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So the new covenant is not according to the old; for the old covenant, and the law, commanded offerings and sacrifices; but Christ in the new covenant, offered up himself once for all the offerings and sacrifices, and ended them all, and the old covenant also.

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And in the old covenant, the blood of the clean beasts, the priest with it made atonement for his own sins, and the sins of the people: But in the new covenant, Christ, with his own blood, hath made atonement for the sins of the whole world; and by the grace of God hath tasted death for every man; which grace of God, that brings salvation, hath appeared to all men, to teach them, and bring their salvation, &c.' And he hath given himself a ransom for all men, to be testified of in due time,' in the new covenant; which the days thereof are come above sixteen hundred years since.

So in the new covenant of light, life and grace, there is no need of offering rams and beasts, and other creatures for sins; nor the blood of bulls and goats, nor the ashes of a heifer to cleanse; nor outward lights nor lamps, in the outward tabernacle; for Christ Jesus hath offered up himself once for all: And he, the one offering, is a sufficient atonement in the new covenant, for the sins of the whole world. And his blood, (the life of him) the clean lamb of God, without blemish,' who takes away the sins of the world,' is sufficient to cleanse from all sin. And his light, that is the life in him, the word, by which all things were made, is sufficient to light every man's spirit, that cometh into the world. And the oil from him, the heavenly man, is sufficient for every man's lamp, to keep it burning.

So the new covenant is not according to the old; nor the New Testament is not as the Old. For the New Testament is in the blood of Christ, which cleanseth from all sin; and in him, the one offering, 'who offered up himself once for all, who is the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.' And the New Testament is in Christ, who is the life and light of men. And the Old Testament, in the old covenant, was for the outward light, and lamps, and temple, tabernacle and sanctuary, and the priest's lips, which preserved the people's knowledge: But the New Testament, in the new covenant is, that Christ is the treasure of wisdom and knowledge; and he is the everlasting high priest, who hath offered up himself for them, and is risen, and is alive again, and lives for evermore;' and is their light and life.

And in the Old Testament and old covenant, the priesthood continued after the order of Aaron: But in the new covenant and testament, Christ is after the order of Melchizedec, after the order of Aaron, nor came not of that tribe, but of the tribe of Judah. And in the New Testament and new covenant, all the believers in it, their bodies are

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the tabernacles and temples of God and Christ, and Christ the high priest dwells in them:

But in the old covenant and testament the priests had chambers in the temple; which chambers and priesthood Christ hath abolished, and made his chamber in the hearts of his people.

And in the old covenant and testament there was a covenant of salt, with which the sacrifices were to be salted, and the priests were to salt them: But in the new and everlasting covenant and testament, Christ, the high and everlasting priest, doth salt all the spiritual sacrifices of his people, and makes them savoury, and makes his followers the salt of the earth, and the light of the world; so that they need not have the outward salt, and light, and lamps in the old covenant, which Christ hath abolished.

And in the old covenant the Jews were to keep their feasts of tabernacles, and the feast of passover, throughout all their generations; and they eat of this passover when they came out of Egypt: but in the new covenant and testament, the Jews in spirit, that pass out of the spiritual Egypt, feed upon Christ, their heavenly passover, and keep the heavenly passover throughout all their generations in the new covenant, and keep their heavenly spiritual feast of tabernacles, dwelling in the green booths of the green tree, Christ Jesus, the heavenly man, the second Adam, whose leaf never withers, fades nor falls, but is always green. And Christ abolishes the feasts and passovers of the old covenant; so the new covenant is not according to the old.

And the Jews, in the old covenant, brought all their first fruits, and offered them to the priests; so there was a feast of the first fruits. But in the New Testament and covenant of light and grace, they do offer the first fruits of the spirit, that which the spirit inspires them with, or reveals to them; which spirit hath ploughed up the fallow ground of their hearts, and so they sow to the spirit, and of the spirit rcap life; which crop goes into God's garner, which the heavenly high priest gathers into his heavenly garner, his heavenly wheat, that is threshed out with his heavenly spiritual flail. For the priests, in the old covenant, had their first fruits brought into the outward garner, which Christ abolishes: So the new covenant is not according to the old.

And in the old covenant and testament, there was but one tribe of twelve that was made a priesthood, and they were to have no portion nor lot in the land, but tithes and offerings was their portion and salary. But Christ in his new covenant and testament makes all his believers priests,' as Peter saith, and to offer up spiritual sacrifices:' And saith in his general epistle, 'Ye are a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a peculiar people, offering up spiritual sacrifices, having one high priest (Christ Jesus) that lives for ever; who sanctifies his people (his VOL. VI.


church) and washes and cleanses them with the heavenly water of his word.' So his people are a nation of priests, of men and women; for all must offer up to the Lord their spiritual sacrifices in his new covenant, both male and female are all one in Christ Jesus. And so he ends the first priesthood, and abolishes him, with all his outward water and washings, and ends all his offices, and changes the law by which he was made, and the commandment that gave him his tithes and offerings. For by the law he was to have no lot of the land: But now that law being changed, he may take up land where he can, as others do.

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And Christ saith in the new covenant and testament to the followers and learners of him, Freely you have received, freely give:' And bid them, 'Go without a bag or staff: and into what city or town they came, they were to inquire, Who was worthy? and to eat such things as were set before them: For the workman was worthy of his meat.' So the new covenant is, Freely you have received, freely give:' And they need neither bag nor staff: for Christ the great prophet and priest will supply and uphold them.

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And so it is clear, the new covenant and testament is not according to the old, nor the new and living way according to the old way among the Jews; which old covenant and testament, and old law, and old way among the Jews served, until the seed Christ came, who is the new and living way in his new covenant and New Testament; and hath abolished that old way, Old Testament, covenant and law.

And in the old covenant, their circumcision was in the flesh, and in that they were to obey and serve God; and he that was not circumcised, was not to eat of the sacrifice, but to be cut off; and the priest and levite was to circumcise them. But in the new covenant and testament, Christ, the high priest, is the minister of the circumcision of the spirit; which circumcision of the spirit puts off the body of death, and the sins of the flesh, which is got up in man and woman by transgression. For Adam and Eve had not a body of sin and death before they transgressed. So the christians in the new covenant of grace and light, are the circumcision of the spirit, which serve and worship God in the spirit: And such eat of the heavenly passover and supper (Christ Jesus;) and if they be not circumcised with the spirit, they are cut off from keeping that heavenly feast of the passover (Christ Jesus.) So the new covenant and testament is not according to the old; for Christ hath abolished both the Jewish passover and circumcision of the old


And in the old covenant and testament, they that did resist the high priest, and gainsaid Moses, died an outward death by the hands of two or three witnesses. But in the new covenant, they that do

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neglect to hear the great prophet and high priest (Christ Jesus) whom God hath raised up, like unto Moses, and will not have him to reign over them, nor hear him that speaks from heaven, a more severe punishment comes upon them, than they that died by the hands of two or three witnesses (that did resist Moses;) for that was a natural death in the old covenant, but this is an eternal death in the new covenant. And therefore hear the Son of God in the new covenant, and ye shall live; and whilst it is called to day, hear his voice,' (for ye may be dead before to-morrow.) I say, hear him that speaks from heaven, whose voice shakes the earth, and so all that appertains to the earth, or is earthly; and not the earth only, but the heavens also, that they may appear, which cannot be shaken, to wit, the seed of life. So people was to hear Moses and the high priest in the old covenant and testament: But now they are to hear Christ, their high priest and prophet, that God hath raised up in the new covenant, in his grace, light and spirit. For the law came by Moses, in the old covenant; and all the people of the Jews was to hear the law in the old covenant, and do it, and live: 'But grace and truth is come by Jesus Christ,' in the new covenant and testament of light, life, and grace. And so all the children of the new covenant are to hear Christ in his grace, and to be under the grace, and truth's teaching, which will bring their salvation.

Now you may object, and say, 'Do not the scribes and pharisees set in Moses's seat or chair? And all that they bid you do, are ye not to do and observe it?'

This Christ spake before he was offered; for before he was offered up, he bid the people, whom he had cleansed, 'Go and offer a sacrifice to the priest for their cleansing.' And before he was offered up, he told them, They ought to pay tithe of mint and anise to the priest,' &c. But when he had offered up himself once for all the offerings, he put down all the priests, and their offerings; and sent his disciples into all nations to preach the gospel: And then he did not bid them go and hear the scribes and pharisees, that sat in Moses's chair, and go to the priests for their cleansing, and give them their tithes: But by the offering up himself once for all, he had ended the priests and their services, and the old covenant, and its works. [Mark, 'An offering once for all, for the sins of the whole world.'] Then there was no need of the priests in the old law, to offer lambs and rams, and the blood of the creatures, for the cleansing of the sins of the people, &c. But the priests, in the old covenant, his works were finished; and his wages and salary, his tithes and offerings, were taken away also. So he took away the first old covenant, testament and priesthood, and established the second. So tithes in the old covenant and testament to the priests

we grant; but Christ hath abolished both it and them. And the new covenant is not according to the old, in which Christ saith, Freely you have received, freely give.'

And in the old covenant and testament, the Jews were to appear three times a year at the outward temple, and there to worship the Lord: And there was another place of worship, where Jacob's well was, at the mountain near Samaria. But Christ saith in his new covenant and testament, in John iv. "That God is not worshipped, neither at the mountain of Samaria, nor yet at Jerusalem; for the hour cometh, and now is, [Mark, now is] that the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father seeks such to worship him: For God is a spirit, and they that worship him, must worship him in spirit and truth.' So this worship in the new covenant and testament, is a new worship, which Christ Jesus, the heavenly spiritual man, the second Adam, set up above sixteen hundred years ago; and then put down and abolished the worship at the mountain, and the worship at Jerusalem, when he set up this worship in spirit and in truth. And this spirit and truth must every man and woman feel in their hearts, by which they may know the God of truth, who is a spirit. And so the Jew inward worships in temple, his body being the temple of the Lord. And the Jew outward, in the old covenant and testament; they sung e and prayed in the temple, at outward Jerusalem: But the Jew inward, in the spirit, in the new covenant and testament, and new and living way, sings and rejoices, and prays in the Holy Ghost, their bodies being temples of the Holy Ghost.

And so it is clear, the new covenant and testament, and the new and living way, is not according to the old.

And in the old covenant and testament, God poured out of his spirit upon the house of Israel, that by it they might serve God in his law. But in the new covenant of light and grace, and the New Testament, 'God pours out of his spirit upon all flesh,' as was prophesied of in Joel ii. And the apostle preached the fulfilling of it, in Acts ii. So that with the spirit all flesh might see the glory of God, and see Christ,' who gave himself a ransom for them all, and tasted death for every man.'

And so in the new covenant the holy ghost, which proceeds from the Father and the Son, leadeth the servants of God and Christ into all truth, and reproves the world for their unbelief, and their false judgment and unrighteousness. So that they need not have the priest's lips of the old covenant to preserve their knowledge, nor the priest to kill the clean beasts, to offer up for their sins, to cleanse them with the blood of the clean beasts; and they need not have the clean beasts to die for them: For Christ, the lamb without blemish, hath tasted death

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