Your Quality has diftinguish'd You, but Nature too; and as none but Your Great Ancestor, who adopted You, cou'd give You so great a Fortune; fo none but Heav'n, who inspir'd him to do it, such a Soul to use it. How often has Your Charity seem'd a Profusion, and always done with a Grace and Behaviour still greater! For the Wants of many that Address to You laft no longer than the time of telling them. Wealth, if well confider'd, is but a splendid Vexation; and He Manages the best, who is neither neither Intemperate with it, nor Uneasie without it. I dare fay, I am now writing to one : whose Conduct discovers that Moderation and Humility may be confiftent with Superfluity and Power; and that Show and Vanity are not conftant Attendants on Youth, and a great Estate. On how many Occafions of late have You been known to shun Popularity, with more Industry than others court it! How little do You affect what the Cry of the Populace wou'd make one believe You is a Frenzy you neither like nor Encourage; nor can any Cause You engage in, want the Supports of Licentiousness and Violence. You are well assur'd, that Hate is often Blind as well as Love; and that none ought to be treated as Enemies, but those whom the Laws of Nature and Nations have declar'd fo. From this Confideration it is, that Candour and Benevolence directs all Your Actions, and that You are a Friend to every one that is not otherwise to Your Country. An equal Temper, a human Behaviour, and and a good Confcience are the chief Pursuits of Your Ambition: And therefore it is that You chuse Retirement at an Age, when others think they breath not out of a Hurry, and a Court. With what Satisfaction do you always leave the Diverfions of the Town for the Solitude of Claremont, where Nature at one careless Stroak has sketcht an infinite Variety; so pleasant is the Situation, and yet so proud, You can at once enjoy Your lov'd Recess, and look down on the Neighb'ring Royal Palaces that are crowded below. : There There the Air is not tainted with the Breath of Flattery, nor ruffled with Animosities; but Truth walks unmask'd, and Innocence fleeps unguarded. There You Study the Interest of the Publick, and the Good of every private Man; and imitate very early that great Conful who frequently withdrew from Rome, and the Fafces, to Practise at Tufculum what he had learned at Athens. I have fometime since obfer ved, that he who came to advise You was always more welcome, than he that came to flatter You; |