Hath so exfp'rated their King, that he Lord. He did; and with an absolute, Sir, not I, The cloudy messenger turns me his back, Len. And that well might Lord. I'll send my pray'rs with him. [Exeunt, ACT IV. SCENE, a dark Cave; in the middle, a great Cauldron burning. T Thunder. Enter the three Witches. IWITCH. HRICE the brinded cat hath mew'd. 2 Witch. Twice, and once the hedge-pig whin'd. (31) 3 Witch. Harper crys, 'tis time, 'tis time, 1 Witch. Round about the cauldron go, In the poison'd entrails throw. (31) Thrice and once the Hedge-pig whind.] I have ventur'd, against the Concurrence of the Copies to read, twice and once: because, as Virgil has remark'd, Numero Deus impare gaudet: and three and nine are the Numbers us'd in all Inchantments, and magical Operations. [They [They march round the Cauldron, and throw in the Toad, that under the cold stone, I Witch. Fillet of a fenny snake, 3 Witch. Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, All. Double, double, toil and trouble. Enter Hecate, and other three Witches. Hec. On! well done! I commend your pains, And every one shall share i'th' gains. Ee 4 And And now about the cauldron sing, } Mufick and a Song. Black spirits and white, 2 Witch. By the pricking of my thumbs Something wicked this way comes : Enter Macbeth. Mach. How now, you secret, black, and midnight hags? What is't you do? All. A deed without a name. Mach. I conjure you, by that which you profess, (How e'er you come to know it) answer me. Though bladed corn be lodg'd, and trees blown down, Their heads to their foundations; though the treasure Even till destruction sicken: answer me To what I afk you. 1 Witch, Speak. 2 Witch. Demand. 3 Witch, We'll answer. 1 1 Witch. Say, if th' hadst rather hear it from our 1 (32) mouths, the the Treasure Of Nature's germains tumble all together,] Thus all the printed Copies; and Mr. Pope has explain'd Germains by Kindred: but I have already prov'd in a Note upon K. Lear, that we must read, Germins, i. e. Seeds. Or Or from our masters ? Mach. Call 'em: let me fee 'em. 1 Witch. Pour in sow's blood, that hath eaten Her nine farrow; grease, that's sweaten All. Come high or low: Thy felf and office deftly show. Apparition of an armed head rises. (33) Mach. Tell me, thou unknown Power- duff! [Thunder. beware Mac Beware the Thane of Fife-dismiss me enough. [Descends. Mach. What-e'er thou art, for thy good Caution, thanks. Thou'st harp'd my fear aright. But one word more I Witch. He will not be commanded; here's another More potent than the first. Apparition of a bloody child rises. App. Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! 一 [Thunder. (33) Apparition of an armed Head rises. - Apparition of a bloody Child. Apparition of a Child crown'd, with a Tree in his hand.] I was at a Loss, why this particular Apparatus and Furniture was employ'd to these three Apparitions. I propos'd the Question to my ingenious Friend Mr. Warburton, and he gave me the following Solution. " Did " our Author only use it for Show, we should not, I think, quarrel with " him for it. But on Examination you will find, that the Infignia of these " three Ghosts exactly answer to their Speeches. The first bids Macbeth be" ware of Macduff; this is therefore an armed Head, the Emblem of Cau" tion, and Circumspection. The Second Ghost encourages him to perfift " in his bloody Courses; for None of Woman born should harm him. " This Ghost has therefore the Figure of a bloody Child: infinuating, that "the Height of Barbarity is the Murther of Children. The Third Ghoft " tells him, He should never be vanquish'd till Birnam Wood remov'd from " its Situation: and conformably to the Subject of its Speech, It has a " Branch in its hand and is crown'd; infinuating, that He should wear the "Crown till Birnam-wood remov'd." App. Be bloody, bold, and refolute; laugh to scorn The pow'r of man; for none of woman born Shall harm Macbeth. [Descends. Mach. Then live, Macduff: what need I fear of thee ? But yet I'll make assurance double sure, And take a bond of Fate; thou shalt not live, That I may tell pale-hearted fear, it lyes; And fleep in spight of thunder. [Thunders. Apparition of a Child crowned, with a tree in his hand, What is this, rifes. That rifes like the issue of a King, And wears upon his baby-brow the round And top of Sovereignty? All. Listen, but speak not. App. Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care, Mach. That will never be : [Descends. Who can impress the forest, bid the tree Shall (34) Rebellious Dead, rise never till the Wood Of Birnam rife, &c.] Thus all the Impressions, from the very Beginning, exhibit this Passage: but I cannot imagine what Notion the Editors could have of the Dead being rebellious. It looks to me, as if they were content to believe the Poet genuine, wherever he was mysterious beyond being understood. The Emendation of one Letter gives us clear Sense, and the very Thing which Macbeth should be suppos'd to say here. We must reftore Rebellious Head rise never, i. e. Let Rebellion never make Head against me, till a Forest move, and I shall reign long enough in Safety. Shakespeare very frequently uses this Term to this Purpose; of which I'll subjoin a few Examples. I Henr. IV. -Douglas and the English Rebels met, |