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Thursday Evening, April 18, 8 o'clock.

Celebration of the Centenary of the Introduction of Gas as an Illuminant.


WILLIAM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., in the Chair.

"By-Products in Gas Manufacture," by Charles E. Munroe, Professor of Chemistry, George Washington University, Washington.

For the titles of the addresses on Friday, April 19, see the special programme.

Friday Morning, April 19.

WILLIAM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair.

Morning Session—10.05 o'clock.

The following papers were read:

"Heredity of Feeble-mindedness," by Henry H. Goddard, Director of Research, The Training School, Vineland, N. J. (Introduced by Dr. Henry H. Donaldson.)

"The Inheritable Factors of Epilepsy," by David F. Weeks,
M.D., Superintendent of the New Jersey State Village for
Epileptics at Skillman. (Introduced by Dr. Henry H. Don-

"Is the Control of Embryonic Development a Practical Prob-
lem?" by Charles R. Stockard, Ph.D., Professor of Anatomy,
Cornell University Medical College. (Introduced by Dr.
Henry H. Donaldson.) Discussed by Doctors Donaldson,
A. C. Abbott, Goddard, Weeks, Stockard, and Bogert.
"An Avian Tumor in Its Relation to the Tumor Problem," by
Peyton Rous, M.D., of the Rockefeller Institute, New York.

(Introduced by Dr. Alexander C. Abbott.) Discussed by Doctors Keen and Bogert.

"Protein Poison: Its Preparation and Its Nature," by Victor C. Vaughan, M.D., LL.D., Professor of Hygiene and Physiological Chemistry, University of Michigan.

"Bacterial Vaccines, with Special Reference to Typhoid Prophylaxis," by Frederick F. Russell, M.D., Major, U. S. A., Curator of Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C. (Introduced by Dr. Alexander C. Abbott.) Discussed by Doctors Abbott, Bogert and Vaughan.

"Prolonged Active Life," by Alexis Carrell, M.D., of The

Rockefeller Institute, New York. Discussed by Dr. Keen. "Dynamical Theory of the Globular Clusters and of the Clustering Power Inferred by Herschel from the Observed Figures of Sidereal Systems of High Order," by T. J. J. See, Ph.D., of the U. S. Naval Observatory, Mare Island, California. "Some Notes on Persian Mystic Poetry," by A. V. Williams Jackson, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Indo-Iranian Languages, Columbia University, New York.

Afternoon Session-2 o'clock.

WILLIAM B. Scorт, Ph.D., LL.D., Vice-President, in the Chair. Exhibition of Volumes of Illustrations of North American Vegetation, by John W. Harshberger, Ph.D., Professor of Botany, University of Pennsylvania. Discussed by Professor Haupt.

"History of the Fungus of the Chestnut Tree Disease," by William G. Farlow, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Cryptogamic Botany, Harvard University.

"The Classification of the Black Oaks" (illustrated), by William Trelease, Sc.D., LL.D., Director of Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis.

"The Mammals of the Patagonian Miocene" (illustrated), by William B. Scott, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor of Geology and Paleontology, Princeton University.


"Illustrations of Remarkable Cambrian Fossils from British
Columbia" (illustrated), by Charles D. Walcott, Sc.D.,
LL.D., Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, Washington.
Some Considerations Bearing Upon the Origin of Lava"
(illustrated), by William H. Hobbs, Ph.D., Professor of
Geology, University of Michigan. Discussed by Professor
Scott and Dr. Clarke.

"Recent Archæological Discoveries in Peru" (illustrated), by
Hiram Bingham, M.A., Ph.D., Curator of Latin American
Collections of Yale University. (Introduced Mr. Henry G.
Bryant.) Discussed by Professor Scott and Mr. Bingham.
"The Discovery of the Continent of Antarctica by Americans:
An Historical Vindication," by General Adolphus W. Greely,
U. S. A., of Washington. Discussed by Mr. E. S. Balch,
Professor Hobbs, and General Greely.

"The Interrelations of Eight Fundamental Properties of Classes
of Functions," by Arthur D. Pitcher, Assistant Professor of
Mathematics, Dartmouth College. (Introduced by Prof.
Eliakim H. Moore.)

Evening Session, 8 o'clock.

Robert Williams Wood, LL.D., Professor of Experimental Physics at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, gave an illustrated lecture on "The Study of Nature by Invisible Light, with Especial Reference to Astronomy and Physics."

Saturday, April 20.

Executive Session-9.30 o'clock.

WILLIAM W. KEEN, M.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair.

Pending nominations for membership were read and the polls opened.

Secretary Keller and Dr. Holland, tellers, subsequently reported that the following nominees had been elected to membership:

Residents of the United States.

Albert T. Clay, B.A., Ph.D., New Haven,
George W. Crile, M.D., Ph.D., Cleveland,
Arthur Louis Day, Ph.D., Washington,
Edward Curtis Franklin, Ph.D., Washington,
John Grier Hibben, Ph.D., LL.D., Princeton,
G. Carl Huber, M.D., Ann Arbor,
James Furman Kemp, Sc.D., New York,
Arthur Henry Lea, B.A., Philadelphia,
John Matthews Manly, Ph.D., Chicago,
Edward Bennett Rosa, Sc.D., Ph.D., Washington,
Frank Schlesinger, A.M., Ph.D., Allegheny, Pa.,
George E. de Schweintiz, M.D., Philadelphia,
Frederick Winslow Taylor, M.E., Philadelphia,
Roland Thaxter, A.M., Ph.D., Cambridge, Mass.,
Oswald Veblen, Princeton.

Foreign Residents.

George Friedrich Julius Arthur Auwers, Ph.D., Berlin,
Wilhelm Ostwald, Sc.D., LL.D., Leipzig,

Magnus Gustaf Retzius, Stockholm.

The following papers were read:

"Some Geochemical Statistics," by Frank W. Clarke, Sc.D., LL.D., U. S. Geological Survey. Discussed by Professor Hobbs and Dr. Clarke.

"Some General Results of the Work of a Century on the Atomic Weights of the Chemical Elements," by Gustavus D. Hinrichs, of St. Louis.




Absorption Spectra and the Solvate Theory of Solution (illustrated), by Harry C. Jones, Ph.D., Professor of Physical Chemistry, Johns Hopkins University.

"The Classification of Carbon Compounds," by Marston T. Bogert, Ph.B., LL.D., Prof. of Chemistry, Columbia Univ. "An Autocollimating Mounting for a Concave Grating" (illustrated), by Horace Clark Richards, Ph.D., Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Pennsylvania..


"Thermal Relations of Solutions," by William F. Magie, M.A.,
Ph.D., Professor of Physics, Princeton University.
"The Measurement of Temperature up to 1750° C." (illus-
trated), by Arthur L. Day, B.A., Ph.D., Director of the
Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution.
Selective Scattering Reflection and Absorption by Resonating
Gas Molecules" (illustrated), by Robert Williams Wood,
LL.D., Prof. of Experimental Physics, Johns Hopkins Univ.
"Some Observations on the Transmission of Sound through
Walls," by Arthur Gordon Webster, Ph.D., LL.D., Professor
of Physics, Clark University, Worcester, Mass.

"New Magnetic Charts of the Indian Ocean" (illustrated), by
Louis A. Bauer, C.E., Ph.D., Director of the Department of
Terrestrial Magnetism of the Carnegie Institution.
"The Treaty-Making Power of the United States and the
Methods of its Enforcement as Affecting the Police Powers
of the States," by Charles H. Burr, of Philadelphia, the
Essay to which the Henry M. Phillips Prize was awarded.

Afternoon Session-2 o'clock.

EDWARD C. PICKERING, SC.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair.

Prof. B. Osgood Pierce, a recently elected member, and Dr. Arthur Louis Day and Prof. Frank Schlesinger, newly elected members, signed the Laws and were admitted into the Society.

The following papers were read:


'Symposium on Stellar Spectroscopy":

"Radial Velocity" (illustrated), by William W. Campbell. Sc.D., LL.D., Professor of Astronomy, Lick Observatory, University of California.


Objective Prism Spectra," by Edward C. Pickering, Sc.D., LL.D., Professor of Astronomy, Harvard University. "The New Star in Gemini," by Storrs B. Barrett, of the Yerkes Observatory, Williams Bay, Wisconsin. (Introduced by Edward B. Frost, D.Sc.)

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