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number of men employed in a similar capacity in 1913 within the boundaries of Austria as fixed by the present Treaty.

The number of these officials shall not be increased in the future except as may be necessary to maintain the same proportion between the number of officials and the total population in the localities or municipalities which employ them.

These officials, as well as officials employed in the railway service, must not be assembled for the purpose of taking part in any military exercises.


Every formation of troops not included in the Tables annexed to this Section is forbidden. Such other formations as may exist in excess of the 30,000 effectives authorised shall be suppressed within the period laid down by Article 118.




All officers must be regulars (officers de carrière). Officers now serving who are retained in the Army must undertake the obligation to serve in it up to the age of 40 years at least. Officers now serving who do not join the new army will be released from all military obligations; they must not take part in any military exercises, whether theoretical or practical.

Officers newly appointed must undertake to serve on the active list for 20 consecutive years at least.

The number of officers discharged for any reason before the expiration of their term of service must not exceed in any year onetwentieth of the total of officers provided for in Article 120. If this proportion is unavoidably exceeded, the resulting shortage must not be made good by fresh appointments.


The period of enlistment for non-commissioned officers and privates must be for a total period of not less than 12 consecutive years, including at least 6 years with the colours.

The proportion of men discharged before the expiration of the period of their enlistment for reasons of health or as a result of disciplinary measures or for any other reasons must not in any year exceed one-twentieth of the total strength fixed by Article 120. If this proportion is unavoidably exceeded, the resulting shortage must not be made good by fresh enlistments.




The number of students admitted to attend the courses in military schools shall be strictly in proportion to the vacancies to be filled

in the cadres of officers. The students and the cadres shall be included in the effectives fixed by Article 120.

Consequently all military schools not required for this purpose shall be abolished.


Educational establishments, other than those referred to in Article 127, as well as all sporting and other clubs, must not occupy themselves with any military matters.




On the expiration of three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, the armament of the Austrian Army shall not exceed the figures fixed per thousand men in Table V annexed to this Section.

Any excess in relation to effectives shall only be used for such replacements as may eventually be necessary.


The stock of munitions at the disposal of the Austrian Army shall not exceed the amounts fixed in Table V annexed to this Section. Within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty the Austrian Government shall deposit any existing surplus of armament and munitions in such places as shall be notified to it by the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

No other stock, depôt or reserve of munitions shall be formed.


The number and calibre of guns constituting the fixed normal armament of fortified places existing at the present moment in Austria shall be immediately notified to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers, and will constitute maximum amounts which must not be exceeded.

Within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, the maximum stock of ammunition for these guns shall be reduced to and maintained at the following uniform rates:

1,500 rounds per gun for those the calibre of which is 105 mm.

and under;

500 rounds per gun for those of higher calibre.


The manufacture of arms. munitions and war material shall only be carried on in one single factory, which shall be controlled by and belong to the State, and whose output shall be strictly limited to the manufacture of such arms, munitions and war material as is neces

sary for the military forces and armaments referred to in Articles 120, 123, 129, 130, and 131.

The manufacture of sporting weapons is not forbidden, provided that sporting weapons manufactured in Austria taking ball cartridge are not of the same calibre as that of military weapons used in any European army.

Within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, all other establishments for the manufacture, preparation, storage, or design of arms, munitions, or any other war material shalĺ be closed down or converted to purely commercial uses.

Within the same length of time, all arsenals shall also be closed down, except those to be used as depôts for the authorised stocks of munitions, and their staffs discharged.

The plant of any establishments or arsenals in excess of the amount required for the manufacture authorised shall be rendered useless or converted to purely commercial purposes in accordance with the decisions of the Military Inter-Allied Commission of Control referred to in Article 153.


Within three months from the coming into force of the present Treaty, all arms, munitions, and war material, including any kind of anti-aircraft material, of whatever origin, existing in Austria in excess of the quantity authorised shall be handed over to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

Delivery shall take place at such points in Austrian territory as may be appointed by the said Powers, who shall also decide on the disposal of such material.


The importation into Austria of arms, munitions, and war material of all kinds is strictly forbidden.

The manufacture for foreign countries and the exportation of arms, munitions, and war material shall also be forbidden.


The use of flame throwers, asphyxiating, poisonous or other gases, and all similar liquids, materials or devices being prohibited, their manufacture and importation are strictly forbidden in Austria.

Material specially intended for the manufacture, storage or use of the said products or devices is equally forbidden.

The manufacture and importation into Austria of armoured cars, tanks or any similar machines suitable for use in war are equally forbidden.

TABLE I.-Composition and Maximum Effectives of an Infantry Division.

[blocks in formation]

Headquarters of Divisional Artillery.


3 Regiments of Infantry* (on the basis of 65 officers and 2,000 men per regiment).

1 Squadron..

1 Battalion of Trench Artillery (3 companies).

1 Battalion of Pioneerst (3 companies).

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

*Each regiment comprises 3 battalions of infantry. Each battalion comprises 3 companies of infantry and 1 machine-gun company.

Each battalion comprises 1 headquarters, 2 pioneer companies, 1 bridging section, 1 searchlight section. Each regiment comprises 1 headquarters, 3 groups of field or mountain artillery, comprising 8 batteries; each battery comprising 4 guns or howitzers (field or mountain).

§ This detachment comprises: telephone detachment, I listening section, 1 carrier pigeon section.

TABLE II.-Composition and Maximum Effectives for a Cavalry Division.

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*Each regiment comprises 4 squadrons.

Each group comprises 9 fighting cars, each carrying 1 gun, 1 machine gun, and 1 spare machine gun, 4 communication cars, 2 small lorries for stores, 7 lorries, including 1 repair lorry, 4 motor cycles.

NOTE. The large cavalry units may include a variable number of regiments and be divided into inde pendent brigades within the limit of the effectives laid down above.

TABLE III.-Composition and Maximum Effectives for a Mixed Brigade.

[blocks in formation]

*Each regiment comprises 3 battalions of infantry. Each battalion comprises 3 companies of infantry and 1 machine gun company.

TABLE IV.—Minimum Effectives of Units whatever Organisation is adopted in the Army.

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TABLE V.-Maximum Authorised Armaments and Munition Supplies.

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*Automatic rifles or carbines are counted as light machine guns.

No heavy guns, .e., of a calibre greater than 105 mm. is authorised, with the exception of the norma armament of fortified places.




From the date of the coming into force of the present Treaty all Austro-Hungarian warships, submarines included, are declared to be finally surrendered to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

All the monitors, torpedo boats and armed vessels of the Danube Flotilla will be surrendered to the Principal Allied and Associated Powers.

Austria will, however, have the right to maintain on the Danube for the use of the river police three patrol boats to be selected by the Commission referred to in Article 154 of the present Treaty.

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