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1. Minutes of the Evidence taken before the Committee appointed by the House of Commons to inquire into the State of Mendicity and Vagrancy in the Metropolis and its Neighbourhood. -This is an essay on the "Causes and Cure of Pauperism." The boldness, originality, and independence of sentiment, for which this celebrated journal has been always remarkable,-to say nothing of the acknowledged talent, good taste, and profound speculation, by which it has been so peculiarly distinguished,-induced us to enter upon the perusal of this article with very sanguine hopes of finding that which is at present of such incalculable interest-a clear exposition of the causes of the rapid increase of pauperism, with some definite, enlightened, and practicable proposal for checking, at least, if not for eradicating, this most alarming evil. In these hopes we have been most grievously disappointed. The writer proposes to make our southern neighbours acquainted with the benefits of the original paro chial system of Scotland, deeply deplores the introduction of legal assessments for the poor in a few counties, and points out the measures by which he thinks these hitherto very moderate contributions may be withdrawn, and the purposes to which, in that event, they may be advantageously applied. Now this "original parochial system," this "material mechanism of our parishes," and so on, may be described in one word, as being no system at all,-nothing more than a practice, now by no means universal, of making a collection before divine service at the church doors, or within the church itself before the dismissal of the congregation, out of which the minister and elders of a parish distribute small sums occasionally among the poor, according to their own discretion. As similar collections are made in the meeting-houses of the numerous bodies of dissenters which are to be found in every part of Scotland, of which a large portion is avowedly applied to other purposes than the relief of the poor, this practice can hardly, with any propriety, be called a parochial system. Even in the churches of the Establishment, it is usual to adopt this mode of raising funds for

several other pious and charitable purposes, besides the relief of the parochial poor. The practice is indeed of long standing; but even in those parishes where there are no legal assessments, the amount of these voluntary contributions is, from causes which it is unnecessary to inquire into in this place, gradually diminishing. That our southern neighbours may have some idea of this mysterious "system," of which they have lately heard so much, we must beg leave to tell them, that for several years that we resided in the immediate vicinity of three country parish churches, this collection did not amount, on an average, in each of them, to the sum of sixpence sterling weekly; and what became of this trifle we never heard, nor thought.it worth while to inquire.

As to the legal assessments, in so far as they have been deemed expedient, chiefly owing to the non-residence of the principal proprietors, there is little danger that they can ever either become considerable in amount, at least in country parishes, or be bestowed on improper objects. These are the points most interesting to our brethren in the south, though the Reviewer says not a word of either. In the comparatively few parishes where a poorrate is imposed, the heritors of the parish, or their agents, along with the minister, hold regular meetings, at which the assessment is imposed equally on themselves and their tenants, according to the real or valued rent of each farm, after a careful examination of the cases of the applicants for relief, who are required to attend the meeting, and, except in case of sickness or infirmity, usually do attend and answer the questions which the minister or other members of the meeting are in the practice of proposing to them. The money is collected by their clerk, who is commonly schoolmaster of the parish; the allowance to each pauper, as fixed by the heritors, paid by him; and his accounts audited at their next meeting. How different all' this is from the practice of England, none of our readers need be told; but it is material to remark, that as those who impose the assessment pay a moiety of it themselves, and have thus an evident interest in limiting its amount, the rates. levied for the poor even in the parishes of Berwickshire nearest to the conta

mination of the English system, and where assessments have been established for many years, do not, in ordinary seasons, amount to fourpence in the pound of rent.-Another striking and most important difference between the English and Scottish poor laws, as now administered, is, that no relief is given in Scotland to those who are able to work; and the absence of the cruel and most injudicious laws of settlement established in England, leaves every one at perfect liberty to carry his labour to the best market.-We have no room to offer any remarks on the measures proposed here for putting an end to pauperism; but the substance of them is, the multiplication of parishes, with schools and churches, and a more intimate intercourse between the minister and his parishioners.-It has now become the fashion, because the poor laws of England are actually a disgrace, as well as an intolerable burden, to the nation, to cry out against all legal provision for the relief of even the most helpless and desperate cases. In this part of the Island, too far north as we are to write very learnedly on the subject, we have been forward enough to join in this clamour, and to supply the want of local knowledge and dear-bought experience by what we call general views, and of close and perspicuous argument by elaborate declamation.


2. Lettres écrites d'Italie en 1812 et 1813, à Mr Charles Pictet, l'un des Rédacteurs de la Bibliotheque Britannique. Par FREDERIC SULLIN de Chateauvieux.-The object of this book is to explain the rural economy of Italy; and the title of the article is, Agriculture and Statistics of Italy." The most interesting part of the critique, perhaps, is the account of Maremma, which forms the third division of the Italian territory. This singular tract extends along the shore of the Mediterranean, from Leghorn to Terracina, and reaches inland as far as the first chain of the Appennines. Its length is 192 geographical miles; and in the Agro Romana, where it is greatest, the breadth is between 30 and 40 of these miles. It is unfortunately distinguished by the character of Mal' Aria, an unhealthy constitution of the atmosphere, or of the soil, during the summer season; and is inhabited only during the winter, and chiefly by a race of wandering shep VOL. I.

herds, who rear great numbers of sheep, horses, cows, and goats. The cause of the insalubrity of this country is a mystery into which science has not yet been able to penetrate. "It seems undeniable," says the Reviewer, "that whatever be the cause of this evil, its effects have increased, and are increasing, at this moment.' Rome itself suffers under the increased action of the Mal' Aria; and the extraordinary diminution of its inhabitants within twenty-one years, from 1791 to 1813, from 166,000 to 100,000, is partly ascribed to this cause.

3. Speech of the Right Honourable George Canning in the House of Commons, on Wednesday, January 29th, 1817, on the Motion for an Address to his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, on his most gracious Speech from the Throne.-The title of this article is, "History of the Alarms." The object of the Reviewer is to shew, that there was no good cause for the suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act, and that it had not been suspended in times more alarming than the present.

4. Aus Meinem Leben. VON GOETHE. This is a continuation of Goethe's Memoirs, containing recollections of his travels in Italy. This volume, the Reviewer says, will be judged by most readers to be almost as doting as the preceding ones, without being equally entertaining; but however that may be, the article itself is entertaining in no ordinary degree. Goethe and his adventures are the subject of much good-humoured ridicule.

5. Interesting Facts relating to the Fall and Death of Joachim_Murat, King of Naples, &c. By FRANCIS MACIRONE. The "Foreign Policy of England" stands at the top of the pages of this critique; but the Reviewers confine their attention to the affairs of Italy. The Congress of Vienna, and particularly the representatives of this country at that memorable assembly, are freely censured at the outset ; and the transactions regarding Genoa and Ragusa, in 1813 and 1814, brought in proof of the misconduct of our government. The Reviewers cannot too much recommend this book to the reader's attention, whether he look for entertainment or for information with respect to the views and conduct of the legitimates. An account is then given of the abominable treatment which Macirone had experienced from the 2Q

Papal government-of his repairing to Italy and becoming an officer of the staff to Murat-of the arrangement between Lord William Bentinck and that personage, and the conduct of our government in consequence. Some very interesting extracts are given from the work, regarding Murat's concealment near Marseilles, before he was able to effect his escape to Corsica; and a few curious particulars of the author's reception at the English head-quarters, to which he was sent by Fouchè, with propositions, after the battle of Waterloo,-and of his passage thither, through Blucher's army. The article concludes with noticing a story about the death of Berthier, which is said, with truth, not to be over and above credible.

6. The title of this article is, "Annual Parliaments and Universal Suffrage," and we suppose, that the way in which the subject is discussed here, will give satisfaction to the well informed and well disposed, whatever may be their political attachments. Regarding annual parliaments, the Reviewer proves clearly, by numerous references to the rolls of parliament, and other authentic records, that though it was provided by several statutes, that parliaments should be held every year, yet, that a new parliament was not chosen every year, but continued by prorogation for an indefinite period, in one instance, so early as the reign of Edward IV. for near three years, and much longer by several of his successors. This prerogative of the crown was recognized in one of the first acts of the long parliament, by which a parliament which was continued by prorogation, and did not meet within three years after its last sitting, was declared to be dissolved. "We trust we have now proved," say the Reviewers, " to the satisfaction of our readers, that, 1st, The method of continuing parliaments by prorogation, was known from the earliest period of our parliamentary history. 2d, That the laws of Edward III. and other princes, for annual parliaments, did not affect, and were not intended to affect, this prerogative. 3d, That the statute of 16 Charles I. chap. 1, was the first act that touched or limit ed this prerogative of the crown; and, 4th, That the triennial act of King William was the first statute which limited the duration of parliament to a fixed and certain term of years."

The only remark we would beg leave to offer on this important part of the question is, that the statute of Charles, recognizing the prorogation of parliament for three years, without being called together, seems to be in direct opposition to the more ancient laws, which required a parliament to be held every year; and some explanation of this obvious inconsistency might have been expected from this very learned writer.-As to universal suffrage, scarcely the vestige of a foundation for this claim can be discovered; and what we know of the structure of society in the earlier periods of our history, is sufficient of itself to convince us, that this pretended right never was exercised,

-as we are certain, that in the present state of society, it never can be, without speedily blending in one undistinguishable mass of ruin, the liberties, the energies, and the resources of the nation.

7. Wat Tyler, a dramatic poem ; and A Letter to William Smith, Esq. M.P. From ROBERT SOUTHEY, Esq. -The readers of the Edinburgh Review will at once anticipate the leading contents of this article.

8. Transactions of the Geological Society, Vol. II.-There are twentyfour papers in this volume, of which sixteen relate to different localities in the British islands, and three only to foreign geology. The account of it is favourable.

9. Tales of my Landlord.-This critique is introduced by some excellent remarks on the general character of the author's performances; and then the Reviewer exhibits a concise analysis of the present work, interspersed with copious and well selected extracts. What strikes us as rather singular is, that the circumstance of the author's being a Tory, which the critic thinks he has discovered him to be, is assigned as a reason for passing over some of his peccadilloes with scarcely any reproof. It is possible enough, that Reviewers, as well as Poets, may sometimes nod; for true it is, that the conclusion of this gentleman's lucubrations is not altogether in his usual style; and something a great deal better weighed, was to be expected on the topics to which he there adverts. Martin himself, in the corresponding article of the Quarterly Review, shews a more kindly disposition towards his homely brother in the hour of his tri



Discovery of a rich vein of Lead Ore at Lead Hills. We are informed by Mr Braid, surgeon at Lead Hills, that a few weeks ago a very rich vein of lead ore was discovered in the Scots Mining Company's field. The vein is fully four feet wide, and filled from wall to wall with pure unmixed galena, or lead glance. This important and valuable discovery will in all probability raise the mines of Lead Hills to their former flourishing


Cumberhead Lead Mines.-We are also informed, that it is in agitation to re-open the lead mines of Cumberhead, in Lanarkshire, the property of Michael Linning, Esq. which have been lately surveyed by Professor Jameson.

In January last, Dr Macculloch read a paper to the Geological Society of London, on the Parallel Roads of Glenroy, in which the ingenious author, after a particular description of these appearances, entered into a minute consideration of all the hypotheses which have been suggested relative to the mode of their formation. He thinks the theory which regards them as the remains of the shores of a lake, is the most probable; but allows the difficulties attending every opinion as to their origin.

The absolute horizontality of these "roads" is a point which, hitherto, has been assumed from inspection with the naked eye, not proved by actual levelling. But we are happy to be able to inform our readers, that within these few days, this point has been determined in the most satisfactory manner. Mr Lauder Dick, with the assistance of some scientific friends, has ascertained by a series of levellings executed with the utmost care, that the "roads" are perfectly horizontal at every point. He has also examined minutely the corresponding appearances in the neighbouring valleys of Glengloy and Glenspian; and made a variety of observations, serving very much to confirm those views relative to their origin, which he lately delivered to the Royal Society of Edinburgh.

Artificial Congelation.-New theories of Chemistry and Geology may now be expected to start up from the recent discoveries of Professor Leslie, whose frigorific process, by the combined powers of absorption and evaporation, acts with uncommon energy and effect. He has lately ascertained, that the congealing power is not confined to the absorbent

earths, particularly the porphyritic trap, but that oatmeal is capable of producing the same effects, by spreading about two quarts of it on a large dish and putting it in an exhausted receiver, when it will freeze nearly a pint of water in a few minutes; the latter being in a pot of porous earthenware. The fact itself is valuable not only to confectioners and private families at home, but also to residents in the hottest climes. The absorbent powder recovers all its qualities, after operation, if dried in the sun, or before a fire.

The interesting experiment, by Professor Leslie, announced in our First Number, under the above title, has been successfully repeated by Mr Stodart. The stone from which he made his absorbent powder was taken from Salisbury Craigs, near Edinburgh; this was pounded and dried; and with it, under an exhausted receiver, a small body of water was soon frozen. On procuring a very low receiver, and preparing a larger surface of earth, the process was accelerated, a larger body of water being soon converted into a cake of ice. Experiments were made with various other absorbents, of which pipe-clay was the best, equalising in intensity the whin-trap itself. The latter, however, when in a state of complete decomposition, will probably prove to be the best material for the refrigerating process. This elegant discovery of the Professor promises to prove equally interesting to the philosopher, and important in its application to the common purposes of life, in every climate. Whether required as a luxury in health, or as a necessary in sickness, ice may at all times be readily procured.

At a late meeting of the Bath Literary and Philosophical Society, Dr Wilkinson, in remarking upon a paper presented by Dr Wollaston, relative to the theory of the diamond cutting glass, mentioned, that he had some micrometers, made by the late Mr Coventry, where the lines on glass had been so finely drawn, that the cross lines formed a series of squares, so minute, that 25 millions are equal to no more than one square inch.

The plan of a new drag for searching for drowned bodies has been submitted to, and approved by the same society. It consists of an iron rod, at least six feet in length, divided into three parts by two joints; so that, as the sides of rivers are generally sloping, the two extremi


ties of the rod may lie on either bank, while the central part keeps its horizontal position on the bed of the river. this rod are attached a number of creepers, at the end of small chains, about a foot asunder. This instrument, towed by a small boat, will, it is conceived, completely search the bed and banks of any small river.

African Expedition.-Accounts have been received from Lieutenant Campbell, on whom devolved the command of the expedition for exploring the Joliba or Niger River, on the death of Major Peddie, stating his arrival at the head of the river Nunez, whence he intended proceeding across the mountains towards Bammakoo, the place at which Mr Park embarked; on the surface of which Lieutenant Campbell and his companions are in all probability at this time.

Earthquakes.-The following is an enumeration of earthquakes felt in different parts of the world since the 1st of January last:

Jan. 13. In the Gulf Stream.

17. At Chamouny, in Switzerland.
19. At the same place.
20. At the same place, and also
at Alcocer, in Spain.

Feb. 11.

[blocks in formation]

April 1.



ditto, very violent, direction from north to south. (Day not mentioned) At Palermo.

A gentleman at Blackheath has found, that alcohol and snow or ice mixed together, form an absorbent of such capacity, that the temperature of snow, when the alcohol is not very strong, is reduced from 32° to 17°.

Orders have gone down to Plymouth for the Resolute bell-vessel to repair to Portsmouth, in order that the state of the Royal George may be ascertained, preparatory to the removal of her hull, either together or in pieces. Her remains are estimated to be worth £56,000, while the expense of raising them will proba

bly be not more than one-fifth part of the


Saturday, the 10th ult. Mr Moir exhibited a model of a machine before the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, for impelling a vessel against a stream, without the application of sails, oars, or


Bath Literary and Philosophical Society.-March 17.-Mrs Grose favoured the Society with some specimens of the Cicada mannaferens, or locust of New South Wales, and likewise of the wild honey or manna deposited by that animal on a large forest tree called the Eucalyp tus. This insect continues but a short time in its winged state: it was first observed in November 1800, by Colonel Paterson, in the pupa state, and on the same day it appeared with its wings through an opening in the back of the outer covering; it was then in a very weak state, and slowly left its original abode. The rapidity with which the insect enlarges after this is surprising; in the course of a few hours it can fly to the top of the tallest eucalyptus, which generally grows to the height of sixty or seventy feet. On this tree Colonel Paterson first discovered the manna in great quantities, apparently produced by these insects. It may be collected both in a liquid and in a saccharine state: the inhabitants gathered it, and used it for some time as sugar, but soon discovered that it possessed in some degree the quality of manna. The extraordinary noise these little creatures make is deserving of notice the males first begin with a note similar to that of the land-rail, and repeat it for several times; at length the females join, when the combination of notes exactly resembles the noise of grinding knives or razors; and hence the insect is popularly known by the name of the razor-grinder. It makes its appear ance about the end of November, and early in January deposits its eggs in the ground. The larva is perfect in September, when it is formed into the pupa, in which state it remains until November. There is a species of the insect in New South Wales of the same appearance, and which makes the same sort of noise, but produces no manna.

The university of Cambridge has recently received a gift of £20,000 from an unknown individual, who is stated to be on the verge of concluding a century, and who has adopted this plan in preference to a testamentary bequest, as the legacy duty is thereby saved. The gift is expressly to St Peter's College; the Master and Fellows of which, it is said, intend to expend the interest of the sum in founding some new Scholarships, and

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