No state without the Consent of the united states in congress assembled, shall send any embassy to, or receive any embassy from, or enter into any conference, agreement, alliance or treaty "with any King prince or state ; nor shall any person holding... The Laws of Illinois - Страница 8написао/ла Illinois - 1823Пуни преглед - О овој књизи
| 1782 - 188 страница congrefs aflembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. 2. No two or more ftates fhall enter into any treaty, confederation, or alliance whatever between them, without the confent of the united ftates in congrefs aflembled, fpecifying accurately the piirpofes for which the... | |
| William Gordon - 1788 - 750 страница
...whatever from any king, prince or foreign ftate ; nor fhall the United States in congrefs afTembJed, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. • No two or more ftates fhall enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance whatever between them, without the confent... | |
| United States - 1796 - 588 страница
...whatever from any king, prince or foreign ftate; nor mall the United Stales in Congrefs affenibled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. No two or more ffcates (hall enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance whatever between them, without the confent... | |
| United States - 1796 - 584 страница
...whatever from any king, prince or foreign ftate ; nor fhall the United States in Congrefs affembled, er any of them, grant any title of nobility. No two or more ftates fhall enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance whatever betxveen them, without the confent... | |
| François-Alexandre-Frédéric duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt - 1799 - 306 страница congrefs aflembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. 2. No two or more ftates fhall enter into any treaty, confederation, or all.iance whatever between them, without the confent of the united ftates. in congrefs aflembled, fpecify ing accurately the purpofes for which... | |
| William Gordon - 1801 - 478 страница
...agreement, alliance or treaty with any king, prince or state ; nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of...States in congress assembled, or any of them, grant sny title of nobility. No two or more states shall enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance... | |
| William Gordon - 1801 - 478 страница
...agreement, alliance or treaty with any king, prince or state ; nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of...shall the United States in congress assembled, or any ot them, grant kny title of nobility. No two or more states shall enter into any treaty, confederation... | |
| William Graydon - 1803 - 730 страница
...United Stales, or any of them, accept of any present, émolument, office or title of any kind whatever from any king, prince or foreign state ; nor shall...grant any title of nobility. No two or more states sluill enter into any treaty, confederation or alliance whatever between them, without the consent... | |
| Mercy Otis Warren - 1805 - 434 страница
...whatever, from any king;, prince, or foreign ftate : nor fhall the United States in congrefs affembled, or any of them, grant any title of nobility. No two or morexftates fhall enter into any treaty, confederation, or alliance, whatever between them, without... | |
| James Madison, John Jay - 1818 - 882 страница
...agreement, alliance or treaty with any king, prince or state ; nor shall any person holding any office of profit or trust under the United States, or any of...confederation or alliance whatever between them, without the consent of the United States in congress assembled, specifying accurately the purposes for which the... | |
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