The American Almanac and Repository of Useful KnowledgeCharles Bowen, 1834 |
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Популарни одломци
Страница 208 - I thank God there are no free schools, nor printing, and I hope we shall not have these hundred years ; for learning has brought disobedience and heresy and sects into the world, and printing has divulged them, and libels against the best government. God keep us from both...
Страница 321 - That the several acts and parts of acts of the congress of the United States, purporting to be laws for the imposing of duties and imposts on the importation of foreign commodities, and now having actual operation and effect within the United States, and more especially...
Страница 246 - It shall be the duty of the general assembly, as soon as circumstances will permit, to provide, by law, for a general system of education, ascending in a regular gradation from township schools to a state university, wherein tuition shall be gratis, and equally open to all.
Страница 93 - The object to which its attention is to be exclusively directed is to promote and execute a plan for the colonizing, with their consent, the free people of color residing in our country, in Africa or such other place as Congress shall deem most expedient...
Страница 321 - An act in alteration of the several acts imposing duties on imports," approved on the nineteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-eight ; and also an act entitled " An act to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imports...
Страница 150 - ... may authorize, all academies, colleges and seminaries of learning within the state: provided, that no donation, grant or endowment shall at any time be made by the legislature to any literary institution now established, or which may hereafter be established, unless, at the time of making such endowment, the legislature of the state shall have the right to grant any further powers to, alter, limit or restrain any of the powers vested in, any such literary institutions as shall be judged necessary...
Страница 150 - A general diffusion of knowledge and intelligence being essential to the preservation of the rights and liberties of the people, the Legislature shall encourage by all suitable means the promotion of intellectual, scientific, moral, and agricultural improvement.
Страница 138 - Congress. Postmasters may send and receive, free of postage, letters and packets not exceeding half an ounce in weight ; and they may receive one daily newspaper, each, or what is equivalent thereto. Printers of newspapers may send one paper to each and every other printer of newspapers within the United States, free of postage, under such regulations as the Postmaster-General may provide.
Страница 139 - And from and after the day last aforesaid, all duties upon imports shall be collected in ready money ; and all credits now allowed by law, in the payment of duties, shall be, and hereby are, abolished; and such duties shall be laid for the purpose of raising such revenue as may be necessary to an economical administration of the Government...
Страница 225 - ... such lands as are, or hereafter may be granted by the United States, to this state, for the use of schools...