Слике страница

cels by refer

ence to a copy of particulars introduced in a


When there is

as containing &c., and by a late admeasurement thereof contain &c. or thereabouts, and consist of the several particulars mentioned or specified in the schedule thereof hereunder written or hereunto annexed, being a transcript from the printed particulars of sale as far as respects the parcels comprised in lot —.

LIV. And which said closes, pieces, and parcels of land a reference to a hereinbefore described, and also the closes &c. hereinafter plan. described, are the closes &c., the ground plot whereof is set forth or delineated in the map or plan drawn in the margin of these presents, for the purpose of more particularly ascertaining and fixing the identity of the same closes, &c.

When described

in a map having been con

veyed by a dif

ferent description in a previous deed.

By reference to schedules.

General refer

lars and


LV. Which said toft, shed, workshop, and buildings, or the site or ground plot thereof, are more particularly delineated or described in the map or plan drawn in the margin of these presents, and are the same toft, shed, workshop, and buildings, as were, by a different description, comprised in certain indentures of lease and release, bearing date &c.

LVI. All those the several messuages &c. which are mentioned, enumerated, or described in the several schedules to these presents, and every part and parcel of the same.

LVII. 1. All &c., and all other the messuages &c., if any, ence to particu- which in the said printed particulars of sale were described or referred to as lots, and every part and parcel of the same, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances, which said several lots were in the printed particulars of sale described in such manner or to such effect as appears in the schedule hereunder written or hereunto annexed.

2. All &c., which said messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments were or were intended to be more particularly described in or by the said printed particulars of sale, which, as far as relates to the same messuages, lands, tenements, and hereditaments, are in the words and figures or to the effect expressed or contained in the first schedule hereunder written or hereunto annexed; And all other the messuages,

lands, tenements, and hereditaments, if any, which are mentioned and described in the said first schedule hereunder written or hereunto annexed, and every part and parcel of the same, with their and every of their rights, members, and appurtenances.

tion with refer

ence to the

LVIII. And also of and in all and singular other the Special descripmessuages &c., which were formerly the inheritance of the said A. B., and which, by the said hereinbefore in part schedules. recited letters patent, bearing date on or about &c., were granted to or to the use of the said C. D. &c., their heirs. and assigns, as tenants in common or otherwise, and which, as far as relates to the said E. F.'s one-fifth part, are now vested in or in the seisin of him the said E. F., and not sold either by him the said E. F., or the said G. F., his deceased mother, or either of them, the particulars of all which freehold and copyhold messuages &c. hereinbefore and also hereinafter respectively described, as far as the same are ascertained, together with the names of the present or late tenants or occupiers, and the amount of the rents now or lately payable for the premises respectively, are contained in the schedule thereof hereunder written or hereunto annexed; But the same particulars are added only as a further description of the said messuages &c., and not to abridge or restrain the operation of the other words of description contained in these presents.

within-written indenture.

LIX. All the messuages, lands, tenements, and all and By reference to singular other the hereditaments which by the within-written indenture were appointed and released to the use of the said C. D. and his heirs, to the intent therein mentioned, with their rights, members, and appurtenants; And the reversion &c.; And all the estate &c.

LX. All &c. [old description], which said messuages &c.are now better known by the names &c.; And also all the messuages &c. lastly hereinbefore mentioned, under their modern names and descriptions, as far as the same are not effectually comprised by the description first contained in these presents.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

LXI. All &c., which said messuages &c., are the messuages &c., comprised in and conveyed by the said hereinbefore in part recited indentures of &c., by the description of All &c.

LXII. All those &c., heretofore commonly called or known by the several names or descriptions, and described as containing the several quantities and number of acres, more or less, hereinafter mentioned: viz. &c., all which &c., have been lately surveyed and admeasured; and the said closes &c. do now, according to such admeasurement, and by reason of an alteration in the inclosures or otherwise, consist of the several closes more particularly delineated and described in and by the map or ground plan thereof drawn in the margin of these presents.

LXIII. Except and always reserved out of the messuage &c. hereby charged or made chargeable with the said annuity or yearly sum of £, such and so many parts of the said demised lands, and of their respective appurtenances, as are excepted by the said several indentures of demise of the same lands respectively.

LXIV. Except out of this schedule, and out of the grant or release and appointment made by the indenture to which this schedule is annexed or belongs, All that &c.

Exception in a LXV. Except and always reserved out of this present lease of timber, demise unto the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, all timber mines,and quarries, and right of and other trees, mines, minerals, and quarries now growing sporting.

or being, or which at any time during the continuance of this demise shall grow or be in or upon the said demised premises, or any part thereof, with free liberty and power for the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, and his and their agents, servants, workmen, and others, at all convenient times and seasons to enter into and upon the said demised premises, to fell, cut down, and convert the said timber and other trees, and to search for, dig, raise, and make merchantable the said mines, minerals, and quarries, and the said excepted premises, and every part thereof, to take and carry away at his and their will and pleasure, making such reasonable

recompence from time to time for the damage which the said C. D., his executors, administrators, or assigns, or any of them, shall sustain by the exercise of the reservations aforesaid, or either of them, as two indifferent persons (one to be chosen by each party) shall think reasonable; And also except and reserved unto the said A. B., his heirs and assigns, the sole liberty, power, and privilege of hunting, coursing, shooting, and sporting by him and themselves, and his and their companions, gamekeepers, servants, and others, at all seasonable times, in, over, and upon the said demised premises and every part thereof.

for manors,

houses, &c.

LXVI. Together with all and singular houses, out- General words houses, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, coach-houses, cottages, yards, gardens, orchards, backsides, tofts, lands, meadows, pastures, heaths, moors, marshes, waters, waste grounds, folds, fold courses and liberty of foldage, feedings, parks, warrens, commons, common of pasture, common of turbary, and all other commonable rights, mines, minerals, quarries, mills, mulctures, customs, tolls, duties, furzes, trees, woods, underwoods, and the ground and soil thereof, mounds, fences, hedges, ditches, freeboards, ways, waters, watercourses, feedings, fishings, fisheries, fowlings, courts leet, courts baron and other courts, perquisites and profits of courts, view of frankpledge, and all that to view of frankpledge doth belong, reliefs, heriots, fines, sums of money, amerciaments, goods and chattels of felons and fugitives, felons of themselves, outlawed persons, deodands, waifs, estrays, chief-rents, quit-rents, rents-charge, rents-seck, rents of assize, fee-farm rents, boons, services, royalties, jurisdictions, franchises, liberties, privileges, lights, easements, profits, commodities, emoluments, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said manor or lordship, messuages, farms, lands, tenements, hereditaments, and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining, or with the same or any of them respectively now or at any time heretofore demised, leased, held, used, occupied, or enjoyed or accepted, reputed, deemed, taken, or known as part, parcel, or member of them, or any part of them, or appurtenant thereunto, with their and every of their appurtenances; And the rever

[blocks in formation]

General words


sion and reversions, remainder and remainders, yearly and other rents, issues, and profits of all and singular the manor or lordship, messuages or tenements, hereditaments, and premises hereinbefore granted and released, or expressed, and intended so to be; And all the estate, right, title, interest, inheritance, use, trust, possession, possibility, claim, and demand whatsoever, both at law and in equity, of the said A. B., of, in, to, from, or out of the same premises, and every part and parcel thereof.

LXVII. Together with all and singular houses (a), outfor houses and houses, edifices, buildings, barns, stables, coachhouses, cottages, yards, gardens, orchards, lands, tofts, meadows, pastures, commons, common of pasture, common of turbary, and all other commonable rights, mines, minerals, quarries, furzes, trees, woods, underwoods, coppices, and the ground and soil thereof, mounds, fences, hedges, ditches, ways, waters, watercourses, liberties, privileges, lights, easements, profits, commons, emoluments, hereditaments, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said messuages, lands, hereditaments, and premises belonging or in anywise appertaining, or with the same or any of them respectively now or at any time heretofore demised, leased, held, used, occupied, or enjoyed, or accounted, reputed, deemed, taken, or known as part, parcel, or member of them, or any part of them, or appurtenant

(a) When conciseness is particularly desired, the following form is sometimes used:

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Together with all and every the rights, privileges, easements, advantages, and appurtenances whatsoever to the said hereditaments belonging or in anywise appertaining, or thereunto now or heretofore holden, used, occupied, or enjoyed."


"And also all buildings, ways, waters, watercourses, timber and other trees, fences, easements, rights, members, and appurtenances to the said hereditaments belonging or appertaining, or reputed, deemed, or taken to belong or appertain thereto."

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