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salary not exceeding six hundred dollars for each person, and may dismiss them at pleasure;

8. He shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as are devolved upon him by this Code, or any other law of this state.

See 1 R. S., 381, §§ 4, 12, 15; Ib., 84, § 3.

§ 84. The governor shall transmit, free of expense, to the executive of each state in the Union, three copies of the statutes of each year and of the reports of the court of appeals as soon as published, and request a similar transmission to be made to him of the statutes and reports of the highest courts of the several states; and when the statutes of a state are received, he shall deposit one copy thereof in the state library, one in the senate chamber, and one in the assembly chamber; if but one copy be received, it shall be deposited in the state library.

1 R. S., 382, §§ 16, 17, 19.

§ 85. Whenever the governor receives information satisfactory to him, that any inhabitant of this state has been kidnapped and taken from this state into any other state or territory of the United States, for the purpose of being there held in slavery, or is wrongfully imprisoned or held in slavery in any such state or territory, on the allegation or pretense that he is a slave, or by color of any usage or rule of law prevailing in such state or territory is deemed to be a slave, or not entitled of


ing statutes with other


Recovery of citizens.

kidnapped or enslaved

right to the personal liberty belonging to a citizen,
it is the duty of the governor to take such measures
as he
may deem necessary
his liberty
to procure

and return. And for this purpose he may employ
such agent or agents as he may judge expedient,
who shall proceed to collect the proper proof to
establish the right of such person to freedom, and,
under direction of the governor shall take such other
measures and proceedings as may be necessary.
1 R. S., 382, §§ 21, 22.

Expenses. §86. The accounts for all services and expenses incurred in carrying into effect the preceding two sections, shall be audited by the comptroller, and paid by the treasurer, on his warrant, out of any monies in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ib., § 23.

Apprehension of criminals.

Governor's records.

§ 87. The duty of the governor respecting fugitives from justice is prescribed by title IV of part VI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, entitled "Of proceedings against fugitives from justice."

§ 88. The governor shall cause to be kept the following records:

1. A register of all applications for pardon or for commutation of any sentence, with a list of the official signatures and recommendations in favor of each application;

2. A separate register of the judges' reports to him of the testimony in capital cases, and of any action he may take thereon;

3. A separate register of all other applications made to him for any official action;

4. An account of all his official expenses and disbursements, including the incidental expenses of his department, and of all rewards offered by him for the apprehension of criminals.

These records and the originals of all applications, petitions, recommendations and reports therein mentioned, shall be preserved in the office of the governor; but whenever an application for appointment to office is refused by him, he may in his discretion return the papers relating to the application.

Laws of 1858, ch. 64, §§ 1, 2, 3.

acting as governor.

§ 89. Every provision in the constitution and Person statutes, in relation to the powers and duties of the governor, and in relation to acts and duties to be performed by others towards him, extends to the persons performing, for the time being, the duties of governor

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Custody of records.

General duties of the secretary of state.

SECTION 97. Secretary's report of result.

98. Penalty for refusing to give information.

99. Compensation of marshals and county clerks. 100. Census of Indians.

§ 90. The secretary of state is charged with the custody of all statutes and joint resolutions of the legislature, all documents which pass under the great seal, and of all the books, records, deeds, parchments, maps and papers now deposited in his office, or which may hereafter be there deposited, pursuant to law, and he shall from time to time make all necessary provisions for their arrangement and preservation.

1 R. S., 384, § 1.

§ 91. It is the duty of the secretary of state:

1. To attend at every session of the legislature, for the purpose of receiving bills which shall have become laws, and to perform such other duties as may then be devolved upon him by resolution of the two houses or either of them;

2. To attend the governor whenever required by him, for the purpose of receiving documents which have passed the great seal;

3. To receive and keep all conveyances and mortgages belonging to the state;

4. To receive and record, in proper books, the depositions made or furnished him, as required by law, by resident aliens desirous to take and hold real property.

5. To distribute annually the statutes, the legis lative journals and documents, and the reports of the court of appeals as required by section 93;

6. To distribute the acts of congress received at his office, in the same manner as the statutes of this state;

7. To transmit to the clerk of every county and town hereafter erected, a complete set, if possible, of the revised and subsequent statutes, and to the clerk of every new county, a complete set of the reports of the court of appeals; and whenever any volume of the statutes or reports furnished to any county or town is destroyed by fire, to replace it, if possible.

8. To purchase under the direction of the governor such of the statutes and reports, which he is required to distribute, as are not provided for him in some other manner;

9. To transmit annually, in the month of May, to each county clerk, a certified list of licensed pedlars, and a copy of the reports received by him for the preceding year, from the agents of the state prisons.

1 R. S., 384, 385, 386.

tion of origiral

statutes and copy.


§ 92. The original statutes and joint resolutions Preserva passed at each session, the secretary of state shall immediately thereafter cause to be bound in volumes of convenient size. He shall also compare with this original a copy of the printed statutes:

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