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table estate. The important case of Dodds v. Hills is dismissed with a single sentence. Mr. Williams cites it as a case where an equitable mortgagee of shares of stock subject to a trust was allowed to prevail over the cestui's prior equity although the mortgagee received notice of the trust before the transfer was registered on the books of the company; he fails to appreciate what seems to have been the true ground of decision, namely, that to secure registration no further act of the fraudulent trustee was necessary.

The style of the work is generally clear and succinct. One finds, however, an occasional awkward sentence, as "the expression 'legal fraud' has often been taken exception to;" or "which the defendant knows to be untrue or is indifferent as to its truth."

But whatever may be the deficiencies occasionally noted, the book as a whole is not without clear merit. Numerous cases have been added to the citations and the index has been revised and enlarged. The value of the work as a book of reference will be permanent.

ESSAYS IN LEGAL ETHICS. By George W. Warvelle. Chicago: Callaghan & Co. 1902. pp. xiii, 234.


This book is made up of a series of lectures given by the author to his classes in the Chicago Law School. It has the faults common to most books on the subject, being chiefly an enumeration of the rules of conduct ordinarily recognized and followed by the better class of lawyers, with very little that is illuminating or satisfactory in the way of comment or explanation. So far as these rules are based on the more or less artificial but generally admirable standard of professional dignity, which lawyers themselves have by long precedent established, even a bare enumeration is instructive to the student. Moreover, most of the situations presenting problems of professional conduct which recur frequently in the experience of practitioners are treated, so that a perusal of the book at least calls these situations to the mind of the reader, and if he be at once thoughtful and inexperienced the reading may lead to some helpful meditation upon their moral aspects. Beyond this little can be said. No mere book of rules can solve the more difficult moral problems of the lawyer, and only a treatment of the underlying principles, at once scholarly, discerning, and sensible, could be in itself of great value in preparing the lawyer for the responsibili ties of his profession. The present volume, even where there is an attempt to explain the basis of the rules, approaches this standard very remotely, supporting sound rules with reasoning often inconclusive and sometimes manifestly unsound. The style is generally clear and direct, but there is a lack of perspective and subordination, and the use of English is occasionally somewhat barbarous.

COMMENTARIES ON THE LAW of Negligence. By Seymour D. Thompson. In six volumes. Vol. III. pp. xl, viii, 1118. Indianapolis: The BowenMerrill Co. 1902. 8vo.

This third volume of Judge Thompson's work on Negligence, the first two volumes of which were reviewed in 15 HARV. L. Rev. 327 (Dec., 1901), is concerned entirely with the negligence of Carriers of Passengers. It includes a complete revision of the author's previous work on Carriers of Passengers, which consisted of selected cases with extensive notes. The long discussion of the general subject of passenger carriers with which the volume opens, although it seems to run beyond the proper scope of a book on negligence, is nevertheless excellent. But the examination of particular subjects which follows is too detailed. The reader's mind is confused by the profusion of quotations and brief statements of cases, and is not relieved by the suggestion of any underlying principle. The book may be heartily recommended, however, to the practising lawyer who wishes to find a case having certain given facts, or to look up the latest decisions, of which a vast number are cited.

AMERICAN ELECTRICAL CASES, being a Collection of Important Cases (excepting Patent Cases) decided in the State and Federal Courts of the United States from 1873 on Subjects relating to the Telegraph, the Telephone, Electric Light and Power, Electric_Railway, and Other Practical Uses of Electricity, with Annotations. Edited by William W. Morrill. Vol. VII. 1897-1901. Albany: Matthew Bender. 1902. pp. xxiv, 940. 8vo.

This volume gathers in convenient and accessible form the more important of recent electrical decisions, exclusive of patent cases. Like the preceding volumes of the series it covers a wide range of decisions, many of them being reported in full, while others of minor consequence are briefly recorded in appropriate notes. The editor occasionally ventures a comment of his own, perhaps as frequently as one would expect in a subject that is so free from technicality and so largely a matter of sound sense.

It might well be thought that the practical efficiency of the work would be increased by a more thorough classification of the cases. As the book stands they are grouped under four divisions so general as to be of little value. No title, curiously, appears for Part I. That assigned to Part II. seems carelessly drawn, containing the somewhat puzzling words "Abutting Owners' and Other Private Rights."

Čomplete indexes to notes and cases are found in the present volume, covering all the volumes of the series that have thus far appeared. The work cannot fail to commend itself to those whose practice or study leads them into this growing field of the law.

THE LAW OF VOID JUDICIAL SALES. The Legal and Equitable Rights of Purchasers at Void Judicial, Execution, and Probate Sales, and the Constitutionality of Special Legislation validating Void Sales and authorizing Involuntary Sales, in the Absence of Judicial Proceedings. Fourth edition. By A. Č. Freeman. St. Louis Central Law Journal Company. 1902. pp. 341. 8vo.

THE RIGHT TO AND THE CAUSE FOR ACTION, both Civil and Criminal, at Law, in Equity, and Admiralty, under the Common Law and under the Codes. By Hiram L. Sibley, Circuit Judge in the Fourth Circuit of Ohio. Cincinnati: W. H. Anderson & Co. 1902. pp. x, 165. 8vo.

THE LAW OF INTERPLEADER, as administered by the English, Irish, American, Canadian, and Australian Courts, with an Appendix of Statutes. By Roderick James Maclennan. Toronto: The Carswell Company, Limited. London: Stevens & Sons, Limited. Boston: Boston Book Co. 1901. pp. xxix, 464. 8vo.

A TREATISE ON THE LAW OF MASTER AND SERVANT, including therein Masters and Workmen in Every Description of Trade and Occupation; with an Appendix of Statutes. By Charles Manley Smith. Fifth edition by Ernest Manley Smith. London: Sweet & Maxwell, Limited. 1902. pp. xcviii, 823.


VISUAL ECONOMICS, with Rules for the Estimation of the Earning Ability after Injuries to the Eyes. By H. Magnus and H. V. Würdemann. Milwaukee: C. Porth. 1902. pp. 144. 8vo.

SUMMARY AND INDEX OF LEGISLATION IN 1901. N. Y. State Library Bulletin 69. Edited by Robert H. Whitten. Albany: University of the State of New York. 1901. pp. 815-1229. 8vo.

REVIEW OF LEGISLATION, 1901. N. Y. State Library Bulletin 72. Edited by Robert H. Whitten. Albany: University of the State of New York. 1902. pp. 248. 8vo.


Acts, Joint Committees for Adoptive. Anon. 66 Just. P. 211-212; 227-228.
Adoptive Acts, Joint Committees for. Anon. 66 Just. P. 211-212; 227-228.
Advertising by Lawyers. Anon. 47 Oh. L. Bul. 263.

Amendments to the Constitution, Proposed. H. L. West. 33 Forum 213–221.
Anarchy. By Hon. Baron B. Colt. 10 Am. Law. 148-154.

Anglo-Indian Legislation, Hindu Law and H. H. Shephard. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 172–


Antenuptial Conveyances in Fraud of Marital Rights. Hubert R. Southall. 7 Va. L. Reg. 822-830.

Antiquated Courts and Miscarriage of Justice — III. Chas. H. Hartshorne.

N. J. L. J. 100-107.

Assessment, Special. L. P. Walters. 17 Chic. L. J. 339–341.



Liability with Cargo for Successive Ports. Harrington Putnam. 2 Colum. L. Rev. 275-282.

Bank Act, State Banking in the United States since the Passage of the National. Geo. E. Barnett. Series XX. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. Nos. 2-3.

Banking, State, in the United States since the Passage of the National Bank Act. Geo. E. Barnett. Series XX. Johns Hopkins Univ. Stud. Nos. 2-3.

Bankrupt Act, The Effect of the Federal, upon State Insolvency Laws. Ira Jewell Williams. 41 Am. L. Reg. N. S. 211-226.

Bankruptcy a Commercial Regulation. James M. Olmstead. 15 HARV. L. REV. 829843.

Bankruptcy Law, Proposed Amendments to the Federal. S. Whitney Dunscomb, Jr. 2 Colum. L. Rev. 313-323.

Biblical Law, A Lawyer's Study in. David W. Amram.
Borough Civil Courts. Anon. 66 Just. P. 178-179.

14 Green Bag 231-233.

Canada, Criminal Law of. N. W. Hoyles. 38 Can. L. J. 225-260.

Case Law, A Sketch of the Development and Growth of. Geo. W. Williams. 1 Md.

L. Rev. 53-57.

Law, The. Darius H. Pingrey. 34 Chic. L. N. 276.
Leslie J. Tompkins. 1 Can. L. Rev. 349-356.
Leslie J. Tompkins. I Can. L. Rev. 349–356.

Case System of Teaching
Certification of Checks.
Checks, Certification of.
Civil Procedure Code Bill, The.

Anon. 12 Madras L. J. 1.

Code Bill, The Civil Procedure. Anon. 12 Madras L. J. I.

Code, Shall Illinois adopt a, of Civil Procedure? Anon. 17 Chic. L. J. 280-285; 298-300.

Colonial New York, Changes in the Laws and Allegiance of. Lee M. Friedman. 15
HARV. L. REV. 810-828.

Committees, Joint, for Adoptive Acts. Anon. 66 Just. P. 211-212; 227-228.
Common Law Misdemeanours, The Punishment of. Anon. 66 Just. P. 177-178.
Commonwealth, Docketing Judgments in Favor of the. Henry Roberts.
Reg. 817.

7 Va. L.

Competition and the Law - II. Bruce Wyman. I Can. L. Rev. 338–345. Condition, Waiver of Breach of, by Insurance Companies - II. John D. Falconbridge. 22 Can. L. T. 155-169.

Constitution, Proposed Amendments to the. H. L. West. 33 Forum 213-221. Contracts, Argument against the Theory that Minors' are Voidable. D. F. Mulla. I L. Dig. & Rec. 1-6.

Contracts for Legal Services by Municipal and Other Public Corporations. Eugene McQuillin. 54 Central L. J. 343-348.

Contracts for the Benefit of a Third Person. Samuel Williston. 15 HARV. L. REV. 767-809.

Contracts of Corporations. Charles Thwaites.

24 L. Stud. J. 98–100.

Corporations, Contracts for Legal Services by Municipal and Other Public. Eugene McQuillin. 54 Central L. J. 343-348.

Corporations, Contracts of. Charles Thwaites. 24 L. Stud. J. 98-100.

Court of Wards Bill, The. B. Govinda Nambiyar. 1 L. Dig. & Rec. 10-12.

Courts, Antiquated, and Miscarriage of Justice-III. Chas. H. Hartshorne. 25 N. J. L. J. 100–107.

Courts, Borough Civil. Anon. 66 Just. P. 178-179.

Covenants to pay Rates. Anon. 66 Just. P. 162–163.

Creditors' Priority on Partnership Property, Firm. Edmund Bayly Seymour, Jr. 41 Am. L. Reg. N. S. 189-210.

Criminal Law of Canada. N. W. Hoyles. 38 Can. L. J. 225-260.

Cumulative Sentences, Can, be imposed? Wilbur A. Heisley. 25 N. J. L. J. 108


Curtesy, The Effect of the Act of 1898 upon a Tenancy by the. Archibald N. Young. 1 Md. L. Rev. 43-44.

Customary Law in Guernsey. Anon. 112 Law T. (London) 524-525.
Cyclists and Innkeepers. Anon. 112 Law T. (London) 517-518.

Declaration of Independence, Some Phases of. John L. Webster.

10 Am. Law.

Degree, Should a College, be required for Admission to Law Schools. Anon. 47
Oh. L. Bul. 261–262.

Diplomacy, Pan-American. J. W. Foster. 89 Atl. Mon. 482-491.
Discretion of Justices as to Issue of Distress Warrants for Rates.
P. 243.

Anon. 66 Just.

Distress Warrants for Rates, Discretion of Justices as to Issue of. Anon. 66 Just. P. 243.

Distress Warrants for the Recovery of Rates. Anon. 66 Just. P. 193-194. Docketing Judgments in Favor of the Commonwealth. Henry Roberts. 7 Va. L Reg. 817-822.

Domicile. Anon. 1 Can. L. Rev. 336–338.

East Ham Omnibus Cases, The. Anon. 66 Just. P. 179–180.

Education Bill, The. Anon. 66 Just. P. 209-211; 225-227; 242-243.

Education, Progress of Reform in Legal. Anon. I Md. L. Rev. 44-45.

Eminent Domain, What constitutes the Public to justify a taking of Property under the Right of. Colin P. Campbell. 54 Cent. L. J. 323-327

Employers, Statutory Liability of, for Defects in the Condition of their Plant. C. B. Labatt. 38 Can. L. J. 273-291; 313-334.

Endowments, Hindu and Mahomadan Religious - I. Jurisdiction of British Courts. Anon. 12 Madras L. J. 25.

Equitable Relief against Money-Lenders. Anon. 6 Calcutta W. N. cvi.-cvii.

Erskine, Thomas, and his First Case. Fritz V. Briesen. 4 Brief 35-40.

Evarts, William M., Lawyer and Statesman — II. J. Hampden Dougherty. 10 Am.
Law. 59-64.

Farquharson v. King. John S. Ewart. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 159–171.
Federal Bankrupt Act, The Effect of the, upon State Insolvency Laws.
Williams. 41 Am. L. Reg. N. S. 211-226.

Ira Jewell

Federal Bankruptcy Law, Proposed Amendments to the. S. Whitney Dunscomb, Jr. 2 Colum. L. Rev. 313-323.

Fees of Lawyers. William O. Inglis. 34 Chic. L. N. 295.

Fleet Marriages. Vincent Van M. Beede. 14 Green Bag 234-239.

Flogging, The Futility of. Tighe Hopkins. 112 Law T. (London) 568-569.
Forensic Oratory. Frank O. Lowden. 10 L. Stud. Help. 99.

Fraud of Marital Rights, Antenuptial Conveyances in. Hubert R. Southall.
L. Reg. 822.

7 Va.

French-Canadian Law, The Origins of the. G. S. Holmested. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 178


General Average Liability with Cargo for Successive Ports. Harrington Putnam. 2 Colum. L. Rev. 275-282.

[blocks in formation]

14 Green Bag 205-208.

Anon. 4 Bombay L. Rep. 73–76.

Heir, Remarried Hindu Widow as.

High Courts, Revisional Jurisdiction of the, under the Provincial Small Cause Courts Act. K. R. Subramanya Sastri. I L. Dig. & Rec. 6-10.

Hindu and Mahomadan Religious Endowments-I. Jurisdiction of British Courts. Anon. 12 Madras L. J. 25.

Hindu Law and Anglo-Indian Legislation. H. H. Shephard. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 172– 177.

Hindu Widow as Heir, Remarried.

Anon. 4 Bombay L. Rep. 73-76.

Humors of the English Jury Box. Lawrence Irwell. 14 Green Bag 228-230.

Ice forming on Public Waters, Rights in. Anon. 34 Chic. L. N. 295.

Illinois: Shall it adopt a Code of Civil Procedure? Anon. 17 Chic. L. J. 280–285. 298-300.

Impeachment of a Witness, To what Period of Time is the, limited. Jos. E. Davies. 54 Central L. J. 303–309.


Labor Unions. Anon. 47 Oh. L. Bul. 140-142. Innkeepers, Cyclists and. Anon. 112 Law T. (London) 517-518.

Insolvency Laws, The Effect of the Federal Bankrupt Act upon State. Ira Jewell Williams. 41 Am. L. Reg. N. S. 211-226.

Insurance Companies, Waiver of Breach of Condition by — II. John D. Falconbridge. 22 Can. L. T. 155-169.

Interstate Commerce Act, The Amendment of the, and Railroad Pooling. W. A. Rob ertson. 33 Forum 143-150.

Inventions, Letters Patent for.
Corp. Rep. 338-339.

Irish Land Bill, The New - I., II.

Thomas A. Banning. 34 Chic. L. N. 274; 24 Nat.

Anon. 36 Irish L. T. 123-124; 133-134.

Joint Committees for Adoptive Acts. Anon. 66 Just. P. 211-212; 227-228. Judgments in Favor of the Commonwealth, Docketing. Henry Roberts. 7 Va. L. Reg. 817-822.

Judgments, Lien of, as to Purchasers for Value without Notice. George Bryan. 7 Va. L. Reg. 830.

Jurisdiction, Revisional, of the High Courts under the Provisional Small Cause
Courts Act. K. R. Subramanya Sastri. I L. Dig. & Rec. 6-10.

Jury Box, Humors of the English. Lawrence Irwell. 14 Green Bag 228-230.
Jury, Development of Trial by. E. C. Lawrence. 14 Green Bag 239-246.

Justice, Antiquated Courts and Miscarriage of — III.

N. J. L. J. 100-107.

Charles H. Hartshorne. 25

Justices, Discretion of, as to Issue of Distress Warrants for Rates. Anon. 66 Just. P. 243.

Labor's Right to Persuade.

Labor Unions, Injunctions.

George W. Alger. 4 Brief 24-34.

Anon. 47 Oh. L. Bul. 140-142.

Land Bill, The New Irish-I., II.

Anon. 36 Irish L. T. 123-124; 133-134

Law, A Sketch of the Development and Growth of Case. Geo. W. Williams. 1 Md. L. Rev. 53-57.

Law School, The Purpose and Methods of a - II. W. Jethro Brown. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 192-210.

Law Schools, Should a College Degree be required for Admission to? Anon. 47 Oh. L. Bul. 261–262.

Law, The Origins of the French-Canadian. G. S. Holmested. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 178–


Law, The Right Kind of a. Interview with Rev. Dr. Charles H. Parkhurst. Anon. 10 L. Stud. Help. 103.

I Md. L. Rev. 39-41.

Law, The Teaching of. W. W. Willoughby.
Lawyer, How One Young, built up a Practice. Anon. 10 L. Stud. Help. 103.
Lawyer's Methods in Practice, A Great. Paper on Judge William J. Robertson.
Charles M. Blackford. IO L. Stud. Help. 100.

Lawyer's Study in Biblical Law, A. David W. Amram. 14 Green Bag 231-233.
Lawyers, Advertising by. Anon. 47 Oh. L. Bul. 263.

Lawyers, Fees of. William O. Inglis. 34 Chic. L. N. 294.

Legal Education, Progress of Reform in. Anon. I Md. L. Rev. 44-45.

Legal Rights of Married Women. A. Leftwich Sinclair. 30 Wash. L. Rep. 242.

Legal Services, Contracts for, by Municipal and other Public Corporations. Eugene McQuillin. 54 Central L. J. 343-348.

Legislation, Anglo-Indian, Hindu Law and. H. H. Shephard. 18 L. Quart. Rev. 172

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