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Meanwhile opinion gilds with varying rays
those painted clouds that beautify our days;
each want of happiness by hope fupplied,
and each vacuity of fenfe by PRIDE:
These build as fast as knowledge can destroy;
in folly's cups ftill laughs the bubble joy.
One prospect loft, another still we gain,
and not A VANITY is given in vain.


AMIDST thofe inequalities of condition, which the state of human life requires, where it was necessary that fome fhould be rich, and others poor, that some fhould be eminent and distinguished, and others obfcure and mean, how feasonable is that good opinion which every one entertains of himself; that felf-complacency with which he prefers himself to others;

Whate'er the paffion, knowledge, fame, or pelf,



And that fond hope, which is ever pleasing him with


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the prospect of future pleasures and advantages in life. Without those flattering fenfations, vain as they often are, how totally infupportable would this world become to many of its inhabitants. Whereas, by means of them, PROVIDENCE hath wifely balanced the inequalities of condition among mankind. It hath contrived to diffuse pleasure through all ranks; and to bring the high and the low nearer to a level with each other than might at first be fuppofed. It hath smoothed the most rugged tracts of human life; and hath gilded with rays of borrowed light its most dreary fcenes.

We are also intended by PROVIDENCE to be connected with one another in fociety. By means of fociety our wants are fupplied, and our lives rendered comfortable; our capacities are enlarged, and our virtuous affections called forth into proper exercise. In order to confirm our mutual connection, it was neceffary that fome attracting power should pervade the human breast. Nothing could more happily fulfil this purpose, than our being fo formed as to defire the good efteem of others. wanting, fociety must and difcordant state.

Had fuch a propensity been have proved an unharmonious Inftead of mutual attraction, a repulfive

repulfive power would have prevailed. Among men who had no regard to the approbation of one another, all intercourse would have been jarring and offenfive. For the wifeft ends, therefore, the defire of praise was made an original and powerful principle in the human breast.

To a variety of good purposes it is subservient, and on many occafions co-operates with the principle of virtue. It has given rise to most of the fplendid, and to many of the useful, enterprifes of men. It has animated the patriot, and fired the hero. It awakens us from floth, invigorates activity, and stimulates our efforts to excel. The defire of praise is also connected with all the finer fenfibilities of human nature.-But while the love of praise is admitted to be a natural, and, in fo many refpects, an useful principle of action, we are to observe, that it is entitled to no more than

our fecondary regard. It has its boundaries fet, by tranfgreffing which, it is at once transformed from an innocent into a most dangerous paffion. More facred and venerable principles claim the chief direction of human conduct. All the good effects which we have ascribed to the defire of praise, are produced by it when remaining in a fubordinate station. But when paffing its na5 A 2


tural line, it becomes the ruling fpring of conduct; when the regard which we pay to the opinions of men, incroaches on that reverence which we owe to the voice of confcience and the fenfe of duty; the love of praise having then gone out of its place, instead of improving, instead of being a VIRTUE, it becomes a






Paffions, like elements, though born to fight,
yet, mix'd and foften'd, in his work unite.
LOVE, HOPE, Joy, fair pleasures fmiling train,
HATE, FEAR, and GRIEF, the family of pain;
thefe mix'd with art, and to DUE BOUNDS confin'd,
make and maintain the balance of the mind:
the lights and fhades, whose well-accorded ftrife,
gives all the ftrength and colour of our life.


PASSIONS are ftrong emotions of the mind, occafioned by the view of approaching good or evil. They are original parts of the conftitution of our nature; and therefore to extirpate them is a mistaken aim. When properly directed they are fubfervient to very useful ends. They rouse the dormant powers of the foul. They are even found to exalt them. They often raise a man above himself, and render him more penetrating, vigorous, and mafterly, than he is in his calmer


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