tion. § 982. Before the electors proceed to elect any Proclamatown officer, proclamation shall be made of the opening of the poll, and proclamation shall be made of each adjournment, and of the opening and closing of the poll, until the election is ended. 1 R. S., 650, § 1. § 983. The supervisor, justices of the peace, town clerk, assessors, collector, overseers of the poor, commissioners of highways and constables shall be chosen by ballot. Ib., §§ 2, 22. Certain officers to be chosen by ballot. § 984. All other town officers shall be chosen Other either: 1. By ballot; 2. By ayes and noes; or 3. By the rising or dividing of the electors, as the meeting may determine. officers, how chosen. § 985. When the vote is by ballot the following Vote by rules shall be observed: 1. All the officers voted for shall be named in one ballot, which shall contain their names and the offices to which they are intended to be chosen; 2. The ballots shall be delivered to the presiding officers, so folded as to conceal the contents; 3. The clerk shall keep a poll list and enter thereon the name of each person whose vote is received; Illegal voting. Reference to" election laws." Canvass may be adjourned or continued after sunset. Notice of the result. 4. The presiding officers shall deposit the ballots in a box, to be constructed, kept and disposed of in the manner prescribed in the "Election Laws ;” 5. The presiding officers are the inspectors to canvass the result of the election; 6. The canvass being completed, a statement of the result shall be entered at length by the clerk in the minutes, which shall be publicly read by him to the meeting. 1 R. S., 650, §§ 4, 5, 6, 20. § 986. Any person who votes in a town in which he does not reside, or offers to vote in more than one town at any annual town meeting, in the same year, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Ib., § 16. § 987. Other provisions respecting the conduct of elections are contained in the "Election Laws." § 988. At the close of the polls the canvassers determine whether the canvass of the votes may shall then be had or postponed until the next day; if they determine that it be had then, it may be continued after sunset; but it shall be had publicly at the place where the meeting was held. Ib., § 18. § 989. The clerk of the meeting, within ten days thereafter, shall transmit to each person elected to any town office, whose name was not entered on the poll list as a voter, a notice of his election. The reading of the result, as required by section 985, shall be deemed notice to those whose names were so entered. Within ten days after any election for justice of the peace, the town clerk shall transmit to the county clerk his certificate of the result thereof. 1 R. S., 650, §§ 21, 28; Ib., 322, § 70. tion. § 990. When any one of several persons elected Classifica justices of the peace, at an annual meeting, is then already an incumbent of the office, for a term then unexpired, he shall be deemed elected for four years following the first day of January after the election 1 R. S., 650, § 25. designate terms. § 991. When at any such town meeting, except Ballo's may the first election in a new town, two or more justices are to be elected, any elector not voting for a person already an incumbent may designate on his ballot the person intended for the term of four years following the first day of January thereafter, by the words, or words and figures, "longest term," ," "four years," or "4 years." In such case the persons having the greatest number of votes, without reference to such designation, are elected; and the person elected and having the greatest number of such designations, is elected for the regular term of four years. Ib., §§ 26, 27. Determina tion of result. Justices in new and al § 992. The presiding officers shall determine who has been elected for the regular term of four years, under the two preceding sections, which determination shall be made, entered on the minutes, and announced as a part of the result of the canvass. 1 R. S., 651, § 28. § 993. If by the erection or alteration of bountered towns. daries of a town there be more than four justices Classification of justices. therein, they shall, notwithstanding, hold their offices in such town according to their classes respectively. But on the expiration of the term of office of two or more in the same class, only one shall be elected to fill the vacancy in such class. If by such a change the number of justices in a town is reduced, the vacancy shall be supplied by election. Ib., 323, §§ 81, 82. § 994. Whenever two or more justices are elected at the same time, and the assignment of their respective terms of office is not fixed pursuant to the foregoing provisions, it shall be ascertained as follows: The supervisor shall, within six days after the election, give notice in writing, to the justices elected and to the town clerk, of the time and place where he will meet them, to determine, by lot, their classes; which notice shall be served at least six days, and not more than twelve, before the time. The determination shall be in the fol lowing manner: The supervisor and town clerk shall deposit in a box ballots numbered respectively one, two, three and four, or otherwise, according to the number of years in the respective classes of the offices to be filled. Each justice elected shall draw a ballot, and shall hold his office for the term designated thereon. If any justice is absent, the supervisor shall draw for him. In case of inability of the supervisor or a vacancy in his office, the town clerk shall give the notice and conduct the drawing. Duplicate certificates of the drawing and its result shall be made by the officers conducting the same, one of which shall be filed with the town clerk and the other with the county clerk, who shall record them in the books in which the canvasses of votes are recorded; and the same shall be conclusive evidence of the respective classes to which the justices belong. 1 R. S., 323, §§ 77 to 80. sioners of highways. § 995. When only one commissioner of high- Commis ways is chosen, he possesses all the powers and shall discharge all the duties of commissioners of highways as prescribed by law, and shall hold his office for one year. Whenever three commissioners are chosen they shall be divided by lot by the canvassers, upon the result of the canvass, into three classes, to be numbered one, two and three: the term of office of the first class shall be one year; of the second, two, and of the third, three; |