Rule 23. Each member shall be furnished daily with a printed list of the General Orders, which shall be kept on his files by the Sergeant-at-Arms, in the same manner as other printed documents. Rule 24. Any matter may be made a special order for any particular day, by a report of the Committee on Rules or by unanimous consent. CHAPTER VIII. Committee of the Whole. Rule 25. Any matter may be committed to the Committee of the Whole after the report or discharge of a standing or select committee, or by unanimous consent, without such report or discharge. The same rules shall be reserved in Committee of the Whole as in the Convention, so far as the same are applicable, except that the previous question shall not apply, nor the yeas and nays be taken. 1 Rule 26. A motion to "rise and report progress" shall be in order at any stage, and shall be decided without debate. A motion to rise and report is not in order until each section and the title have been considered, unless the limit of time has expired. 1 Rule 27. Proposed amendments and other matters shall be considered in Committee of the Whole in the following manner, viz.: They shall be first read through, if the committee so direct; otherwise they shall be read and considered by sections. When the limit of time has expired, the amendments which have been proposed and not previously acted upon shall be voted upon in their order without further debate. The proposed amendment as amended shall then be voted upon without debate, and the committee shall then rise and report in accordance with the action which it has taken. If the committee shall have adopted any proposed amendment, the same shall be reported complete with any amendments made in committee incorporated in their proper places. Rule 28. If at any time, when in Committee of the Whole, it be ascertained that there is no quorum, the chairman shall immediately report the fact to the President, who then takes the chair for the purpose of securing a quorum, and when that is obtained the chairman resumes his duties. 2 Rule 29. Should the committee not have completed the business before it rises, the chairman will report progress and ask leave to sit again. If leave be refused, the effect is to bring up the subject immediately before the Convention. CHAPTER IX. Proposed Amendments to the Constitution. Rule 30. No proposition for amendment shall be introduced in the Convention except in one of the following modes, viz.: 1. Under the order of introduction of propositions for amendment by districts in numerical order. 2. By report of a committee. Rule 31. The title of each proposition for amendment introduced shall state concisely its subject-matter. Rule 32. All propositions for amendment, after their second reading, which shall be by title, shall be referred to a standing or select committee, to consider and report thereon, and shall be immediately printed and placed on the files of each member. All proposed amendments reported shall, if the report be received, be committed to the Committee of the Whole and immediately printed. When a committee has reported that no amendment should be made to the provisions of the existing Constitution relating to any specified subject and such report is agreed to, all propositions for amendment relating to that subject which have been referred to that committee shall be considered as rejected. No standing or select committee shall be discharged from the consideration of a proposed amendment referred to it until the committee has had a meeting, subsequent to such reference. Rule 33. Proposed amendments reported by the Committee of the Whole shall be subject to debate before the question to agree with the committee in their report is put. Rule 34. No proposed amendment shall be ordered to a third reading until it shall have been considered in Committee of the Whole. Rule 35. No proposed amendment shall be put upon its third reading until it shall have been reported by the Committee on Revision and Engrossment as correctly revised and engrossed, unless by unanimous consent. Nor shall any proposed amend ment be read the third time, unless it shall have been once printed. Rule 36. Every proposed amendment shall receive three separate readings, previous to its final passage, and the third reading shall be on a day subsequent to that on which the proposed amendment passed in Committee of the Whole. Rule 37. The third reading of proposed amendments shall take place in the order in which they have been ordered to a third reading, unless the Convention, by a vote of two-thirds of the members present, direct otherwise, or the proposed amendment to be read is laid on the table. And the question on the final passage of every proposed amendment shall be taken immediately after such third reading, and without debate. Rule 38. In all cases where unanimous consent is asked for advancing a proposed amendment out of its order, it shall be the duty of the President to plainly announce such request in full twice. Rule 39. On the third reading of a proposed amendment after the reading of the title and before the reading of the text, the proposed amendment shall be open one hour, if required, for debate on its merits, before the previous question shall be ordered; but no member shall speak more than five minutes or more than once; the vote, however, may be taken at any time when the debate is closed. Rule 40. On the third reading of the proposed amendment no amendment thereto shall be in order, except to fill blanks, without unanimous consent. Rule 41. A motion may be made during the third reading of any proposed amendment to recommit it with instructions, but the instructions shall be in writing, and such motion shall not be debatable. Rule 42. A register shall be kept by the Secretary of all proposed amendments introduced in the Convention, in which shall be recorded, under appropriate heads, the progress of such proposed amendments from the date of their introduction to the time of their final disposition. Rule 43. In all cases where a proposed amendment, order, motion or resolution shall be entered on the Journal, the name of the member introducing or moving the same shall also be entered on the Journal. CHAPTER X. Motions and their Precedence. Rule 44. When a question is under consideration, the following motions only shall be received; which motions shall have precedence in the order stated, viz.: Motions to or for: 1. Adjourn for the day. 2. Recess. 3. Call of the Convention.) Not amendable or debatable. Rule 45. Every motion or resolution shall be stated by the President or read by the Secretary before debate, and again, if requested by any member, immediately before putting the question; and every motion, except those specified in subdivisions 1 to 11, inclusive, of Rule 44, shall be reduced to writing if the President or any member request it. Rule 46. After a motion shall be stated by the President, it shall be deemed in the possession of the Convention, but may be withdrawn at any time before it shall be decided or amended. Rule 47. The motion to adjourn, to take a recess, and to adjourn for a longer period than one day, shall always be in order; but the latter motion shall not preclude debate. Rule 48. A motion to reconsider any vote must be made on the same day on which the vote proposed to be reconsidered was taken, or on the legislative day next succeeding, and by a member who voted in the majority, except to reconsider a vote on the final passage of a proposed amendment, which shall be privileged to any member. Such motion may be made under any order of business, but shall be considered only under the order of business in which the vote proposed to be reconsidered occurred. When a motion for reconsideration is decided, that decision shall not be reconsidered, and no question shall be twice reconsidered; nor shall any vote be reconsidered upon either of the following motions: To adjourn. To lay on the table. To take from the table; or For the previous question. Rule 49. No amendment to a motion shall be received while another is pending, unless it be an amendment to the amendment and germane to the subject. CHAPTER XI. Of Resolutions. Rule 50. The following classes of resolutions shall lie over one day for consideration, after which they may be called up, as, of course, under their appropriate order of business: 1. Resolutions containing calls for information from any of the executive departments, from State, county or municipal officers, or from any corporate bodies. 2. Resolutions giving rise to debate, except such as shall relate to the disposition of business immediately before the Convention, to the business of the day on which they may be offered or to adjournments or recesses. Rule 51. All resolutions for the printing of an extra number of documents shall be referred, as, of course, to the standing Committee on Printing, for their report thereon before final action by the Convention. Rule 52. All resolutions authorizing or contemplating expenditures for the purposes of the Convention shall be referred to the standing Committee on Contingent Expenses, for their report thereon before final action by the Convention. |