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Reciprocal Commercial Convention Between the United States and Cuba 1902

[Text derived from message of the President of the United States.]

After the adoption of the Cuban Constitution President McKinley promised the Cubans that he would use his influence to get some reciprocity measures passed which should lighten the burden of the tariff. President Roosevelt felt pledged to carry out Mr. McKinley's promise and in his message of December 1901 he strongly urged the passage of reciprocity measures. This was most necessary for the Cuban sugar industry was greatly depressed. There was much opposition to the proposition, chiefly from the manufacturers of beet sugar and from parties interested in cane sugar in the southern states and Hawaii, and it was impossible to get a reciprocity bill through congress before its adjournment in June 1902. Then the administration tried another plan. It sent a representative to Cuba to negotiate a reciprocity treaty. Such a treaty was drawn up and ratified by Cuba. A supplementary convention, extending the time within which the ratifications of the commercial treaty might be exchanged, was signed by the representatives of both countries 26 January 1903. After considerable discussion the commercial treaty was ratified by the United States senate, 19 March 1903. A change of tariff rates was involved and since the Constitution gives the house a voice in all matters dealing with revenue, it was necessary to pass a bill before the treaty could go into effect. A joint resolution was considered in the special session of congress which began in November 1903, and was passed 16 December. The president signed the treaty the following day and issued a proclamation announcing that it would go into effect 27 December 1903.

Panama Ship-Canal Treaty 1904

[Text derived from message of the President of the United States.]

The work of building the Panama canal was begun by a French company organized about the year 1879. The stock was taken in small sums by thousands of French people and concessions were obtained from the republic of Colombia for land and other rights necessary for the work. On 21 February 1881 the construction of the canal began under the direction of Ferdinand de Lessups, the famous French engineer. In 1888 the French stockholders grew suspicious that their money was not properly appropriated and refused to give more. It transpired that the funds had been wasted and that only a small part of the work had been done. In spite of the scandal another company was organized in 1894-5. After a few months there was another scandal and no more money could be raised. Since then very little work has been done and the machinery and other property of the company on the isthmus has been going to ruin.

In the meantime the United States government was investigating the Nicaragua route. Some of the engineers became convinced that the Panama route was more desirable. At this juncture the French company saw an opportunity to get rid of a "white elephant" and proposed to sell out to the United States for $40,000,000. The latter then began negotiations, after the necessary measures had passed through Congress, for the purchase of the canal rights. In order to clear the way for the building of the canal the United States had to do two things-buy out the French company and make a treaty with Colombia for the control of the canal strip across the isthmus, over which the republic held sovereignty. A treaty with Colombia was

drawn up early in 1903 and ratified by the congress of the United States, but was rejected by the Colombian congress. It is now said that the politicians did not intend to defeat the treaty finally, but the plan was to delay the matter until late in 1904, when the concession to the French company would expire, and then claim a part of the money which was to go to that company.

But the prosperity of the cities of Colon and Panama depended on the building of the canal and the people of the isthmus were so dissatisfied with Colombia for rejecting the treaty that in November 1903 they seceded and set up a republic for themselves. Another treaty for the canal strip was drawn up and was ratified by the United States and the republic of Panama. Final steps have been taken for the transfer of the French company's rights to the United States.

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405 Contract with . . Wyse. In 1877 the Colombian government granted a concession to Lucien N. B. Wyse for constructing a canal across the isthmus. The Panama Canal Company purchased the concession.


Address, of colonists, to king, 42,
46; to people of Great Britain,
42, 46, 55; Washington's fare-
well, 157-176.
Admiralty courts, extension of jur-

isdiction of, 35, 37, 41, 45.
Admission of new states into Union,
93, 108.

Alabama claims, settlement of, 342-

Alaska, boundaries of, 335–337;

treaty for cession of, 335-340.
Alliance, treaty of between United
States and France, 72-76.
Ambassadors, duty of president to
receive, 106; original jurisdic-
tion of supreme court in cases
affecting, 107; recall of, 154.
Amendments, to Constitution, pro-
vision for, 109; added to Con-
stitution, 112-117; Lincoln on,

Amnesty, proclamation of, 321-


Annexation of Hawaiian islands,

resolution for, 369–371.
Appellate jurisdiction of supreme
court, 107.

Arbitration, settlement of Alabama

claims by, 343-354; settlement
of Oregon boundary by, 365-
Arms, declaration of causes and
necessity of taking up, 43-51;

colonists forced to resort to, 43;
right of people to keep and bear,

Army, power of congress to raise
and equip, 66, 67.

Articles, of confederation of New
England colonies, 19-27; of con-
federation of 1777, 59-71.
Ashburton treaty, 215-225.
Assemblies, colonial, dissolved, 38,
53, 55.

Association, non-importation, non-
consumption, and non-exporta-
tion, 42, 46.

Attainder, no bill of to be passed
by congress, 101; by any state,


Bail, excessive, not allowed by con-
stitution, 114.
Bankruptcies, laws for, established
by congress, 100.

Bills, for raising revenue to orig-
inate in house of representatives,
99; all to be presented to presi-
dent, 99; how passed over presi-
dent's veto, 99.

Boston, act to discontinue use of as

port, 37, 42, 45; treachery of
General Gage to inhabitants of,
Boundaries, of Quebec enlarged,
54; method of deciding disputes
about between states, 64, 65;

between British possessions and
United States, 79, 80, 186-192,
215-219, 227, 364, 365; of
states formed from northwest
territory, 92, 93; of territory of
Six Nations, 127; between
United States and Spanish pos-
sessions, 196-198; of Missouri,
206, 207; of Oregon, 227, 365-
368; between United States and
Mexico, 234-236, 274, 275; of
Texas, 258, 260, 262; of Utah,
261; of New Mexico, 262, 263;
of Alaska, 335-337; of the Phil-
ippine islands, 375, 376; of
Panama canal strip, 394, 395.
Bulwer, Clayton-Bulwer treaty,


California, Clay's resolution for
admission of, 258; report on res-
olution for admission of, 260; act
for admission of, 263, 264.
California, gulf of, open by treaty

with Mexico, 236.
Canada, provision for admission to
confederation, 68.
Canal, Washington urges construc-

tion of interior, 161; treaty with
Great Britain for Nicaragua,
251-257; Great Britain to urge
Canada to open to United
States, 360; convention between
United States and Panama for
construction of, 393–408.
Charlestown, burned by British,

Charter, first Virginia, 5-17; col-
onists entitled to rights granted

by, 40; Massachusetts, taken
away by crown, 54.
Chinese, immigration of to Hawai-
ian islands forbidden, 371.
Claims, mutual relinquishment of
by United States and Spain,
200-203; to New Mexico, re-
linquished by Texas, 259, 260;
Alabama, settlement of, 342,

Clay's resolutions, 258, 259.
Clayton-Bulwer treaty, 251-257.
Coin, exclusive right of congress to
regulate value of, 65.

Colombia, president of United

States authorized to acquire
control of territory from, 393,
Colonists, American, entitled to
rights of native-born British
subjects, 34; petitions of treated
with contempt, 46, 55.
Colorado river open by treaty of
1848, 236.
Columbia, District of, suppression
of slave-trade in, 259, 260, 272;
fugitive slave law in, 270–272.
Columbia river open to Hudson
bay company, 227.

Commerce, power of congress to
regulate, 100.

Commissioners, board of, estab-
lished by parliament, 37.
Committee of thirteen, recapitula-
tion of report of, 260.
Compact, Mayflower, 18.
Compromise, Missouri, 206-210;
repeal of, 281, 282.
Compromise of 1850, 258-272;

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