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than thirty toises in diameter, and grew less in breadth as it rose higher. At a distance it might have been taken for a pyramid of immense height, which the hand of an able sculptor had adorned with garlands and foliage." One of the mates of the Dolphin, with a party of marines and seamen, penetrated into the interior parts of this island; and having ascended a mountain which they supposed to be a mile high, they discovered mountains before them so much higher, that with respect to them they seemed to be in a valley. Towards the sea, the view was enchanting, the sides of the hills were beautifully clothed with wood, villages were every where interspersed, and the intermediate valleys afforded a still more beautiful prospect; for there the houses stood thicker, and the verdure was more luxuriant. Mr. Forster with other gentlemen ascended to the summit of one of the highest mountains in this island, from whence they had a prospect of the island of Huaheine, and some others Iving at the distance of forty leagues. The view of the fert plain below them, and of a river making innumerable meanders, was delightful in the highest degree. The vegetation on the upper part of the mountains was luxuriant, and the woods consisted of many unknown trees and plants.

The rivers are both numerous and large. Issu ing from the bowels, or flowing from the tops, of the mountains, they are augmented in their course' by the descending rains, and swell into such mighty torrents; that the rocks are sometimes removed their violence, and the stoutest trees torn up by roots. But at other times these rivers glide in zular beauty from their lofty sources, meanderhrough the fertile valleys, amid the verdant

scenery of those luxuriant plains, and, if possible, adding to their fertility and beauty.

Nor are these islands devoid of lakes. Between the declivities of one of the mountains in the district of Byeorde, is a lake of excellent fresh water, and around its banks are many dwellings, where the inhabitants enjoy plenty of every thing, except the bread-fruit, for which they substitute the mountain plantain. This lake issues forth with a pleasant flow into the valley, and greatly enriches the circumjacent scenery.

These islands for the most part are encircled with bays and creeks, and some are favoured with excellent harbours, where vessels may safely rest. These render commerce both practicable and easy; and the time may not be very distant, when in these harbours the produce of Europe shall be exchanged for the improved produce of these highlyfavoured islands.

Bread-fruit, cocoa nuts, bananas, sweet potatoes, yams, juniper, sugar-cane, the paper mulberry, and several sorts of figs, are natural and almost spontaneous productions. The mountain sloe-tree, the plantain-tree, the precious sandal-tree, and many others, also flourish in all their beautiful verdure. And if these arrive at such perfection in their present state, what would they not under the fostering hand of cultivation? Nor can it be doubted, that the fertile valleys which border the coasts might produce sugar-cane in equal perfeetion to any in those places where it proves such a profitable article. And how pleasant to humani ty would it be to see these planted, cultivated, and manufactured by the natives, rather than by these poor unhappy partners of human nature who groan under the lash in the West-India islands,


The climate of these islands considering their latitude is very temperate, to which the elevation of the greater part of them may probably contribute.

The seasons are variable; for in some islands the crop is some months earlier than in others; but in all, they merit the appellation of favorable. In this the kindness of the Ruler of the universe is peculiarly obvious; because the untutored state of the human mind in these regions is unqualified to combat the hardships of unfavourable seasons, or to provide against the direful consequences.

Besides the domesticated animals, which aid in feeding the inhabitants, the winged tribe is very numerous. Nor are these confined merely to the tame race, but widely extended to many wild fowl, which the ingenuity of the inhabitants, even in their uncultivated state, find means to convert to substantial use. Hogs, dogs, and poultry compose their tame animals; and wild-ducks, pigeons, parroquets, doves, woodpeckers, with a vast multitude unknown in the northern world, compose their wild race. The mountains both sparkle with the beauty of their feathered inhabitants, and resound with the melody of their songs; nor is it easy to describe the sensations of a contemplative European, when he wanders amid such a profusion of natural pleasures.

But the sea also affords her tribute to the Otaheitean table. All around the coasts of these different groups of islands, multitudes of fine fish unknown to Europeans play in crowds; so that when the land withholds her stores, the natives have recourse to the sea; and thus the year is crowned with plenty, and they pass their days in luxuriant indolence.


In what an eminent degree these facts the way for the civilization and religious instruction of the inhabitants, is sufficiently evident; because, under proper culture, these spots of the earth would produce food for six times the number of inhabitants. Nay, in addition to all the natural productions of the country, the introduction of the plants of other countries would fully supply the wants of the new settlers. These also might be planted in many parts of that fertile soil, which now lies uncultivated, and wastes its natural vigour in vain. The Indian corn, for instance, which they at present neglect, would produce a crop every three months, and the vines would add greatly to their stock of fruits.




THE inhabitants of the Otaheitean islands are in general of a larger make than the Europeans. Nourished with plenty and fostered in indolence, the human body appears more vigorous and larger. The males are tall, robust, and well portioned; and some of them arrive at the height of six feet. Unlike the original inhabitants of America, they have long beards, which they wear in various forms. Their shoulders are broad, and their muscular complexion conveys the idea of strength rather than beauty. Their features are so various, that it is difficult to fix upon any general likeness which characterises them, They possess what are deemed good eyes and teeth, but the latter are not so well set, nor so

white as among the Indian nations. Few of them, however, have that unpleasant thickness of lips so common to the natives of other islands. The initiatory rite of the Hebrews is generally practised among them from a motive of cleanliness, and they upbraid those who do not adopt this custom. Contrary to the fashion of other countries, the men wear their hair long, and the women cut theirs short.

The women are less distinguished from the men by their features, than by their general form, which is destitute of the strong firmness of the latter. Though the features of some of them be very delicate, and a true index of their sex, yet the rule is not so general as in most other countries. Their shape is usually well proportioned, and some of them are perfect models of a beautiful figure; but the extraordinary smallness and delicacy of their fingers, forms the most striking distinction of the Otaheitean females.

The women of the higher class are above the size of English ladies, but those of the inferior rank are below the common standard, and some are uncommonly short. The obvious causes of this diversity, are the circumstances in which the latter are placed. The natural complexion is a fine clear olive colour, and the skin delicately smooth and soft. Their faces are in general handsome, and their eyes full of vivacity. Their teeth are remarkably white and regular, their hair usually black, and their breath, in general, is perfectly sweet.

Their dress, like their persons, is widely dif ent from that of Europeans. During the dry ather they wear cloth, and in the rainy season tting; but no shape is preserved in the pieces,

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