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tion often becomes surprisingly distorted and the days do not materialize as she has planned, there is a growing realization of the extravagance of wasted hours and of the satisfaction in well ordered days. The atmosphere is that of condensed time, and the student inevitably acquires the habit of concentrating her work within certain limits of time and appreciating her recreation with the keenest essence of enjoyment, priding herself on her ability to wring the contents out of every moment.

Thus the value of her own time is a lesson soon learned by every student; but there is a corresponding quality more rarely found and quite as important, an appreciation of the time of others. In our zeal to make the most of our own time we crowd the days so full that we encroach upon the time of others, making the loss of others our own gain. The energetic girl who saves the first ten minutes of the recitation hour in which to review the week's work flatters herself that she is wisely improving her time, failing to realize that when she rushes into the recitation room five minutes late, the disturbance of banging doors, squeaking chairs, and rustling note books may subtract several valuable minutes from the time which really belongs to the instructor and to the other members of the class. The same girl will fume and fret because, when she has saved a certain fifteen minutes out of a busy day for a committee meeting, the rest of the committee fail to appear at the appointed time, but come strolling in at intervals until her whole evening is wasted; but she herself will feel perfectly justified in being chronically late to lectures, late to church, late to "gym," and late to meals.

The aimless, idling type of girl is seldom seen in the college world; we are more familiar with the other extreme-the breathless maiden who is always running madly across the campus from recitation to recitation with her golf cape flying and a general appearance of trying to get the better of time. The secret of the balance between the two extremes is simply promptness. Let the fleeting moment be realized to its utmost capacity, let the wasted hours be reduced to a minimum, yet the demand for promptness in meeting all appointments is nothing more than a just consideration for the rights of others. The habit of promptness should be considered as important a part of mental discipline as the habit of concentration, and its acquisition requires after all very little effort. Unfortunately the punctual college girl is the exception rather than the rule; but perhaps it is because of this very rarity that we appreciate her so much when we do succeed in finding her. It is with a distinct sense of surprise and relief that we see her going promptly to keep her appointments in her deliberate and collected manner; she claims less from her friends than her flurried sister who always needs some one to collect her note books, rubbers, and fountain pen while she hunts for her hat and cries desparingly, "Oh wait for me!" The punctual girl is a treasure at any price; whatever her faults, her friends rejoice in her because she can always be depended upon; and the respect and gratitude she wins by her consideration of others' time is surely ample reward for her pains in acquiring the habit of promptness as a necessary element in a true realization of the value of time.

S. C. A. C. W. Notes

Extract from a letter of Dr. Meyers, dated Amoy, China, Oct. 18th, 1900: I have been waiting till this week to write to you, hoping to have something interesting to tell you about the beginning of my medical work. For at last I have begun, though it is a very small beginning indeed, just one dispensary day a week. I had been able to get a little preparation in medical vocabulary by going over to Tek-chin-Kha with Dr. Otte, to some of his big dispensary clinics. And as usual when it came to the actual clinic, it was not half as bad as my fears. In the first place, there were only twenty patients altogether and more than half of them were children. And then things went about as smoothly as if I had been at home. Of course there were the customs of the hospital to learn, but I shall not have to bother about those again.

And just as I was fairly started, some of the officers from the Dutch manof-war in the harbor came to visit the hospital, and Dr. Otte went to show them around. My heart was in my throat when he left me all alone with the women students and the patients. Fortunately when the patients didn't understand me or I them the students would elaborate until we understood each other. One woman I couldn't understand though, and so I told her to wait until Dr. Otte came back, and afterwards I heard that she said I considered her case so serious that I consulted Dr. Otte about her, and she was much elated over this.

On the whole it was extremely nice to be doing a little work of my own, and I know the interest will grow. However, this is all the regular work I'm going to do until my first examination (i. e. in the language) is over. I did think I was through with examinations, but they still pursue me. This one

is not so formidable, only I don't want it to fall below the 97 per cent of the last examination.

Extract of Dr. Meyer's letter written on a river boat, Dec. 14, 1900:

I have just been having a most protracted and entertaining conversation with the boatman during the half hour while I have been waiting for my burdens to arrive. Kim-sing is a most interesting individual, a deacon in one of our churches and very earnest in Christian work. The first topic was my gold watch chain and Phi Beta Kappa key and my rings, whether they were gold and how much they cost. Then we switched off on to my family and I ended up with telling him how I happened to come to China. He inquired whether my family had discussed the matter and decided to send me, and whether I was pleased to come. Isn't that an un-American view of the case? I told him that I decided to come and told my people and they said all right, go ahead. And I suppose he thought that was a very queer way to arrange the matter. I told him too of the large girls' college whose students were sending me out, and I just wish you could have heard him say, "Put-che thia Tiong-Roklâng"-they must love the Chinese very much. And I was glad to say I thought they did.

The Monthly came this week and was welcome as always. I search every list of names for those that are familiar and I am rather appalled to find them growing so few. I wish some of the under classmen (or girls) would write me so that I can keep the personal touch that is so very nice. You see,

I know none of the girls personally after 1902, and I want to get acquainted by letter and photograph. Address: Dr. Angie Meyers, Amoy, China.

At the missionary meeting, February 3, interesting reports were read from all branches of the work of the society. At the close of the regular meeting the members were asked to stay to transact some matters of busiThe resignation of the president, Miss Alice Duryee 1901, was read and accepted. Miss Sarah DeForest 1901 was unanimously elected to fill the chair for the remainder of the year.


While almost every girl in Smith College has contributed either money or articles for the Needlework Guild this past year, probably only a few of them realize what the organization really is and what a great work it does throughout the United States. The object of the guild is to furnish new, plain, suitable garments to meet the great need of our hospitals, Homes, and other charities. The annual contribution of two or more new articles of wearing apparel or household linen or a donation of money constitutes membership. There are now three hundred and more branches, representing thirty-seven states of the Union, which shows the remarkable progress the guild has made in thirteen years since it started with one small organization in one city. The yearly collection at that time was a little less than four hundred articles, while this year over four hundred thousand garments were received and distributed to the various organized charities throughout the country.

The report of the Smith College Branch for the year 1900-1901 is most encouraging, and shows a marked progress and increase of interest in the work. Over nine hundred garments and thirty-four dollars in money were received by the guild and sent to the college settlements in Boston and New York, which returned letters of gratitude and thanks to be extended to all the members who have so generously shown their interest in this cause of alleviating the suffering of the needy.


During the Christmas vacation Miss Scott read a paper before the Modern Languages Association at the University of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, on Il Cortigiano. She suggested that Shakspere knew Il Cortigiano, either in the original Italian, or in the English translation, and that he found in it Benedick and Beatrice, in il Signor Gaspare Pallavicino and la Signora Emilia Pia.

In spite of frequent assurance to the contrary, some students still seem to labor under the delusion that all communications and invitations for members of the faculty must necessarily be put on the faculty bulletin board. While the student bulletin board is available to almost every student, some members of the faculty are inaccessible through the medium of the faculty bulletin board; consequently papers and themes left on this board not only take up too much space, but often fail of their destination, and invitations sent in this way are discourteously delayed. Papers should be left in the offices of the department for which they are intended; invitations for Presi

dent Seelye and for Mrs. Seelye, for the science professors, and for the matrons of the campus houses should be mailed or delivered to them, and the faculty bulletin board should be reserved by the students for such invitations as are sure to reach the faculty, and for those communications from the faculty which are only too sure to reach the students.

The Oriental Club has developed from an experiment of a few members of the senior class of '96 who met at Professor Wood's house. The desire to look more generally into the history and literature of the East than was possible to do in the class room prompted this plan. It was designed to test the question whether there was need of other work, supplementary to class room work, and to take up a more general survey than would be appropriate for the class room. At first the archæology, but later the history and literature of the Orient, read and translated, have been the main lines of work. Some especial subjects of this year have been Japanese literature in connection with which a Japanese drama was given by six of the club members; also Indian literature, selections from which were read.

The club does not aim at elaborate organization, nor does it do anything aside from Oriental work for which it was founded. It consists of a group of students gathered together solely for a particular work, and only very gradually has it begun to take on a more definite form of organization as its needs arose. It was originally a senior club, but within the last two years juniors have been made eligible to membership.


Another property box has been built by the Council in the basement of the gymnasium for the Senior Dramatics costumes. It was found that the dresses and suits left over each year became torn and dilapidated when left in the one over-crowded property box; and also as these costumes are not supposed to be used for the college dramatics, they proved a trying temptatation when lying in the one box with the other things. The new box consists of a series of shelves and a closet with hooks and poles, and is very convenient. The rules of the general property box are as follows:

1. None but campus houses are allowed to borrow costumes.

2. Property may not be kept out longer than three days, Sunday excepted. 3. The key must be returned to the custodian the same day it is borrowed, and the person borrowing it is requested, before taking a key, to register its number, the date, and her name upon the slip over which the keys hang in the custodian's room.

4. Any one who borrows costumes is requested to return them to the particular drawer or closet they were taken from, in order to facilitate matters for the custodian and future borrowers.

Each year the custodianship is awarded to a junior, the custodian for the current year being Gertrude O. Tubby, Tenney House.

Along with Colloquium, Biological, and other scientific clubs, it is but natural that there should be some kind of an organization to represent one of the fundamental sciences, physics, and to meet the demands of those who

desire to follow recent investigations. The Physics Club has therefore been founded, having as its object the review of the development of physics an! the reading and study of the current works on the subject. The club meets every second and fourth Monday of the month, and at the last meeting elected the following officers for the year: Agnes Childs 1901, President; Mary S. Hunter 1901, Vice-President; Louisa B. Kimball 1901, Secretary and Treasurer; also as members of the Executive Committee, Susan Seaver 1901 and Alice Kimball 1901. LOUISA BLEECKER KIMBALL 1901.


On Monday evening, February 4, at an open meeting of the Philosophical Society, Professor George T. Ladd of Yale gave an interesting lecture on 'The Conception of the Good in Ethics." He spoke of the universal claim of ethics upon all adult human life. The expression "the Good" is used in many ways, he said. The noble, the practical, the sweet are all good. States of selves and what has reference to states of selves alone are good or bad. A science of ethics begins when it sees a man's actions are directed towards, or terminate in, a form of good, and unifies these. The Hedonists and Eudaemonists hold that a deed is good as it promotes happiness and that the statement that happiness is a good is self-evident, requiring and admitting of no proof. The truth is, Professor Ladd said, that men seek other things than happiness. Neither the savage nor the man of highest culture considers it as the ultimate good, but only the man of the middle class yields to the arguments of the Hedonist. Man is a complex being with many interests; some live for pleasure, some for art, and some for righteousness. Upon the solution of the problem of the ultimate good depends the answer to the question whether life is worth living. There are three kinds of good: the Eudaemonistic, the aesthetic, and the ethical. The common element in these three Professor Ladd called satisfaction. Man has longings for all and the ideal good is the satisfaction of these longings. This ideal of ultimate good is a subject of development changing from time to time with the development of the race.

After the lecture the members of the faculty and of the Society had an opportunity to meet Professor Ladd at the Tyler House.


At an open meeting of the Greek Club held in Lilly Hall on Tuesday evening, January 15, Miss Boyd gave an entertaining lecture on "New Chapters in Cretan History." After giving a brief history of the island, Miss Boyd described the archæological excavations which she herself conducted in Crete, having obtained the Agnes Hoppin Memorial Scholarship from the American School of Archæology at Athens for the purpose; various stereopticon views of scenes in Crete, of the people, and of the archæological treasures were also shown.

In obtaining books from the college library it is surprising to find what a large number of them are disfigured by pen and pencil marks. It seems incredible that the students should so abuse the privileges of the Reference

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