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we can do it but with the oss of security, the most gross mismanagement. Our excel-
property and reputation.
lent commanders and crews have fought their
way to glory, and with more merit than, on a
THE POPULARITY OF THE WAR. superficial glance, may be readily conceived.
THE annunciation of Peace was sudden, and,
When the war was declared, our naval force
to a lage majority of the community, unex-
was superior to that of the enemy on the Hal-
pected. There was no chance to caucus how
ifax station. For many months, the enemy
it should be received, nor time to receive in-
sent out only single frigates, none of them
structions from Washington how to conduct. equal to a single combat with ours; they
Federalist and Democrat, rich and poor, from might unquestionably have been captured in
the gentleman to the chimney-sweep, rushed succession, until our naval force would have
into State-street, to hear the grateful news re-
been doubled. But subject, as to their desti-
peated, and join in the common sentiment of nation, to the head of the department, they
delight. For hours, we heard of no inquiry as
were either delayed at home, or sent a-priva-
to conditions; it was Peace; in that one word teering, to plunder merchant vessels and de-
seemed to unite the wishes and views of eve-stroy fishermen; until the enemy had so in-
ry ind vidual.
creased his force upon our coasts, that our
ships of war were principally blockaded. A
ships, and the result was astonishing. Here
few rencontres took place between fighting

What must be the situation of a people; what the spontaneous, undisguised opinion of

our captains were commanders in chief.


the war, when not a soul asks or seems to care
how it ends. To such a situation the present
administration had brought a people proverbi-
The next measures to damp the ardour and
ally jealous of their rights and honour. Vol-
success of the navy, was to offer large wages
umes could not so strongly prove, that, when
and tempting bounties to the soldiers, while
opinion was unaffected by intrigue and corrup-couragement. The consequence was,
gur tars were left without any equivalent en-
tion, the war had not a single advocate, nor
Mr. Madison a political friend. He did
begin war for Peace, which we then enjoyed
but his warmest supporters were contented
with peace, and forgot the grounds of the con-

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THE Manifesto of our government on the Declaration of War,-Porter's war-feast speech in Congress-Mr. Dallas's Bankrupt Report, -and the Treaty of Peace, should be bound in a volume, and preserved in the archives, in some corner of the capitol at Washington, if the English left any apartment suitable for such a valuable deposit. Happily, we trust, for the future instruction of our country, the present Administration have written their own history; it is recorded at large in our publick documents. Mr. WAIT will soon give it to the world, and a more striking illustration of the contemptible character and destructive tendency of democracy could not be penned.

WHEN We speak of the disgrace which has been incurred, both by the war and the peace, if it be such as we have presumed, we would be understood to draw a line of distinction between the government and the people. The government has, in every respect, exposed itself to contempt; the people, independent of their connexion with the government, have undoubtedly acquired reputation. We do not recollect a single object avowed and directed by government, that has not been defeated. When all its efforts were at an end, and the defence of the country devolved on states, or people individually, the exertions of our citizens have not been surpassed by any people, in similar circumstances. In some instances, their achievements have been brilliant, and beyond any reasonable calculation.

So far as the navy has depended on the views of our rulers, it has had to contend with

frigates were deserted, to fill the ranks of the
invaders of Canada, and our brave sailors per-
ished in tents and huts on the northern fron-

The next blunder, or contemplated injury,
was transferring the scene of naval operations
from the ocean to the lakes. There they
could do their country no service. Their
Generals toss the lines and retreat, which
most brilliant exploits only opened passages to
has been the close of every campaign.

The army was destined for the reduction of
Canada. It was sent in handfuls under swag-
gering cowards or inexperienced adventurers;
and, until recently, the history of their opera-
tions was a history folly, defeat, and dis,
grace. Here too, individuals distinguished
themselves by personal valour and military
talent; but such was their distribution, such
their orders, and such their want of the usual
means of successful warfare, that more Ameri-
can soldiers HAVE PERISHED, on the frontiers

of Canada, than the whole regular force of the
enemy, in that province, for two years after
war was declared! and never has the Ameri-
can uniform been seen twenty miles within the
boundaries of Canada, but on prisoners of war.
When, at last, merit found its way to the com-
mand of our troops, government could no
longer furnish money nor soldiers, the con-
quest of Canada was abandoned as desperate,
and the remainder of our army put upon the
defensive, within our territory.

favourable to us, as fact would justify, in order to afford the more plausible pretext of assailing the ministry.

Whatever may be the stipulations of the Treaty, we have not trodden in the footsteps of those who opposed Mr. Jay's. It is " Mr. Madison's Treaty," and we expect and hope it will be ratified. In peril as we are, Peace cannot but be a blessing, though its character may be stamped as the offspring of a wicked and disgraceful war.

Should it possibly prove, that our Virginian government have not displayed their hostility to the interests of New England, by dooming her to exclusive sacrifices, besides those she must make in common with the Union, the premises on which we have argued fall to the ground, and of course, our argument.


EXTRACTS of letters from Ghent, or opinions obtruded on the publick by the authors and late advocates of the war, will not be the grounds on which the American nation will decide, what they have gained by the war, and whether the Peace is settled on terms honourable to our government. The Treaty will probably be published in a few days-then we shall compare it with that rejected by Mr. Jefferson in 1807. This Treaty is to be found in the 3d Volume of State Papers, just published by T. B. Wait and Sons-78th page.

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men ;

FOREIGN. It is stated by the way of Cuba, that Gen. Mina has entered Madrid at the head of 140,000 that Ferdinand had abandonned it, and proceeded to Badajoz, and shut himself up. That Charles IV. had sworn to the new Constitution, in favour of the people. All this wants confirmation

Sir George Murray has been appointed to succeed Sir George Prevost, as Governour and Commander in Chief of Canada. The British Government continue to embark troops for America The 52nd Regiment had marched from Chatham barracks for Portsmouth.

Reports that Louis XVIII. is to be crowned, next June, at Rheims.-That Bonaparte is very ill at Elba, with an inflammation in the breast.-That after the negotiations at Ghent were concluded, an affair of honour took place, which however ended without

The defence of the city of Washington dc-
volved inevitably on government. It was ta-
ken almost without resistance. The volunteer
spirit of Maryland defended Baltimore, and re-
pulsed the enemy. The militia of New-York
and Vermont defended Plattsburgh. But for
the exertions of volunteer militia, New-Or-
leans, where such prodigies have been effect-bloodshed.
ed, would have fallen the hour the enemy ap-


THE remarks in which we have indulged respecting the Treaty, may appear to some premature. It would have been much more agreeable to ourselves to have deferred all speculation on the subject, until the instrument itself had come before the publick; but ere that our labours will be closed. We see no reason to doubt the correctness of the outlines which have been suggested, as they object of which would be to represent it as come from an English opposition paper, the

DOMESTICK. It is with the most heartfelt sat

isfaction that before we close our Register, we have it in aur power to record the news of


The Treaty was signed at Ghent on the 24th of December, ratified by the British Government on the 30th. Henry Caroll, Esq. Secretary of American Legation, and Mr. Baker, appointed British Charge des Affairs, left London on the 2nd of January, and arrived at New York on the 11th instant. The news reached this town early on Monday morning the 13th.

This is claimed as Mr. Madison's Peace-Yes-it was his war, and it is his peace: we insist that he shall have the responsibility of both To him and his party belong the honour and gratitude due for every thing we have acquired since 1807, when we commenced hostilities.




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individual and private citizen claims authority to teach the magistrate; so that, one may say, there are as many rulers as people; and although four or five millions of inhabitants, which they reckon in the United States, is but a slender number, to compose a nation, yet, as each one is a king or an emperour, they may be thought a respectable, or, at least, a numerous body of crowned heads.

As to the conditions of Peace, we can only give the few features which have been reported in an English opposition paper. By these it appears that by this "honourable treaty" the pretensions of our governTHE WRITER, NO. XXXVIII. ment in favour of "Sailors' Rights" and against the I SOMETIME ago proposed to entertain my British system of blockades, which were the professed readers with further observations and remarks causes of the war, have been abandoned! That all the from the writings and letters of the Chinese property taken and condemned under the Orders of Council is to be retained by the British! Eastport and gentleman; but I have found it extremely the neighbouring islands which we possessed before difficult, with all my own learning, together the war, are to remain in the possession of the Eng- with the assistance of other learned men, to Thou knowest that the excellency of the lish! Our privileges of fishing on the British eastern get these writings translated; and have sel- Chinese laws is sufficiently proved by the test coasts, and trading to the British East Indies, enjoyed dom been rewarded, after all my trouble, by of ages, and the experience of more than before the war, are withdrawn! Such are the laurels won by the present administration. To the same list anding any thing in them worthy of publica- twenty dynasties, from the Hya to Tsing. In may be added the fact, that such is the state of the tion. They are almost entirely upon subjects a well regulated state, new laws are not necountry, that Peace on these HUMILIATING terms is of his private concerns, and the particular obessary, and it is always injurious to alter old universally welcomed, and unquestionably ELIGIBLE. The news of its ratification by the President's ex-jects of his voyage, with now and then an ungracious observation upon our ladies, which I alteration for many thousand years. The cmones; accordingly our code has received no pected early next week; and preparations of every shall never consent to allow; and such a description are making, to express the joy which so perour is the source of all laws, and he finds comparison between them and his Chinese desirable an event cannot but inspire. it easier for himself, and happier for his pcodamsels, as I am sure must be false, as eveple, that these should be few and permanent. ry comparison of this nature must be, with the fair of whatever country it is made, which together twice or three times a year for the But here, where six hundred lawgivers come does not give a decided preference to our own. He observes, that we affect to laugh at amending, revising, and repealing others, purpose of making new laws, and for altering, the Chinese women for squeezing their feet which had just been made, altered, amended, into small shoes, whilst our ladies practise revised, or repealed before, it is no wonder like unnatural restraint about their waists that a man should be sometimes perplexed to and as it regards their health," and rosy. now if he is within the statutes, or whether, bloom," he thinks it far less pernicious to pinch their feet, than their lungs. He also violating a system which, in their great and conforming to a law of yesterday, he is not seems to have a distate to slender waists. A manifold wisdom, they have adopted to-day. word which he frequently uses, as a mark of female beauty, cannot be well rendered into our language, but if I rightly understand its meaning, it is what the French would express by embonpoint.


New Orleans. We have accounts from this piace, to Jan. 20th. On the night of the 18th, the enemy decamped and returned to their boats, leaving behind them, under medical attendance, eighty of their wounded, 14 pieces of heavy artillery, and a quantity of shot. They were not molested in their retreat. The whole British loss, from their arrival in that

quarter, is said to exceed 4000 men. The fleet have never been able to ascend above fort St. Phillip. General Jackson states that when all the prisoners on both sides are exchanged, he will have an excess of several hundreds. We have little doubt that the expedition against New Orleans has entirely failed.

St. Mary's. A letter received in this town, from Charleston, S. C. dated Feb. 3, states that Col. Woodbine commanding the British and Indian forces, in the neighbourhood of St. Mary's, had been taken, and all his force, consisting of about 1100, by General McIn

tosh of the Georgia militia.

At the request of Brigadier Gen. Winder, a court of inquiry has been ordered to investigate the merits

In a fragment of a letter to his friend Hoof his conduct, during and previous to the battle of ang-tsi, he has ventured a few remarks upon Bladensburgh. The court is now sitting in Baltimore. our government, and some traits in our charIt is now very well understood that the court mar- acter as a people; but his tial on General Wilkinson has not for its object his trial, but the trial of General Armstrong.

The two armed vessels which sailed in company with the United States frigate, it is reported, have both shared her fate.

CONGRESS. The National Bank Bill, after an animated discussion, in the Senate, for three whole days, was ordered to be engrossed for a third reading. The bill for issuing Treasury Notes to the amount

neous, and so evidently eas are so erro

They are so fickle and so fond of change, that they seem to have an utter aversion to fashion of their garments, but their principles every thing that is old; so that not only the society, seem to have a greater value it. their of government, and the institutions of civil estimation, from being transitory.

Nothing excites more derision amongst these people, than a person who does not conon wrong im- form to the prejudices of the day, with reformation, and from an imperfect knowledgeably from moon to moon, a pressions, probably fore want of better inspect to dress; and as these change considerman would be of our language, that I have thought them very ridiculous in the same sort of garments, unworthy the attention of my readers; but, as I have nothing better to furnish out a paper ety by his grandfather. I myself am thought which were worn with great pride and proprito-day, I shall give them a translation of this a barbarian, because I don't wear breeches,

of twenty five million dollars was ordered to a third fragment, not so much with a view to their and I should be more respected, perhaps, if I

reading the same day.

The LEGISLATURE of this Commonwealth have resolved that in case a cessation of hostilities shall be announced previous to the 22d inst the two Houses will, unite on that day, in onering public prayers and thanksgiving to the Giver of all good, and on is occasion the Governour and Council are invited to attend They have ordered that preparations be made, for a general illumination of the public buildings in town and for the exhibition of fire works, on the evening of that day.

The Governour with the advice of the Council has appointed Thursday, the 6th of April, as a day of Publick Fasting, Humiliation and Prayer, in this commonwealth.

entertainment, as to expose the ignorance and
preposterous notions of this foreigner.

"Thou mayest easily conceive that this nation is in its infancy, when I tell thee that it has not yet existed two hundred years. When we compare this insignificant space of time, and the very inconsiderable numbers of this nation, with the majesty of the Chinese Empire, and the duration of fifty thousand years from the foundation of it by the great Fo-Hi, one cannot feel much respect for their power, their institutions, or their antiquity. One would naturally expect, in this state of childhood, as it were, to find them diffident, humble, sensible of their own feebleness and and ignorance, and desirous of looking up to more venerable nations for their instruction, example, and the benefit of their experience. Such, however, is not the disposition of the Americans. On the contrary, they seem to imagine, that they have, by a sort of rapid and unnatural growth, arrived to a full maturity in the art of government; to the very acme of political wisdom at least. They call themTHE next number will close this publication. As selves a republick, which means a government the Post Office tax is increased, we wish not to have of their own making; and as every man feels a to avail ourselves of that medium, to demand payment for the SPECTATOR. To those who have paid nothing, pride in his own invention, they have the vanithe whole price is $3. 50. and as the principal part ofy to think that all other governments, altho' the proceeds is due to the Publishers, the Editor hopes his friends will promptly attend to this appli

Next Wednesday, the 22nd of February, being the Anniversary of the birth of WASHINGTON, it is the universal hope that news of the ratification of the Treaty, by the President and Scnate, will arrive in season, to give us an opportunity of blending all our patriotick and festive sensations, on that evening. With prepaprize, and for publick rejoicing, the town already displays a scene of activity, which has not been witnessed for many years.

rations for the recommencement of commercial enter



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the work and wisdom of ages, are imperfect,
corrupt evils, not to be borne, and ought to be
abolished, to give place to this new contrir-
ance of theirs.

and magistrates presume to teach law and
Not only do the great officers
right to the old nations of Europe, but every

the next number" ever

was to adorn myself with the fopperies of the day, and lay by my tinic and slippers, which have been worn without variation, in China, ever since the time of Confucius.

rights, although they are not very scrupulous They are very apt to quarrel about their in wronging other people; for I understand they destroyed the first inhabitants of this country, and took away all their inheritance, and their land upon which they lived; and yet are so jealous of their own privileges, that they are now at war with another nation, for what they call their rights on the great salt sea, where very few of them would ever go if they owned the whole of it.

Although they have destroyed the most of cent and injured people still remain; but they the original inhabitants, a few of these innohave fled back into the woods and mountains, where, however, the new-comers hold authority over them and their lands, for no other reason, that I can learn, but because they are poor, have no floor to their houses, eat their a hatchet, instead of the christian method, of victuals without salt, and kill each other with musket and leaden bullet."

BURKE'S OPINION OF LOUIS XVIII. As to the prince who has a just claim to exercise the regency of France, like other men he is not without his faults and his defects. But faults or defects (always supposing them faults of common human infirmity) are not what in any country destroy a legal title to

issued ? No! See page 219.

government. These princes are kept in a poor obscure country town of the king of Prussia's. Their reputation is entirely at the mercy of every calumniator. They cannot shew themselves, they cannot explain themselves, as princes ought to do. After being well informed, as any man here can be, I do not find, that these blemishes in this eminent person, are at all considerable, or that they at all affect a character, which is full of probity, honour, generosity, and real goodness. In some points he has but too n much resemblance to his unfortunate brother; who with all his weakness, had a good understanding and many parts of an excellent man, and a good king. But Monsieur, without supposing the other deficient, (as he was not) excels him in general knowledge and in a sharp and keen observation, with something of a better address, and an happier mode of speaking and of writing. His conversation is open, agreeable, and informed, his manners gracious and princely.

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BURKE'S OPINION OF THE COUNT D'ARTOIS.* THE Comte d'Artois sustains still better the representation of his place. He is eloquent, lively, engaging in the highest degree, of a decided character, full of energy and activity. In a word he is a brave, honourable, and accomplished cavalier. Their brethren of royalty, if they were true to their own cause and interest, instead of relegating these illustrious persons to an obscure town, would bring them forward in their court and camps, and exhibit them to, what th would speedily obtain, to the esteen, respect, and affection of mankind. * Now Monsieur.



WE feel no compassion for that man's reverses of fortune, whose heart, in the days of his prosperity, was steeled against that, or any other humanizing emotion. He has fallen without the pity, as he rose without the love, of any portion of mankind; and the admiration which was excited by his talents and activity and success, having no solid stay in the magnanimity or generosity of his character, has been turned, perhaps rather too eagerly, into scorn and derision, now that he is deserted by fortune, and appears without extraordinary resources in the day of his calamity.-We do not think that an ambitious despot and sanguinary conqueror can be too much execrated, or too little respected by mankind; but the popular clamour, at this moment, seems to us to be carried too far, even against this very hateful individual. It is now discovered, that he has neither genius nor common sense; and he is accused of cowardice for not killing himself, by the very persons who would in fallibly have exclaimed against his suicide, as a clear proof of weakness and folly. History, we think, will not class him quite so low as the English newspapers of the present day. He is a creature to be dreaded and abhorred, but scarcely, we think, to be despised, by men of the ordinary standard. His catastrophe, so far as it is yet visible, seems unsuitable indeed, and incongruous with the part he has hitherto sustained; but we have perceived nothing in it materially to alter the estimate which we formed long ago of his character. He still seems to us a man of consummate conduct, valour, and decision in war, but without the virtues, or even the generous and social vices of a soldier of fortune;-of matchless activity indeed, and boundless ambition, but entirely without principle, feeling, or affection ;-suspicious, cruel and overbearing -selfish and

solitary in all his pursuits and gratifications;proud and overweening, to the very borders of insanity;-and considering at last the laws of honour and the principles of morality, equally beneath his notice with the interests and feelings of other men.-Despising those who submitted to his pretensions, and pursuing, with implacable hatred, all who presumed to resist them, he seems to have gone on in a growing confidence in his own fortune, and contempt for mankind,-till a serious check from without showed him the error of his calculation, and betrayed the fatal insecurity of a career which reckoned only on prosperity.



The following is a translation of the Greek Ode by Thomas Moore, esquire, refixed to his late elegant version of the Odes of Anacreon.

ONCE the Bard of Teios smiling,
With his harp his hours beguiling :
Sweetly swell'd the jovial strain
Into pleasure-melting pain-
The sparkling goblet passed around
Enlivened by melodious sound.
The gentle loves their force combin'd,
And in their arms the poet twin'd.
They rais'd the song of Hymen's chains,
And sang the joys of Cupid's pains.
With choicest flow'rs of various hue,
With lilies white and vi'lets blue,
Their hands a rural garland made
To crown the gay Anacreon's head.

Now from Jove's empyrean groves
Minerva views the sporting loves.
And as they twin'd the mazy dance
In accents bland she broke their trance.
"Since on earth the sages call

"Why doth the beauteous Queen of love
"And Bacchus, all thy numbers move?
"How, old man, canst thou be wise
"With Pallas ne'er before thy eyes?

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A! where is now my soul's delight ?
In yonder grave my Luer lies!
The lip of fragrance smiles no more!
She hears no more her lover's sighs.
When Winter spreads his piercing cold,
And storms the world with horror sweep,
I'll warm the sacred turf with tears,
Where Lucy's clay-cold beauties sleep!
How oft the scene where Lucy rests
Has mark'd of health her cheek's pure glow!
The scene where oft her melting heart
Has mourn'd the silent dead below.
Adieu! forever, ah-adieu !

Whose form these eyes no more shall see!
The drop thy lids no longer hold,
Receive, O sweetest shade, from me.


There are circumstances, known to most of our readers, which will render the following beautiful and pathetick song, written by Mrs. Opie, particularly interesting.

STAY, Lady, stay, for mercy's sake,
And hear a helpless Orphan's tale.
Ah! sure, my looks must pity wake,
'Tis want that makes my cheek so pale.
Yet I was once a mother's pride,
And my brave father's hope and joy,
But in the Nile's proud fight he died,
And I am now an Orphan boy.

Poor foolish Child, how pleas'd was I
When news of Nelson's vict'ry came,
Along the crowded streets to fly,
And see the lighted windows flame ;
To force me home my mother sought,
She could not bear to see my joy,
For with my father's life 'twas bought,
And made me a poor Orphan boy.

The People's shorts were long and loud;
My mother shudd`ring clos'd her ears:
Rejoice! rejoice-still cried the crowd,
My mother answer'd with her tears.
Oh! why do tears steal down thy cheek,
Cried I, while others shout with joy !
She kiss'd me, and in accents weak
She call'd me, her poor Orphan hoy !
What is an orphan boy? I said;
When suddenly she gasp'd for breath,
And her eyes clos'd,-I shriek'd for aid,
But ah! her eyes were clos'd in death!
My hardships since I will not tell;
But now, no more a Parent's joy,
Ab, Lady-I have learnt too well,
What 'tis to be an Orphan boy.

O were I by your bounty fed,
Nay, gentle Lady, do not chide;
Trust me, I mean to earn my bread,
The Sailor's Orphan boy has pride,
Lady, you weep-what is't you say,
You'll give me cloathing, food-employ }
Look down, dear Parents, look and see
Your happy, happy Orphan boy.


Where subscribers may be supplied with preceding numkita

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