Mexico, 109, 110.

Supreme Court, resolution for regulating the jurisdic
tion of the; read a first time, 9.

639 Topographical Surveys. See Appropriations for military

passed and sent to the House of Representatives,


Pensacola, bill for establishing a Navy Yard at, amended
and ordered to a third reading, 686.

Pensioners, report from the Secretary of War relative
to, 11.

Piracy, call for information on, 34.

report of the committee on, 158, 159.
bill for the suppression of, 159 to 162.
message relative to, 198. 199.

bill read a third time, 275.

debate on the principle of the bill, 275 to 284.
bill taken up by sections, 277 to 283.
motion to strike out the third section, 303.
debate thereon, 303 to 318, 375 to 394, 395 to 407
additional sections proposed, 318, 319.
instances of enormity, 381, 382, 386, 387, 399,
conduct of the Inhabitants and Governor of Cuba,
386, 399

third section stricken out, 407.
substitute offered restricting the transportation
of specie in public vessels, 408.

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debate thereon, 412 to 419; negatived, 419; re-
newed and adopted, 463.

for occupying the Oregon, 713.

for the punishment of crimes against the United
States, 713.


[blocks in formation]

debate on the Senate's amendments to the General
and Naval, 617, 618.

for Fortifications, debate on the Senate's amend-
ments to the, 667 to 670.

debate on Senate's amendments to the additional
military, 670, 671.

Appropriation for the Military Service, bill amended and
ordered to a third reading, 411.

motion to establish a school of practice for Light
Artillery, 518; negatived, 519; motion renew.
ed and negatived, 521.

motion to establish a Fort at Beaufort, N. C.;
negatived, 519,

motion to reduce the appropriation for the Indian
Department, 520; negatived, 521.

bill read a third time, and laid on the table, 521,

[blocks in formation]

Chesapeake and Delaware. See Chesapeake and
Delaware Canal.

Illinois. See Illinois Canal.
Champlain. See Lake Champlain.
Cherokees, call for information on the treaty of 1804
with the, 7.

enumeration of former treaties with the, 7.
debate on the treaty of 1804 with the, 536 to 546
Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, debate on the bill for

subscribing to the stock of the, 216.

history and importance of the, 216 to 223.
bill ordered to a third reading, 224.

read a third time, 274.

[blocks in formation]

Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, motion to refer the bill to
a committee of the whole; debate thereon, 487.
bill laid on the table, 487.

debate resumed, 516.

motion to commit negatived, 516; renewed, 517;
adopted, 518.

debate on the bill declaring the assent of Con.
gress to the act of Virginia relative to the, 590
bill ordered to a third reading, 590.
sundry amendments to, and debate thereon,681 to

bill ordered to a third reading, 683.
read a third time and passed, 687.
title altered, 687.

Claims, Georgia. See Georgia Militia Claims.


Massachusetts. See Massachusetts Militia Claims.
Virginia. See Virginia Claims.

Columbia (or Oregon) river, debate on the bill for occu-
pying the mouth of the, 13 to 26.
amendment offered, 26.

motion to refer the bill to the committee on that
part of the President's Message which refers
to this subject, 26; negatived, 28.

bill amended and reported to the House, 36.
other amendments proposed, 36.

fifth section, relative to a Territorial Government
stricken out, 38.

motion to strike out the third section, offering land
to settlers, 39.

debate thereon, 39 to 42.

third section stricken out; another amendment
offered and rejected; bill ordered to a third
reading, 44.

read a third time and passed; title altered, 59.
District. See District of Columbia.

Columbian College, bill exempting the Students, &c. of,
from Military Duty, amended and ordered to a
third reading, 696.

Committee to make Provision for General Lafayette to
consist of thirteen, 2.

of invitation, twenty-four, 3.

Committees on President's Message, seven, 2.

on the President's Accounts, seven, 186.
on Speaker's Appeal, seven, 486.

Congress, opening of the second session of the 18th, 1.
Constitution, amendments to the. See Amendments.
Copper Mines, debate on the bill concerning, 736.

bill rejected, 737.

Courts of the United States for the Southern District of
New York, bill fixing theplace for, ordered to a third
reading, 348.

Creeks and Cherokees. See Cherokees. See also In-
dian Titles.

Crimes against the United States, committee on the bill
for the punishment of, report progress, 6.

bill amended, 150.

abstract of the original bill, 152.

amendments proposed, 154 to 158, 188, 338 to
340, 348, 355, 365.

proposed modification of the bill, 165.

debate thereon, 165 to 168.

bill reported as amended, 168.
postponed, 189.

resumed, 335.

motion to recommit to the Judiciary Committee,

335; withdrawn, 348.

debate thereon, 335 to 341.

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