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years old, an agnostic and philosophical an archist. He heard a lecture on Wordsworth, and next day saw a book of poetry; he read something that expressed his thought. So he is a great reader of poetry now, and Shelley is his idol. Every library should have a person with tact and kindliness to give his time to help the public. Put bulletin boards about the town, and post lists of books in the churches and the Y. M. C. A.

Mr. Woods, of Andover House, in Boston, said: "You must not only offer good influence, but go out and compel people to come in. The place where the books are should be attractive, and a social element should be cultivated. Settlements might become distributing centres for public libraries. Mr. Barnes, of Leland Stanford, Jr., University, has made a study of children's ideas of religion, of beauty, and of form. This study is necessary if books are to be carried wisely to these people. The library should circulate pictures."

Miss N. E. Browne, of Denison House, said that arrangements had been made with the Boston Public Library to have a station at the House. The library furnishes an attendant, and Denison House gives the room. About 250 books have been placed there, and more are promised if a constituency is secured. It is found that the people want short books.

Mrs. A. R. Marsh, of Cambridge, described the work of the Book Club, that branch of the Cheerful Letter Exchange. Each member has the care of 20 correspondents, to whom letters are written and books sent monthly. During the past year 1171 books (exclusive of magazines) were distributed thus to people who are too poor to buy, and unable, for one or another reason, to draw books from public libraries. Many of the correspondents are mothers in places where there are poor schools or none. Some correspondents circulate books among their neighbors, or to ships in port, or among colored people, etc. Lists of books asked for by correspondents are printed in the monthly paper of the society, The Cheerful Letter, which is issued under the care of Miss L. Freeman Clarke, Jamaica Plain. Mr. Lane asked that librarians co-operate with the Cheerful Letter Exchange by sending them duplicates not needed.

Mr. Jones, chairman of the committee on lists of select fiction, presented a report of progress, accompanied with samples of blanks used and proof of list No. 1. As the estimated cost of the list is large when compared with the income of the club, the question of continuing the work was, according to the wish of the committee, referred to the executive committee with full power.

Mr. Whitney, of Watertown, in presenting resolutions of thanks to the trustees and librarians of the Malden Public Library, to the First Baptist Society, to Mr. Foster, the retiring president of the club, and to all who contributed papers or remarks to the meeting, said: "It is particularly fitting that this Rhode Island meeting should be held in a city where a Williams is chief librarian, and under the protection of a Baptist church. Massachusetts was unjust and

most unwise in the earlier days of its history, before the liberalizing influences of public libraries were so apparent on every hand, in expelling one from its borders for religious differences of opinion, but we are glad to see that Rhode Island does not cherish unkind thoughts toward us, as is shown by her contributions to this present meeting, and may we always, as to-day, forget that Rhode Island is not a part of our old commonwealth."

Resolutions were adopted instructing the executive committee, if practicable, to arrange during the winter for a meeting of the club to which library associations in other New England states should be invited to send delegates, and all persons in other New England states active or interested in library work invited to attend.

A proposition having been made looking to the creation of a class of corresponding members, not resident in this state, it was referred to the executive committee to report an amendment to the constitution at the next meeting.

The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: President, C. K. Bolton, librarian of the Brookline Public library; Vice-presidents, F. H. Hedge, librarian Lawrence Public Library, Miss L. A. Williams, librarian Malden Public Library; Secretary, Wm. H. Tillinghast, assistant librarian Harvard College Library; Treasurer, Miss A. L. Sargent, Public Library, Medford.

The secretary not being present, Mr. Bolton acted as secretary pro tem, during the meeting. WM. H. TILLINGHAST, Secretary.

CONNECTICUT LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE fall meeting of the Connecticut Library Association was held October 2, in the David M. Hunt Library, Falls Village. The building, erected by the Misses Hunt in memory of their brother, is a tasteful and substantial one of brick, which cost $10,000, and has rooms for the high school on the lower floor. The meeting was in the afternoon and evening, in order to insure a full attendance, and many visitors from neighboring towns took advantage of the fine weather and full moon. Guests were met at the noon train by a committee of ladies, and taken to homes in the village, where they were entertained at dinner and for the night, a bountiful and daintily served repast being spread in the vestry of the Congregational church at teatime. The pretty little library was beautifully decorated with ferns and potted plants, and filled to overflowing both afternoon and evening with an intelligent and appreciative audience. Twenty-two different towns were represented, and nearly 100 delegates registered.

The meeting was called to order at 2:30 by the president, W. K. Stetson. Rev. C. W. Hanna, of the Congregational church, welcomed the association in a hearty manner to the "promised land."

After the president's response, and the usual reports of secretary and treasurer, an interesting paper was read by Miss Cate E. Herrick, of the New Haven Public Library, on "Open shelves

at New Haven." Since July of the present year the experiment of permitting free access to the shelves has been tried, with very satisfactory results. Readers have found out that there are many classes of books in the library besides novels, and are using them with pleasure and profit. A children's room has been opened in one of the galleries, and children are free to choose all their own books from the shelves. Books are of course misplaced, and one assistant spends two hours every day putting them in order, but the advantages of the plan outweigh the disadvantages.

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binding, and the advantage of glue prepared with rubber for making the backs of books flexible.

Miss C. M. Hewins's account of the meetings of the A. L. A. Conference at Denver and Miss Josephine S. Heydricks's description of the pleasures of the post-conference trip were so graphically portrayed that the entire company almost felt that they too had been to Colorado and the cañons of the Rockies. With a unanimous vote of thanks to their kind entertainers, the association adjourned to meet February 22, 1896, in the Silas Bronson Library, Waterbury.

book" for 1895, containing a list of the officers THE association has recently issued its "Handfor 1894-95, a list of the officers since the foundation of the association, the constitution, a summary of the meetings, discussions and addresses held since the preliminary meeting in February, 1891, and a list of the members, who

now number 82.

THE PENNSYLVANIA LIBRARY CLUB. THE formal sessions of the club do not commence till November, but a pleasant preliminary excursion was had on September 5th. Fortyone of the members met together at Darby, where they were received by Mr. Robert P. Bliss, librarian of the Bucknell Theological Library, and Miss Burnap, of the Chester Free Library, from whence they went in a chartered car to Marcus Hook.

About four o'clock in the afternoon they inspected the Chester Free Library, and a short meeting was held under the presidency of Mr. John Thomson, librarian of the Free Library of Philadelphia, when there was a brief discussion on the subject," How can you best promote the best use of books in a public library?" The discussion was opened by Mr. Thomson, and remarks were made by Miss Kroeger, Miss Burnap, Miss Middleton, Mr. Bliss, and one of the com

Miss Louise M. Carrington, of the Beardsley Library, West Winsted, opened a discussion on replacing worn-out books. The general opinion of the meeting was that good and valuable books should be replaced, but that money may be better spent for new books than for new copies of many gone-by novels, or of obsolete books of information. The poor paper and binding of some modern books were condemned, Arthur W. Tyler, of the new $300,000 Blackstone Memorial Library, Branford, speaking of the 17th century as "the time when they printed for the glory of God, and not to make money." In the evening the ladies of Falls Village entertained the whole audience at supper in the chapel opposite the library. At the evening session Mrs. Donald T. Warner, of Salisbury, read an historical sketch of the Scoville Memorial Library in that town, quoting some of the rules for the Smith Library given by a gener-mittee of the Chester Free Library. ous resident about 1775: "If any person shall be uneasy about a book, he shall have it for one copper." The fines for misuse of books are on record: "Leaves doubled down, 2 pence; book nastied with coloring stuff, I shilling; drop of tallow, I shilling." This collection and the later Bingham Library were the beginning of the collection now housed, through the generosity of the Scoville family, in a fine stone build-October, when they are to be received by ing of Norman architecture, with a clock-tower. chime, auditorium, and Steinway grand piano.

The Rev. John De Peu, of Norfolk, made a scholarly and thoughtful address, taking for his subject Tennyson's "Merlin and the gleam," tracing in it the development of Tennyson's mind, speaking of him as the poet of the grandeur and sublimity of human life, and of his confident assurance, hope, and faith in God, and saying that he never wrote a line that would disgrace the rectory where he was born. The address was a suggestion to the librarians of means of interesting readers in a more careful study of Tennyson.

Mr. Harden, from the New York office of Houghton, Mifflin & Co., spoke of paper and

They next visited the Bucknell Library, where Mr. Bliss and some of the trustees did the honors. The literary curiosities were examined and a very enjoyable time was given to the visitors.

After dining together in Chester the party returned to Philadelphia, and are looking forward to their next meeting, toward the end of

Mr. W. J. Latta at his residence on Wissahickon Heights, who promised to afford them an inspection of his very fine collection of Napoleoniana.

MICHIGAN LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. THE fifth annual conference of the Michigan Library Association was held in Kalamazoo, September 24-25. As the president, Mr. Utley, was unavoidably absent, the first vice-president, Miss G. M. Walton, librarian at the Normal School, Ypsilanti, presided at the meetings. The first session was called to p.m., and after a few introductory remarks by the vice-president the president's address was read by the secretary. The subject of the paper

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was "Helpfulness to library readers." It said that the earlier meetings of the A. L. A. and of the state associations had naturally been largely devoted to questions of interior design and management of libraries, to technical details of interest to library workers, but that this year the aim in the A. L. A. meetings had been to bring out that aspect of library work which pertains to the great educational influence which libraries should exert, and the attitude of library workers toward readers who come to the library and toward the community in which it is situated. Librarians should meet people with tact, in a spirit of cordial helpfulness. A brief review was given of the papers in this line of thought written for the Denver meeting by Prof. Little and Miss Cutler.

Miss Sarah A. Cochrane, of the Detroit Public Library, read an interesting paper on "The card catalog." The advantages of this form of catalog were stated, and the most approved methods of managing it were clearly and concisely summarized.

The subject of "Local bibliography and the indexing of local newspapers" was enthusiastically treated by Mr. B. A. Finney, of the University Library, Ann Arbor. He said that newspapers contain material for local history that is not put into print in any other way, and unless they are bound and cared for much valuable information will be irredeemably lost. A brief interesting review of early newspapers in the state was given, the first being started in Detroit in 1809. The names of papers of which complete files can be found in the state were mentioned. The list was a short one. The importance of having local papers preserved in the libraries as the most suitable place was urged, and it was stated that editors are, as a rule, very willing to contribute copies of their papers for this purpose. Inquiry showed that of the libraries represented at the meeting four were binding files of papers. In regard to indexing items of local interest, Mr. Finney thought that the work could be done with comparative ease, in a minimum of time, while the librarian was

reading the paper. Selecting only items of local interest and indexing usually under only one heading, the work would not consume more than an hour for each issue of a paper, and the index would be of increasing value as years


vice to the public. In the Detroit Public Library it is the custom to place them on the shelves by congress and session. Their system of numbering was explained by means of a chart. The importance of having them well cataloged was emphasized. Mr. Gilmore is of opinion that the work of cataloging them begun at Washington will not relieve the libraries of that work, as a catalog on the plan of Mr. Ames's comprehensive index would be too cumbersome, being weighted with a large amount of material never needed.

A pleasing address on "The public library from the citizen's point of view" was given by Prof. Hartwell, of the Kalamazoo schools. The citizen's point of view, he said, is one of great cordiality. There are none who are not proud of the progress of knowledge which is largely due to libraries, all are proud of the public library as an American institution, and of Michigan for her standing in regard to the growth of her pubic libraries. The citizen's point of view is one of great importance to librarians, who, like other experts, must avoid the danger of being so engrossed with the details of management as to forget the true end for which they labor- the intellectual interests of the general public. The librarian's true specialty is to make the influence of the library strong and farreaching. The ideal value of the library should be prominent in the minds of its officers. As there are books which are simply mines of information, so there are others which embody the thought and imagination which are our heritage from all ages. "One class must die, the other lives and is literature. The garners of Sicily,' says Lowell, are empty now, but bees of all climes still fetch honey from the tiny garden plot of Theocritus.' To point out to eager searchers the garden plots whence the essence of intellectual life has been distilled is the highest opportunity of the library. It may thus give the transmuting touch which changes dead learning to vitalized and efficient character."

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A pleasing incident was a brief informal address by Mrs. Kent, who was librarian in Kalamazoo 23 years ago. She spoke of the progress of the Kalamazoo library, and said that one of the pleasant experiences of her life had been having people tell her of the help that she had been able to give them while in the library.

The closing session Wednesday morning was devoted to reports, election of officers, and mis

the addition of seven new members during the year, the total membership being 40. There are 38 public libraries in the state, containing an average of 179 v. for each 1000 population. The proceedings of the previous (1894) meeting, held at Ann Arbor, were published in the report of the State Superintendent of Instruction. The treasurer reported a balance of $39.63.

At the evening session a very pleasant address of welcome was given by Dr. Slocum, of KalamaZOO. Mr. L. B. Gilmore, of the Detroit Public Library, read a paper on "Classifying and num-cellaneous business. The secretary reported bering United States public documents." He said that attempting to make a proper disposition of these documents is troublesome and sometimes exasperating. Still it is a matter of great importance, and the work should be done in a spirit of interest and patience. In the libraries of Michigan, designated as depositories, there are 37,000 volumes of public documents, and it is believed that in a set of them there is as much valuable information as in any equal number of other publications, yet they are often consigned by librarians to the attic or the basement, instead of being so arranged and cataloged as to be of ser

The subject of place of next meeting was then brought up, and after a good deal of discussion as to the propriety of holding a Michigan meeting in Ohio, it was voted to have the

next annual meeting in Cleveland at the time of the A. L. A. meeting.

The following resolutions were passed : "Resolved, That it is the sentiment of this meeting that each library in the state should preserve at least one local newspaper as local bibliography and history, and index it if possible.

"Resolved, That the executive committee communicate with the Press Association with a view to making arrangements for an appropriate celebration of St. John's Day, June 24, 1897, the sooth anniversary of the birth of Gutenberg."


The conference was a thoroughly enjoyable The beautiful library building, the gift of Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Van Deusen, was much admired. Dr. and Mrs. Van Deusen attended the meetings, and with the many other friends of the library not only gave their time and thoughtful attention to the papers and proceedings, but opened their homes to entertain all the members with a gracious hospitality that was gratefully received and highly appreciated.

The officers for the year are: President, H: M. Utley; Vice-presidents, Miss G. M. Walton and Miss I. C. Roberts; Secretary, Mrs. A. F. Parsons; Treasurer, Miss Lucy Ball.

ANNIE F. PARSONS, Secretary.



THE regular meeting of the Library Association of Central California was held at the Mechanics' Institute, on Friday, September 13, 1895.

President Rowell presided, and in an introductory address called attention to the death of Mr. C. C. Terrill, a trustee of the Free Public Library, and appointed Messrs. Cleary and Clark a committee to prepare suitable resolutions of respect.

He then introduced Miss Kumli, librarian of the Santa Rosa Public Library, who gave a thoughtful paper on the topic of the evening, "State aid to libraries." She dwelt particularly on the necessity of amending the state library law, pointing out some of the conflicting clauses, and suggesting improvements, from the standpoint of the library.

Mr. Harbourne followed in a paper covering the same general ground.

Mr. Layman, Mr. Clark, Mr. Cleary, and Mr. Dupuy made short addresses, and considerable discussion followed on the following branches of the subject: “Should the state make grants of money to public libraries?" "Should the state organize a system of travelling libraries?" "Should California have a library commission?" "Relation of the state and the state university libraries to public libraries," "Is any new legislation advisable?"

The chairman appointed a committee of five to formulate the views of the evening into a draft of a law to be submitted by them to the Code Commission now in session, for incorporation in the state codes.

The president announced that the topic for the October meeting would be "Library specialization and co-operation."

A. M. JELLISON, Secretary.

New York State Library School.


THE fall term opened Wednesday, October 2, with the following students:


Avery, Myrtilla, Katonah, N. Y. B.A. Wellesley college, 1891.

Betteridge, Grace Lillian, Brockport, N. Y. Wellesley college, 1887-89.

Biscoe, Ellen Dodge, Albany, N. Y. Wellesley college, 1885-88.

Bullock, Waller Irene, Baltimore, Md. Wellesley college, 1892-94.

Corwin, Euphemia Kipp, Greendale, N. Y. Crawford, Esther, Missouri Valley, Iowa. B. L. Iowa Agricultural college, 1887.

Curtis, Florence Rising, Ogdensburg, N. Y.
Wells college, 1891 -94.

Olcott, Frances Jenkins, Nassau, N. Y.
Pond, Nannie May, Woonsocket, R. I, B.S.
Wellesley college, 1893.


Abbot, Etheldred, Utica, N. Y. B.A. Vassar college, 1895.

Ames, Anne Seymour, Washington, D. C.
Andrews, Elisabeth Parkhill, Wethersfield, Ct.
Atkinson, Jane, Holicong, Pa. B.A. Swarth-
more college, 1893.

Fellows, Jennie Dorcas, Norwich, Ct.
Flagg, Charles Allcott, Sandwich, Mass. B.A.
Bowdoin college, 1894.

Frisbee, Edward Selah, Albany, N. Y. B.A.
Amherst college, 1860; M. A. 1866; D.D. 1878.
Hopkins, Julia Anna, Palmyra, N. Y.
Iles, Constance Hurford, Providence, R. I.
B. L. Smith college, 1895.

Kueffner, Cecilia Wanda, Cambridge, Mass. University of Michigan, 1892-93; Radcliffe college, 1893-94.

Langworthy, Louise, Alfred, N. Y. Ph.B.
Alfred University, 1895.
Lord, Isabel Ely, Essex, Ct.
McNair, Mary Wilson, Oneida, N. Y. B.A.
Elmira college, 1895.

Morse, Anna Louise, Millbury, Mass. B.A.
Smith college, 1892.

Newman, Alice, Pittsfield, Mass. B.S. Wellesley college, 1893.

Pierson, Harriet Wheeler, Florida, N. Y. Mt.
Holyoke college, 1892-94.

Smith, Bessie Sargeant, Wellesley, Mass.
B. A. Wellesley college, 1895.
Terwilliger, Mary Sayers, Alfred, N. Y. Ph. B.
Alfred university, 1890; Ph.M. 1892.
Thompson, Madeleine Sylvester, Passaic, N. J.
B.S. Cornell university, 1882.
Thorne, Elisabeth Gertrude, Skaneateles, N. Y.
B.A. Vassar college, 1895.
Waterman, Lucy Dwight, Gorham, Me.
Willard, Julia Etta, Watertown, N. Y. B.L.
Cornell university, 1885.

Library Economy and History.


Alleghany, Pa. Carnegie F. L. (5th rpt.) Added 3784; total 27,201. Issued, home use 125,442 (fict. 66.95%; juv. 21.30%); ref.use 55,935; reading-room use of periodicals 159.791. New card-holders 2210; total registration 11,914. Receipts $15,000; expenses $14,875.16 (spent for books $5976.13).

collection has been increased by recent gifts of books and music by persons interested in the work, and by publishers.

Chicago, Newberry L. The third annual report of the trustees describes briefly the removal of the library to its new building. At that time the library contained 123,516 v. and 30,556 pamphlets, and the readers for the year (1894) were 58,618, of whom 45,850 were men.

Chicago, Building Trades L. The Building Trades library, intended for the free use of workingmen, which was opened in Chicago in 1892, has been discontinued after an unsuccessful existence. It was started by subscription among members of the trades unions and was a circulating library, free to all union members or persons recommended by members. Of the Mr. Stevenson says: "To say that the libra- 4000 v. on the shelves at the beginning but 2000 rian's most important and difficult task is the remain. The project never won the interest exselection of books is but to utter a common-pected, probably owing to the several great and place. But after the selection of the book as accessible free libraries of the city. literature is made, then comes the difficulty of selecting or procuring the books as a commercial commodity. This part of a librarian's work is growing more difficult every year, on account of the increasing use of wood-pulp paper by book publishers. It is no exaggeration to say that not a single American publishing house in this country makes uniformly good books. Even the old conservative houses that the librarians always depended on seem to be succumbing to the mercenary spirit that prompts the putting on the public of books that are not worthy of the name. Publishers say that the competition drives them to this. The only thing left for librarians to do is to omit all wood-pulp paper books from their lists, and that is what many are now doing. Most of such books have now disappeared from this library and are not likely to be replaced. As a general rule the wood-Two cards are used in charging the books. pulp paper book is no better as literature than Des Moines (11.) P. L. It has been decided it is as paper, fortunately enough. But this is to remove the library to temporary quarters not always the case. There are many standard until the new building to be erected by the city English publications that cannot be found in is completed. The overcrowded and uncomfortaany decent American edition. Of the 3000 vol-ble condition of the present rooms makes the umes added the last year the larger number change necessary. The new quarters comprise were books made in England, and with but few the lower floor of the Rogg building, corner of exceptions they are books that any library may Eighth and Locust streets, and afford about be proud of." three times as much room as is now available.

Battle Creek (Mich.) P. S. L. Added 1104; total 13,139. Issued 42,772. No. card-holders 3689.

Bridgeport (Ct.) P. L. The second annual photographic exhibit in the art department of the library opened on Sept. 26, to continue until Nov. 2. Every Thursday evening, at eight, during the exhibition, there is a stereopticon exhibition of photographic lantern slides, explained by Frederick C. Beach, of the American Amateur Photographer.

Brookline (Mass.) P. L. It is planned to establish a music library as a department of the library. It will be arranged in a separate room, with reading-table and writing materials, and will comprise the various books on music contained in the library, in all about 400 v. The collection will include music as well as books on the subject, and Mr. Bolton hopes to induce music publishers to contribute to the collection. The songs and ballads peculiar to each country have been separated into groups, as have also the operatic works of the great composers. The

Cleveland (0.) P. L. The school board on Oct. I decided to sell the public library building, allowing the board of education to continue their use of it until Oct. 1, 1897. This gives the library 18 months in which to prepare for removal and settle on new quarters. It is hoped that the action may result in the erection of a new library building, which is much needed.

Denver (Colo.) City L. The two-book system was adopted at the library early in September.

Erie, Pa. On September 10 the corner-stone of a public library building was laid, with appropriate ceremonies.

Everett, Mass. Parlin L. The new Frederick E. Parlin Memorial Library was formally dedicated on September 17, the exercises being held in the local Y. M. C. A. hall. The attractive building, which cost $21,972, was opened to the public on the following day.

Fall River (Mass.) P. L. On September 13 the trustees accepted the plans for the new library building submitted in competition by Cram, Wentworth & Goodhue, of Boston. There were 18 architects in the competition. The selected drawings were placed on exhibition the following day. The design adopted, based on the best available models, shows an effect of solidity in appearance and construction. It presents the typical Roman palace, with its central cortile — in this instance covered with glass, and used as a delivery-room. A vestibule, surmounted by a lofty dome, gives access to the librarian's, trustees', and central delivery-rooms. These three rooms occupy an area of 2250 square feet. The

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