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taken possession of it in the name of their country, and sought to make friends and allies of its Indian occupants. They had built a fort at Presq' Ile [pres keel], now Erie, and in 1752 showed what course they intended to pursue by breaking up a British post on the Miami, and carrying off its occupants to Canada. The chief of the Miami confederacy, who had bravely defended the English, was taken prisoner, and inhumanly killed and eaten by the savage allies of the French.

Alarmed by these movements, the Shawnees, Delawares, and other Ohio Indians, sent the brave Half King to Erie to remonstrate with the French commissioners. "You and the English are white," said he, "and we live in a country between you. The land belongs to neither of you. The Great Being above allowed it to be a dwelling-place for us." "It is my land," answered the haughty Frenchman; "and I will have it, let who will stand up against it." On hearing that the Half King's mission had been unsuccessful, the western tribes quickly sent ambassadors to the English at Carlisle [car-lile], Pennsylvania. They were met by the wise Franklin, who conciliated them with gifts and promises of protection.

233. The French had now established posts at Waterford and Venango, in northwestern Pennsylvania; and Governor Din-wid'-die, of Virginia, determined to send a trusty messenger to the commander to demand the reason of his intrusion on English territory. Washington was selected, at the age of twenty-one, for this important mission. Two years before, through the influence of Fairfax, he had been appointed Adjutant-general.

On the 31st of October, 1753, Washington left Williamsburg, the capital of Virginia. After twenty-four days of diligent and fatiguing travel, he reached the place where Pittsburg now stands, and was struck with the military and

matter? Where had the French built a fort? What course did they pursue? What was done to the Miami chief? Give an account of the interview between the Indian ambassador and the French authorities at Erie. What did the Indians next do? By whom were they met at Carlisle ? 233. Where had the French established posts? [See

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(Washington's Route from Williamsburg, Va., to the French forts is denoted thus

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commercial advantages of the position. At Logstown he held a friendly conference with the Indians, who declared themselves firm friends of his nation; and thence, with the Half King and other chiefs, he proceeded to Venango. Here he obtained no satisfaction. The commander boastfully declared that his nation intended seizing on the whole of the

Map.-Where were these posts? On what water was Presq' Ile? Where is the Miami River? At the junction of what two rivers is Pittsburg? What place was a few miles lower down, on the Ohio?] On what did Gov. Dinwiddie resolve? Who was selected for this mission? How old was he? What rank did he hold? When did Washington start? Describe his route. What took place at Logstown? Where did Washington



Ohio valley. No course was left the young ambassador but to go on to Waterford; and this he did through mire and swamp, and across rivers rendered almost impassable by the rains and snows of December. He found the fort strongly defended. Many pine boats and bark canoes were in readi ness for the contemplated expedition in the spring. St. Pierre [peer], the commandant of the post, sought not to disguise his intentions. He was there, he said, by the orders of his general, and according to those orders he should destroy every English post on the Ohio. Unable to shake his resolution, Washington prepared to go back; but his Indian companions had been so wrought upon with threats, flatteries, and rum, that the Half King alone remained faithful. St. Pierre tried every means to detain the Red Men and win them over from the English; it was only by skilful management that Washington baffled his efforts.

The home journey was full of dangers and difficulties. Intense cold and violent storms set in. The horses having become disabled, it was found necessary to go afoot, while the labor of walking was greatly increased by the deep snow with which the ground was covered. The streams were swollen, and to cross them amid the drifting ice was toilsome and perilous. The life of the youthful hero seems to have been preserved almost miraculously. At one time, he was fired upon at a distance of fifteen paces by an Indian in ambush; at another, he was jerked from a rude raft into the angry waters of the Alleghany. Yet amid these dangers, he was saved for greater things.

Seldom has so important a mission been intrusted to one so young, and never was mission more faithfully performed. Washington could not induce the French to abandon their claim to the Ohio valley; but he learned all that his government wanted to know respecting their designs and the strength of the forts he visited. Through deserters from New Orleans, he gained much valuable information concern

then go? Give an account of his interview with the French commandants at Venango and Waterford. Who had accompanied him? On preparing to return, what did Washington find had been done to his companions? Describe the home journey. What dan

ing the French posts on the Mississippi: and during the whole expedition he conducted himself with a discretion and gallantry which gave high promise of future usefulness.

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234. THE report of Washington roused the colonists to action. In accordance with his recommendation, the Ohio company commenced the construction of a fort at the junction of the Alleghany and the Monongahela, on the present site of Pittsburg; and Gov. Dinwiddie dispatched a body of men to protect the laborers. The death of their colonel on the march threw the command into the hands of Washington. The progress of the party through the heavy roads of the wilderness was necessarily slow; and, before they had performed half the journey, the unfinished work, together with thirty-three men engaged on it, was taken by the French. The latter went on with the building, and speedily erected a strong fortress, which they called Du Quesne [du kane'] after the new governor of Canada.

This placed the Indian allies of the English in a critical position. The Half King sent an express to Washington, imploring him to come to their aid. This he was doing, as fast as he could cut roads and drag over them the cannon and powder that had been designed for the new fort. On some parts of the route, a day's march carried him no more than a couple of miles. When within a short distance of the French, he hastily constructed a stockade, to which he gave the appropriate name of Fort Necessity, throwing up with

gers did Washington encounter? What is said of this mission? How was it performed? What information did Washington obtain?

284. What was the effect of Washington's report? Where was a fort commenced? What measures were taken for the protection of the laborers? How were these measures defeated? What did the French do with the unfinished fort? What was now the situation of the Indian allies of the English? What message did Washington receive? Describe his march. What fort did he build? Whom did he soon meet? What was




his own hands the first shovelful of earth. This done, he continued his march, and soon had the pleasure of meeting the faithful Half King. A council is held. The chief announces that the French are near at hand in strong force, lying in wait for the wearied Virginians. A night attack is forthwith concerted. The trail of the enemy is found, and leads Washington and his companions, in Indian file, through the impenetrable darkness of a rainy night, to a camp concealed among the rocks, where they are resting in fancied security. Suddenly alarmed, the French rush to their guns; but at the instant Washington orders his men to "Fire!" and discharges his own musket. Hardly for fifteen minutes is the contest protracted. Jumonville [zhoo-mong-veel'], the French leader, is slain, with nine of his comrades, and twentyone prisoners fall into the hands of the English.

Washington had expected reinforcements, as well from the colonies as from the friendly Indians of Ohio. Messengers were sent to hasten their arrival; but only one company came, and they proved rather an encumbrance than an aid, their commander foolishly claiming precedence of the colonial leader because he held his commission from the king. With anxiety Washington heard that the French were concentrating around him, and at last he fell back on Fort Necessity. Here his little band was besieged by 600 Frenchmen and 100 Indians. After a severe fight, which lasted nine hours, the French, though they had gained decided advantages, proposed a parley, and agreed that Washington and his men should march out with the honors of war, retaining their stores and baggage. On the evacuation of this post (1754), no English flag waved west of the Alleghanies.

235. Meanwhile the necessity of united action on the part of all the English colonies had become obvious. A meeting of delegates from Virginia and every colony north of the

the result of their interview? Give an account of the battle. How many were slain and captured? Whence had Washington expected reinforcements? How many companies arrived? What is said of it? What awakened Washington's anxiety? What was he compelled to do? By how many French and Indians was he besieged? Give an account of the siege and its result. 235. What important meeting was held in

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