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BOTH LIONS (together): "Unaccustomed as I am to lie down with anything but a lamb, still, for the public ."-From Punch (London)

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PERIOD of upheaval in human affairs while testing men and masses, throws into high relief the qualities of true leadership in individuals. As the generations grow in intelligence and in democratic equality, they are not so much swayed by personal authority at the hands of rulers, and they are less disposed to follow blindly the individual orator or demagogue, or the fanatical exponents of movements and creeds. With public opinion ruling in our relatively enlightened communities, personal leadership of the earlier types is so much less dominant that we seem at times to be inferior in the qualities which are supposed, traditionally, to mark the "heroes" or "representative men" or personages worthy to be named in history.

In point of fact, there was never so great an opportunity for the exercise of leadership as our own times afford. The more advanced the community, the more susceptible it is to the effort and influence of a leader who would carry it further in some aspect of social progress. The better attuned the instrument, the finer the results of the master hand that employs it.

The Nature of Modern Leadership

In the clash of arms and the crises of states, there is so much discussion and controversy about leaders and their capacities that we sometimes forget to analyze the nature of modern leadership. A man may be put in a place of high authority through the working of official systems without having been a leader in previous experience and without becoming one while in official power. The function of leadership becomes specialized and subdivided. The real leader may be the private adviser or the obscure adjutant, and not the man who is nominally at the head. When future Americans look back with due perspective upon the present age, the foremost men of achievement and leadership may not bear the names of those about whom we are now reading most frequently in the newspapers. Individuals or groups working serenely and unselfishly in the fields of science, of education, of public health, of international good-will,-may be placed at the very top of the list among the leaders of this generation.

Leadership counts for most in these days when it works in association with tendencies, and does not therefore stand out too conspicuously. Thus recent progress in aviation— owing much to one man and another who will in due time have jus credit for leadership has been amazingly accelerated because leadership was exerted where favoring opportunities were so numerous. An immense series of developments in the fields of invention, of engineering and of industry made leadership far more successful even though less noted.

A Modest Type of Leader


The career of a worthy educator who died last month illustrates remarkably well the new kind of leadership that accomplishes great results without notoriety, and with honor and esteem but without popular acclaim. Professor Samuel T. Dutton was a leader in education and philanthropy. was not a challenging and bitter-tongued reformer, although he saw what was wrong in human relations with clearness, and had unfaltering courage in standing for justice. But it was not so much his mission to lead crusades, or to demand bold innovations, as to cooperate tactfully with wholesome tendencies of sound human progress, and help to construct the better order along with everybody else who was facing in the right direction.

To some readers this characterization may seem quite negative, if not commonplace and vague, when one seeks for "upstanding" heroes of another mold. Why, in these days when "current history" asserts itself in spectacular ways, should space be given to recording the qualities of a quiet, self-effacing educator, rather than to some other man whose recent death has been announced in large headlines? It is indeed quite possible that the man whose death is noted by millions or hundreds of millions may have been a true and typical leader, as well as a man of contemporary fame. This may be said in the most emphatic way of the late Theodore Roosevelt, whose power for almost forty years to influence and lead his fellow citizens lay in his being so essentially an embodiment of American qualities, and so fearless in sup

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