SUPPLEMENTARY. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE TRUST COMPANIES OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK.-(Continued.) 1 Atlantic Trust Company, New York city............ $60,000 00 $222,178 99 $4,421,246 29 2 Binghamton Trust Company, Binghamton...... 24,378 61 1,586,608 32 3 Brooklyn Trust Company, Brooklyn........ 200,000 00 563,867 46 8,895,372 84 Buffalo Loan, Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Buffalo.. 1,200 00 76,405 50 1,042,680 86 $57,061 00 6 Columbus Trust Company, Newburgh.. 79,075 39 7,500 00 9 Farmers' Loan and Trust Company, New York city... NAMES. Dividends on capital declared for year. Deposits made by order of court for year Total of deposits Amount of bonds on which interest is allowed at this date. and mortgages purchased. 5 Central Trust Company, New York city........ 500,000 00 69,736 96 18,650,459 00 15,762 00 11 Franklin Trust Company, Brooklyn.... 80,000 00 86,084 40 4,763,298 97 46,000 00 14 Ithaca Trust Company, Ithaca...... 292,903 55 17,100 00 17 Long Island Loan and Trust Company, Brooklyn. 40,000 00 2,724,069 70 105,421 48 21 Nassau Trust Company of the City of Brooklyn...... 25 Orange County Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Middletown... 6,000 00 6,882 28 321,597 85 23,000 00 26 People's Trust Company, Brooklyn. .. 80,000 00 67,123 00 6,208,154 20 28,000 00 27 Real Estate Trust Company, New York city........... 27,500 00 2,600,875 20 90,000 00 28 Rochester Trust and Safe Deposit Company, Rochester.. 30 The State Trust Company, New York city...... 60,000 00 300,942 54 5,594,138 54 24,856 93 31 Title Guarantee and Trust Company, New York city........ 120,000 00 423,141 46 32 Trust and Deposit Company of Onondaga, Syracuse.. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE TRUST COMPANIES OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. - (Concluded.) 35 United States Mortgage Company, New York city.... 36 United States Transfer and Exchange Association, N. Y. city... 37 United States Trust Company, New York city. 38 Washington Trust Company, New York city........ Totals .. $3,497,700 00 $3,576,480 80 $244,259,297 00 $4,501,310 96 TRUSTS. MINORITY REPORT FROM THE COMMITTEE ON CORPORATIONS IN REGARD TO PROPOSED AMENDMENT No. 395, RELATING TO TRUSTS OR COMBINATIONS. To the Convention: The undersigned, minority members of your Committee on Corporations, by this minority report, respectfully dissent from the report of said committee introducing proposed constitutional amendment No. 395 (Int. No. 375), entitled "Proposed constitutional amendment as to trusts or combinations." Dated August 10, 1894. CHARLES A. HAWLEY. L. R. DOTY. GEORGE R. LYON. FOREIGN CORPORATIONS. COMMUNICATION FROM SECRETARY OF STATE IN ANSWER TO REQUEST FOR INFORMATION. June 12, 1894. Hon. Charles E. Fitch, Secretary of the Constitutional Convention, Albany, N. Y. Dear Sir. This office is in receipt of the resolution passed by the Convention, in which we are requested to furnish the number of manufacturing and business corporations organized under the laws of other States and conducting business within the State of New York, together with such information as may be in possession of the Secretary of State as to the causes which have led to the organization of such corporations without the State; and further to report such information as may be possible as to the organization by citizens of this State of corporations under the laws of other States to do business therein, and the reasons which have actuated such organizations to do business in other States rather than under the laws of this State. In compliance with said resolution I have caused an examination to be made of all the papers filed in this office pursuant to sections 15 and 16 of the General Corporation Law, as amended in 1892, and find that 1,045 manufacturing corporations and 1,157 business corporations, organized under the laws of other States, have received from the Secretary of the State of New York licenses to transact business within this State. I would further respectfully state that this office is not in possession of any information which will disclose the causes which have led to the organization of such corporations in other States; and I would also respectfully report that this office is not possessed of any information, and that the Secretary of State has no official knowledge, as to the organization by citizens of this State, of corporations under the laws of other States to do business therein. Very respectfully yours, JOHN PALMER, |