MASSACHUSETTS, West Newton. ALLEN MILITARY SCHOOL A country, college preparatory school, 9 miles from Boston. The group system prevails. Gymnasium, swimming pool, concrete rink, and three athletic fields. Upper and Lower Schools. THOMAS CHALMERS, A.B., D.D., Director. Portsmouth Military School under same management. 437 Waltham Street, West Newton, Mass. PEDDIE Every Peddie boy is a leader in work and play. He learns well because expert teachers make the work interesting. He enjoys athletics because of good coaching and a chance for every boy to make a team. Peddie men are leaders in scholarship and student activities in 26 colleges. Splendid gymnasium, swimming pool. 60-acre campus. College preparation. 56th year. Lower school for boys under 14. For booklets address ROGER W. SWETLAND, LL.D. Headmaster Box 11 M Hightstown, N. J. An Endowed School for Boys Woodland Park Junior Department of Lasell Seminary A course of study covering all gram- rooms. Camp Teconnet opens July 1st GUY M. WINSLOW, Ph.D., Principal CHAS. F. TOWNE, A.M., Assoc. Principal Woodland Road Auburndale Massachusetts NEW MEXICO, Otowi, Sandoval County. LOS ALAMOS RANCH SCHOOL Combining school work under the best masters obtainable with life on a big Western Ranch in the pine covered mountains of New Mexico. The most healthful climate in America. Buildings and equipment thoroughly modern. A cow pony for every boy. Limited to eighteen boys. Write for booklet. Address A. J. CONNELL, Director Los Alamos Ranch School Sandoval County Otowi MASSACHUSETTS, Brookline. BEACON New Mexico A Country-City Boarding and Day School. For boys and girls of all ages. College preparatory and diploma courses. MRS. ALTHEA H. ANDREW, Principal CONNECTICUT, Norwalk. LOV HILLSIDE 1003 1440 Beacon Street, Brookline, Mass. Whiting INDIANA, Culver. A Country Home School for Girls from eight to sixteen, affiliated with the best preparatory schools. Twenty- CULVER MILITARY ACADEMY CONNECTICUT, Pomfret. EASTFORD, The School for a Boy Molding boys into men who think and do, by developing mind, morals MASSACHUSETTS, Wellesley. MISS HELEN TEMPLE COOKE, Dana Hall, Wellesley, Mass. The Mitchell Military Boys' School NEW YORK, Ossining. STAMFORD MILITARY ACADEMY Thorough scholastic and military training fostering the intellectual, physical and moral needs of developing_boys. Personal instruction. Small classes. Manly sports encouraged. Extensive equipment. Ideally located at Ossining overlooking the Hudson. Summer Camp. WALTER D. GERKEN, A.M., Principal, Ossining, N. Y. MASSACHUSETTS, Bradford. JUNIOR BRADFORD A preparatory school for Bradford Academy. Directed study and play. Arts and crafts. All advantages of Bradford Academy equipment. For booklets address THE PRINCIPAL, 139 Main Street, Bradford, Mass. NEW YORK, Ossining-on-Hudson. OSSINING SCHOOL For Girls. 53rd year. 30 miles from New York. Academic and economic courses. Separate school for very young girls. For catalog address CLARA C. FULLER, Principal, Box 11-N. RHODE ISLAND, Providence. The Mary C. Wheeler Town and Country School MASSACHUSETTS, Norton. Norton, Mass. 30 miles from Boston. For CONNECTICUT, Greenwich. THE ELY SCHOOL ELY COURT, GREENWICH, CONNECTICUT. NEW YORK, Long Island Sound. SOUTHFIELD POINT HALL A school for girls. Beautifully located on Long Island Sound. Interme- CONNECTICUT, Cornwall. A School for Boys under 15. Yearly rate $1200. A Timely Suggestion— The time is already at hand to begin figuring what you are going to give the family for Christmas. It is always something of a puzzle to know just what to give. Here's the solution as far as Dear Old Dad is concerned. Give him a subscription to The American Golfer, The Sport Pictorial He might not like the tie, or pair of sox that you would select, nor even your choice of a box of cigars. But you can't go wrong on the above suggestion. He will receive it every other Saturday during the year to refresh his memory on how thoughtful you were. Fill in the blank and state that the subscription is a Christmas present, and we will see that proper notice is given. Dear Sirs: Please enter my subscription for one year to THE AMERICAN GOLFER, THE SPORT PICTORIAL (bi weekly) for which I agree to pay $5.00 (Five Dollars). NOTE-The subscription rate for Canada is $5.50; Foreign countries $6.00. S.N. II-21 COUNTLESS are the joys of the child at Christmas. Then a new day dawns, and many of the joys are gone. The gifts that were so new and fine have lost their magic, and some have been broken. But the gift that can never be broken, nor lose its magic, will be found among the Abingdon Religious Educational Texts. Especially appropriate for Christmas are these books with their beautiful stories of Jesus of Nazareth, stories of the Bible, Bible plays, and tales for Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls. It is such books as these that can be trusted to guide the footsteps of your children and to inspire them with the highest ideals. It is such books as these your children will remember you by. BOOKS for Christmas THE ABINGDON RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEXTS David G. Downey, General Editor THE RULES OF THE GAME By Floyd W. Lambertson A retelling of famous stories for Boy Scouts and Campfire Girls. Mr. Lambertson has told the stories well. He backs up each one with five or six suggestions calculated to print the story in the child's mind. Illustrated. Net, $1.25; by mail, $1.35. A TRAVEL BOOK FOR JUNIORS An American boy, "Dick", is taken on a trip to the historic places of the Bible. There he learns what we want our children to know and feel (and what they will learn from the text) about the places where the great stories and incidents of the Bible had their setting. He visits the home place of Jesus, goes to Jerusalem, strolls by the Jordan, has a run into Egypt, and finally goes over a part of Paul's missionary routes. Illustrated. In Press. THE LIFE AND TIMES OF JESUS This volume seeks to present the Life of Jesus in such form as will appeal religiously and educationally to youth of thirteen or fourteen years. The method employed has been largely narrative, though the teachings of Jesus have been held quite constantly in the foreground. Illustrated. Net, $1.25; by mail, $1.35. SHORTER BIBLE PLAYS and BIBLE PLAYS Shorter Bible Plays consists of plays requiring from ten or fifteen to thirty minutes for presentation. Children from four or five to the teen age may be used in the plays. Bible Plays contains plays which require from fifteen or twenty minutes to about one hour for presentation, and most of them may use pupils of various ages from five or six to adults. In Press. THE BIBLE IN GRADED STORY By Edna Dean Baker and Clara Belle Baker VOLUME I. THE GOOD SHEPHERD A series of Bible stories for ages four and five. Each story is accompanied by a suitable picture from a noted artist, carefully chosen to fit the child's power of understanding and appreciation. Net, 75 cents; by mail, 82 cents. VOLUME II. THE GOOD NEIGHBOR This volume, planned for ages six and seven, contains stories selected from both Old and New Testaments. As in Volume I, abundant use is made of good pictures, which the child has before him as the story is told or read. In Press. (Prices are subject to change without notice) THE ABINGDON PRESS NEW YORK CINCINNATI |