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WAS born among you; my good or bad fortune embarked with your own. For the sake of my country I address you; my country's freedom I advocate; that joyful country, Columbia, which its illustrious hero, WASHINGTON, once so highly exalted, now involved in danger. Some of you disgrace its once so boasted name, America, far beneath its arbitrary derivative; its glorious constitution so well meant among the humble hearts of our fathers, you enemies, degrade amid the foul fingers of t ambition. Can they more sound in that spirit they once 90 brilliantly shined. The farewel legacy of our illustri- ous father, that sacred guide immerged amid the intrigues of tyrants; and oh the Washington name, whose spirit, worth thousands of golden worlds, delusion's perverted implement, our independence to blast; awful sinners blush, who threaten the chains of returning bondage.

Was the means of preserving liberty ever investi gated: is it easy to obtain liberty, it is hard to keep it. Every people have among them enemies to republican liberty; it is evident to all, since all republics have been destroyed. Experience of all ages show that liberty had always been an overtaken sacrifice; that we have among us enemies to our federal constitution and its illustrious chief framer, we have undoubted evidence.

Two parties having numerous and competent leaders, cannot innocently exist at defiance of each other's sword of death, and guided by the same constitution, but by wilful misconstruction of its powers.

Survey then for truth from Alpha's purity, where was instated beginning man; pass through the days of our humbling revolution, discern the rights of divine liberty, from lost man in civil corruption; follow the


pen of truth, amidst these ignominious dungeons, these dreadful prisons of prejudice; unshield your dark sarcams of stubborn will; let union be your object, justice guide you, truth convict and the candid will conform.

Since you have forgotten the name of America, let that of Columbia distinguish your patriotic ardor. Columbia is the true name of your country, these pages explain, and its supporters Columbians; its enemies rebels, let be the appellations, and no other distinguish the parties; drop into oblivion all former nonsense; let us really know our enemies. Allow them no longer in disguise to mingle with the Columbians.

Who are our enemies but aristocrats; let us know them under whatever title they are cloaked to delude us; let us disdain them; no matter for the empty name of federal or republican, neither will save us; continue these dreadful parties and our ruin is inevitable. Unite we must, or bury our liberties. Why be tools to wicked men among us, ourselves our worst of enemies; why not by our unanimity undermine these dreadful snares. Our interest is the same. Why longer be deluded by enemies hidden in pretended friendship before our eyes. Enemies to God, their ungrateful projects broke our dearest ties; our nearest affections now a prey to their delusion; oh serpent, approaching ruin, dreadful plans, unseenly deep, nine hundred and ninety nine of a thousand may never know their charming source of destruction.

Parties are needed, dupes will have it, because so says the serpent, to keep their rulers straight. Not dreaming that parties and nothing else drives us straight on to war. Oh foolish proselytes; a partial view, an aristocracy pleases, and vain and lost, the moral parties fast will hang to their wheels of ruin. But at once abashed, astonished, when beholding the whole ground, union, on looking back to the gulph from which they were drawn from danger. Oh how insignificant dupes behold that themselves are the very enemies they so much dreaded. The converted proselyte found himself a mere tool to others; as swords and ball in the hands of enemies; who would be as harmless lambs, be ourselves not their tools, with which they cut our throats. Mad with himself is


the patriot to think what a fool he was; turns round in a rage and guillotines the very king he so much loved.

Survey then the whole ground of government, and righteous truth excites the unprejudiced to behold at full view its glorious authenticity, that plain paved path to union. And in spite of all the hosts of hell's abruptions, union God will have. All the clamours of aristocracy break not the ties of wisdom's whole. Millions and millions of words to the contrary withdraw not the perfect convert; and volumes to the bulk of the globe, of traditional wrong so deluding to ignorance, to christians will no more serve the foul end of aristocracy, that crazy stranger to government, whose administrators are hypocrites, the aristocratical lovers of kings, the cause of all parties and the destruction of all union.

Cold runs the blood of the converted wise, he shudders to look back on ancient scenes of ignorance; to be detected only by the beams of wisdom. God grant the Columbians conviction. Let the new world be unshackled from the trammels of original sin; let the wide waves of the Atlantic detach our minds from the corrupted labyrinths of mother shame and blame; no longer be her babe to the breast of folly. Why study her snares of rivalship, interest or caprice; why vote in foreign darkness and high to tyrant throne, raise foreign cunning, to fat in the rebellious office of kings, and bathe in royal blood; why the charming eloquence of eastern tongues, their pretended liberty, their moment tone, their shining phrases; why believe their false politics, glittering from the breath of rogues, barking orators to delude you; whose brightest assertions put on no air of probability, they are not the golden fleece in which they shine; to shine effulgent as true christians, since the days of Cain, was ever the delusion of aristocrats, for the purpose of delusion; oh hypocrisy, sweet aliment to the dupes you make, roll in ashes at your feet.

Observe the annals of ancient eastern misery, their modern western fragments, taste their bitter evil, tremble at our beloved Columbia, and all our deserved world how shamefully robbed, how cruelly ravaged; first monopolized by aristocrats, then flying off in ashes of war; thus fluctuating through all the unbounded ages; tramp

ling before the torrent to the foot stool of tyrants, the innocent victims of the world; what scenes of servitude and sin, all the world over, from falling Adam down to this time of broad expanded presence; ruin and misery continuing to roll down the crimsoning worlds of Adam and Noah; let us reform Columbia and protect the earnings of moralists, whose toils are all subsistence, and the wisdom of the genius, whose arts are all we have.

In the new world turn over a new leaf; in the old, the mouth of labour fell always a prey to the cindering jargon of aristocracy; every generation to fall victims to the flames of war or other destruction, leaving rarely the seeds for new prosperity, to sprout after the campaign of waste; thus rolls the eastern world of nations, to subside in the millennium. All worlds first enveloped in wrath, then restored in virtue; progressing in unequal degrees through all the changes of war and peace to return in nature's millennium; as trees of the forest put on their winter and summer changes, at last arrive to heighth.

Adam held fast his dark power of wrong till lost in the aristocracy of his sons, whose posterity multiplied its iniquity, rapid like arithmetical progression till the sweeping flood of Noah, which overwhelmed the curse of Cain; and northing Noah like brave Columbus, sought refuge for those of thight from the drowning city of bondage; like Columbians from Europe, though clogged with human pride, commenced the new epoch in distant wilds. Again up sprung the new campaign of aristocracy, to widen over the rural fields of good, and the son of christian light arose amidst the scene; defied the torrent, the beastly torrent, brightening up the fields of knowledge; true liberty to impede the raging torrent. From the Italian spark, Columbian glory waved the dis-tant climes, rose occidentally beyond the curved field, as contradictory to the corruption of Noah's posterity as the new world is situated in being from the old; and wonderful transcendant diviners, philosophers and conquerors of the modern world of growing light, go on pouring forth experimental truth, spreading enlivening roots to the tree of liberty bearing aloft the Columbian branches of modern wisdom, that grand era of Wash

ington, brilliantly beaming forth the inspired light of scientific truth, fracturing the consolidated veil of ancient darkness to the conquering glory of the world; Washington begun the conquering patron of the grand union for the emancipation of man, and wisdom's freedom tremendously shakes the globe; defies the torrent of demagogues, the Columbian eradication, from the crimsoning garden of Europe, instrumental of unfurling glory, sweeping where it goes the robbing aristocracies of rotten ages, dispersing usurped minions from seemingly undaunted robbers; wonderful people who conquer the kings of ruin, while the eye of heaven is their watchful director of reforms, no longer to latitude the aspiring rogue; occidentally to endanger and rob the patriot, though told he is the fool for kings to rise, yet wisdom has proclaimed him Columbian yeoman and no oriental tool of sycophant.

Dissenting man who denizens the world around, new climes and arts to mend and change to multiply Columbian wilds, where many sons grow many equals, where never few can govern, where thirty years experi enced freedom, expands a field of wisdom wide to ever prolong man's righteous freedom where lords and kings can never grow, where brother no longer be against brother, nor state against state, where the ties of nature's law, the constitution of political science, the charms of love and union, the power of God that binds shall cord in endless bands the same Columbian views; the blood running soar of awful war no longer break friend's solemn ties. Adorning no longer rogues in power to be games of ambition, like dice amusing folly, to neglect community, like drunkards their families, western innonocence to become tools of eastern ruin, ensnared from the Columbian beams of liberty to whose transcendant rights shall wisdom be protection; shall her effulgent robe clothe this our land of freedom, and union protect our rights.

When we look back we behold the rights of man, jumbled in oblivion, neglecting innocence for paupery, untaught adults, victims of shame in the servitude of rogues, clothing fools in hereditary pomposity, omitting the wise to be their waiters disgraced in beggars rags,

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