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'96. Mrs. W. R. Copeland (Anne Young) has moved from Pittsburg to 1904 Green Street, Philadelphia.

'97. Grace Greenwood was married January 1, to Mr. Cleveland E. Watrous, Sheffield Scientific '95.

Margaret Miller, a former member of the class, has announced her engagement to Mr. Elisha Hilliard Cooper.

Harriet Morris is spending the winter with her family in San Diego, California.

Josephine D. Sewall has announced her engagement to Mr. Kendal Emerson, Amherst '97.

Grace Whiting is in Florence, studying singing.

'98. A group of Smith alumnæ in New York has formed a basket-ball team which plays every Saturday morning at the Lenox Lyceum on Madison Avenue against a team of Bryn Mawr alumnæ. The Smith alumnæ are Ethel Craighead '98 (Captain), Georgia Coyle '98, Ethel James '98, Charlotte Sherrill '98, Janet Roberts '99, Jaffrey Smith 1900, Carolyn Wurster 1900, and others.

Cara V. Burch has returned from Europe, and is living in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania.

Alice Jackson is in charge of a Working Girls' Club in Greenfield, Massachusetts.

Maude Jackson is teaching in Englewood, New Jersey.

Margaret Kennard and Mary Kennard '99 are in Berlin after a trip to Russia.

Mabel Knowlton is studying the Spanish language at Mrs. Gulick's school in Spain.

Carol Morrow is teaching in South Orange, New Jersey.

Alice K. Twining is teaching in New Haven.

Blanche Wadleigh is teaching in the Hannah More Academy, Reisterstown, Maryland.

Lucia Mae Wheeler was married January 1, to Dr. Joseph A. Hall of Cincinnati, Ohio. Address, 623 Crown Street, Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. '99. Mrs. J. F. Allen's (Ruth Homer's) address is now 4538 Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

Margherita Isola has announced her engagement to Mr. Charles Gilman Hyde of Philadelphia.

Elizabeth Squire is traveling in Egypt and the Holy Land.

1900. Mabel Burroughs is assisting Miss Bromback in the English Department of Oberlin Academy, Oberlin, Ohio.

Gertrude Perkins is teaching Greek and mathematics in the High School at Lebanon, New Hampshire.

Mabel Perkins is doing postgraduate work in botany and zoölogy at Smith. Marion A. Perkins is teaching science in the High School at Huntington, New York.

1900. Elizabeth Revell has announced her engagement to Mr. George McCallum of Northampton.

Bessie Rogers is the head of the Lower Middle School of the Balliol School (formerly Miss Piatt's) at Utica, New York.

Sarah Sanderson is teaching Latin, French, and English at the State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, Kingston, Rhode Island. Edith Sheldon has taken up College Settlement work in Philadelphia. Florence Shepardson has accepted a position as teacher in the High School at Williamsburg, Massachusetts.

Cora Sweeney is an assistant in Greek and Latin in the High School at West Springfield, Massachusetts.

Lucy C. Thayer has taken a school for the winter in Monroe, Massachusetts.

Elizabeth Wood was married in January to Mr. John Edward Hayes. Louise Wright, a former member of the class, has announced her engagement to Mr. Malcolm McAvoy of Cincinnati.


'90. Mrs. Edgar Warren Swift (Helen Folsom) a daughter, Virginia Louise, born January 20.

'92. Mrs. William Foster Rice (Florence May) a son, William Foster, Jr., born November 30.

Mrs. W. S. Buffum (Wilhelmina Walbridge) a son, Charles Walbridge, born in December.

'97. Mrs. J. R. Stevenson (Florence Day) a son, William Edwards, born October 25.


One of the greatest needs of the college life is the individual standard of scholarship. Through the leveling influence of class room and dormitory companionship there has been fostered an opinion Individual Standards that "as good as the rest" is sufficient, and that if certain students neglect to some degree their college work, such an attitude may be adopted by others. Almost any day one can hear remarks wafted through the hall such as, "They never studied for this course last year"; or, "If you are not going to do that reference reading, I won't."

It would seem that such students were not really students at all but rather time-servers apprenticed for four years to instructors for masters whom it was necessary to conciliate. Except for the satisfaction of a well prepared recitation, the instructor is neither benefited nor injured by individual work. It is the student herself who must bear the consequences. Even if she is not particularly fond of work, since she is placed in an institution where it is necessary, she could render it much more enjoyable if performed thoroughly and cheerfully. For no matter how disagreeable the task, there is always a pleasure in work thoroughly accomplished. Then, too, if a student fails to realize the benefit to herself of placing high ideals independent of other people, she must, at least, acknowledge that she as well as others, forms an independent factor in raising or lowering the general standard. Since one student ganges her degree of thoroughness by some one else, so that one, in turn, may measure her work by the former. Again, while those who have been conscientious fall from their pedestals, dragging with them weaker characters who had employed them as a standard, others who turn over a new leaf with a determination to do good, independent work exert on their part equal influence.

The habit of depending on the majority for a standard is one that will cling throughout life, weakening the character and permitting a nature that might be steered by its own rudder to be buffeted by all the winds of heaven. Almost invariably when individual standards are established, they are higher and more serious than those of a community; but if each person would have definite ideals, in time the whole tone of the community could be heightened. It requires courage to leave a room full of idling friends in order to read more carefully some article recommended but not required, or to learn thoroughly a lesson which in college language might be "bluffed," yet the habit once acquired becomes easy and the results repay fourfold.


The Debate

At a joint meeting of the junior and senior classes on December eleventh, a motion was made and carried that a junior-senior debate be held on February twenty-second for the benefit of the Students' Building. Accordingly all juniors and seniors interested in the subject and willing to take part were urged to give their names to a committee consisting of Miss E. T. Emerson 1901, Miss A. C. Childs 1901, Miss Freeman 1902, and Miss Otis 1902. Of these, there were sixteen from each class. A notice was then posted to the effect that there would be two trial debates previous to the one on Washington's Birthday, for the purpose of selecting the final teams.

The subject for the first trial debate was then announced to be as follows: "Should Federal Protection be extended to Negro Suffrage"? Debaters were recommended to prepare themselves on both sides of the question, giving special attention to refutation as a form of argument. A committee of the faculty, consisting of Miss Jordan, Miss Peck, Mr. Dennis, and Professor Wood, furnished information as to where references could be found and what in general are the principles on which debates should be conducted. The debate was then appointed for January twelfth.

The competitors from each class were divided alphabetically into two sections, and lots were drawn for the specific team positions, twenty-four hours previous to the time set for the debate, or rather the debates, for the sections were to debate simultaneously in different rooms of College Hall. Three members of the faculty served as judges in each room, and the audience was made up of friends invited by those taking part and of the members of the class in Civil Government. The list of the judges, the moderators, and the teams of the four sections is as follows:


First Section.

Judges: Miss Cheever, Miss Cutler, Professor Stoddard.
Moderator: Miss Barrett 1901.

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First Section.

Judges: Miss Hanscom, Miss Norcross, Professor Tyler.

Moderator: Miss Freeman 1902.

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Each debater spoke twice, eight minutes the first time and two the second. As the decision of the judges was made with a view merely to choosing four students from each section for the second trial debate, the winning side in each room was not given. However, in one section this was done by taking a popular vote, which resulted in favor of the affirmative side.

When the debates were over and after the judges had consulted together, Mr. Dennis read the names of those chosen for the second debate. This list was as follows,-Seniors: Miss Burbank, Miss A. C. Childs, Miss deLong, Miss Howard, Miss Hunter, Miss McGrew, Miss Stuart, Miss Winants; Juniors: Miss I. P. Chase, Miss Canedy, Miss R. H. French, Miss Egbert, Miss Minor, Miss Moore, Miss Tubby, Miss Walbridge.

The subject for the second trial debate, which is to be held on February ninth, is, "Can the Existence of the Chronic Mugwump be Justified"? MARY SEELYE HUNTER 1901.

The Value of Time

For many reasons it is to be regretted that college life is such a typical expression of the American spirit of feverish hurry and eternal rush. It is a pity that the college day should always seem too short for the college duties, and that the college mind should have so little time to steady itself and adjust its restless energies; but amid these temporary difficulties, college training teaches us one of its most permanent and important lessons,-the value of time. As soon as one realizes what a great amount of work must be accomplished in four short years, the value of time begins to increase. The student finds it necessary to map out the days hour by hour, with a certain proportion of work and recreation; and while in actual practice the propor

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