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of romance delight. The experienced novel reader, however, will not be discouraged; for he must be well aware how frequently the most alluring title is affixed to insipid and unnatural fiction. In the present case, no great degree of perseverance is necessary to engage the attention.

The authoress, assuming the character of an editor, in a humorous preface, informs us that the original manuscript of this history was discovered in the same chest which contained the Shakspearian manuscripts. She remarks that the great question respecting the plays. then found did not appear to be how, but by whom, they were written; and she naturally supposes that her evidence in favour of Mr. Ireland's veracity will occasion them to be re-acted and re-applauded. With regard to those circumstances in this narrative which differ from the relations of other historians, she insists, as Babington wrote his own story, that none but infidels and jacobins will venture to dispute the words of a dying man; and who was more likely to be well informed of such things as passed in his time, and which he was unquestionably engaged in, than gentlemen like Hume, Rapin, Echard, &c. who wrote either to gain faim or emolument.'

Our province being not less to examine how works are written than by whom, we shall content ourselves with having submitted to the reader the evidence of the editor concerning the authenticity, and shall only add a few remarks on the merits, of this performance.

The incidents designed to represent the close and secret communion preserved among the Jesuits, and the influence obtained by them over inexperienced, weak, or prejudiced minds, are well imagined, and shew much knowlege of human nature. The characters are forcibly drawn and well preserved; particularly that of Ballard. There is likewise a brilliancy in the character of Arthur de la Pole, which, notwithstanding a few indiscretions, makes him a candidate for a place in the foremost rank among those heroes in romance who have most ingratiated themselves in the reader's favour. Scenes that impress with terror have at all times been eagerly received :—the present narrative afforded opportunities too favourable to be neglected;-and of this kind, few incidents will be found in which so great a degree of terror is so naturally produced, as in the adventure of De la Pole in the dungeons of a chateau near Blois.

On the whole, this is no ordinary novel, either in plan or in the degree of interest which it excites. The authoress (as editor) has ingeniously inferred a moral from her story; which, as it is not of great length, we shall transcribe:

I remember, when I was a little girl, having heard my father say, that the times were much better when he was a boy; women handsomer, provisions cheaper, air warmer, children quieter, men more honest, &c. My grandfather coincided, but alleged that when he was a little boy, things were better still. My great grandmother granted this, but (as she had heard from a long train of ancestors) they were at the highest of all possible degrees of perfection in the time of Elizabeth. So, I used to go to bed fretting that I was so unhappy as to be born in such miserable times: and went on lamenting that I had not existed in the 16th century.


• Now

Now upon considering over these pages, I begin to think we are not much worse even now, than they were then: and that at the time I grieved most, we were rather better. For were not France and Holland tearing and destroying themselves in the 16th century, with as much spite and malice as they possibly could at any future day, besides calling in people from all parts of Europe to assist, as if not equal to the work themselves? England was engaged in constant internal dissensions; the people hating each other on account of their civil and religious differences, just as cordially as my neighbours and myself do at present.

In short (as every thing goes by comparison) I find great comfort in contemplating, by means of my researches into novels and history, that we have equal capabilities with our ancestors; that the world, though nearer its end, is not anathematized; and that those who do well are likely to fare well.'

Art. 24. Destination: or, Memoirs of a Private Family. By Clara Reeve, Author of the Old English Baron, &c. &c. 3 Vols. 12mo. 10s. 6d. sewed. Longman and Rees. 1799.

Capt. B....y.

The name prefixed to these volumes ensures to the reader a degree of entertainment from their perusal, superior to what is generally derived from productions of this class. The sentiment, which they are principally designed to inculcate, is that it is the duty of parents and guardians to study the genius and disposition of all those who are committed to their charge, and to put them into a situation that will employ them to their own advantage, and to the good of the public. Most of the ridiculous and absurd characters that we meet with,' the author remarks, are owing to the misfortune of a false destination.' Those parts of the story, which are illustrative of this maxim, might not improperly be called a school for fathers; and we wish that they may profit by the examples set before them; but, unfortunately, the instruction is not conveyed in a form the most acceptable. We cannot approve of the old ones" being tutored by their children; and there are few cases, if any, in real life, in which it can be done without ungraciousness. Certainly, the representation is not a good picture for public exhibition; and particularly at a time more remarkable than any former period for relaxation of parental authority. In other respects, we meet with much propriety of thinking. Were not the work entitled Memoirs of a Family, we should think that too many characters were introduced: but it is to be acknowleged that each contributes in some degree towards the general entertainment; except Morabec (an alchymist) who makes his appearance at least half a century too late. The character of Mr. Ashford is excellent, and naturally drawn. The style is plain, and (with few exceptions) well adapted to the person who is sup, posed to relate the story.

Art. 25. He deceives Himself, a Domestic Tale. By Marianne Chambers, Daughter of the late Mr. Charles Chambers, many Years in the Service of the Hon. East India Company, and unfortunately lost in the Winterton. 12mo. 3 Vols. 10s. 6d. Dilly $799.

Rav. SEPT. 1799.

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This novel is published by subscription; and, in addition to the cir cumstances mentioned in the title-page, the critic's censure is de precated by the plea of youth and inexperience. It certainly requires some talents to write even a mediocre novel; and to such Claims we cannot deny Miss Chambers's right: though she may perhaps deceive herself.


Art. 26. The False Friend: A Domestic Story. By Mary Robinson, Author of Poems, Walsingham, Angelina, Hubert de Sevrac, &c. 12mo. 4 Vols. 16s. sewed. Longman and Rees, 1799.

This novel is written in a series of letters, a form the most favourable for that ardency of expression which is to be found in the compositions of this lady. The story is of a melancholy cast, and composed of events not the most probable; yet it is interesting, and would have been so in a much greater degree, if the proprieties of character had been more observed. The conversations, of which there are many, and most of them among people in high life, abound in coarse and ill-mannered repartees, such as we (unused to company so very fashionable) have never seen tolerated. This indiscreet indulgence is extended to characters intended to be respectable, by which they lose much of their interest with the reader.

Do Art. 27. The Ring, or the Merry Wives of Madrid: translated by Benjamin Thompson, Translator of the Stranger, as performed at the Theatre Royal Drury-Lane. 12mo. 2s. 6d. Vernor

and Hood. 1799.

A merry story and within the limits of becoming mirth :" translated with spirit.


Art. 28. A Report of the Fudgment of the High Court of Admiralty, on the Swedish Convoy; pronounced by the Right Hon. Sir Wil liam Scott, 11th June 1799. By Ch. Robinson, LL.D. Ad vocate. 8vo. 1s. 6d. Butterworth.

The Maria was taken in the British Channel, in ́ company with several other Swedish vessels, sailing under convoy of a Swedish frigate, having cargoes of naval stores and other produce of Sweden. on board, by a British squadron under the command of Captain Lawford. These vessels resisted all search on the part of the British commander, and seemed inclined to oppose force by force, till by superior force they were awed into acquiescence. The question for the court to determine was, Whether under these circumstances the wessels were to be considered as lawful prizes? The learned Judge decides, "That, by the law of nations, as now understood, a deliberate and continued resistance to search, on the part of a neutral vessel to a lawful cruiser, is followed by the legal consequence of confiscation ;"-and such having been the conduct of this ship, she and her cargo were condemned. It is not easy to bestow too much praise on the Judge, for the able and satisfactory reasons which he gave as the foundation of his judgment; and we hear with pleasure that these reports are to be continued.




Art. 29. Courts of Justice.-The Report of the Select Committee appointed by the House of Commons, to enquire into the Establishment, of the Courts of Justice in Westminster Hall, the Courts of As size; the Civil Law Courts; and the different subordinate Offices attached to each Court, with the Fees, Duties, Appointments, and Duration of Interest of each Officer belonging to them. Agreeable to the Returns made by themselves to the Committee. 8vo. pp. 150. 2s. 6d. Clarke and Son. 1799.

It is merely necessary for us to state that the present pamphlet is a portion of a larger work which we noticed in our 26th vol. N. S. p. 351, entitled The State of the Nation, &c. &c. and that this publication confines itself to the consideration of Courts of Justice. Art. 30. Two Biographical Tracts: 1. Observations) on Mr. Holliday's Life of William late Earl of Mansfield: 2. Thoughts on the Judicial and Political Life and Character of the said Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, illustrated with a Variety of Notes and References. By an Ancient Member of the Inner Temple. To be comprised in Two Volumes, and published in Four Parts. Vol. I. Part I. 8vo. pp. 224.48. Murray and Highley.

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Though the present performance does not appear, strictly speaking, to belong to the class of law, yet as it is so intimately connected with law characters, and professes to discuss legal subjects, we haye introduced it into that department of our catalogue: but it might with equal propriety have appeared in almost any other, its contents being of so strange and heterogeneous a nature. We allow the truth of the author's observation, when he complains of the dulness, prolixity, and egotism to be found in Mr. Holliday's work: but we think that the remark comes with an ill grace from a writer in whom the same faults, in an equal degree, are discoverable, and connected with others of a less pardonable description; for, in the present publication, we perceive strong marks of an uncharitable and malignant spirit.

Pope's advice has been entirely overlooked by the author of this



"Letch teach others who themselves excel,

And censure freely who have written well."

In every page of the pamphlet before us, we see numerous proofs of free and unbridled censure: but in none have we been fortunate enough to discern even a solitary instance of good writing.


Art. 31. The Force of Calumny, a Play, in Five Acts: by Augustus Von Kotzebue. Translated from the German by Aune Plumptre. 8vo. pp. 108. 2s. 6d. Phillips, &c. 1799.

The muse of Kotzebue continues to pour forth her inexhaustible


"Like twenty river gods, with all their urns ;" and Miss Plumptre proceeds, like the gardener in Dionysius, (the critic,) to fertilize our barren dramatic soil, by carefully leading the streams over its surface. We shall not attempt to follow all its

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meanders: but, as a specimen of the composition before us, we shall select the subsequent scene; aware that ladies, as they are allowed to be the best judges, ought also to be the best interpreters, in love affairs.

SCENE IV.-MORLAND's house. JENNY is discovered at work; SMITH standing and leaning over the back of a chair at a little distance, with his eyes fixed upon her.—They remain silent, some minutes.

Jenny. My brother is very late! -he keeps the dinner waiting a long time.

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Smith. It must be my fault, if the time appear so very tedious.
Jenny. How so?

Smith. I do not understand how to talk.

Jenny. On the contrary, I have often, at table, admired your talents for conversation.

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Smith. I ought rather to be silent there, and talk here.

Jenny. The reverse is the most natural; since in the company of a woman only, the subjects for conversation are so much more confined.

• Smith. But what they lose in variety, they gain in interest.

Jenny. You have, I perceive, been so far initiated into the mysteries of the fashionable world, that you are an adept at making compliments.

• Smith. I never make compliments,-I always speak truth. (Confused, after a pause) Is it long, since you left Many months.

Jenny. England? Smith. Jenny.



And have you never, like a Swiss, experienced the mal


Jenny. Why, then, do you not return?-A man of your talents might find employment any where.

Smith. Do you wish to get rid of me?.

Jenny. Heaven forbid !

Smith. I cannot return, alone, to my native country.

Jenny. Then, why not marry?

• Smith. Tis my ardent wish!

Jenny. Not that it is a step I would recommend.

Smith. Why not?.

Jenny. Because, if you suppose all married people to be as happy

as my brother and sister, you mistake.

• Smith. I shall not easily be brought to think so.

Jenny. Most matches are unhappy.

Smith. Of that I very much doubt.

Jenny. I can plead frequent observation of the fact, in support of my assertion. Two young people fall desperately in love with-each other, and think they never can exist asunder ;-a head-strong father, or a cross guardian, interposes, and thwarts their wishes :-the young people sigh and pine,and pine and sigh,-till at length the old people's hearts are melted. Then the lovers fancy they stand upon the highest pinnacle of fortune's temple, and clasped in each other's arms, look down with indifference on every object, in the busy world


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