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Aborigines of America.—The origin of, vol. iii., p. 109: vol. viii., 344.
Adams, John.-Vol. i.-His views of the Articles of Confederation, 33.
Appointed Minister to England, 63.

His presentation at the Court of St. James, 436.
Vol. ii.-Views of character of, 107. Vol. ix., 97.
His recall from England, 110.

Mr. Jefferson's views of his new work, 128, 282.
Vol. iii. His alienation from Mr. Jefferson, 257.

His anonymous contributions to newspapers, 267.

Letters from Jefferson, explaining the difference between them,
270. Vol. iv., 545, 555, 560.

Friendly relations with Jefferson restored, 292.

560. Vol. vi., 30, 31, 36, 125.

Vol. v., 559,

Vol. iv.-Opposition to his administration on the question of

war with France, 229.

The effects of his war policy, 234, 235.

Expenses of his administration, 259.

State of parties during his administration, 262, 263.

His appointments to office, 356, 383, 386.

Relations between him and Jefferson, 545, 555, 560.

Policy of his administration relative to French war, 290, 291,


Vol -Difference between his political opinions and Hamilton's,


Vol. vi. His views of Washington's administration, 157.

His political principles, 152, 162, 166, 208, 357, 473, 500. Vol.
ix., 189, 194.

Terrorism excited against him, 155.

His religious opinions, 150, 159, 168, 171, 174, 172, 204, 208,
251, 264, 325, 357, 473, 545, 599, 601. Vol. vii., 59, 68,
219, 280. [See Religion.]

Adams, John-Continued.

His views of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, 501,


The French encyclopædists, 555.

His views of different systems of philosophy, 556.

His views on aristocracy, 160, 222, 254, 260.

Vol. vii.-His estimate of life, 30.

His reading, 59, 69.

Calumnies of Pickering against, 58, 62.

His views of metaphysics, 71.

His views of Bonaparte, 71.

Letter of condolence to, from Mr. Jefferson, 107.

Oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence, 218, 219.
Vol. ix. In favor of a strong government, 189, 194.
Believes disunion inevitable, 203.

Adams, John Q.-Made Secretary of State, vol. vii., 85.
Adams, Samuel.-His character, vol. i., 121.
Advice.-Letter of, vol. vii., 401.

Agriculture. Vol. i.—Superiority to all other pursuits, 403, 465.
That of England and France compared, 549.

Vol. ii.-Condition of, in the South of France, 135.

Vol. iv.-Profits of, in Virginia, 1.

Vol. v. The science of, 224.

Implements of, 226.

Products of, adapted to U. States, 314.

Jefferson's partiality for. [See Jefferson, Thomas.]

Vol. ix. Scheme for general system of agricultural societies.
Albemarle County.-Vol. vi.-Its climate, soil and natural advantages,


Albinos.—Vol. viii.-Description of, 318.

Alexander, Emperor.—Vol. v.—Bust of, presented to Jefferson, 6.

His character, 7, 526. Vol. vii., 20.

His intervention in favor of neutral rights, 8.

Vol. vii. His views, 20. [See Russia.]

Aliens. Vol. i.-Who are and who are not aliens, 530.

Vol. ix. The rights and privileges of, 262.

Alien and sedition laws (The).—Vol. iv.-Proposal of, 237, 242, 244.
Objections to, 258.

Copy of Kentucky resolutions sent to Mr. Madison, 258.
Resolutions on, by Kentucky, 305. [See Kentucky.]

Vol. ix.-Resolutions relative to, 464.

Algiers. [See Barbary States.]-War with, the best policy. Vol. iii., 164.
Almanacs.-Vol. vi.-Improvements in suggested, 29.

America, United States of.-Vol. i.-Imperfections of articles of con-
federation, 78.

A new constitution for, necessary, 78.

Views of, prevalent in Europe, 407, 413.

Views of public affairs in U. States in the year 1785, 423.

English calumnies against, 427.

Hostile feeling of England against, 429, 464, 541, 550, 563, 604.
Low reputation of, in Europe, 513.

Extravagance of people of, 550.

Summary of news from, 349. [See U. States.]

Vol. iii.—Origin of the Aborigines of, 109. Vol. viii., 344.
Vol. viii. Whether men and animals degenerate in, 312.

Anas (The).-Explanation of, 87.

Anatomy.— Vol. vii.-Experiments in, 388.

Anglo-Saxon.-Vol. vii.-The language, 416.

Antiquities.-Vol. ii.-Monuments of in South of France, 132, 133, 134.
In Western America, 176.

Antoinette, Maria.-Vol. i.—Her character, 88, 101. Vol. ii., 154, 310.
Apocalypse (The).-Vol. vii.-Views of, 394.

Apportionment.-Vol. iii.-Bill apportioning representation, 384.
Aristocracy.-Vol. vi.-Views on, 160, 222, 254, 360. [See Virginia.
See Adams, J.]

Arms. Vol. i.-Supply of, for Congress, 603.

Vol. v.-When loaned by government, 168, 238, 240.

Vol. ix. Application for, by governor of Pennsylvania, 159.

Army. Vol. iv.-Reduction of, 430.

Vol. viii.-Objections to standing army, 11.

Vol. ix.-Pickering's views on, 194.

Army, Revolutionary.-Vol. i.-Virginia troops in, 235.

Continental troops in, 235.

Disasters of, in the South, 241, 249.

Success in Canada, 202.

Supplies of men, provisions and ammunition from Virginia for
Southern army, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, 251, 252, 253,
260, 262, 263, 273, 274, 285, 288, 302, 304. [See Virginia.]
The movements of the Southern Army, 291, 294, 296, 298, 299,
300, 302, 303, 309.

Expedition against Canada, 206.

Military movements in Virginia, 207.


Progress of the war, 211.

Vol. ix. False accounts of our battles circulated in Europe, 207.
Mutiny in, 258.

Arnold, Benedict.-Vol. vii.-His invasion of Virginia, 144. Vol. ix.,
212, 320.

Articles of Confederation.-[See Confederation.]

Asquith Leister.—Vol. i.—Relative to his imprisonment in France on
charge of being engaged in contraband trade, 583.

Assumption. [See Debts, State.]

Astronomy.-Vol. i.-Discoveries in, 447, 516.

Vol. v.-Its application to navigation, 374.

Vol. vi.-Astronomical observations, 27, 28.

Vol. vii.-New method of finding longitude, 223, 226.

Aubaine Droit d'.—Vol. iii.-Law of, in France, relative to citizens in new
States, 189.

Its abolition in France, 259.

Austria. Vol. i.-Relations between the Emperor of, and the Dutch,
346, 353, 355, 358, 365, 400, 405.

Vol. i.-Relations between Austria, Russia and Turkey, 400.
Treaty of commerce with, 510, 523, 566, 571.
Vol. ii. Our commercial relations with, 28.
Relations of, with the Netherlands, 289.


66 with Prussia and France, 315, 344, 371.

66 with Turkey, 392, 396, 510, 531, 552.


Bacon's Rebellion.-Vol. iv.-View of, 528.

Baily, M.-Vol. iii.-Made Mayor of Paris, 78.

Balls, Birth-night.—Vol. iv.--Dissensions about, 218.

Balloons.-Vol. i.--Experiments with, in France, 54, 441.

Banks. Vol. ii.-Jefferson's view of the English banking system, 405.

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Vol. vi.-Evils of the system of, 295, 300, 381, 434, 498, 515.

Vol. vii., 64, 111, 115.

Jefferson's hostility to, 305, 381, 605.

Suspension of, in 1814, 381. Vol. vii., 142.

Number of, at different periods, 434.

Vol. vii.-Suspension of, 142.

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