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" Probate of will, or letters of administration: Where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate or letters of administration applied for shall be sworn or declared not to exceed the value of $1,000 exempt. "
The Tax Payer's Guide: An Analytical and Comprehensive Digest of the ... - Страница 59
написао/ла Thompson Westcott - 1863 - 63 страница
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The Law's Disposal of a Person's Estate who Dies Without Will Or Testament ...

Peter Lovelass - 1823 - 470 страница
...her personal or moveable estate and effects, or any part thereof: annexed, to be granted in England; Where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate, letters of administration, confirmation, or eik respectively, shall be granted or expeded, or whereof...
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The Ecclesiastical Law, Том 2

Richard Burn - 1824 - 626 страница
...800,000 800,000 900,000 900,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 and upwards £ 9,000 10,500 12,000 13,500 15,000 Where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such letters of administration shall be granted, or whereof such inventory shall be exhibited exclusive...
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The Law Journal for the Year 1832-1949: Comprising Reports of Cases in the ...

1859 - 670 страница
...commissary court in Scotland, and are imposed by certain graduated scales according to the value of the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate or letters of administration are granted, or whereof such inventory is exhibited or recorded, but such graduated scales of duty...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and ...

Great Britain. Court of Exchequer, Robert Philip Tyrwhitt - 1832 - 674 страница
...for where 55 Geo. 3. c. 184. Schedule, Part III. directs the letters of administration, it says, " Where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate, letters of administration or confirmation respectively shall be granted or expeded," evidently confining...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer and ...

Great Britain. Court of Exchequer - 1832 - 642 страница
...payable for where 55 Geo. 3. c. 184. Schedule, Part 1H. directs the letters of administration, it says, " Where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate, letters of administration or confirmation respectively shall be granted or expeded," evidently confining...
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Reports of Cases Decided in the High Court of Chancery: By the Right ..., Том 5

Great Britain. Court of Chancery - 1835 - 756 страница
...of 55th Geo. 3, c. 184.] And, in Part 3d of the Schedule to the Act, the following words are used : "Where the Estate and Effects, for or in respect of which such Probate, or Letters of Administration shall be granted." It was absolutely necessary that Probate should be granted, for the purpose of giving...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Courts of Exchequer ..., Том 1

Great Britain. Court of Exchequer, Charles Crompton, Sir Charles John Crompton, Roger Meeson, Henry Roscoe - 1835 - 1012 страница
...the present Stamp Act, the words are — " Duties on probate of wills, &c. to be granted in England, where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such letters of administration, &c. respectively shall be granted, exclusive of what the deceased shall...
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A Practical Treatise of Assets, Debts and Incumbrances

James Ram - 1835 - 642 страница
...DEBTS AND JNCUMERANCES. Letters of administration, without a will annexed, to be granted in England; where the estate and effects, for or in respect of which such letters of administration shall be granted, exclusive of what the deceased shall have been possessed...
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The Law of Executors and Administrators

Sir Samuel Toller - 1838 - 620 страница
...testamentary Disposition of his or her Personal or Moveable Estate or Effects, or any part thereof; Where the Estate and Effects for or in respect of which such Letters of Administration or Confirmation respectively shall be granted or expeded, or whereof such...
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Reports of Cases in Chancery, Argued and Determined in the Rolls ..., Том 3

Great Britain. Court of Chancery, Charles Beavan - 1842 - 730 страница
...Probate of a will and letters of administration, with the will annexed, to be granted in England." " Where the estate and effects for or in respect of which such probate, letters of administration, confirmation or eik respectively, shall be granted or expeded, or whereof...
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