Erection of a townhouse. Convey ance of site, and erection and control of 12. To direct such sum as they deem necessary to be raised for the support of the poor for the ensuing year: and any money necessary to defray any charges that may exist against the overseers of the poor of the town; 13. To do such other acts as are specially authorized by the provisions of this title or any other provisions of law. 1 R. S., 644, §§ 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 17, 18; 666, § 1. § 965. The money to purchase a site and erect a town-house in the first instance, shall not be voted except after previous notice, posted in at least five of the most public places in the town for at least ten days immediately preceding the meeting; and the amount thereof shall not exceed, in number of dollars, twice the number of the electors of the town; and the board of supervisors may, in their discretion, instead of levying the amount with the other expenses of the town, require the question to be submitted again at the next annual town meeting. Ib., §§ 13, 14, 16. § 966. Conveyances for sites shall be made to the towns; sites shall be purchased and houses town-house. erected by the supervisor, town clerk and the justices of the town, and the houses shall be controlled by the supervisor, town clerk and the justice of the peace residing nearest the same. Ib., § 15. ing in new towns § 967. The electors designated by the supervi- First meetsors to preside at the first meeting in a new town shall cause to be posted, in four of the most public places in the town, at least fourteen days' previous notice of the meeting. They shall also fix the place for holding the first town meeting in the town or towns from which the new town is taken. If any of them fail to serve as presiding officer, the place of such may be filled by the electors from their own number. 1 R. S., 677, § 11. town meet § 968. Special town meetings shall be held to Special supply vacancies in the several cases hereinafter ings. provided. They shall also be held whenever twelve or more persons, eligible to the office of supervisor of the town, by written application signed by them and addressed to the town clerk, require a special town meeting to be called for the purpose of raising moneys for the support of com-. mon schools or of the poor when a proposition to that effect was not acted upon at the annual town meeting, or for the purpose of deliberating in regard to the institution or defense of legal proceedings or the raising of monies therefor. No special meeting has power to act on any subject, other than such as are specified in this section. Ib., § 18. meetings. § 969. No previous notice need be given of the Notice of annual town meetings; but the town clerk shall, Directions and regula tions to at least eight days before any special town meeting, cause notice, specifying the time, place and purposes thereof, under his hand, to be posted at four or more of the most public places in the town. 1 R. S., 677, § 19. § 970. Every direction given or regulation made remain in by any town meeting shall remain in force until altered or repealed at a subsequent meeting. force till repealed. Service of process. Ib., § 20. § 971. No civil process shall be served in the town on any elector entitled to vote at any town meeting, on any day during which such meeting is held. Ib., § 2. Presiding officer and clerk. ARTICLE II. THE CONDUCT OF TOWN MEETING. SECTION 972. Presiding officer and clerk. 973. Powers of presiding officers. 974. Clerk. 975. Minutes. 976. Time of meetings. 977. Vote of majority governs. 978. Challenged voters. 979. Voter not to be twice challenged. From 1 R. S., 649, §§ 22 to 30. § 972. It is the duty of the justices of the peace of the town to attend every town meeting and preside, except in the case provided for by section 967. In their absence the electors shall choose a presiding officer from their own number. presiding officers. § 973. The presiding officers have the same Powers of power to preserve order, to enforce obedience and commit for disorderly conduct, as is possessed by the board of inspectors at a general election. § 974. The town clerk is clerk of the meeting. Clerk. In his absence the electors shall choose a clerk. § 975. The clerk shall keep full minutes of all Minutes. proceedings, entering at length all directions and regulations made by the meeting. The minutes shall be subscribed by the clerk and presiding officers, and filed in the town clerk's office within two days after the meeting. meetings, § 976. Town meetings shall be kept open in the Time of daytime only, between sunrise and sunset, and, if necessary, may be held two days successively, but no longer. majority 977. All questions upon motions made at Vote of town meetings shall be determined by the majority governs. of the electors voting; and the presiding officers shall ascertain and declare the result of each vote. votes. § 978. If any person offering to vote on any Challenged question in town meeting is challenged as unqualified, the presiding officers shall proceed thereupon in the manner prescribed by the "Election Laws." to be twice challenged. § 979. No person whose vote has been received Voter not after challenge, shall be again challenged at the same meeting. ARTICLE III. Officers to be chosen. Fence viewers. ELECTION OF TOWN OFFICERS. SECTION 980. Officers to be chosen. 981. Fence viewers. 982. Proclamation. 983. Certain officers to be chosen by ballot. 984. Other officers, how chosen. 985. Vote by ballot. 986. Illegal voting. 987. Reference to election laws. 988. Canvass may be adjourned or continued after sunset. 989. Notice to officers of their election. 990. Clasification. 991. Ballots may designate term. 992. Determination of result. 993. Classification by lot. 994. Commissioners of highways. 995. Commissioners of highways may administer oaths. § 980. There shall be chosen at the annual town meeting in each town, except where otherwise provided by special laws, a supervisor, one justice of the peace, a town clerk, and assessor, a collector, and as many overseers of highways as there are road districts in the town, and also such of the officers mentioned in subdivision 4 of section 964 as are required by the determination of the town pursuant thereto. 1 R. S., 644, §§ 3, 4. $981. The assessors and commissioners of highways are by virtue of their offices the fence viewers of their town. Ib., § 8. |