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Location and Improvement of Indians.

make it a permanent one; and that the Indians referred to in Indiana, Illinois, in the peninsula of Michigan, and Ohio, will find in the country designated, kindred tribes, with whom they may be readily associated. These considerations, with the greater facility with which they could be collected in that portion of the country, compared with that of collecting them west of the Mississippi, form a strong inducement to give it the preference. Should the proposition be adopted, the Indians in question might be gradually collected, as it became necessary, from time to time, to extinguish the Indian title in Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, without incurring any additional expense, other than what is usually incidental to such extinguishment. Deducting, then, the Indians residing in the Northwestern parts of Indiana, Illinois, in Michigan, and New York, with the Ottawas in Ohio, amounting to 13,150, from 92,664, will leave but 79,514. It is proper to add, that a late treaty with the Quapaws stipulates, and provides, for their removal, and that they may also be deducted from the number, for whose removal provision ought to be made. They are estimated at 700, which, deducted from 79,514, will leave 78,814 to be removed west of the state of Missouri and territory of Arkansas, should the views of the Department be adopted.

[H. of R.


that, for the lands thereby ceded, they may have
ed to them an equal quantity further West, as they have
evinced a strong disposition to prevent the settlement
of the whites to the West of them. It is probable, that a
this arrangement could be effected by an appropriation
of a few thousand dollars, say five thousand, for the ex
pense of holding the treaty. Nor is it believed that
there will be any difficulty in inducing the Piankeshaws,
Weas, Shawnees, Kickapoos, and Delawares, to occupy
a position, that may be assigned to them West of the
state of Missouri; or that the operation will be attended
with any great expense. The kindred tribes, in the
states of Ohio and Indiana, including the Wyandotts, the
Senecas, and the Miamies and Eel rivers, in those states;
and the Kaskaskias, in Illinois, it is believed, might be
induced, without much difficulty, to join them, after
those now residing in Missouri are fixed in their new po
sition, West of that state. Of the sum that will be ne-
cessary for this purpose, it is difficult to form an esti
mate. These tribes amount to 3,082. The expense of
extinguishing their title to the lands occupied by them,
will probably be high, in comparison with the price
which has been usually given for lands in that quarter,
as they, particularly the Indians in Ohio, have made
some advances in civilization, and considerable improve
ments on their lands. The better course would be, to
remove them gradually, commencing with those tribes
which are most disposed to leave their present settle
ments, and, if this arrangement should be adopted, aa
appropriation of 20,000 dollars would be sufficient to
commence with.

Of these, there are estimated to reside in the states of North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi, 53,625, consisting of Cherokees, Creeks, Choctaws, and Chickasaws; and claiming about 33,573,176 acres, including the claim of the Cherokees, in North Carolina; 3,082 in Ohio, and in the Southern and middle parts of Indiana and Illinois, consisting of Wyandotts, It may, however, be proper to remark, that these Shawnees, Senecas, Delawares, Kaskaskias, and Miami, tribes, together with those in New York, have indicated and Eel rivers; 5,000 in Florida, consisting of Seminoles a disposition to join the Cherokees on the Arkansas, and remnants of other tribes; and the remainder in Mis-and that a deputation of the former, with a deputation souri and Arkansas, consisting of Delawares, Kickapoos, from those Cherokees, are now on their way to the seat Shawnees, Weas, Ioways, Piankeshaws, Cherokees, of Government, in order to make some arrangements to Quapaws, and Osages. carry the proposed union into effect. Should it be ac complished, it would vary the arrangement which has been suggested in relation to them, but will not, probably, materially vary the expense.

The next subject of consideration will be, to acquire a sufficient tract of country West of the state of Missouri and territory of Arkansas, in order to establish permanent settlements, in that quarter, of the tribes which are proposed to be removed. The country between the Red River and the Arkansas, has already been allotted to the Choctaws, under the treaty of the 18th October, 1820. The country north of the river Arkansas, and immediately west of the state of Missouri, is held almost entirely by the Osages and the Kanzas. The principal settle ment of the former being on the Osage river, not far West of the Western boundary of Missouri; and of the latter, on the Missouri river, near Cow Island. There is a band of the Osages situated on the Verdigris, a branch of the Arkansas. Governor Clark has been already in structed to take measures to remove them from the Verdigris, to join the other bands on the Osage river. To carry this object into effect, and to extinguish the title of the Osages upon the Arkansas, and in the state of Missouri; and also to extinguish the title of the Kanzas to whatever tract of country may be necessary to effect the views of the Government, will be the first object of expenditure; and would require an appropriation, it is believed, of not less than 30,000 dollars. After this is effected, the next will be, to allot a portion of the country to each of the tribes, and to commence the work of removal. The former would be effected, by vesting in the President discretionary power to make the location; and the latter, by commencing with the removal of the Cherokees, Piankeshaws, Weas, Shawnees, Kickapoos, and Delawares, who now occupy different tracts of country, lying in the Northwestern portion of the Arkansas territory, and the Southwestern portion of the state of Missouri. It is believed that the Cherokees, to whom has been allotted a country lying between the Arkansas and White rivers, will very readily agree to removing their Eastern boundary further West,on the consideration,

It only remains now to consider the removal of the Indians in Florida, and the four southern tribes residing in North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi.

It is believed that immediate measures need not be taken with regard to the Indians in Florida. By the Treaty of the 18th September, 1823, they ceded the whole of the Northern portion of Florida, with the ex ception of a few small reservations, and have had allotted to them the southern part of the peninsula; and it is probable that no inconvenience will be felt for many years, either by the inhabitants of Florida, or the In dians, under the present arrangement.


Of the four southern tribes, two of them, the Chero kees and Choctaws, have already allotted to them a tract of country west of the Mississippi. That which bas been allotted to the latter, is believed to be sufficiently ample for the whole nation, should they emigrate, if an arrangement, which is believed not to be impracti cable, could be made between them and the Chickasaws, who are their neighbors, and of similar habits and dispo. sitions, it would be sufficient for the accommodation of both. A sufficient country should be reserved to the west of the Cherokees on the Arkansas, as a means of exchange with those who remain on the east. To the Creeks might be allotted a country between the Arkan sas and Canadian river, which limits the northern boundary of the Choctaw possessions in that quarter. There is now pending with the Creeks a negotiation, under the appropriation of the last session, with a prospect, that a portion of that nation which resides within the limits of Georgia, may be induced, with the consent of the na tion, to cede the country which they occupy for a por tion of the one which it is proposed to allot for the


Location and Improvement of Indians.

[H. of R.


All of which is respectfully submitted.
To the PRESIDENT of the United States.

Creek nation on the west of the Mississippi. Should the them, there would be among all the tribes a disposition treaty prove successful, its stipulations will provide for to accord with the views of the government. There are the means of carrying it into effect, which will render now in most of the tribes, well educated, sober, and reany additional provision at present, unnecessary. It will flecting individuals, who are afflicted at the present conbe proper to open new communications with the Chero-dition of the Indians, and despondent at their future kees, Choctaws, and Chickasaws, for the purpose of ex- prospects. Under the operation of existing causes, they plaining to them the views of the Government, and in- behold the certain degradation, misery, and even the ducing them to remove beyond the Mississippi, on the final annihilation of their race, and no doubt would glad. principles and conditions which may be proposed to the ly embrace any arrangement which would promise to other tribes. It is known, that there are many individu- elevate them in the scale of civilization, and arrest the als of each of the tribes, who are desirous of settling wes' destruction which now awaits them. It is conceived of the Mississippi, and should it be thought advisable, that one of the most cheap, certain, and desirable modes there can be no doubt, that if, by an adequate appropri- of effecting the object in view, would be, for Congress ation, the means were afforded the Government of bear- to establish fixed principles, such as have been suggesting their expense, they would emigrate. Should it be ed as the basis of the proposed arrangement, and to authought, that the encouragement of such emigration is thorize the President to convene, at some suitable point, desirable, the sum of 40,000 dollars, at least, would be all of the well informed, intelligent, and influential indirequired to be appropriated for this object, to be appli-viduals of the tribes to be affected by it, in order to exed under the discretion of the President of the United plain to them the views of the government, and to States. The several sums which have been recommend. pledge the faith of the nation to the arrangements that ed to be appropriated, if the proposed arrangements might be adopted. Should such principles be establishshould be adopted, amount to 95,000 dollars. The ap-ed by Congress, and the President be vested with suitpropriation may be made either general or specific, as able authority to convene the individuals as proposed, may be considered most advisable. and suitable provision be made to meet the expense, I cannot, however conclude, without remarking, that great confidence is felt, that a basis of a system might no arrangement ought to be made which does not re- be laid, which, in a few years, would entirely effect the gard the interest of the Indians, as well as our own, and object in view, to the mutual benefit of the government that to protect the interest of the former, decisive mea- and the Indians, and which, in its operations, would efsures ought to be adopted to prevent the hostility, which fectually arrest the calamitous course of events to which must almost necessarily take place if left to themselves, they must be subject without a radical change in the among tribes hastily brought together, of discordant present system. Should it be thought advisable to call character; and many of which are actuated by feelings such a convention, as one of the means of effecting the far from friendly towards each other. But the preser-object in view, an additional appropriation of 30,000 dolvation of peace between them will not alone be suffi- lars will be required; making in the whole, 125,000 cient to render their condition as eligible in their new dollars to be appropriated. situation, as it is in their present. Almost all of the tribes proposed to be effected by the arrangement, are more or less advanced in the arts of civilized life, and there is scarcely one of them, which have not the esta blishment of schools in the nation, affording at once the means of moral, religious, and intellectual improvement. These schools have been established for the most part by religious societies, with the countenance and aid of the Government, and on every principle of humanity the continuance of similar advantages of education ought to be extended to them in their new residence. There is another point which appears to be indispensable to be guarded, in order to render the condition of this race There is no land assigned, as will be seen on referless afflicting. One of the greatest evils to which they ence to the table, to the Indians in Louisiana; yet, it is are subject, is that incessant pressure of our population, believed, the Caddoes have a claim, but to what extent which forces them from seat to seat, without allowing is not known. So, also, have the Cherokees, (whose time for that moral and intellectual improvement, for numbers are not known,) to a tract in the northwest which they appear to be naturally eminently suscepti-corner of the state of North Carolina; which, it is beble. To guard against this evil, so fatal to the race, lieved, does not exceed 200,000 acres. In New Jersey, there ought to be the strongest and the most solemn as- Pennsylvania, and perhaps in Maryland, a few Indians surance, that the country given them should be theirs, as are remaining, but how many, or what quantity of land a permanent home for themselves and their posterity, is owned by them, if any, there are no means of ascerwithout being disturbed by the encroachments of our taining. citizens. To such assurance, if there should be added a system by which the government, without destroying their independence, would gradually unite the several tribes under a simple, but enlightened system of government and laws, formed on the principles of our own, and to which, as their own people would partake in it, they would, under the influence of the contemplated imIt will be seen by adverting to the table, that the Inprovement, at no distant day, become prepared, the ardians residing north of the state of Illinois, east of the rangements which have been proposed would prove to Mississippi, and west of the Lakes, are comprehended the Indians and their posterity a permanent blessing. It in the estimate of the number in Michigan Territory; is believed that, if they could be assured that peace and although, in estimating the quantity of land held by Infriendship would be maintained among the several dians in that territory, the portion, only, so held in the tribes: that the advantages of education which they now peninsula of Michigan, is estimated. It was found imenjoy would be extended to them; that they should possible, from any documents in possession of this office, have a permanent and solemn guarantee for their pos to distinguish the number of Chippewas and Ottawas sessions, and receive the countenance and aid of the go-residing in the peninsula of Michigan from those residvernment for the gradual extension of its privileges to ing on the west side of Lake Michigan. It is, however


Office of Indian Affairs, Jan. 10, 1825. SIR: I have the honor, herewith, to submit, in compliance with your directions, a table containing a statement of the names of the Indian tribes now remaining within the limits of the different states and territories; the number of each tribe: and the quantity of land claimed by each.

There are now remaining within the limits of the dif ferent states and territories, as is shewn by the table, sixty-four tribes and remnants of tribes of Indians, whose names" and "numbers" are given; who number, in the aggragate, 129,266 souls; and who claim 77,402,318 acres of land.


Location and Improvement of Indians.

believed, that the whole number residing in the peninsula, does not exceed 3,500; and these, as has been stated, are principally of the Chippewa and Ottawa tribes.

[H. of R.

tations carefully made from the best maps, by Colonel Roberdeau, of the Topographical Bureau.

The 4,000,000 of acres assumed as the quantity claim. ed by the Cherokees in Arkansas, although but an esti mate, is believed to be nearly correct. The precise quantity, however, cannot be ascertained, until it is known how much they ceded on this side the Mississip pi, for which, by the treaty of 1817, they are to receive an equal number of acres on the other.

I have the honor to accompany this with a note from Col. Roberdeau, in relation to the difference between his estimate of last year, of the lands claimed in Geor gia, and his recent corrected computation of them. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, THO'S L. McKENNY.

It may be proper also to remark, that of the 6,400 Sacks and Foxes who are included in the estimate as part of the 129,266; and who occupy lands on both sides of the Mississippi, not more than one-third of that number are supposed to reside on the east side; and of the 5,200 Osages, who, by the table, are assigned to Missouri and Arkansas,it is believed, not more than one-third of that number reside within the state of Missouri and territory of Arkansas. If, therefore, the number assumed for the peninsula of Michigan, be correct, and two-thirds of the Sacs and Foxes, as is believed to be the fact, reside on the west of the Mississippi; and two-thirds of the Osag. es west of Missouri, and north of Arkansas, there will remain "within the limits of the different states and territories,"-confining the Michigan territory to the peninsula-97,384 Indians, possessing, (if the 200,000 acres which are believed to be claimed by the Chero-ed to the United States by Indians, was, last year, rekees in North Carolina, be added,) 77,602,318 acres of


In obtaining this information, resort has been had, for the "names" and "numbers" of the Indian tribes, to the reports to this office, and to other sources of information which are deemed to be the most accurate; and, for the quantity of land claimed by them, to the files of this office; to the General Land Office; and to compu.

To the Hon. the Secretary of War.

The quantity of land in the state of Georgia, not ced

ported at 10,240,000 square acres; upon a review of the
calculations, and having more correct documents than
were then referred to, the whole quantity in the state
appears to be 9,537,920 acres, of which 5,292,160 are
of the Cherokees, and 4,245,760 of the Creeks, as near
ly as can be computed.
I. ROBERDEAU, Lt. Col. Top. Engineers.
Col. THO's L. McKENNEY, Indian Department.

STATEMENT, showing the Names and Numbers of the different Tribes of Indians now remaining within the limits of the several States and Territories, and the quantity of Land claimed by them respectively.

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Chippewas and Otta

was, the former by

=far the most numer



Miami, and Eel River? Indians,



Sauks and Foxes,

Potawattamies and 2 Chippewas,

(The quantity of land claimed by these tribes is contained in several reservations, secured to them respectively, by treaty. Besides these there are a number of other reservations, secured separately, to individual Indians, containing together, 16,200 acres; making the whole quantity claimed in this state, 409,501 acres, according to information obtained from the General Land LOffice.

(These tribes reside, in some degree, promiscuously, and the number stated comprehends all those inhabiting the country north of Illinois, and between Lake Michigan and Mississippi rivers, as well as those residing in the peninsula formed by Lakes Erie and Michigan, and the northern boundary of Indiana. The quantity of land mentioned is that claimed by the Indians in the peninsula only; but in what proportion by the respective tribes, cannot be ascerLtained.

(A part of these lands is claimed by the Potawatamies and Chippewas, (who reside partly in this state and in Illinois,) but in what proportion there are no means of ascertaining.

This is the whole quantity of land claimed by Indians in this state, including the Pottawatamies and Chippewas, but there are no means of distinguishing the quantity owned by each tribe. The number of Sauks and Foxes, embraces those on both sides of the Mississippi; there being no means of ascer taining the particular number of them in Illinois.

Claim lands in both states; quantity claimed by them separately from other tribes, not known. (The quantity of land here stated is the whole quantity claimed by all these tribes within the states mentioned; of which

The Creeks claim in Georgia, 4,245,760 The Cherokees in do. 5,292,160

Creeks, Cherokees,



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These Indians are all hunters, and reside principally in Red River, in this state. There is no Sinformation as to the lands claimed by them. Their numbers are taken from the report of the agent, on file in this office.





Hold the lands they occupy under the treaty with them, of 3d Oct. 1818.

Hold their lands under treaties of 30th July, & 30th Aug. 1819. These Indians emigrated, a few years ago, from the East of the Mississippi to their present resi Ldence in this state.

(Under the treaties of 1818 and 1820, the Weas sold out all their claim to lands in Indiana, Ohio, and Illinois, and emigrated to this state. There is no informa tion as to the lands now owned Lor occupied by them. SNo information as to the lands claimed by these Indians.

The Osages reside partly in Mis souri and in Arkansas, and the greater portion west of both. Of the lands stated as claimed by them, 2,737,920 acres are in the former, and 753,920 acres in the latter.

No information as to their lands. The Cherokees claim about this quantity of land in this territory, under treaties of 1817 and 1819; the precise quantity not yet ascertained.

These Indians have recently sold out all their claim, and are about to remove beyond the limits of the territory.

(Very few or none of this tribe reside in the territory; but they claim in it the quantity of land stated under the treaty of 18th

October, 1820.

Missouri and Arkansas Territory,



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