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[P. T., Peace Treaty]

Abandoned properties law nullified.

Turkish P. T., 1920. 210

Adrianople, scheme of organization for. Treaty of Sevres, Aug. 10, 1920. 166

Adriatic Sea, Free access to. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 127

Ægean Islands. Ceded to Italy. Turkish P. T., 1920. 205

Egean Sea, access to. Turkish P. T., 1920. 21

Aerial navigation. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 119; Turkish P. T., 1920. 273

Africa, Commercial equality in. Convention revising the General Acts of Berlin and
Brussels, Sept. 10, 1919. 314

Convention for control of trade in arms and ammunition, Sept. 10, 1919. 297
Convention relating to liquor traffic in. Sept. 10, 1919. 322

Air clauses. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 42; Turkish P. T., 1920. 225

Ammunition and arms, convention for control of trade in, Sept. 10, 1919. 297

Anatolia. Tripartite agreement between the British Empire, France, and Italy, Aug. 10,
1920. 153

Antiquities, new law to be enacted. Turkish P. T., 1920. 290

Arbitral commissions to determine rights of refugees. Turkish P. T., 1920. 210
Arbitral tribunal, mixed, for settlement of private enemy rights. Hungarian P. T.,
1920. 108

Archaelogical researches and objects. Turkish P. T., 1920. 291

Archives to be restored. Turkish P. T., 1920. 290

Armenia. Independent state established. Turkish P. T., 1920. 198

Armament clauses. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 35; Turkish P. T., 1920. 213

Armies of occupation, Cost of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 64; Turkish P. T., 1920. 237
Armistice terms continued in force. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 45, 65; Turkish P. T.,
1920. 229

Arms and ammunition, convention for control of trade in, Sept. 10, 1919. 297

Convention to be accepted. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 145; Turkish P. T.,
1920. 289

Art objects to be restored. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 63; Turkish P. T., 1920. 290
Artistic property. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 100, 110, 114, 117; Turkish P. T.,
1920. 253, 263

Austria. Political arrangements concerning, accepted by Hungary. P. T., 1920. 28
Special agreement with Hungary concerning coal, foodstuffs and raw materials.
Hungarian P. T., 1920. 79

Austria-Hungary. Frontiers. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 14

Austro-Hungarian Bank, liquidation of. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 72

Bagdad Railway. Tripartite agreement between Great Britain-France-Italy, Aug. 10,

1920. 153

Batum, access to Black Sea by port of. Turkish P. T., 1920. 282
Belgium. Political arrangements concerning, accepted by Hungary.
1920. 28

Berlin, General Act of, 1885. Convention revising, Sept. 10, 1919. 314
Black Sea, access to. Turkish P. T., 1920. 282

Frontiers of Turkey. Peace Treaty, 1920. 182

Peace Treaty,

Bosnia included in expression "Kingdom of Hungary." Hungarian P. T., 1920. 149
Bosphorus. Freedom and navigation of the. Turkish P. T., 1920. 186, 219

Boundary commissions. Hungarian and Turkish P. T.s, 1920. 19, 184

Boxer indemnity renounced. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 34

Brest-Litovsk treaties abrogated. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 29, 76; Turkish P. T., 1920,
207, 243

Brussels, General Act. of, 1890. Convention revising, Sept. 10, 1919. 314
Bucharest, Treaty of, abrogated. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 76; Turkish P. T., 1920. 243
Bulgaria. Political arrangements concerning, accepted by Hungary. Peace Treaty,
1920. 28

Cables, submarine. Rights renounced. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 62; Turkish P. T., 1920.

Capitulations re-established and revised.
Ceded territories. Archives and rights
Turkish P. T., 1920. 292

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Turkish P. T., 1920. 207, 247

of inhabitants. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 30:

Companies and concessions in. Turkish P. T., 1920. 270

Private property, rights and interests in. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 114; Turkish

P. T., 1920. 259, 260

Central America, Pact of Union, Jan. 19, 1921. 328

Chile Great Britain. Treaty for establishment of a peace commission. March 28, 1919.

China. Political clauses. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 34

Christians in Turkey, protection of. Turkish P. T., 1920. 212

Cilicia. Tripartite agreement between Great Britain-France-Italy, Aug. 10, 1920.
Claims commission. Protocol between Haiti and United States, Oct. 3, 1919. 169
Claims, pecuniary, renounced. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 148; Turkish P. T., 1920. 289
Transferred to Allies. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 76, 77; Turkish P. T., 1920. 238


Clearing offices for enemy private debts. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 90
Commerce and navigation rights in Greece. Treaty of Sevres, Aug. 10, 1920. 167
Commercial exchange contracts. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 104; Turkish P. T., 1920. 266
Commercial relations. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 78; Turkish P. T., 1920. 247
Commission of the Straits. Turkish P. T., 1920. 186

Companies and concessions. Turkish P. T., 1920. 270

Companies, mixed enemy and national. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 116; Turkish P. T.,
1920. 259

Concessions and companies. Turkish P. T., 1920. 270

Concessions, forced, annulled. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 87; Turkish P. T., 1920. 252
Concessions, public, may be transferred to Allies. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 76
Concessions not to be granted. Turkish P. T., 1920. 238

Congo. Convention revising the General Acts of Berlin and Brussels, Sept. 10, 1919. 314
Constantinople, status of. Turkish P. T., 1920. 185

Consular officers, Allied, in Hungary. Peace Treaty, 1920. 82

Contracts, enemy. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 101, 103; Turkish P. T., 1920. 263, 265
Customs regulations. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 78

Cyprus. Annexation by Great Britain recognized. Turkish P. T., 1920. 204

Czecho-Slovak trains through Hungary. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 130, 131

Czecho-Slovakia-Hungary. Frontiers. Peace Treaty. 1920. 17

Political clauses. Peace Treaty, 1920. 23

Special agreement concerning coal, foodstuffs and raw materials. Peace Treaty,
1920. 79

Dalmatia. Treaty of Rapallo, Nov. 12, 1920. 176

Damages to be paid. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 49, 52; Turkish P. T., 1920. 237
Danube River, international regime of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 121, 124; Turkish P. T.,
1920. 281

Dardanelles. Freedom and navigation of the. Turkish P. T., 1920. 182, 186, 219
Debts, private. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 88, 116; Turkish P. T., 1920. 262

Debts, public. Apportionment of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 66; Turkish P. T., 1920. 238
Degrees, academic, recognized. Treaty of Rapallo, Nov. 12, 1920. 177

Diplomas of foreign schools to be recognized. Turkish P. T., 1920. 211

Disputes concerning ports, waterways and railways provisions. Hungarian P. T., 1920,
133; Turkish P. T., 1920. 288

Documents to be restored. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 63

Duties, customs. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 78, 120; Turkish P. T., 1920. 276
Duties and taxes in Turkey. Peace Treaty, 1920. 247

Economic clauses. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 78; Turkish P. T., 1920. 247

Egypt. British protectorate recognized. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 32; Turkish P. T.,
1920. 201

Electric power, apportionment of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 126; Turkish P. T., 1920. 286
Enemy property in belligerent territory. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 93, 97, 115, 151;
Turkish P. T., 1920. 257, 261

European Commission of the Danube. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 124
Exports. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 78, 120; Turkish P. T., 1920. 276

Federation of Central America. Pact of Union, Jan. 19, 1921. 328.
Financial clauses. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 64; Turkish P. T., 1920. 235
Financial Commission appointed. Turkish P. T., 1920. 236, 246
Fishing boats to be replaced. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 58

Fiume, free state of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 24; Treaty of Rapallo, Nov. 12, 1920. 175
France-Great Britain-Italy. Agreement respecting Anatolia. Aug. 10, 1920. 153
Frontiers. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 14; Turkish P. T., 1920. 182

Frontiers of other states recognized. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 29; Turkish P. T., 1920.

German ships transferred to Turkey to be surrendered.

Turkish P. T., 1920. 242

Gola railway station, joint use of. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 130
Graves. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 48; Turkish P. T., 1920. 232

Great Britain-Chile. Treaty for establishment of a peace commission, March 28, 1919.

Great Britain-France-Italy. Agreement respecting Anatolia. Aug. 10, 1920. 153
Greece Allied and Associated Powers. Treaty of Aug. 10, 1920. 153

Greece-Turkey. Frontiers. Peace Treaty, 1920. 182

Political clauses. Peace Treaty, 1920. 197

Haiti-United States. Claims commission protocol, Oct. 3, 1919. 169

Health Council of Constantinople. Cooperation with. Turkish P. T., 1920. 293
Hedjaz. Independent state established. Turkish P. T., 1920. 201
Hedjaz Railway ceded. Turkish P. T., 1920. 285

Heraclea coal basin.

Aug. 10, 1920. 153

Tripartite agreement between Great Britain-France-Italy,

Herzegovina included in expression "Kingdom of Hungary." Hungarian P. T., 1920. 149
Historical material to be restored. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 63; Turkish P. T., 1920. 290
Hydraulic systems. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 126; Turkish P. T., 1920. 286

Imbros, Island of, ceded to Greece. Peace Treaty, 1920, 197; no fortifications on, Peace
Treaty, 1920. 219

Imports. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 78, 120; Turkish P. T., 1920. 276

Independence of Hungary inalienable. Peace Treaty, 1920. 29

Industrial property. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 100, 110, 114, 117; Turkish P. T., 1920,
253, 263

Inland states, vessels of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 81; Turkish P. T., 1920. 248
Insurance contracts. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 105, 116; Turkish P. T., 1920. 266
Insurance reserves, State. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 117

Inter-Allied Commissions of Control for armament clauses. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 43;
Turkish P. T., 1920. 226

International Commission of the Danube. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 124

International financial and economic organizations. Participation in, renounced. Hun
garian P. T., 1920. 75

International Labor Office. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 134; Turkish P. T., 1920. 288
Interned civilians, repatriation of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 46; Turkish P. T., 1920. 230
Iron Gates of the Danube. Mandate abrogated. Hungarian P. T., 1920. 125
Istria, boundaries of. Treaty of Rapallo, Nov. 12, 1920. 173

Italy. Political clauses. Hungary P. T., 1920. 21

Italy-France-Great Britain. Agreement respecting Anatolia, Aug. 10, 1920. 153
Italy-Kingdom of Serbs-Croats-Slovenes. Treaty of Rapallo, Nov. 12, 1920. 173

Jewish national home in Palestine. Turkish P. T., 1920. 200

Jews in Greece, protection of. Treaty of Sevres, Aug. 10, 1920. 165

Jews in Turkey, protection of. Turkish P. T., 1920. 212

Judgments of allied courts in Turkey recognized. Turkish P. T., 1920. 292
Judgments, enemy. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 101, 103; Turkish P. T., 1920. 263, 265

Kurdistan, State of, established. Turkish P. T., 1920. 192

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Tripartite agreement between Great Britain-France-Italy, Aug. 10, 1920. 153
Labor, international organization of. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 134; Turkish P. T., 1920.

League of Nations Covenant. 4

Turkish P. T., 1920. 219
Peace Treaty, 1920. 204

Lemnos, Island of. No fortifications on.
Libya. Rights in, renounced by Turkey.
Limitations, statutes of, enemy. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 101, 115; Turkish P. T., 1920.

Liquor traffic in Africa, Convention relating to, Sept. 10, 1919. 322


Convention to be accepted. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 145; Turkish P. T., 1920.

Literary property. Hungarian P. T., 1920, 100, 110, 114, 117; Turkish P. T., 1920.
253, 263

Loan, Haitian, for payment of claims. Protocol between United States and Haiti, Oct.
3, 1919. 169

Loans not to be contracted. Turkish P. T., 1920. 236

Luxemburg. Political arrangements concerning, accepted by Hungary. Peace Treaty,
1920. 28

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