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jected with abhorrence; for How can we do fuch wickedness, when reftrained by the fear of God.

JOSEPH, though innocent, fuffers by the imputation of guilt. Here alfo a type of Chrift, who his ownfelf bare our fins in his own body on the tree, and fuffered as a malefactor though he did no fin, neither was guile found in his mouth. The humiliation of Jefus, like the imprifonment of Jofeph, was but a further ftep towards the fulfilment of thofe things which had been predicted concerning him. As Jofeph was exalted from the prifon to the right hand of Pharaoh, fo was the Captain of our Salvation made perfect through fufferings, and, for his obedience unto death, exalted to the right hand of the Majefly on high.

IT is the fufferings of Chrift that more particularly endear him to finners; the guilt was ours that nailed him to the cross, but the pain, the ignominy, the curfe was his: How great that love which prompted him to undergo that punishment which we had merited! How precious our falvation in his fight, fince he was content to purchase it at so great a price! What an evil muft fin be, which rendered fuch an atonement neceffary to procure our pardon and acceptance with God! How thankfully ought we to accept fo great a benefit! And yet, like the butler of Pharaoh, which remembered not Jofeph; amidft the riches, the honours, and pleafures of the world, we are unmindful of Jefus dying on the Cross for our fins; the benefit of falvation is difregarded, one vanity after ano



ther occupies our attention, and the main object of life, that which of all others is most worth living for, even our eternal intereft in Chrift, scarce engages a ferious thought, or leads to the formation of one pious refolve. If you live without Chrift, that is, without an eye to him in your daily purpofes and purfuits, confulting only. your own corrupt will, and the no less. corrupt example of the world, you muft expect, which is the neceffary. confequence of fuch a course, that you will die without Chrift, without part or lot in the inheritance of the Saints in light. For though falvation be purchafed for us, the bleffing is not ours, till accepted by us. It is offered to all, but they only who believe are the. worthy partakers thereof: The feaft is prepared, but without a wedding garment will no one be received as

a gueft: The Mafter of the house will not own those who never acknowledge him. Unlefs we remember Chrift in our lives and daily converfation, vain will be the hope, that he will remember us when he cometh in his kingdom.

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