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both virtuous and wise, observing the king's passione, commanded two of Cambusne then's daughters, and as many of her oune, being then girles about eleven years of age, in whom the king took likewayes delight to discourse with, never to leave the roume, unless Mistress Katherine Carmichaell came with them, the which they particularly observed. But to put this beyond all cavill, this same lady being efterward marryed upon young Cambusnethen, acknowledged to her mother-in-law, that it was neer a year efter she saw the king att Cowthally before his majestie obtained any favour from her, but what in civillitie she might have given to any persone of honour; and doubtlesse, if it had been otherways, the Lady Cambusnethen would have divulged quickly the same to the prejudice of my Lord Somerville's familie, to which she had no great lykeing, notwithstanding of ther late submissione to the king, and the civilitie they paid to each other, because of ther neer relatione.

"This marriage being over, the king went for Stirling, being waited upon by the Lord Somervill there some few dayes; and now being to retourne to his oune house, he comes to kisse his majestie's hand. The king told him, with a kynde and pleasant countenance, the great intertainement and fair company he left att Cowthally made him resolve ere long for another visit, hope ing he should be wellcome. Haveing said this, and raiseing him from his knee, the Lord Somervill replyed, what he had at present was by his majesties favour, and the bounty of his royall predecessors, conferred upon him, and his foerbearers, of which he was ever myndefull, and therfore was obleidged, as a duetifull subject, to attend his majesties pleasure in all things, haveing been soe highly honoured by his royall presence at his daughter's marriage, that was beyond all expressione of thankes. Upon this he retired, haveing receaved the particular thankes of all these noblemen and gentlemen that attended the king during his residence att Cowthally. Being returned, he lived at home untill the latter end of September. Upon Saturnes day, at night, the king lighted att his house with Robert Bartone, who was in speciall favour with him, and efterwards made thesaurer; James Hamilton of Finhard, who lykewayes before his death was thesaurer, and lykewayes master of the king's works; Oliver Sinclair, a brother of the house of Rosseline; Sir David Lindsay of the Mount;

⚫ and John Tennant, (efterward Laird of Cairness) a domestick and wairdropper to the king, who personated (four years after this) his majestie, as he travelled incognito through France in suite of his queen. These, with other seven, wer only his majesties retinue when he came to Cowthally. This surprizeall might have startled any other albeit good housekeepers, but was all one to this lord, that keeped soe plentifull

a table, and had soe provident a lady, that upon all occasiones gave evidence of an excellent house-wife. The Lord Somervill told the king, he was only sorry he had not advertisement of his majestie's comeing.' that himself and his friends might have waited upon him; but he was soon made to understand the king's comeing incognito, and would admitt of noe more company save himself and other two besyde these that came with him. By this, and some other circumstances, he guessed some part of the king's earand, who, dureing supper, asked severall questions at the Lord Somervill (standing behind his chair) anent the Captaine of Crawfuird, his qualitie, condition, and what he might have in estate, and by his office. Wherein being resolved soe far as my lord knew, the king took occasione first to regrate the meannesse of his fortune, and the smallnesse of his sallary; and efter some spaces, began to praise his daughter's breeding and beautie with some transport, at lenth insinuate as much by his discourse that he would see to the bettering of the father's estate and advancement of the daughter. Eftir supper the king held a long discourse with the Lady Somervill in his oune bed-chamber, which was named efter him soe long as the house remained in its integrity What the import of ther discourse was these that wer present did but guesse, for they stood at some distance; however, it appeared that the king was very pressing to obtaine some promise of her, which, with much civilitie, she begged his majestie pardone; and at length, somewhat loud, of purpose to be heard, and to be free from the king's importunity, spoke thus, her father's house is much fitter, where your majestie may expect kynde wellcome, being proprietar of the same, in honouring that familie with your royall presence." Upon which the king called the Lady Carmichaell that was next to them, and said, "Your neighbour here, the Lady Somervill, is the most courteous, or rather most scrupulous, persone under heaven for another concerne; but I will have my revenge in being often her guest, to eat up all the beef and pudding too of this (country.)


"Airly upon the Sabbath the king caused the Lord Somervill send a horseman to Craufuird castle, to advertise the captaine he would be there against night; and withall, forbade to make any great provisione, seing his train would not exceed a duzone. This advertisement was soe unexpected and short, that the captaine knew not what to think of it; however, he caused putt all things in the best order that might be, and prepared for the king's coming. But ther was non soe much surprized with the news as the young lady, the captaine's daughter, who, suspecting the king's carrand from what she had mett with from him at the marriage in Cowthally, she could have wishted herself not only out of her father's house but out of the world. Soc much terreur

and affrightment did seize upon her persone, that she knew not what to resolve on. Some tymes she thought it fitt to acquaint her father and mother with her feares; and then againe, without acquainting them with her thoughts, to slip doune to Lamingtounehouse, or the toune of Douglasse. But as anodesty tyed up her tongue from the first, soe the shortness of tyme, and (the want of) ane handmost pretext, hindered the later, for it was not possible to have keeped the knowledge of her removeall that day from the king, which might have incensed him exceedingly against her father, the greatest part of whose fortune was mostly at that tyme at the king's disposeing, as heretable keeper of the castle of Craufuird. Thus, unresolved what to doe, or how to carry towards the king, in great trouble of spirit, poor lady, she remained in a carclesse dresse untill his majestie's arryveall.

"The king, haveing breakfasted and heard messe att the colledge church of Carnwath, made foirward on his journey to the castle of Craufuird, being accompanyed with non but the Lord Somervill, and these few

he brought from Edinburgh with him. He was mett by the captaine of Craufuird with some horsemen, some few myles on this side of the castle, with whom he discoursed familiarly untill ther arryveall at the house, where his majestic was receaved at the gate by the lady and two of her daughters. What entertainement his majestie receaved from the captaine and his lady, and kyndenesse from ther beautifull daughter upon his amorouse addresse to her, is noe part of that which I have in hand; yet I am apt to believe, from severall circumstances and papers that I have seen, that this interview proceeded noe farther than to useher the way, and give opportunitie to these more particular and privat favoures his majestie receaved eftirward from this lady in the same house. Whatever wer the intysing motives that prevailled over her vertue, and brought her to the king's embracement, was best knoune to herself; and although noe act of this nature be warrantable before God, yet much may be said to take off the reproach, and justifie her to the world. It was her king, not a subject, that made love to her; a gallant young prince, for persone and parts the world then had not the better, laying asyde his dignitie and that supreme orbe wherein he moved. One of meaner degree, with half of these qualifications wherewith this royall king was indued, might have prevailed much upon the budding affectiones of a tender virgin, unacquainted with the blandishment of great ones and the entertainements of a royal court, whereinto your court ladyes are soe accustomed to addresses of persones of eminency, that they can putt off or conferre ther private favores as ther interest or inclinatione leades them; and yet if they trip, you shall not know it,

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or if you doe, you must not divulge it, unlesse you be desperately resolved to forfault both your life and fortune to the fury of ther amoures. Besydes these inducements, and her father's interest, she might have before her eyes the example of Elizabeth Moore, Rowallane's daughter, who bare to King Robert the Second three sones, long before her marriage; and at lenth, notwithstanding of the king's haveing two sons in marriage by the Earle of Rosse's daughter, she dying, and herself taken to be his quen, her sones was reputed and declared righteous successores to the crowne, and that by consent of Parliament.

"These reasones, with the splendent as pect of royall majestie, backed with a soveraigne power, might prevaill much upon this innocent lady, and inclyne her to a complyance, as not weill knowing how to refuise the kynde offeres of soe obleidgeing a prince, the effects whereof, in four yeares tyme, made her mother of two boyes and ane daughter to the king."

The reader will observe in what a style of courtly submission the author talks of the insult offered by the royal visitor, both to his own ancestor the Lady Somerville, and to the Captain of Crawfurd's family. In several posterior passages we find hints of the manner in which he regarded this sort of royal condescension. The ladies so honoured seem to be not a whit more contaminated by it in his eyes, than they of Cambusnethan, who married sucwere in those of his kinsman, the Laird cessively two concubines of James V. These ladies, according to one passage, "very much illustrate the family g and in another, we are told, that their husband "was a plain country gentleman, and an excellent housekeeper, happy in both his marriages for beautiffull and vertuous ladies."-Vol. 2. P. 19. A second long digression is made in another place, in vindication of the character of one of them, and the noble author concludes in these words—“Thus far have I digressed in vindication of this excellent lady, that it may appear it was neither her choyse, nor any vitious habit that prevailled over her chastity, but ane inevitcable fate that the strongest resistance could scarcely withstand"-Vol. 1. p. 388-anticipating, as the Editor has already observed, the indulgent maxim of Prior,

That when weak women go astray Their stars are more in fault than they.” 1.1. JAY PUD) › izbo SISTE *99115 90 95 CENA ANGADTU)) ; -13T0801 10


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to the provestis and ballies of Edin-
burgh, Sanct Jhonstoun, Dundee, Mon-
ross, Aberdene, Sanctandrois, Elgin,
Schirefis of Edinburgh, Fif, Perth,
Forfair, Kincardin, Aberdene, Elgyn
and Foress, Banf, Crummarty, Inuer-
ness, And all vtheris schirefis, stew-
artis, provestis, and ballies, quhair it
happinnis the saidis Egiptianis to re-
sort; To command and charge thame,
be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat
croces of the heid burgh of the schiref-
domes, to depart furth of this realme,
with their wifis, barnis, and com-
paneis, within xxx dayis efter thai be
chargit therto, vnder the pane of deid;
Notwithstanding ony vtheris lettres,
or privelegis, grantit to thame be the
Kingis Grace; Becaus his Grace, with
avise of the lordis, hes dischargit the
samyn for the causis forsaidis; with
certificatioun and thai be fundin in this
realme, the saidis xxx dayis being past,
thai salbe tane and put to deid.
(MS.Act. Dom. Con. vol. 15. fol. 155.)

In favour of Anthony Gawino, Earl of Forress, and Inverness; And to the Little Egypt, &c. 1506. (Referred to at page 161.) ILLUSTRISSIME, &c. Anthonius Gawino, ex Parva Egypto comes, et cætera ejus comitatus, gens afflicta et miseranda, dum Christianam orbem peregrinationes studio, Apostolicæ Sedis (ut refert) jussu, suorum more peregrinans, fines nostri regni dudum advenerat, atque in sortis suæ, et miseriarum hujus populi, refugium, nos pro humanitate imploraverat ut nostros limites sibi impune adire, res cunetas, et quam habet societatem libere circumagere liceret. Impetrat facile que postulat miserorum hominum dura fortuna. Ita aliquot menses bene et catholice, (sic accepimus,) hic versatus, ad te, Rex et Avuncule, in Daciam transitum parat. Sed oceanum transmissurus nostras literas exoravit, quibus celsitudinem tuam horum certiorem redderemus, simul et calamitatem ejus gentis Regiæ tuæ munificentiæ commendaremus. Ceterum errabundæ Egypti fata, moresque, et genus, eo tibi quam nobis credimus notiora, quo Egyptus tuo regno vicinior, et major hujusmodi hominum frequentia tuo diversatur imperio. Il lustrissime, &c.

(MS. Reg. 13. B. II.)


Respecting John Faw, &c. Jun. 6. 1541.

(Referred to at page 161.)

THE quhilk day anentis the complaintis gevin in be Jhone Faw and his brether, and Sebastiane Lowlaw, Egiptianis, to the Kingis Grace, ilkane pleinzeand vpoun vther of diverse faltis and Iniuris; And that It is aggreit amang thame to passe hame, and to have the samyn decydit before the Duke of Egipt. The Lordis of Counsale being avisit with the pointis of the saidis complaintis, and vnderstanding perfitlie the gret thiftis and scathis done be the saidis Egiptianis vpoun our soverane Lordis liegis, quhaireuer thai cum er resortis; Ordanis lettres to be direct


[The following extracts form part of a Session of Perth, 1623, and are copied from series of depositions made before the Kirk the original MS. signed, as below, by the clerks of Session and Presbytery. They are chiefly interesting on account of the allu sions they contain to several curious popular charms and superstitions. We have now before us a number of other original papers relating to the history of witchcraft, from which, perhaps, we may hereafter give some scription, if we find that these can be sepaextracts of a more strange and striking derated from the profane and revolting details -of which they contain more than enough to shock even such readers as have the most voracious appetite for the horrible.]

Depositiounes of Isso!! Haldane suspect of Wychcraft, confessit be her the 10 of Maij 1623, as followis

Item-Being askit if scho hed onye conversatione with the Farye Folk Answerit, that ten yeiris syne, lying in her bed, scho wes taikin furth, quhidder be God or the Deuill scho knawis not; wes caryit to ane hill side; the hill oppynit, and scho en◄

terit in; thair scho stayit thrie dayis, viz. fra thurisday till sonday at xij houris. Scho mett a man with ane grey beird, quha brocht her furth agane.

Item-That same day Johne Roch deponit that about that same tyme he beand in James Chrystie the wrichtis buith, caussing the wricht mak ane cradill to him, becaus his wyff wes neir the down lying, the said Issobell Haldane com by, desyreit him not to be sa haistie, for he neidit not; his wyff sould nocht be lichter till that tyme fyve-oulkis, and then the bairne suld neuer ly in the craidill, bot be borne, bapteisit, and neuer souk, bot die and be tayne away: And as the said Issobell spak sa it cam to pass in euerie poynt. The said Issobell being demandit how scho knew that, answerit that the man with the grey beird tauld her.

Item-The said Johne Roch deponit that Mart Buchannane, spous to Dauid Reid, being in helth at her ordinare wark, the said Isso!! Haldane come to hir and desyreit hir mak hir for deith, for befoir Fastingis evin, qlk wes within few dayis, scho suld be taikin away: And as scho said, so it wes befoir that terme the woman died. -Being askit how scho knew the terme of hir lyfe, the said Isso!! answerit scho hed speirit it at yt same man with the grey beird, and he hed tauld hir.

(May 16.)-Patrick Ruthuen, skynner in Perth, compeirit and declairit, that he being wychit be Margaret Hormscleuch, Issobell Haldane com to see him: scho com in to the bed and streichit hir self abone him, hir heid to his heid, hir handis ower him, and so furth, mumbling sum wordis, he knew nocht quhat they war.-The said Issobell confessit the said cure, and deponit, that before the said Patrick wes wychit scho met him, and foirbad him to go till scho had gone with him.

(May 19.)-Compeirit Stephen Ray in Muretoun, and deponit that thrie yeiris syne that Isso Haldane hauing stollin sum bere furth of the Hall of Balhouffye he followit hir and brocht hir bak agane: Scho chaipit him on the schulder, saying-Go thy way, thow

for yeir and day: And as scho threttinit sa it cam to pas; he dwynit hauelie diseiseit.-The said Issobell confessis the away taking of the bere, the diseise of the man; and affirmeis that onlye scho said-He that delyuerit me from the farye folk sall tak amendis on thé.

Item-The same day scho confest scho maid thrie seuerall kaikis, euerie ane of them of ix curneis of meill gotten fra ix wemen that wer maryit madynis; maid ane hoill in the crown of euerie ane of theme, and pat ane bairne throw it thrie tymes in the name of * * + to wemen that pat the saidis bairneis thryse throw backwand wseing the saidis wordis.

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Item-The said Issobell confest that scho went silent to the well of Ruthuen and returneit silent, bringing wat ter frome thence to wasch Johne Gowis bairne: quhen scho tuik the watter frome the well scho left ane pairt of the bairneis sark at it, qk scho tuik with hir for that effect, and quhen scho cam hame scho wousch the bairne thairwith. Inlyk maner scho confest scho hed done the elyk to Johne Powryis bairne.

(May 27.)-The said Isso!! confessit that scho hed gewin drinkis to cure bairneis; amangis the rest that Dauid Moreis' wyff com to hir, and thryse for Goddis saik askit help to hir bairne thet wes ane scharge; and scho send furth hir sone to gather sochsterrié leaveis, quhairof scho directit the bairneis mother to mak ane drink! Bot the bairneis mother deponit that the said Isso!! Haldane, on being requirit cam to hir house and saw the bairne, said it wes ane scharge taikin away, Tuik on hand to cure it, and to that effect gaiff the bairne a drink, efter the ressait qr of the bairne shortlie died.

WILLIAME YOUNG, Scribe to the Presbytrie of Pearth, at com mand of the samyne, w my hand. JAMES DAUIDSONE, Notarie pube lict, and Clerke to the Sessioune of Perth, at their command and directioun, with my hand.

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Seil. in nomine Dei Patris et Filii

sall not win thy self ane bannok of breid et Spiritus Sancti.'

* A

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Long over thy head has the tempest blown fell,

But riches, unknown, were unvalued by thee; In the wild wast thou born, in the wild didst thou dwell,

The pupil of Nature, benevolent and free; And never, in all her uncultured domain, Was nourished a spirit more genial and kind; Chill poverty could not thy ardour restrain, Nor cloud thy gay smile, or the glow of thy mind.

When winter-wreaths lay round our cottage so small,

When fancy was ardent, and feeling was

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And there, from the rue and the rose's perfume,

His dew-web of dawn shall the gossamer won; And there shall the daisy and violet bloom, And I'll water them all with the tears of a


Adieu, my loved parent! the trial is past Again thy loved bosom my dwelling may be; And long as the name of thy darling shall last,

All due be the song and the honour to thee! H.


How wild and dim this Life appears!
One long, deep, heavy sigh!
When o'er our eyes, half-closed in tears,
The images of former years
Are faintly glimmering by!
And still forgotten while they go,
As on the sea-beach wave on wave
Dissolves at once in snow.
Upon the blue and silent sky
The amber clouds one moment lie,
And like a dream are gone!
Though beautiful the moon-beams play
On the lake's bosom, bright as they,
And the soul intensely loves their stay,
Soon as the radiance melts away
We scarce believe it shone!
Heaven-airs amid the harp-strings dwell,
And we wish they ne'er may fade-
They cease! and the soul is a silent cell,
Where music never played.
Dream follows dream through the long

Each lovelier than the last
But ere the breath of morning-flowers,
That gorgeous world flies past.
And many a sweet angelic cheek,
Whose smiles of love and kindness speak,
While in a day we cannot tell
Glides by us on this earth-
Where shone the face we loved so well

In sadness or in mirth.


THE landscape hath not lost its look ;
Still rushes on the sparkling river;
Nor hath the gloominess forsook:
These granite crags, that frown for ever,
Still hangs around the shadowy wood,"
Whose sounds but murmur solitude:

The raven's plaint, the linnet's song.
The stock-dove's coo, in grief repining,
In mingled echoes steal along:
The setting sun is brightly shining;
And clouds above, and hills below,
Are brightening with his golden glow.

It is not meet-it is not fit
Though Fortune all our hopes hath thwarted,
While on the very stone I sit
Where first we met, and last we parted,

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