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Man sieht dieser tessinisch-bündnerische Ausschnitt aus dem Gebiet der lombardischen Alpenmundarten ist linguistisch ein rein. zufälliger, d. h. durch die modernen politischen Grenzen der Schweiz gegebener. Ihr Sprachschatz wird sich nicht zusammenfassend darstellen lassen, ohne dafs angrenzende und intermediäre Strecken des Königreichs Italien, bis Bergamo, Mailand und Novara hin, mit in den Bereich der Forschung gezogen werden und ihren Platz auch in dem Sprachatlas finden, der an der Seite dieses Idiotikons ebenfalls entstehen wird.

Auch hier soll für die Wörtersammlung das System der Korrespondenten in Anwendung kommen. Nicht nur die Regierung, sondern auch die kirchlichen und die Schulbehörden zeigen dabei grofses Entgegenkommen, und in diesen Tagen hat die Redaktion auf dem Monteceneri eine Sitzung abgehalten, an der die Schulinspektoren des Kantons Tessin und eine Reihe anderer mafsgebender Persönlichkeiten teilgenommen haben, um die Grundlage zu schaffen, auf der die Arbeit des Sammelns nun sofort beginnen kann.

Unser aller aufrichtigste Wünsche begleiten diese Arbeit des Vocabolario della Svizzera italiana.

Möge es einer späteren Philologenversammlung, die etwa wieder in der Schweiz tagen wird, vorbehalten sein, über den glücklichen Fortgang über den Abschlufs dieser dreifachen romanischen Unternehmungen frohe Botschaft zu hören. Im Jahre 1887 durfte der Sprechende auf der Philologenversammlung zu Zürich über die bescheidenen Versuche berichten, die er im Romanischen Seminar der Universität Bern mit der Untersuchung der Patois benachbarter Freiburger Dörfer machte. Heute, zwanzig Jahre später, wird ihm die Freude zuteil, von einem grofsen Aufschwung der Dialektstudien im ganzen romanischen Gebiet der Schweiz zu erzählen. Wenn die nächsten zwei Jahrzehnte ebenso fruchtbar sind, dann werden der Versammlung von 1927 die Bändereihen dreier Idiotiken vorgelegt werden können.

Vier solcher nationaler Wörterbücher sind gegenwärtig in unserem kleinen Lande in Arbeit, ein deutsches und drei romanische. In friedlichem Wettbewerbe lernen sie voneinander, helfen sie einander und ergänzen sich.

Diese vier Idiotiken sind nicht nur ein Denkmal der Mehrsprachigkeit der Schweiz. Ihr Nebeneinander ist auch ein Symbol des sprachlichen Friedens, der unserem deutsch-romanischen Vaterlande immer erhalten bleiben möge.

H. Morf.

Kleinere Mitteilungen.

Collations of the English songs published in Archiv CVI, CVII, and CIX.

The writer has recently had occasion to collate with the originals the transcriptions of song collections published by Dr. Bernhard Fehr in volumes CVI, CVII, and CIX of the Archiv. The results of the collation are here presented.

In addition to the discrepancies noted below, it should be observed that Dr. Fehr has not been altogether consistent in the interpretation of abbreviations. For example, the abbreviation for final 'es' is sometimes properly transcribed as 'es', sometimes however as 'es', sometimes as 's', and sometimes overlooked altogether. Thus, for 'kynges' one may find kynges', 'kynges', 'kyngs', or 'kyng'. Likewise in a medial abbreviation one may find the correct notation, as 'mercy', but also incorrect notations, as 'mercy', 'mercy', or 'mercy'. However, such irregularities have not been recorded save where the correct spelling has been violated.

In MS. 5465 there are frequently three or four musical parts for a song, and the phrases are distributed among the parts, so that there are two, three, or four versions of each phrase. In transcribing, Dr. Fehr has followed the regrettable practice of taking the spelling of one word from one version, and the spelling of the next from another. In so far as possible, he should have followed one version, indicating which one had been chosen.

The writer's attempts at transcribing French and German manuscripts have made him aware how difficult it is for one to transcribe with accuracy a manuscript in a language other than his own and it is not at all in a censorious spirit that the following collation is offered.

Add. MS. 5465.

This ms. is transcribed in Archiv CVI, 48 ff. In the transcription, Dr. Fehr has misnumbered the pages; thus, the reverse side of folio 2 is indicated as 3 rather than 2b, and the right side of folio 3 as 3 rather than 3; and so throughout. The successive poems are indicated by the Roman numerals assigned them in the transcription.

I. 4. lygter, lyzter. 7. Infortune, In fortune. II. 5. thynke, thynks (a), or thynk (b). III. 3. wold, wolde. IV. 1-2. Fehr divides these verses wrongly, through failing to appreciate that the poem is written in rhyme royal; they should be divided as follows: So fer I trow from re

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medy and from all hope so fer banysshid was nevir man saff only I. 5. tho, to. V. 3. waves, waies (a) or wawis (b). - VI. 9. offend, offens. VIII. 11. sum, (?) sinn. IX. 4. down, downe. 5. through whose, thorough whos. - 6. fresh, fressh. XI. 3. residencs, residens. Signed Rycardus Davy. XIII. 3. had, hade. XIV. 2. complaynt, complayntes. XV. 5. But, Butt. 8-11. These verses are a song in themselves, and not a part of XV. The music, the rubrics, and the rhymescheme all furnish evidence. XIX. 4. ouyr, onyr. XX. 3. Insert a before demyng. XXI. It would be better to print 1-8 as four full lines rather than eight half lines, as the poem is a ballade, with the rhymes ababbcbc. If these are printed as half lines, 9 should also be so printed, as it likewise contains an internal rhyme. 3. dyversite, dyuersite. 6. behavyng, be havyng. XXII. 5. brygtest, bryztest. XXIII. 5. mygt, myzt. XXIV. 6. my trust, mystrust. XXV. 6. onryzhtfully (corrected), onryztfully. 8. neuyr, nevyr. 9. insert so before 17-18. Two verses omitted; should read:


gret. XXVII. 16. yo, you.


stone? All versions so read.

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I haue yow lent with good entent my hart is ment with thoughtis XXIX. 2. fresshe, fressh. 4. previd, provid. 15. daisy, daysy. 25. plesyth, (b) plesyth, (c) lykyth. 27. fresshyst, fresshist. 33. I loue (etc. ut supra), Nowe haue I louyd and whom loue ye (etc. ut supra). 47. Fehr fails to note change in chorus; should read: Nowe haue we louyd and loue will we This fayre fressh floure full of beaute Most worthy it is as thynketh me Than shalbe (may be) provid here anon þat we III be a gred In oon. XXXI. 3. Insert I before sytt. 6. heuynesse, heuyness (a, c) or hevyness (b). 17. man, men. 21. Why question 22. þat all hath wrought, þat hath all well wrought (b) or þat all hath well wrought. XXXII. 32. wound, wownd (a, b) or wonde (c). XXXIII. 14. sorowful, sorowfull. 19. thy, þi. 21. Delete both. 22. b reads ye crucified. 25-29. Verses wrongly arranged; should read: Lo man for be bat ware onkynd | gladly suffyrd I all this And why good lord express pi mynd the to purchace both Ioy and bliss | Ihesu mercy how may this be. The metre necessitates this arrangement. XXXIV. 7. b and c read be be waylid. 14. oste, owste (b) or ost (d). 16-17. Reverse order, to read: they bey hym for oure gilt though he no syn hadd. The metre necessitates this change, for the full lines rhyme gladd, ladde, hadd, dradde. 16. dethe, deth. 19. b reads so dowty. 22. þat, by. 25. remember, remembir. blessed, blessid. 32. Therfore, Ther for. 36. þat, þy. 37. part, past. 40. precies, precius (b) or precious (c). XXXV. 8. b reads so

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hard hartid. 27. tender, tendir. verse: a crowne on my hede. XXXVI. 1-7. Both the sense and the metre - rhymed couplets — demand a different disposition, as follows: A gentill Ihesu Who is that that dothe me call | I a synner that oft doth fall What woldist pou haue mercy lord of be I crave | why louyst þou me ye my maker I call the. 5. insert lord after mercy. 18. harts, hartes.

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19, 21. The clauses are wrongly arranged, for these verses must rhyme, being the sixth and eighth lines of a ballad stanza. They should read: be not dispayrid, for I am not vengeable, and whi art pou froward sith I am mercyable. 36. Reverse to read: a fore þyne harte hang this litell table; littell, litell. 52. Delete of; plentness, plentuous. 53. wounds, wondes. XXXVIII. 1. feerful, feerfull (b) or feerffull (c). - 2. causles, causeless (a) or causless (b, c). 18. fere, feer. 23. down, downe. 24. speken, speke. 34. constraynyd, constraynyd. 38. hands, handes. 39. boistrisly, (?) boistusly; mortesse, mortess. 44. hands, handes. XXXIX. 3. turned, turnyd (a, b) or turnyd (c). 10. for, far. 12. a and b read fynd I. XL. 5. or thynkist (c); never, nevir (a, b) or neuer (c).

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(a, b) or offend (c). 12. and, and. 14. offended, offendid; grevesly, grevusly. 15. b reads I will me. XLII. 23. Ihoon, Ihoan. array, assay. 30. are, ar. XLVIII. 13. dyvers, dyuers (a, c) or dyuers (b). 14. and, and; c reads euer obedient. XLIX. 5. gyfts, gyfftes. 11. thyngs, thynges (a, c) or thyngis (b). 12. hurts, hurtes (a, b) or hurtis (c). 15. wryzt, vnryzt (a, b) or vnryght (c). L. 3. Should be written as two verses, as nazareth and deth rhyme, the poem being written in rhymed couplets; Jhesus, I Ihesu; suffired, suffyrd (a) or suffird (b, c). 6. an, and. 9. Delete end. 12. I loue the this þat I axe of the, this is that I axe of the. 34. sykyrnesse,


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This ms. is transcribed in Archiv CVI, 265 ff. The transcriptions are indicated by Arabic numbers. The successive poems are indicated by the Arabic numerals assigned them in the transcription.

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3. 8. comforte, comfort. 5. 2. innocentium, innocent[i]um. — 4. crueltis, cruellis. 5. pro, per. 9. comowndment, comowndement. 11. loste, losste. 12. militia, milicia. 7. 8. tydyngs, tydynges. sert zew before for. 14. Wherfor, Where fore. 8. 3. iosep, I iosep. 9. out, owte. 13. doth, dothe. 14. Jioseph, I ioseph. 16. her, here. 19. her, here. 20. forefaders, fore faderes. 10. 3. then, (?) than. 4. graciesly, graciusly. 12. 2. semyth, semeth. 3. hyer, hyere; sorer, 7. showrs,

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sorere. 4. ouerflow, ouerflowe. 6. semyth,
showres. 8. merey, morey. 9. tours, toures.
11. doth, dothe; ouerskyppe (ouerslyde, a variant).
15. 3. Of, Off. - 6. kyngs, kynges.
10. kyngs, kynges.
plices, supplices.
suffice, suffiece.

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10. semyth, semeth. 14. semyth, semeth. 7. vs, vus; som ple, sompell. 14. kyngs, kynges. 17. 1. sim9. lords, lordes; kyngs, kynges. 10. pryse, prayse;

13. hie, his.

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11. thyngs, thynges. 12. delyuer, delyuere.

owr, owre. 18. 14. yer, yere.
euer, Where euer. 19. 5. art, arte.


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15. Delyuer, Delyuere. 17. Wher 12. of, off. 17. rather, rathere;

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10. wer, were. 12. slow,
18. prayer, prayere.
5. our, oure.

gods, godes. 20. 4. kyngs, kynges. 7. the, [the], for the text reads and. 8. herods, herodes. 21. I. þis, pis. 13. Thowsands, Thowsandes; zer, zere. 19. Bring, Bryng; vs, vus. 22. 1. add Es eternum. 11. laudamus, [laudamus].

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25. 7. wher, where. 26. 2. lordechyppe, lordechype. - 3. frendechepe, frendechppe, or frendechype. 5. es, vt supra. 9. in deo est, [in deo est]. 12. crye, cry. 13. Cf. 5. 27. 3. seyth, seith; sotter, sother. 9. vs, vus. 14. payre, payre. 28. 1. me, mei, mei rhyming with dei. 29. 1. Tydyngs, Tydynges. 4. Cf. 1. 5. born, bornne. 6. fulfillede, fulfilledde.' 10. leued, leueid. 30. 2. viri, 7. bonde, bounde. 31. 4. herke, 32. 6. kyngs, kynges. 8. neizbore, neczbore. 6. Amice, Amic[e], as text

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has Amici. 7. crists, cristes. 8. priuets, priuetes. 9. hes, he. 15. Crists, Cristes. 17. there, their. 34. 2. constreyn, constrayn.

3. dysdayn, disdayn. 11. trystyng, tristyng; well, woll. 12. [grevens], credens; agayne, agayn. 15. Rayne, (?) Reigne. 17. yowr, yowre.

Are not 16 and 17 to be regarded as one verse, with an internal rhyme? 35. 3. vs, vus; hath, hathe. 4. kyngs, kynges; emperroure, emperoure. 7. cristemesse, cristes messe.

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8. accorde, acorde. 15. Jesus, ihesu. 16. iordayne, iordayn. 17. than, (?) then. 18. meus, [meus]. 37. 1. Thoma, th[omas]; the word has been imperfectly erased. 5. gods, godes.

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forlorn, for lorne.

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7. wer, were. 15. vs, vus.

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16. on, vn.

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41. 1. best, beste.

14. mane nobiscum etc, Mane Delete do. - 4. engeland, enge


vs, vus. 20. him, (?) hem. 21. ioye, ioy. 40. 3. wonds, wondes. 6. neizbores, neczbores; vs, vus; tydyngs, tydynges. 45. 8. owt, Owte. 10. etc, d[omi]ne. nobiscum domine. 18. Cf. 14. 46. 1. lond. 8. Delete man. 11. shon, shou. Vs, vus. 21. sende vs mercy, grande vus mercye. domine, domi[ne]. 5. eternall, eternall. 7. hathe, thare. 10. Read et lux vt sup. 14. Read et lux perpetua. 48. 9. moderes, moderes. 10. vs, vus. 60. 3. wheche, weche. 5. tydings, tydynges. 6. must,

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47. 2.

13. hertily, hertely. 15. all, till. 62. 2. gouernavnce, gouernaunce or gouernevnce. 4. suffer, suffere. 8-13. Do not these verses

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constitute a separate poem? A proposed rubric favors this, and verses 1-7 constitute a rhyme royal stanza. 11. gracies, gracius. fuche saffe (i. e. vouchsafe). 65. 3. how, hov; trew, trev. 66. 2. drawe, draue. 3. seruaund, seruaund. 67. 2. zoure, zeure. 4. recommende, recommaunde. 6. youre, zeure; sythe, sithe; thovsand, thovsande. 8. commaunds, comaundes. 9. zeur, zeure. 86. 5. Insert my before myrth. 6. one, on. 7. whych, which. a proud, a pon. 13. Delete I. 18. bowght, bought. 22. hought, brought. '86. 3. and, yn. 7. far, fare. 8. lyuing, lyuyng.

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sert verse: lovyng yn vayne. 12. wher, where. 16. this, thus. 22. out, owt. 87. 7. mastres, mastras. 8. Insert alas after alas. 10. Insert verse alas what remedy. 89. 2. vnder, vndere. 4. ioyus, yoyus. 15. surgyon, surgeon or my sur

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8. sterr, sterre. 11. soer, soere. gyon. 16. shuld, shold. 17. salf, salfe. 19. in, yn. 21. othyr, other. 22. her, hyr. 90. Dr. Fehr prints this as a separate song; is it not, rather, the burden of the lament in the song following it, the words sung by Besse, discovered secret and alone in the woods? 1. Read: A lone A lone here y am my sylf A lone. 2. Insert here after chere. 4. bright, bright; gon, gone. 91. 2. ther, there; I, y. 6. her mone, here moone. 7. sayd, seyd. 38. soor, soore. 40. fre, fro. 45. self, sylf. 46. wyldernes, wylde[r]nes. 8. ther, there. 20. her, here.

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The following four lyrics from Ms. Sloane 2593 were transcribed in Archiv CVII, 48-50. The lyrics will be indicated below by the numbers of the folio pages on which they chance to begin, 4b, 32a, etc. 4b. 1. virgine, uirgine. 3. godic, godis. 4. hey, hy. 7. Jesu, 32 a. 1. lyking, lykyng; my, myn.

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4. she, sche. 5. lullay, lul[lay] myn [I]ykyng lull[ay]. 9. Angel, 10. meke, mek. 11. chylde, chyld. 56. 2. gedir, gedere; are, 7. neybowrs, neybowres; spille, spylle. - 8. t, and. 11. þou, þu. 33 a. 10. are, arn. 13. frends, frendes. 15. sor, sop. 20. Insert the verse: þe werst wytes herte of alle man kende. 22. are, arn. 23. gret, gref. No verse missing, as conjectured; the line supplied above (20) furnishes the rhyme for fynd. 26. he, hem. 27. are, arn; fayr, fayre.

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37. vpon, up on; nozt, noz[t]. 1b. 1. vpon, up on.
13. myne, myn.
14. myne, myn.

4. yew,

15. mow,



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