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if not diminished by necessary improvements to the canal during the coming winter, is more than sufficient to pay the outstanding bonds of the fund.

In February last Internal Improvement Warrant No. 5329 for $20 00, dated May 3d, 1842, was presented and paid, together with $42 79 interest, making a total payment of $62 79. There is still ontstanding of this class of warrants $5,792 37, bearing date mostly from 1845 to 1850, which would make their amount now, including interest, about $15,000 00.

During the year there was received from the Governor, for the sale of ordnance stores under Joint Resolution No. 4, Laws of 1871, $583 50, and from the Quartermaster General, for the rent of military offices in Detroit, $700 00, which amounts have been credited to the Military Fund. The State tax of $27,976 05 has also been credited, making the total credits for the year $29.259 55.

The payments from the fund were as follows: To the Treasurer of the Military Board, under the provisions of Act No. 35, Laws of 1869, for the benefit of the Soldiers' Aid Fund, $500 00; to the Quartermaster General, on estimates of the Military Board, approved by the Governor, $4,000 00; for Roll of Honor, under Joint Resolution No. 1, Laws of 1873, $1,339 50; for salaries of military officers, $1,675 03. Total payments for the year, $8,514 53. The balance now standing to the credit of the fund is $85,168 28, an increase for the year of $20,745 02.

The transactions in Swamp Land Scrip for the year were as follows: Balance outstanding Sept. 30th, 1872...

There was issued during the year..

$144,629 18

233,449 51

$378,078 69

The net amount charged on the books of this office was.

214,935 44

Balance outstanding at this date.

$163,143 25

Of this amount over $115,000 00 was issued in August and September, 1873. During the year we have surrendered to the various townships, on the written order of their respective boards, verified under seal by their county clerks, Railroad Aid Bonds to the amount of $1,065,842 50. On page 7 we give a detailed list of those still remaining in the office, amounting to $985,733 30.

The Bonded debt of the State has been reduced during the year $510,000 00, including $140,000 00 not due till 1878, 1879, and 1883. All bonds that could be reached at par and accrued interest have been taken.


The credit to this fund on the Trust Fund ledger is $1,663,802 83. The debit on the main ledger is $1,388,618 42, which gives a net credit of $275,184 41. This amount includes $50 for a War-Loan Bond drawn for payment January 1st, 1863, which has never been presented. The credits to the fund during the year were

Trust Funds...

Balance of Specific Taxes..

Making the total amount of credits...

$193,358 87 31,061 82

$224.420 69

[blocks in formation]

This leaves the transactions in the fund since its inception as follows:

One-sixteenth mill tax, 8 years levied, 1861 to 1868.

One-eighth mill tax, 10 years levied, 1862 to 1871.

Excess of taxes levied for interest..

War expenses refunded by the United States.

$111,511 06

357,256 57

1,068,066 42

266,828 40

Discount on bonds purchased.

3,069 17

Trust Funds received from February 1st, 1863, to July, 1873... 1,663,802 83

[blocks in formation]

The funded and fundable debt of the State is as follows:

Interest-Bearing Bonds.

Sault Canal Loan Bonds, 6's, due July 1st, 1879.......
Renewal Loan Bonds, 6's, due July 1st, 1878..
Two Million Loan Bonds, 6's, due January 1st, 1878.
66 6's, 66




War Bounty Loan Bonds, 7's, due May 1st, 1890.---.

$73,000 00

111,000 00

353,000 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

$54,000 part-paid Five Million Loan Bonds, adjust

able at $578 57 per $1,000....

31,242 78

34,292 78

Total bonded debt....

$1,733,292 78

The cash now in the Treasury set apart for the payment of the bonded debt

is as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Balance from sales of Two Million Loan Bonds to pay adjusted and Five Million Loan Bonds...

34,242 78

$412,000 81

Which leaves the total bonded debt of the State, less the cash in the Treasury applicable to its payment, $1,321,291 97.


The trust debt of the State is composed of the following funds and amounts: 'Primary School Fund.....

Five per cent Primary School Fund.

University Fund..

Agricultural College Fund..

Normal School Fund...

Railroad and other deposits.

List of Railroad Aid Bonds on deposit:





Three Oaks.




St. Joseph.

Van Buren..
Van Buren..

..Van Buren.

[blocks in formation]

$2,116,426 89

284,771 97

331,234 03

103,192 39

50,138 22

4,227 46

$2,889,990 96







North Star





[blocks in formation]

$15,000 00

50,000 00

20,000 00

[blocks in formation]

Chicago & Michigan Lake Shore..
Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac..
Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac
-Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac.......
-Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac..
.Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac..
.Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac..
Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac.
-Lansing, St. John's & Mackinac..
Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac..
Lansing, St. Johns & Mackinac..
Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River..........
Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River....
Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River....
Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River...
..Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River..
-Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River...
Jonesville, Marshall & Grand River..
Owosso & Big Rapids....

16,000 00

[blocks in formation]

Michigan Lake Shore..

Michigan Lake Shore..
Paw Paw Valley..

Paw Paw Valley.

Paw Paw Valley.

..Paw Paw Valley.

East Saginaw & Ann Arbor.
East Saginaw & Ann Arbor.

....East Saginaw & Ann Arbor..........

50,000 00

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Delinquent Taxes.

The following tables will show the details of revenue and expenditures for

the fiscal year:

Tax Histories...

Tax Deeds..

State Tax Lands. Redemptions.


$1,902 34

661 85

43,396 32

28,267 21

259,876 24

$334,103 96

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United States 5 per cent of cash sales of Government land......
Sale of Michigan Reports..

28,723 20

$2,865 80


Compiled Laws..

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

1,460 00

70 00

70 00

Railroad Laws..

26 00

Insurance Reports.

30 00

4,521 80

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