.... Seat in Convention. Jacobs-State Finances and Taxation, County, Town and Village Officers.... Jenks-Governor and State Officers, Judiciary. ... Johnson, I. Sam.-State Finances and Taxation, Charities.. 8 82 15 145 58 Kellogg State Finances and Taxation, Charities. 36 ... 76 .... Kimmey - Legislative Powers, County, Town and Village mittee on Proposed Amendments..... Koch- Railroads, State Prisons and Penitentiaries. Lauterbach-Charities, Chairman; Suffrage.. Lester County, Town and Village Officers, Industrial Interests, Privileges and Elections, Corporations..... .... Lewis, C. H.-Indians, Chairman; Cities.. Lincoln-Legislative Organization, Privileges and Elections, Lyon - Contingent Expenses, Chairman; Corporations.... 40 Marks Governor and State Officers, Printing. 105 60 80 127 - Maybee Legislative Powers, County, Town and Village 108 iary McArthur-Railroads, State Prisons and Penitentiaries... McCurdy - Governor and State Officers, Corporations, Civil Service 149 Seat in Convention. McDonough-State Prisons and Penitentiaries, Chairman; ..... 3 McIntyre Railroads, Education, Forest Preservation... 62 McKinstry County, Town and Village Government, Print ing, Proposed Amendments.... McLaughlin, C. B.-County, Town and Village Government, Chairman; Charities, Forest Preservation McLaughlin, J. W.-State Finances and Taxation.... McMillan-Governor and State Officers, Chairman; Judiciary, Rules ... 64 74 49 ... 21 Mereness-Governor and State Officers, County, Town and 142 118 14 115 Morton - Legislative Organization, Cities. ernment Nicoll, De L. Suffrage, Judiciary.. Nostrand - Legislative Powers, Indians. 93 111 98 O'Brien - Suffrage, State Prisons and Penitentiaries, Revision and Engrossment.... 1 Ohmeis County, Town and Village Officers; Industrial In terests 155 Osborn - Legislative Organization, Industrial Interests, 147 Parker Preamble, Legislative Powers... 37 Parkhurst County, Town and Village Officers, Chairman; Suffrage, Judiciary.. 139 Forest Preservation. Parmenter - Judiciary, Constitutional Amendments.. Peabody-County, Town and Village Government, Charities, Peck - Legislative Organization, Education.. Phipps Banking and Insurance, Charities.. Platzek Education, Indians Pool Governor and State Officers, Printing... Redman Railroads, County, Town and Village Officers.. 168 Roche- Legislative Powers, Corporations. 140 Rogers Legislative Powers, County, Town and Village 11 Officers Root Judiciary, Chairman; Legislative Organization, Rules, 16 Rowley Cities, State Prisons and Penitentiaries.. Sandford-Banking and Insurance, Education... Schumaker Preamble, Legislative Organization.. 136 101 9 Springweiler-Railroads, Salt Springs.. Steele. A. B.-State Finances and Taxation, Charities... Steele, W. H.-Corporations, Revision and Engrossment, 25 20 Sullivan, T. A.- Printing, Governor and State Officers.... Titus - County, Town and Village Government, County, Truax, C. H.-Judiciary, Industrial Interests... 71 .... Veeder Preamble, Corporations ... Seat in Convention. 84 Vogt-County, Town and Village Officers, Salt Springs.... 128 Wellington-Suffrage, Land Titles. 33 Whitmyer-Banking and Insurance, Contingent Expenses, 109 Woodward - Preamble, Revision and Engrossing. President Committee of Rules, Chairman.. 34 29 110 : On the Legislature-its Organization and the Number, Apportionment, Election, Tenure of Office and Compensation of its Members. Mr. Becker, Chairman, Erie. Mr. E. R. Brown, St Lawrence. Mr. Dickey, Orange. Mr. Schumaker, Kings. Mr. Peck, Rensselaer. Mr. Sullivan, Kings. Mr. Davies, Oneida. Mr. Root, New York. Mr. Morton, Kings. Clerk, George B. Munn. Room, Assembly 3. On the Powers and Duties of the Legislature: Mr. Vedder, Chairman, Catta- Mr. Roche, Rensselaer. raugus. Mr. Goodelle, Onondaga. Mr. Rogers, Albany. Mr. Kerwin, Albany. |