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Val. V.]

Retrospect of Spanish Literature.-Topography, &c. 529

Nombre, las Vicarias de Truxillo, Béjar, Medellin, Jaraicejo, Jaraiz, y Cabezuela, y tambien la Abadia de Cabanas: por D. Tomas Lopez, &c. A geographical Map of the Bishopric of Placencia, comprehending the District of that Name, the Vicarages of Truxillo, Bejas, Medellin, Jaraicejo, Jaraiz, and Cabezuela, and alfo the Abbey of Cabanas: by D. Tomas Lopez, &c.

2. Dos Cartas esféricas de los Reconocimientos en 1792, en la Cofta N. O. de América, para examinar la Entrada de Juan de Fuca y la Internacion de fus Canales navegables, levantadas de Orden del Rey, nuebro Senor abordo de la Goleta Suxil y Mexicana, por los Capitanes de Navio de la Real Armada D. Dionifio Alcala Galiano y D. Cayetano Valdés. Two fpherical Maps of the Survey of the north-east Coaft of America, made by his Majefty's Command, in the Year 1792, with a View of exploring the Entrance of Juan de Fuca, and the Extent of its navigable Canals, on board the Sloops Suzil and Mexicana, by D. Dionifis Alcala Galiano, and D. Cayetano Valdés, Captains in the Royal Navy.

The various opinions entertained by the geographers of the last two centuries, with respect to the existence and extent of the above canals, and their pretended communication with the Atlantic, render the account of the voyage of these two floops, which is preparing for the prefs, extremely important; for the reading of which these maps are as indifpenfibly requifite, as they are neceffary for navigators, who vifit that coaft.


1. Compendio de las Grandezas del Real Monafterio de S. Lorenzo del Efcurial, unica Maravilla del Mundo. An Abridg. ment of the Grandeurs of the Royal Monaftery of St. Lorenzo of the Efcurial, a matchlefs Wonder of the World.


1. El Viagero univerfel ó Noticia del Mundo antiguo y nuevo, obra recopilada de Los Mejores Viageros, por D. Pedro Eftaia, Prefbitero, Quaderno 30. An univerfal Collection of Travels, or Introduction to the Knowledge of the ancient and modern World, recompiled from the best Collections of Travels, by D. Pedro Eftata, Prefbyter, No. 30.

This number of the voluminous work, contains the voyage to the flave coat, and to the kingdoms of Ardra, Benin, Congo, and Loango, and completes the tenth vofume.


2. El Viagero univerfal, St. Quaderno MONTHLY MAĞ. No. XXXIII.

31 An univerfal Collection of Voyages, &c. No. 31.

This number of the above work comprifes the voyage to the Canaries, and the island of Madeira.

3. El Viagero univerfal, &c. Quaderno An univerfal Collection of Voyages, &c. No. 33.


This prefent number, which completes Vol. XI. contains the difcovery of Ame rica, and a description of the island of St. śmingo.


4. El Viagero univerfal, &c. Quaderno An univerfal Collection of Voyages,

&c. No.


This number concludes the defcription of the province of Guayaquil, and contains the beginning of the journey to Quito.

5. El Viagero univerfal, &c. Quaderno 38. An univerfal Collection of Voyages, &c. No. 38.

This number contains a continuation of the defcription of the kingdom of Quito, of the river Maraxon, and of the Amazons, &c.


6. El Viagero univerfal, &c. Quaderno

This number contains an account of the customs of the Indians, and of the productions of the province of Quito.


7. El Viagero univerfal, &c. Quaderno

In this number is contained the voyage to Lima.


1. La Holandesa, comedia nueva en tres actos, fu autor D. Cafpar y Zamora; El Amor Conftante, drama en un acto, por el Mifmo, &c. The Dutch Girl, a new comedy in three acts, by D. Cafpar and Zamora; The Conftant Love, a play in one act, by the fame author.

2. Armida y Reynaldo, primera y Segunda parte, efcritas por D. Vicente Ramirez de Arellano, y reprefentadas por la Compania de Navarro. Armida and Reinaldo, firft and fecond part, written by D. Vicente Rami rez de Arellano, and reprefented by the Company of Navarro.

3. Relacion fifica de las Comedias y el Corazon del Hombre, en que fe declaran los movimientos é imprefiones, que caufan á fin de deleytar y divertir á los concurrentes. A Phyfiological Account of Plays, and of the Human Heart, wherein are illuf. trated the fenfations and impreffions excited by the former, in order to delight and amufe the audience.


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Retrospect of Spanish Literature.-Novels, e. [Sup

The Difmal Night of Troy, in one act, by
D. Vicente Ramirez dé Arellano, &c.

5. La Moda, comedia en ires actos. Fashion. a comedy, in three acts.

This comedy is a critic on the whims of fashion.

6. La fingida Enferma por Amor, ópera jocofa, en dos altos, por Don Luciano Francifco Comella, &c. The feigned Sicknefs through Love, a farce, in two acts, by Doa Luciano Francifco Comella, &c.

7. Coleccion de las mejores Comedias nu evas, que fe van reprefentando, en los teatros de efla Corte, 9 tomos en 40. que compreben den las reprefentadas defde el ano 1789, inclufive, bafta el de 1796, tambien inclufive. A Collection of the best new Plays, which are reprefented at the theatres of this place, 9 vols. in 46, including thofe which have been acted fince the year 1789, down to 1796 inclufive.

& Gatalina II, Emperatriz de Rufia, drama beroyco en tres ačios, reprefentada el dia 4 de Noviembre, 1797, &c. por D. Luciano Francifco Comella. Catherine II, Emprefs of Ruffia an heroic drama, in three acts, acted on the 4th of November, 1797, &c. by D. Luciano Francifco Comella.

9. La Comedia nueva, comedia en dos actos, en profa. The New Play, a comedy, in two acts, in profe.

10. Ino y Nervile, drama en dos actos, por D. Luciano Francifco Comelia. Ino and Neivile, a play in two acts, by D. Luciano Francifco Comella.


1. El Engano Feliz, &c. for D. M. M. C. The Fortunate Miftake, &c. by

D. M. M. and C.

The author delineates the dangers to which young girls expofe themfelves, by liftening to the artful advice of a falfe friend; and inculcates the neceffity of warching over the education of daughters with the utmost care.

2. El Diablo cojuelo; verdades fonadas, novelas de la otra vida, par D. Luis Velez de Guevara, &c. The Limping Devil; Truths revealed in Dreanis and Tales of the World to come; by D. Luis Velez de Guevara, &c.

This is the fecond edition of a wellknown ludicrous romance, which, on its firit appearance, was received with great applaufe.

The firft was about A.D. 1660.

3. El Akazar de la Senfibilidad, ó los Matrimonios Felices; anecdota de Jacinto y Eftuardo; novela afaz defventurada: el libro á la moda ó el tocadar, eferito en letra `de color de rofa, pulimentado y barnizados


obra útil y necefaria à la juventad que defea lucir y brillar en las ferias de Madrid. The Caftle of Senfibility, or the Happy Marriages, an anecdote of Jacinto and Eftuardo; a novel tolerably difinal: the book of fashion, or the buck, written in pink-coloured letters, polished and varnifhed; a work useful and neceffary for young gentlemen, who wish to figure and thine at the Madrid fair.

4. Romance josofo, intitulado, Avifos baratos, que da á fus caros Amigos el Leo. D. Juan Elcarmiento, a fin de que en las prefentes ferias fean todos guardianes de fu bolfa, &c. A ludicrous romance, intitled, Cheap Advice, given to his dear Friends, by D. Juan Efarmiento, that they may all well husband their purfe during this prefent fair. &c.

5. Biblioteca Entretenida de Dumas, tome 1. Entertaining Library (or Magazine) for Ladies, vol. 1.

This is the first volume of a collection of novels and moral tales, either tranflated from foreign publications, or selected from the belt Spanish compofitions of this kind. for the amusement and instruction, of ladies; to this volume is prefixed an account of the origin, nature, progress, and prefent state of novels.

6: La Leandra, novela original que com-. prebende muchas, per D. Ant. Valadares de Sotomayor. Leandra, an original novel, which comprehends more than one, by D. Ant. Valcadares de Sotomayor.

7. Coleccion de Novelas efcgidas de los mejores ingenios Espanoles, & tomos, en 30. que contienen 53 novelas, biftoricas, tragicus, morales, jocejas é inftructivas. A Collection of felect Novels by the best Spanith authors, vols. in Svo. containing 3 hiftorical, tragic, moral, ludicrous, and inftructive novels.


1. Viages Politicos y Filofofuos, en que fe enfina el camino de inquirir el origen de las ciencias y artes, agricultura, y paftoria, &c. un tomo en 8. Travels, Political and Philofophical, wherein is pointed out the way of enquiring into the origin of fciences and arts, of agriculture, and the rearing of theep, &c. i vol. in 8vo.

2. Mifcelanea inftructiva, curiofa, y agradable, numero 8. A Mifcellany, picafing, curious, and inftructive. No. 8.

This number contains an hiftorico-critical differtation on the capture of Rome by the Gauls; a letter from Mr. Paftoret to Mr. de la Cratelle, on the observations of the latter, on the ufe of eloquence at the bar; an hiftorical account of the dreffes of the Roman matrons; remarks on fever


Vol. V.] Retrospect of Spanish Literature-Mifcellanies.

ral treatises on education; description of the interior parts of the Etna, by the Abbé Spalanzani; obfervations on the lion, extracted from SPARMAN'S Voyage to the Cape of Good Hope; a converfation of Emily with her mother; an historical account of the mine of Huencavéilca, in Peru, &c.

3. Coleccion de Papeles critico-apologeticos, que en fu juventad efcribio el P. Jofeph Francifco de Ila, contra el Dr. D Pedro de Aguenza, y D. Diego de Torres, en defenja del R. P. Benito Gerónimo Feixoo y del Dr. Martin Martinez, dos tomos, en 8. A Collection of critico-apologetical Papers, written in his youth, by Father Jofeph Francifco de Ifla, against Dr. Pedro de Aguenza, and D. Diego de Torres, in Defence of the Reverend Father Benito Gerónimo Feixoo, and of Dr. Martin Martinez, 2 vols. in 8vo.

4. Mifcelanea inftructiva, curiofa, y agradable, No. 9. A Mifcellany, pleafing, curious, and inftructive, No. 9.-This number contains an account of the capture and deftruction of Carthage by the Romans; an answer to the remarks on the treatifes on education; a reply from Mr. de la Cratelle to Mr. Paftoret, on the abufes of eloquence at the bar, &c.

5. Memorial Literario de Abril y Mayo, partes 1a y 2a. The Literary Memorial (or Magazine) for April and May, part and 2.

These two numbers of this literary magazine, the first number of which was publifhed in 1784, contain a funeral diety on the death of the duke of Alba; a differtation on the means of promoting the public happiness; an account of the new colonies in the Andes of Guamalies, a profpectus of a feminary of agriculture; a profpectus of the elements of philofophy of the Abbé Para ordinances relative to the managesment and direction of the royal college of phytic at Madrid; premiums offered by the academy of phyfic at Madrid; &c. &c. 6. Querella del pueblo Chriftiano contra los Medicos en el Tribunal de la Ṛazon y. Refpuefta de eftos, por D. Guillermo Gimel, Medico de la Junta de Sanidad de la Ciudad de Malaga. Complaint of the Chriftian People against the Phyficians before the Tribunal of Reafon, and the Reply of the latter, by D. Guillermo Gimel, Phyfician of the Board of Health of the City of Malaga.

7. Obras de Miro. Fernan. Perez de Oliva, &c. en 2 tomos, en So. The works of M. Fernan. Perez de Oliva, in 2 yols. in 8vo.


This work contains a dialogue in Latin and Spanish; a differtation on the elegance


and abundance of the Spanish language; a dialogue on the dignity of man; a dif fertation on the powers of the foul, and the good ufe of them; the comedy Amphitrion; the Vengeance of Agamem non, a tragedy; the doleful Hecuba, a tragedy, by Euripides; a report to the council of Cordova, on the navigation" of the Guadalquivir, and fifteen other dif fertations on curious and interesting subjects.

8. Mifcelanea inftructiva, curiofa, y agradable, ó Anales de Literatura, Sciencias, y Artes, No. 10. A Mifcellany, pleafing, curious, and inftructive, or Annals of Literature, Sciences, and Arts, No. 10.

This number of the interefting work before us, contains Mr. Sulzer's obfervations on comedy; a difcourfe on the origin and progreffes of Botany; a letter on various excavations intended to be made in Greece; medico-practical obfervations on the Havanah; general obfervations on fortified places, by Citizen Arzen; remarks on the effects of mufic in diseases; letter from a lady to her friend, on educa tion; a defcription of the naval academy at Amsterdam, by Citizen Thouin; an account of the anatomical works of Citizen Laumonier; &c.

9. The 11th and 12th numbers of the fame work contain the following articles: an enquiry into a paffage in Plutarch, on the death of Statira, mother of Darius; premiums offered by the fociety at the Havanah; on the various fpecies of Peruvian bark, and the different use to be made of them, according to the different mature of difeafes, by Dr. Mutis, phyfician in America; a letter from Maf. cagni, on the lymphatic fyftem; a dissertation on filk, and the culture of mulberrytrees; &c.

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Memorial Literario, Junio, &c. The Literary Memorial (or Magazine) for June.

This number contains, befides feveral royal ordinances, the funeral eulogium on F. Henrique Florez, of the order of St. Auguftine; a differtation on experimental agriculture, &c.

11. Memorial Literario, Julio, parte 1a. In this number are contained two royal ordinances on the mode of examining furgeons; and, on prizes, a difcourfe on the ftudy of jurifprudence, &c.

12. Memorial Literario, Julio, Parte 2a.

This number contains a royal ordinance refpecting the loan of 100 millions rials; a difcourfe on the utility of the study of mineralogy, by D. Andres del Rio, profellor or mineralogy in the feminary of Mexico; the fixth letter from D. Ifidoro de Antillon, containing a defcription of the diftrict of Albarrafin, &c.

3 Y 2





(To be continued in our future Supplements.)


MAGINET, Quai des Auguflines, An. VI, 8vo.

N compiling this retrospect, we shall chiefly have recourfe to the two literary journals now publishing at Paris. The diffolution of Poland, and her laft The Decade Philofophique appears every convulfive ftruggles, belong, no doubt, to ten days, about thirty-fix numbers form the prominent features of our eventful ing a year; it confifts of four fheets, era; and yet, the latter military operations large octavo, and the price is thirty francs in that country were hitherto involved in by the year, or 1. 5s. about ninepence a myfterious darkness, which the hiftorian each number. The Magazin Encyclope- whole only fources of information were the dique is published every fortnight, and partial reports of Ruffian generals, was hiconfifts of nine sheets, octavo; fix volumes, therto not able to difpel. This work is, of four numbers cach, complete the year. therefore, the more important, as it con These twenty-four numbers cost thirty-fix_tains the accounts of the opposite party, francs, or il: 10s. each number about is 3d. We confefs we much prefer the form, and time of publication, observed in the English journals.


Hiftoire des Vaudois, &c. The hiftory of the Vaudois, inhabitants of the western vales of Piedmont, 2 vols. 8vo. Thefe people are already noted in ecclefiaftic ftory; their name is derived from the valleys which they inhabit on the weft of Piedmont, between the Briançonnois and the province of Pignerol, between the marquifate of Suza and that of Salluces. Thele valleys form a fquare of about welve Italian miles; their chief denominations are Luzerne, Perouze, and St. Martin: the population exceeds not 17,000 fouls. In this fmall recefs, religious liberty and perfecution have long truggled. The author, himself a Vaudois, delineates theie ftruggles in an interefting manner.

Hiftoire des Révolutions, &c. The hif tory of thofe celebrated revolutions which have changed the face of empires, 3 vols. avo. This work comprifes confpiracies, as well as revolutions. The firft volume begins with the confpiracy of Arbaces against Sandanapalus, and ends with that of the Swifs against the Houfe of Auftria; the fecond pretins thofe of the porth of Europe; and the third, thofe of Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France. This collection of thofe fcenes, which are most ftriking in the drama of history, cannot fail to be interefting.

Hiftoire de la Révolution de Pologne, en 1794, pat un témoin oculaire, à Paris, chez

This journal is inferior to the other, being filled with infipid antiquities by the antiquary Milling the publisher.

and is written by a man, who, having been an eye-witnefs of the tranfactions he relates, defcribes them, though with fome apparent generous bias towards the cause of oppreffed liberty and justice, yet with fidelity and truth. His work is divided into two parts; the first of which contains a brief account of the Polish revolution; and the fecond, twenty-four state-papers relative to that event. After having briefly delineated the internal ftate of Poland, previous to the year 1794, and the reign of the late king Stanislaus, against whom the author adduces the charge of timorous irrefolution, and want of fincerity towards the infurgents, he unfolds the fecret fprings of the revolution which broke out in 1794, and relates the events of the war against the Ruffians; the iffue of which, from the obvious infufficiency of means, could not but prove unfortunate. The hiftorical account concludes with the capture of Prague, and the disbanding of the army of the infur gents, which was immediately followed by the political diffolution of Poland.

Hiftoire abrégée des Republiques, anciennes & modernes, par le Coyen BALARD, avec figures, à Paris, chez CAILLOT, Im primeur Libraire, l'An. vi. 4 vol. 12mo.

This work affords an additional proof of the truth of an obfervation, which has been as frequently contested as made, that the French revolution differs from fimilar events recorded in the annals of hiftory, merely from a peculiar complexion of circumftances, and the temper of the times. The author gives a brief hiftorical account of ancient and modern republics, and delineates, in a pleasing manner, their origin, organization, and the causes of their decline and downfall. The work comprifes the Grecian republics of Athens,


Vol. V.]

Retrofpect of French Literature.-Politics

Lacedemon, and Thebes, the republics of Carthage and Rome, down to the battle of Actium, the late republic of Venice, and the republics of Genoa, Lucca, San Marino, Ragufa, Holland, Swifferland, Ge neva, and America, and concludes with a fuccinct impartial account of the Republican revolution in France.

Campagnes du General Buonaparte, &c. The Campaigns of General Buonaparte in Italy, during the fourth and fifth Years of the French Republic, by a General Officer, 8vo. This is an interefting account of these two wonderful campaigns, which reconcile us to the miracles of an.. cient hiftory.

Mémoire Militaire fur Kehl, &c. A Military Memoir refpecting Kehl, containing an Account of the Paffage of the Rhine, by the Army under General Mofeau, and of the Siege of Kehl, by an Officer, 8vo. with Maps. This work will be useful to the future hiftorian, by prefenting minute and exact details of important military operations. According to this account, the fiege of Kehl, by the Archduke Charles, was one of the moft difgraceful and deftructive operations which the Auftrians ever undertook. was a puerile piece of obftinacy; while, had he advanced in imitation of the French mode, Kehl must have fallen of courfe.


Memoires de Paul Jones, &c. Memoirs of Paul Jones, written by himself, analyfed and tranflated under his own eye, by the Cit. André, 16mo. In this little work Paul does not boast of his own maritime exploits it is chiefly occupied with complaints against the ignorance of the French miniftry, and corruption of their clerks, which fruftrated his operations. He has likewife occafion to complain of ingratitude, both from France and America.

L'Inde en rapport avec l'Europe, &c, India confidered with regard to its Connexions with Europe, by Anquetil du Peron, 2 vols. 8vo. After his researches into the antiquities and geography of India, this author defcends to its modern connections with various European powers, He attempts to fhew, that the English commercial conquefts in that country cannot be lafting; and recommends the Marattas, as the fureft allies of France, in eradicating the English power.

Mémoire fur les trois Departements, &c. Memoir on the three Departments of Corcyra, Ithaca, and the Egean Sea, by the citizens Darbois, brothers, Officers of the Staff of the Army of Italy, divifion of the Levant, vo. This is a clear and


concife account of the late French acquifitions in the Levant. The authors begin with an hiftorical detail concerning the islands, and proceed to a defcription and a valuation of their importance.

It appears that Venice was in a state of complete dotage before her fall, and was only fupported by her ancient reputation. The forts, arsenals, &c. were found in miferable condition.

Precis de l'Hiftoire des Hebreux, &e, An Abstract of the Hebrew Hiftory, from Mofes to the taking of Jerufalem by the Romans, &c. by Edm. Mentelle, 12mo, In this abridgment, intended for the French fchools, all the miracles are omit ted, or explained from natural causes.


Obfervations, &c. Obfervations on the Profcription of General Laharpe, by the patricians of Berne, in 1791, octavo pamphlet. The violent perfecutions of the friends of freedom, by the Swiss arifto. cracy, was one great caufe of the late revo lution in that country. Violence, on either fide, always defeats its own purpofes in the iffue. This pamphlet may be ufeful in forming a proper estimate of that revolution.

Des Résultats, &c. On the Refults of the laft Campaign, by Matthew Dumas, one of the Members of the Council of Elders, 8vo. This pamphlet was pub lifhed when Lord Malmbury was trying to fubdue by gold a force, against which fteel had been found ineffectual.

Talibus auxiliis, perfidique arte Sinonis, Credita res, captique dolis lachrymifque coactis,

Quos neque Tydides, nec Lariffeus Achilles, :

Non anni domuere decem, non mille carinæ. Dumas was for peace on almost any terms.

Système Maritime, &c. The maritime and political fyftem of Europeans, during the eighteenth century, founded on their treaties of peace, commerce, and naviga tion, by the Citizen Arnoud, &c. The intention of this work is to estimate the power of the various naval ftates in Europe; and to fhew that an union of all is necessary to combat the maritime de fpotifm of England.

De la Situation, &c. On the Internal State of the Republic, by Charles Theremin, French citizen, fon of a proteftant, who left France on account of religion, with this motto from Chancellor l'Hopi tal's fpeech in the Council before Charles IX, "For my part, I fhall ever endeavour to mitigate, and not to inflame." 8vo. This patriotic pamphlet is divided inte feven chapters, and is a moderate and fen

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