A great man should decline? nay, if you weep, Crom. How does your Grace? Never so truly happy, my good Cromwell. A ftill and quiet confcience. The King has cur'd me, Too heavy for a man that hopes for heav'n. 14 T [it. Crom. I'm glad your Grace has made that right use of Wol. I hope, I have: I'm able now, methinks, Out of a fortitude of foul I feel, T' endure more miseries, and greater far, Crom. The heaviest, and the worst, Is your displeasure with the King. Crom. The next is, that Sir Thomas Moor is chofen Lord Chancellor in your place. Wol. That's fomewhat sudden But he's a learned man. May he continue Crom. That Cranmer is return'd with welcome; Crom. Last, that the lady Anne, Whom the King hath in fecrecy long married, Only about her Coronation. : [Cromwell, Wol. There was the weight, that pull'd me down. Ο The The King has gone beyond me: all my glories No fun shall ever ufher forth my honours, :. Upon my smiles. Go, get thee from me, Cromwell; , To be thy lord and master. Seek the King; Some little memory of me will stir him, I know his noble nature, not to let Thy hopeful service perish too. Good Cromwell, Crom. O my lord, Must I then leave you? must I needs forego Wol. Cromwell, I did not think to shed a tear (25) trod the ways of Glory,] Mr. Warburton, who thinks the Metaphor here miserably mangled, conjectures the Poet wrote; rode the Waves of Glory. 'Tis certain, the Words, Sounded, Depths, Shoals, Wreck, which follow, all countenance this Emendation; and therefore tho' I have not ventur'd to disturb the Text, still I think it very worthy of confideration. Cromwell, I charge thee, fling away ambition; Still in thy right hand carry gentle peace, To filence envious tongues. Be just, and fear not. There, take an inventory of all I have; Crom. Good Sir, have patience. Wol. So I have. Farewel The hopes of Court! my hopes in heav'n do dwell. [Exeunt. (26) cherish those Hearts that hate thee.] Tho this be an admirable Precept in private Life, and full of the Divinity that first inspired it; yet it was never calculated, nor design'd, for the Direction of the Magiftrate or Publick Minifter. Nor could this be the Precept of an experienced Statesman for his Pupil's future Conduct. This would make a good Christian, but a very ill and very unjust Statefman: and we have nothing so infamous on Record as the suppos'd Advice given to K. Charles the 2d, to cherish his Enemies, and be in no pain for his Friends. I am of Opinion, that our Poet wrote; cherish those Hearts, that wait thee: i. e. thy Dependants. For the contrary Practice had been Wolfey's Ruin. He was not follicitous enough of making Dependants by his Bounty, but too intent on amassing Wealth for himself. The following Line likewise feems to confirm the Emendation: Corruption quins not more than Honesty. ; i. e. You will never find Men won over to your temporary Occafions by Bribery, of fo much Use to You, as Friends made by a just and generous L Munificence. Mr. Warburton. ACT Y ACT IV. SCENE, a Street in Westminster. Enter two Gentlemen, meeting one another. I GENTLEMAN. OU'RE well met once again. and behold The lady Anne pass from her Coronation. 2 Gen. 'Tis all my business. At our last encounter, The Duke of Buckingham came from his tryal. 1 Gen. 'Tis very true. But that time offer'd forrow: This, general joy. 2 Gen. 'Tis well; the citizens, I'm sure, have shewn at full their loyal minds, Pageants, and fights of honour. I Gen. Never greater, Nor, I'll affure you, better taken, Sir. 2 Gen. May I be bold to ask what that contains, That paper in your hand? 1 Gen. Yes, 'tis the list Of those that claim their offices this day, By custom of the Coronation. The Duke of Suffolk is the first, and claims To be High Steward; next the Duke of Norfolk, To be Earl Marshal; you may read the rest. [stoms, 2 Gen. I thank you, Sir; had I not known those cu I should have been beholden to your paper. E 4 But, But, I beseech you, what's become of Catharine, 1 Gen. That I can tell you too; the Archbishop 2 Gen. Alas, good lady! The trumpets found; stand close, the Queen is coming. [Hautboys. The Order of the Coronation. 1. A lively flourish of trumpets. 44 2. Then, two Judges. 3. Lord Chancellor, with the purse and mace before him. 4. Choristers finging. [Musick. 5. Mayor of London, bearing the mace. Then Garter in bis coat of arms, and on his head a gilt copper crown. 6. Marquess of Dorset, bearing a scepter of gold, on his bead a demi-coronal of gold. With him, the Earl of Surrey, bearing the rod of filver with the dove, crown'd with an Earl's coronet. Collars of SS. 7. Duke of Suffolk, in his robe of estate, his coronet on his head, bearing a long white wand, as High Steward. With him the Duke of Norfolk, with the rod of marshalship, a coronet on his head. Collars of SS. 2. A canopy born by four of the Cinque-ports, under it the Queen in her robe, in her hair richly adorned with pearl, crowned. On each fide her, the bishops of London and Winchester. 9. The |