THE STATUTES OF CALIFORNIA AND AMENDMENTS TO THE CODES PASSED AT THE EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH AND AT THE THIRTY-SEVENTH SESSION OF THE LEGISLATURE, FOREWORD In collating and annotating the sections of the Codes enacted, amended, ad repealed, and also the Statutes enacted, amended, and repealed, the style o the original works has been followed, so that those works with this volume wl give the bench and bar the entire body of statute law in force to-day, with tl exception of purely personal and local statutes and appropriation acts, wch are not of a permanent character and general interest such as to justify thr reproduction. he annotations consist, almost exclusively, in calling attention to conflicting acpassed at the same session of the legislature, inadvertent duplications, and thike. It was not sought to annotate the matter here given; that work will bet to the first Biennial Supplement, which will appear immediately after theljournment of the legislature in 1909, which volume will contain all the codmendments and all the statutes passed since the Cyclopedic Codes and Heng's General Laws, and all cases decided by our courts since those works apped, and such other cases as the editor deems of unusual value to the profen in this state, thus bringing the set right down to date in all respects. |