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after a long pause that his order was obeyed. He never before affected the least power. At his coming into an assembly, no English protestant rises up, and even the Roman catholics pay him the compliment in a very superficial manner. His pusillanimity, and the licentiousness of his amours, have lessened him in every body's es


"His lady is too pale and thin to be thought handsome; her frequent miscarriages have brought her very low, so that she seldom stirs abroad, unless to visit a convent. She allows her servants no gold or silver lace on their liveries, and this proceeds from what is called her piety; but it is partly owing to her ill health, and partly to the jealousy, inconstancy, and other ill qualities of her husband; and one of these provocations affected her so much, that she withdrew into a convent, whilst the Pretender, to be more at liberty to pursue his amours, went to Bologna. But the pope disapproved of their separate households, and to induce him to return to Rome, and be reconciled to his lady, discontinued his pension. Yet the reconciliation was merely formal; he pursues his vices as much as ever, and she can never entertain a cordial affection for him again. Mr. S-, who affects to be an antiquary, narrowly watches the Pretender and his adherents, being retained for that purpose by the British ministry. A few years since, Cardinal Alberoni, to save the Pretender's charges, proposed that the palace Alla Langhara should be assigned for his residence. house lies in the suburbs, and in a private place, and has a large garden with a passage to the city walls, so that the Pretender's friends might have visited him with more privacy, and he himself be absent without its being known in Rome. This change was objected to, on the part of England, by Mr. S-, and did not take place; but a new wing was built to the Pretender's old mansion, he having represented it as too small for him."


For five years before his death, James Frederick was too infirm to leave his room. He lost his wife on the 18th of January, 1765, and his own death took place on the 12th of the same month, in the following year. His

remains were interred with extraordinary magnificence.

Some interesting observations occur with regard to the Chevalier's character, in Bolingbroke's letter (before quoted) to Sir William Windham, from which the following are extracts: "The Chevalier's education renders him infinitely less fit than his uncle, and, at least, as unfit as his father, to be King of England: add to this, that there is no resource in his understanding. He is a slave to the weakest prejudices; the rod hangs like the sword of Damocles over his head, and he trembles before his mother and the priest." "His religion is not founded on the love of virtue and the detestation of vice; the spring of his whole conduct is fear-fear of the horns of the devil, and of the flames of hell. He has all the superstition of a capuchin, but none of the religion of a prince." "When the draught of a declaration, to be circulated in Great Britain, (that dated at Commercy,) was to be settled, his real character was fully developed. He took exception against the passages in which the security of the protestant church was promised. He said, he could not, in conscience, make such a promise; and asked warmly, why the Tories were so anxious to have him, if they expected those things from him which his religion did not allow. I left the draughts with him, that he might amend them; and, though I cannot absolutely prove it, I firmly believe that he sent them to the queen, to be corrected by her confessor. Queen Anne was called, in the original, his sister, of blessed and glorious memory;' in that which he published, blessed' was left out. When her death was mentioned, the original said, when it pleased Almighty God to take her to himself:' this was erased, and the following words inserted :- when it pleased God to put a period to her life.' He also refused to allow the term of 'blessed martyr' to be applied to Charles."

Horace Walpole thus spoke of James Frederick, in 1752:-" The Chevalier de St. George is tall, meagre, and melancholy in his aspect : enthusiasm and disappointment have stamped a solemnity on his person, which rather creates

pity than respect. He seems the phantom which good-nature, divested of reflection, conjures up, when we think on the misfortunes, without the demerits, of Charles the First. Without the particular features of any Stuart, the Chevalier has the strong lines and fatality of air, peculiar to them all." "He never gave the world very favourable impressions of him: in Scotland, his behaviour was far from heroic. At Rome, where to be a good Roman Catholic, it is by no means necessary to be very religious, they have little esteem for him: but it was his ill treat


ment of the Princess Sobieski, his wife, that originally disgusted the papal court. She who, to zeal for popery, had united all its policy, who was lively, insinuating, agreeable, and enterprising,—was fervently supported by that court, when she could no longer endure the mortifications that were offered to her by Hay and his wife, the titular Countess of Inverness, to whom the Chevalier had entirely resigned himself. Pretender retired to Bologna, but was obliged to sacrifice his favourites, before he could re-establish himself at Rome. The most apparent merit of the Chevalier's court, is the great regularity of his finances, and the economy of his exchequer. His income, before the rebellion, was about £23,000 a year; arising chiefly from pensions from the pope and from Spain, from contributions from England, and some irregular donations from other courts: yet, his payments were not only most exact, but he had saved a large sum of money, which was squandered on the unfortunate attempt in Scotland. Besides the loss of a crown, to which he thought he had a just title; besides a series of disappointments from his birth; besides that mortifying rotation of friends, to which his situation has constantly exposed him, he has, in the latter part of his life, seen his own little court, and his parental affections, torn to pieces, and tortured by the seeds of faction, sown by that master-hand of sedition, the famous Bolingbroke; who insinuated into their councils a project for the Chevalier's resigning his pretensions to his eldest son, as more likely to conciliate the affections of the English to his family. The father,

and the ancient Jacobites, never could be induced to relish this scheme: the boy and his adherents embraced it as eagerly as if the father had really had a crown to resign. Slender as their cabinet was, these parties divided it."

In opposition to Bolingbroke, the Earl of Mar, a devoted adherent to the Stuarts, describes the Chevalier as having possessed "all the great and good qualities that are necessary for making a people every way happy;" and Lesley, a non-juring divine, whom the prince entertained in his household, for the purpose of officiating to the protestants in the family, declares that he was magnanimous, tolerant, and devout; courteous, sensible, and diligent.

Bolingbroke, it is probable, exaggerated some of the Chevalier's vices: Lesley and Mar, on the other hand, and particularly the former, have given him virtues which, in reality, he never possessed. There were apparently but few, if any, bright points in his character. His courage is at least questionable; his dilatory conduct, in not joining his adherents until his cause was ruined, although, according to Bolingbroke and Mar, not without excuse, is altogether unexplained; and his assumption of the empty forms of sovereignty at Perth and Fetterosse, while at the head of a defeated remnant of his friends, was vain, silly, and contemptible. The absence of power, only, appears to have prevented him from displaying the more obnoxious qualities of his race. In him, the blood of Mary of Modena had deteriorated, rather than improved, that of the Stuarts. Bigotry descended to him as an heir-loom; but he disgraced the religion he professed, by scrupulously following its forms while his conduct was totally at variance with his principles. Unrestrained by marriage, he became grey before he had ceased to be incontinent. At once weak and licentious, he not only entertained mistresses, but courted their advice and direction in his most important affairs. What can be said in his favour?-This: he was badly educated; and thrown, at an early age, upon the world, a royal wreck, without pilot or helm.


THE subject of our present article, Charles Edward Louis Philip Casimir, eldest son of James Frederick Edward Stuart, the Pretender, and Maria Clementina, his wife, was born at Rome, on the 30th of November, 1720. His education, it is alleged, was neglected, on account of his governor having been in the pay of the British court. In his youth, he made a tour through the north of Italy, under the title of the Count of Albany; but with this exception, up to 1744, his residence appears to have been invariably at Rome.

At the latter end of 1743 he was summoned to Paris, for the purpose of joining a body of forces, which the French government had destined for the invasion of Britain: accordingly, on the 9th of January, 1744, he departed from Rome, under the avowed intention of going to hunt the boar, and rode post to Genoa; where he embarked in a felucca, and proceeded by Monaco, to Antibes; whence he continued his journey to Paris, with all possible despatch. Notwithstanding the precautions he had taken to conceal his movements, the British government obtained information of his arrival at Antibes, on his way to the French capital, and immediately called upon his most Christian majesty to give orders, in pursuance of treaties then existing, for Charles Edward's removal from the territories of France. A few days after this application had been made, a French fleet, of fifteen sail of the line and five frigates, appeared off Torbay; and it was understood, that a large body of troops was about to be embarked in transports at Dunkirk, for the purpose of making a descent, under convoy of the fleet, on the British coast. The greater part of our naval force was at that time in the Mediterranean; but, by great exertions, twentyone sail of the line, and several frigates, were soon collected from the different parts of the channel, and despatched, under the command of Sir John Norris, to blockade Dunkirk. On the 23rd of February, one of the frigates made the

signal for an enemy's fleet in sight; and the English ships having the tide with them, beat down the channel against the wind, and at four in the afternoon, came up with the French, off Dungeness: but as the tide was spent, both fleets were compelled to come to an anchor.

In the mean time, Marshal Saxe, who had been appointed to the command of the land forces, arrived with the young Pretender, at Dunkirk, and began to embark his troops. During the following night, the French admiral, sensible of his inferiority, gave orders that all his ships should run down the channel; and the whole of the English fleet, with the exception of two sail of the line, parted from their cables, by stress of weather, and drove. In this critical posture of affairs, it was feared that the invading army would be able to reach England unmolested, before Sir John Norris could return to the Downs: but all apprehensions from the French armament had now become groundless; -a large portion of the troops having perished on board some of the transports, which it appears, were wrecked by the gale that had driven the English fleet from its anchorage. A great quantity of warlike stores was also lost; and the expedition was abandoned, as being utterly hopeless.

Charles Edward now retired to Gravelines, where he assumed the name of the Chevalier Douglas. During the summer, he earnestly solicited the French government, by means of his agents, to make another effort in his behalf; and early in the following winter, he proceeded to Paris, for the purpose of personally urging his suit. Failing to procure any positive assurance of immediate aid, he became impatient, and determined, contrary to the advice of his friends, on embarking for Scotland at the first favourable opportunity; and on trying his fortune, unassisted by foreign troops, at the head of his father's adherents. Accordingly, on the 20th of June, 1745, soon after the battle of Fontenoy, in which the

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British army had been defeated, Charles Edward left Nantes in a fishing boat, and proceeded to St. Nazaire, where he embarked on board a frigate of sixteen guns, called the Doutelle.

He was shortly afterwards joined by the Elizabeth, an old sixty gun ship, which had been granted by the French government, to two merchants of Irish extraction, who were also proprietors of the frigate. These persons had not only lent Charles Edward their vessels, but had also furnished him with all the arms and money they could procure. To what extent they assisted him in these particulars does not appear; but it is certain, that he set out on his expedition against the existing government of Great Britain, with a few attendants, five or six hundred broadswords, about two thousand muskets, and rather less than four thousand pounds in cash.

Soon after the Doutelle and Elizabeth had set sail from Beileisle, the latter was attacked by the Lyon man of-war, of sixty guns; an obstinate contest ensued, in which the Elizabeth was so much disabled, as to be obliged to abandon her consort and return to port. Charles Edward pursued his course in the Doutelle, which, after avoiding another man-of-war, was safely brought to an anchor between South Uist and Erisca. The young Pretender immediately landed on the latter island, in the assumed character of a young Irish priest, and despatched a messenger, to inform Boisdale, Clanronald's brother, of his arrival. He passed the night at Erisca, and returned on board the Doutelle, on the following morning. Boisdale soon afterwards arrived, but flatly refused to persuade his brother, or young Clanronald, his nephew, who was then at Moidart, to take up arms in Charles Edward's behalf: nor would he undertake a mission from the prince to Macdonald and Macleod, those chiefs having lately, as he stated, expressed their determination not to join the Jacobite standard, unless Charles Edward should land in Scotland at the head of a body of regular troops. Unmoved by the entreaties of the young adventurer, Boisdale soon after quitted the frigate, with a determination to take no part in so rash an enterprise.

Charles Edward then pursued his

course towards the main land; and having brought the Doutelle to an anchor near Moidart, he sent a boat to the shore with a letter for young Clanronald, who, with his cousin, Kinloch Moidart, soon came on board. Almost driven to despair by the refusal of Boisdale to assist him, Charles Edward, with great emotion, besought the two chieftains to stand by their prince in his utmost need. But Clanronald and Moidart, although warmly attached to his family, replied that it would be pulling destruction on their heads to join him in asserting his rights, without concert at home, or assistance from abroad; and in spite of all his arguments and entreaties, they were preparing to depart, when a younger brother of Kinloch Moidart, who stood on the deck, armed at all points, attracted Charles Edward's notice, by the emotion which he betrayed on hearing Moidart and Clanronald refuse to take up arms for one whom he considered to be their lawful prince. "Will you not assist me?" said Charles Edward, turning briskly towards him. "I will, I will!" was the spirited reply; "although no other man in the Highlands should draw a sword in your cause, I am ready to die for you!""

This gallant declaration had an immediate effect on Clanronald and Moidart, for they at once agreed to do their utmost in Charles Edward's behalf. The young Pretender then went ashore, with the Marquess of Tullibardine, Sir Thomas Sheridan, and three or four more of his adherents, who had come with him from France, and proceeded to Boradale, on the estate of Clanronald. Cameron of Lochiel was next made acquainted with his arrival, and soon appeared at Boradale, for the purpose of dissuading Charles Edward from persisting in his rash attempt. He had called on his brother, John Cameron, of Fassefern, while on his way to Boradale, and stated his determination not to implicate himself in so desperate an undertaking. Fassefern approved of Lochiel's resolution, but advised him to impart it to the prince by letter. "No," said Lochiel, ought, at least, to wait on him, and state my reasons, which admit of no reply." "Brother," replied Fassefern, "I know you better than you know yourself. If once the prince sets eyes upon you, he will make you

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do whatever he pleases." Lochiel, however, confident of his inflexibility, went on to Boradale, and with all the eloquence he possessed endeavoured to persuade the prince to return to France, and reserve himself and his friends for a better opportunity. But Lochiel's arguments and entreaties had no effect on the young adventurer. "In a few days," said he, "with the handful of friends who are about me, I will erect the royal standard, and proclaim to the people of Britain, that Charles Stuart is come to claim the crown of his ancestors, -to win it, or to perish in the attempt! Lochiel, who, my father has often told me, was our firmest friend, may stay at home, and learn from the newspapers the fate of his prince!" "No," said Lochiel, "I'll share the fate of my prince, and so shall every man over whom nature or fortune has given me any power." It is an admitted fact, that had this interview terminated otherwise than it did, the hopes of Charles Edward must have been destroyed in their bud; for none of the other chiefs would have joined the young Chevalier, if Lochiel had declined to assist him.

On the morning of the 19th of August, Charles Edward, attended by about twenty-five of his adherents, proceeded to Glenfinnin, where he was met by Lochiel, at the head of seven hundred of the Camerons, escorting two companies of the king's troops whom they had surrounded and made prisoners. The Marquess of Tullibardine then unfurled the young prince's standard, and Macdonald of Keppoch soon afterwards arrived with three hundred men.

Sir John Cope, the commander-inchief for Scotland, now put himself at the head of a body of the king's forces, at Stirling; but notwithstanding he had received positive orders from the lords of the regency, (the king being abroad,) to march into the Highlands, and attack the rebels wherever they might be, he declined giving them battle, on account of the strength of a position which they had taken, on the summit of Corryarak, and marched towards Inverness. Charles Edward immediately proceeded in a different direction, with a view of getting possession of Edinburgh. On the 4th of September he entered Perth, where he remained for several days, and proclaimed his father at various

places in Angus and Fife. He was now joined by the titular Duke of Perth, and Lord George Murray, brother to the Duke of Athol, whom he made lieutenant-general of his army, which had been daily increasing in numbers since he had first set up his standard at Glenfinnin. Lord George is described as having been a man of so much military talent, that had Charles Edward, as the Chevalier Johnstone states, given him the sole command, and then gone to sleep, when he awoke he would have found the crown of Great Britain encircling his brows.

On the 16th of September, the rebels marched towards Edinburgh, of which Lochiel and his followers obtained possession, without difficulty, the next morning. About ten o'clock the main body of the Highlanders marched into the king's park, where a vast number of persons had assembled, for the purpose of seeing the prince. His figure and presence, according to Home, who was present on the occasion, were not ill suited to his lofty pretensions. He was tall, handsome, of a fair complexion, and wore the Highland dress, with the star of St. Andrew at his breast. The Jacobites compared him to Robert Bruce, whom he resembled, as they thought, in figure as in fortune; the Whigs, however, said that he looked like a gentleman and man of fashion, but not like a hero; and that even when about to make a triumphant entry into the palace of his ancestors, he appeared melancholy and languid.

Within three days after Charles Edward's arrival at Edinburgh the battle of Preston Pans was fought, in which the royal forces, under Sir John Cope, suffered a complete and most inglorious defeat. Johnstone asserts that the Highlanders, on this occasion, threw their opponents' ranks into irretrievable confusion, by slashing, with their broadswords, at the noses of the horses, which, on being wounded, turned round, and, becoming unmanageable, threw the whole line into disorder. Charles Edward, it is said, would have led his adherents on to the charge at this battle, but for the remonstrances of his chiefs, who declared, that if he persisted in his avowed intention of taking the post of danger, they would at once return home and make the best terms

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