Слике страница

Tuckett, J. A. History of the Past and Present State of the Laboring Population. Lond., Longmans, 1846. 2 v. 878 p. O.

About, E. Handbook of Social Economy; or, the worker's A, B, C. N. Y., 1873. xx+284 p. D. $2.

A popular exposition of elementary economic notions, with especial reference to the fallacies most widely accepted by the wages class.

Cassagnac, A. GRANIER de. Histoire des classes ouvrières et des classes bourgeoises. Paris, Desrez, 1838. 574 p. D.

Chevalier, MICHEL. Sur l'organisation du travail, les principales causes de la misère et les moyens proposes pour y remedier. Paris, Capelle, 1848. 516 p. D.

De la Chavanne, C. DARESTE. Histoire des classes agricoles en France. Paris, Guillaumin, 1858. 7+556 p. O.

Fougerousse, A. Patrons et ouvriers de Paris. Reformes introduites dans l'organisation du travail par divers chefs d'industrie. Paris, Guillaumin, 1880. 288 p. O.

Jannet, C. L'organisation du travail d'apres F. Le Play, et le mouvement social contemporain. Paris, Société d'Economie Sociale.

Lavergne, LEONCE DE.

33 p. 8°.

Economie rurale de la France depuis 1789.

Paris, Guillaumin, 1860. 3+487 p. D.

Le Play, P. G. F. Les ouvriers Européens. 2me ed. 6 v. 8°. Tours. Alfred Mame et fils., 1878-9. Paris, Dentu.

Le Play, P. G. F. L'organisation du travail. 4me ed. Tours, Mame, 1877. 600 p. D.

Same. The Organization of Labor. 2d ed., tr. by G. Emerson, Phila., Claxton, 1872. 417 p. D.

Leroy-Beaulieu, PAUL. De l'etat moral et intellectuel des populations ouvrieres et de son influence sur le taux des salaires. Paris, Guillaumin, 1868. 28+303 p. D.

Leroy-Beaulieu, PAUL. La question ouvrière au xixe siècle. Paris, G. Charpentier, 1881. 339 p. D.

Leroy-Beaulieu, PAUL. Le travail des femmes au xixe siècle. Paris, Charpentier & Cie., 1873.

Levasseur, E. Histoire des classes ouvrières en France, depuis la conquete de Jules César jusqu'a la révolution. Paris, Guillaumin, 1859. 2 v. O. Levasseur, E. Histoire des classes ouvrières en France, depuis 1789 jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, L. Hachette & Cie., 1867. 2 v. O.

Proudhon, P. J.

ophy of Misery. O. $3.50.

System of Economical Contradictions, or the PhilosTr. by B. R. Tucker. Boston, B. R. Tucker, 1888. 469 p.

V. 4 of Works. The greater part of this vol. is devoted to questions of labor, machinery, competition and monopoly. Based on denial of God.

Simon, JULES. L'ouvrière. Paris, L. Hachette & Cie., 1861. 8+383 p. O. Thierry, AUGUSTIN. Essai sur l'histoire du tiers état. Bruxelles, Meline, Cans & Cie., 1855. 427 p. D.

Engels, F: Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844, with appendix written 1886, and preface 1887. Tr. by Florence K. Wischnewetsky. N. Y., J. W. Lovell Co., 1887. 211 p. D. $1.25.

Hasbach, W: Das Englische Arbeiterversicherungswesen. Geschichte seiner Entwickelung und Gesetzgebung. Leipzig, Düncker & Humblot, 1883. 447 p. D.

Gives details of insurance methods adopted by the working population of England.
Ketteler, Bishop F. von. Die Arbeiterfrage und das Christenthum.
Mainz, F. Kirchheim, 1864.
212 P. 0.

Lange, F. A. Die Arbeiterfrage. 3d ed. Wintherthur, 1875.
Abounds in acute and important discussions."-Cossa.

Meyer, R. Die Emancipationskampf des vierten Standes. Berlin, H. Bahr, 1882. 532p. O.

Tait, W. Cave. Arbeiter-Schutzgesetzgebung in den Vereinigten Staaten. Tübingen, 1884. 178 p. O.

The Commissioner of Labor, Washington, began March, 1886, to issue annual reports. 1st Report, 1885, Industrial Depressions, 496 p. 2d, 1886, Convict Labor in the U. S., 612 p. 3d, 1887, Strikes and Lockouts, 1172 p. 4th, 1888, Working Women in Large Cities, 631 p. 5th, 1889, Railroad Labor, 888 p. And in 1889, special report on Marriage and Divorce, 1074 p. The Department of State, Washington, has issued two series of consular reports on labor in Europe and other parts of the world (1878, I v., 1885, 3 v.), which are exhaustive on rates of wages, cost of living, housing, clothing, and general social condition of laborers.

Many of the States of the Union have Bureaus of Statistics of Labor, which publish reports. Of these Bureaus that of Massachusetts is much the best organized and most important. Those of New Jersey and Connecticut are excellent. Within a recent period that of New York has done commendable work.


Brisbane, ALBERT. Concise Exposition of the Doctrine of Association. N. Y., J. S. Redfield, 1847. 80 p. D.

Carr, E. S. Patrons of Husbandry of the Pacific Coast. San Francisco, A. L. Bancroft & Co., 1875. 461 p. O.

Chamberlin, E. M. Sovereigns of Industry. Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1875. 165+21 p. D.

Dacus, J. A. Annals of the Great Strikes in the United States, 1877. Chicago, J. S. Goodman, 1877. 480 p.

Goodwin, T. S. The Grange: a study in the science of society. N. Y. Putnam, 1874. 245 p. D.

Grosvenor, W. M.


Trades-Unions: investigated in the light of comN. Y.. Commercial Bulletin Print, 1885. 39 p. O. pap., 15 c.

An adverse criticism.

Lloyd, H: D. Strike of Millionaires against Miners, the story of Spring Valley. N. Y., Belford, Clarke & Co., 1890. 264 p. D. cl. $1; pap. 50 c.

Martin, E. W. History of the Grange Movement. Phila., National Pub. Co., 1873. 535 p. O.

Miller, J. BLFECKER. Trade Organizations in Politics; also, Progress and Robbery, an answer to Henry George. N. Y., Baker & Taylor Co., 1887 218 p. O. $1.25.

Missouri, Labor Statistics Bureau. Official history of the great strike of 1886 on the Southwestern Railway System. Jefferson City, Mo., 1887. 117 p. O.

National Grange of the patrons of husbandry. Digest of laws and enactments. Phila., 1882. 104 p. D.

Seligman, E. R. A. Two Chapters on the Medieval Guilds of England. Baltimore, American Economic Assoc., 1887. pap., 75 c.

Smith, H. L,, and Nash, VAUGHAN. Story of the Dockers' Strike, told by two East Londoners. Lond., 1889. 180 p. D.

Strikes and Lockouts. 3d Annual Report Commissioner of Lábor, Washington, 1888.

This most important report gives full statistics.

Trade Guilds of Europe. U. S. Consular Reports. Washington, Department of State, 1885. 332 p. O.

Wright, CARROLL D. Historical Sketch of the Knights of Labor. Boston, G: H. Ellis, 1887.

Levi, LEONE. Work and Pay. London, 1877. O.

A series of popular lectures on topics connected with industrial organization.
Trant, W. Trades-Unions. N. Y., Scribner & Welford, 1884. 60 c.
A good account of trades-unions in England.

Crousel, A. Etude historique économique et juridique sur les coalitions et les grèves dans l'industrie. Paris, A. Rousseau, 1887. 6+543 p. O. Dauby, J. Des grèves ouvriéres. Nouvelle ed. Bruxelles, G. Mayolez, 1883. 19+211 p. D.

Hubert-Valleroux, P.

Les corporations d'arts et métiers, et les Syndicats professionels en France et a l'étranger. Paris, Guillaumin 1885. 21 +423 p. O.

Le droit au travail.

A discussion by leading French economists and publicists. Guillaumin, Paris, 1848.

Paris, Comte de. Les associations ouvriéres en Angleterre. Paris, Germer Bailliere, 1869. 8+334 p. D.

Same. Trades Unions of England. Tr. by N. J. Senior, and ed. by T: Hughes, M. P. Lond., Smith, Elder & Co., 1869. 14+246 p. D. 7s. 6d. Reinaud, EMIle. Les syndicats professionels, leur rôle historique et économique. Paris, Guillaumin, 1886. 8+267 p. D.

Smith, L. Les coalitions et les grèves, d'apres l'histoire et l'économie politique. Paris, Guillaumin, 1886. 288 p. O.

Barnreither, J. M. English Associations of Workingmen. Tr. by Alice Taylor. Lond., Swan Sonnenschein, 1889. 473 p. O.

The latest and best survey.

Brentano, LUJO. On the History and Development of Guilds, and the Origin of Trades-Unions. Lond., Trübner, 1870. viii+278+16+135 p. O. This is not a satisfactory work, and is quoted here only because there happens to be now in print no other book covering the same ground.

Brentano, LUJO. Zur Geschichte der Englischen Gewerkvereine. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1871. 288 p. O.

Brentano, LUJO. Zur Kritik der Englischen Gewerkvereine. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, 1872. 369 p. O.

Best work next to Barnreither.

Studnitz, ARTHUR VON. Nordamericanische Arbeiterverhältnesse. Leipzig, Dünker & Humblot, 1879. 426+119 p. D.

Farmers' Movement in the United States. Journal Social Science Assoc., v. 6. p. 100-115.


The New Trades-Unionism. F. Harrison. Nineteenth Century, Nov., 1889. WAGES.

Atkinson, E: The Distribution of Products, or, the Mechanism and the Metaphysics of Exchange. N. Y., Putnam, 1885. 303 p. D. $1.25.

Contains What Makes the Rate of Wages? What is a bank? The Railway, the Farmer and the Public.

Atkinson, E: The Industrial Progress of the Nation: Consumption Limited, Production Unlimited. N. Y., Putnam, 1890. 395 p. O. $2.50.

Contains" The Distribution of Products,' (not book above); chapters on the Food Question; The Relative Strength and Weakness of Nations; What Shall be Taxed; What Shall be Exempt; A Single Tax on Land; Slow-Burning Construction.

Gunton, G: Wealth and Progress; the economic philosophy of the eight

hour movement. N. Y., Appleton, 1887. 382 p. D. $1.

The author holds that a reduction of the working day to eight hours will solve the problem of unemployed labor. He emphasizes the statement that wages when high increase consuming power, and so tend to enlarge the market for product and labor.

Schoenhof, J. The Industrial Situation and the Question of Wages. N. Y., Putnam, 1885. 157 p. D. $1.

Aims to prove that low wages mean low efficiency of labor, and the converse.
Scudder, M. L., Jr.

The Labor-Value Fallacy.

League, 1886. 95 p. D. pap., 10 c.

Chicago, Patriots'

Walker, FRANCIS A. The Wages Question: a treatise on wages and the wage-receiving class. N. Y., Holt, 1876. 428 p. O. $3.50.

Holds that wages are paid out of production-in opposition to the wages-fund theory. Describes causes which render competition between capital and labor imperfect to the disadvantage of labor. Brings out the importance of the entrepreneur, or captain of industry, who stands between capital and labor. Discriminates real from nominal wages.

A work which takes account of sentiment as affecting economic forces. Weeks, JOSEPH D. Report on statistics of wages in manufacturing industries, with reports on average retail prices of necessaries of life; and on trades-societies, strikes and lock-outs. V. 20 of Census for 1880. H. R. Misc. Document, no. 42, pt. 20, 47th Congress, 2d Session. Washington, 1886, 4°.

Wood, STUART. Theory of Wages. Balt., American Economic Assoc., 1889. 69 p. O. pap., 75 c.

Wright, CARROLL D. Wages and Prices in Massachusetts; an historical review, 1752-1860; 1860-1883. Boston, Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 1885. 370 p. O.

A comparison of wages and prices, together with other important circumstances of living-as the comparative cleanliness and order of homes. Reprinted from the Bureau's 16th Annual Report, for 1885.

Brassey, T: Foreign Work and English Wages, considered with reference to depression of trade. Lond., Longmans, 1879. 417 p. O.

Contains some useful data and criticisms of trades-unions.

Brassey, T: On Work and Wages. N. Y., Putnam, 1886. 296 p. S. $1 Contains much information about the wage-receiving class, and the experience of an employer in dealing with that class; treats also of the rights of wage-receivers.

Fawcett, H: The Economic Position of the British Laborer. Lond., 865. D. $1.50.

Industrial Remuneration Conference. Report of proceedings and papers read, Jan. 28–30, 1885. Lond., Cassell & Co., 1885. 24+528 p. O.

Levi, LEONE. Wages and Earnings of the Working-Classes in 1883-4. With some facts illustrative of their economic conditions: drawn from authentic and official sources. London, Murray, 1885. 3s. 6d.

Full of valuable information.

McDonnell, W. D. History and criticism of the various theories of wages. Lond., Simpkin, Marshall & Co., 1888. 5+72 p. D.

The Whately prize essay.

N. Y.,

Rogers, J. E. THOROLD. Six Centuries of Work and Wages: the history of English labor. Lond., Swan Sonnenschein, 2d ed. rev., 15s. Putnam. 591 p. O. $3.

Based on his "History of Agriculture and Prices," see note thereon [Land and Rent.] Rogers, J. E. THOROLD. Work and Wages.

Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1890. 206 p., 8°, 2s. 6d.

Abridged ed. Lond.,

Chevallier, EMILE. Les salaires au XIXme siècle.

Rousseau, 1887. 303 p. O. 8 francs.

An able work.

Paris, Arthur

Villey, EDMOND. La question des salaires. Paris, L. Larose & Forcel, 1887. 299 p. D.

Roesler, C. F. H. Zur Kritik der Lehre vom Arbeitslohn. Erlangen, F. Encke, 1861. 245 p. O.

An excellent history of theories of wages.

Wages and Cost of Production are treated in the Report for 1889 of Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor.

Wages is treated among the Collected Essays of Prof. W. G. Sumner. N. Y., Holt, 1885.

Law of Wages and Interest. J. B. Clark. Annals Am. Acad. Pol. and Soc. Science, Phila., July, 1890.

Natural Rate of Wages. F. H. Giddings. Political Science Quarterly, Dec.,


The Eight-Hours Law Agitation. F. A. Walker. Atlantic Monthly, June, 1890.


Barnard, C: Coöperation as a Business. Comprising a summary of the results of coöperative work in the United States and in Europe, in manufacturing, trade, house-building, etc.; with some consideration of the causes of the success or failure of different enterprises, and also of the probable increase in this country of the application of methods of coöperation to various branches of practical business. N. Y., Putnam, 1881. $1.

Dexter, SEYMOUR. Treatise on Coöperative Savings and Loan Associations. N. Y., Appleton, 1889. 299 p. D. $1.25.

A thoroughly practical manual; gives the New York statutes governing these associations.

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