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J. P. BROWN, Chairman.





NOV 1 5 1916


ATLANTA, GA., February 15, 1905.

To His Excellency, Joseph M. Terrell, Governor :

SIR: In obedience to the requirement of the Act of the General Assembly, approved October 14, 1879, whereby it is made "the duty of the Commissioners to make to the Governor annual reports of the transactions of their office, and to recommend from time to time, such legislation as they may deem advisable under the provisions of this Act," the Commission begs leave to submit the following:

Since its last annual report, which embraced a general revision of its rules, the Commission has made a number of revisions of its freight rates, and classification of different commodities, the effect of all of which was to lower the existing rates and classification. The Commission in September, 1904, promulgated Circulars 301 and 302, which lessened the rates on various commodities to and from different points within the State. The purpose of the Commission in thus promulgating these circulars was twofold. First, to prescribe such rates as were just and reasonable, and second, to stimulate and encourage the manufacturing and jobbing interests of the State. The Commission realized that there had been no general revision of its standard tariff for a number of years, nor had there been made effective by the Commission a reduction in commodity rates to any appreciable extent. The last general revision of the tariff was made a number of years ago when conditions were materially different from what they are now, and hence it was deemed advisable, in view of this fact, and as well, of complaints lodged with the Commission by various shippers throughout the State of what they deemed excessive freight rates, that a reduction in rates should be made. The Commission therefore promulgated the circulars above mentioned. Before those circulars could become effective, the Commission was served with an injunction from the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia, at the instance of the Central Trust Company of New York and of various railroads in this State, claiming to be affected thereby, temporarily enjoining

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