MUNICIPAL RESEARCH To promote the application of scientific principles to government No. Issued Monthly by the July BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH 1915 -261 Broadway, New York Entered as Second Class Matter July 30, 1913, at the Post Office, at New York, CONTENTS STATE ADMINISTRATION DISCUSSIONS OF PROPOSED AMENDMENTS FOR THE PAGE Next Steps in Development of a Budget Procedure for the City of New "A State Budget," Constructive Proposals to be Submitted to the State Con- Budget Systems-A discussion before the New York Constitutional Con- $0.50 .25 CITY GOVERNMENT The New City Government (Bruère), 2nd ed. (1913), 438 p. bound.. Organized Democracy: An Introduction to a Study of American Politics Efficiency in City Government (annals) (1912), 319 p.... Powers and Duties of the Officers and Boards of the City of Hoboken (1911), Municipal Reform Through Revision of Business Methods (1910), 58 p... Digest of Short Ballot Charters (Beard) (1912, rev. to date), 500 p................ Organization and Administration, Atlanta (1912), 64 p. Organization and Administration, Milwaukee (1913), 135 P.. Organization and Administration, St. Louis (1910), 416 p. bound. Organization and Functions, Rochester (June, 1915), 104 p.............. Nassau County, Organization and Functions (June, 1915), 108 p. Monroe County, Organization and Functions (June, 1915), 60 p. School Stories: Illustrated Guide to School Subjects of Interest (1909), 16 p. Questions Answered by School Reports As They Are (1909, 18 p...... Help-Your-Own-School Suggestions (1914), 32 p.... Waterbury and St. Paul Help-Your-School Surveys (1913), 32 p.. Additional Publications Listed on Inside Back Cover. List of Earlier Publica- MUNICIPAL RESEARCH To promote the application of scientific principles to government No. 63 Issued Monthly by the July BUREAU OF MUNICIPAL RESEARCH 1915 -261 Broadway, New York Entered as Second Class Matter July 30, 1913, at the Post Office, at New York, CONTENTS STATE ADMINISTRATION |