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Miss I. P. Chase,

Miss Moore,

Miss Tubby,

Miss Canedy,

Miss Burbank,

Miss Stuart,

Miss deLong.

Miss A. C. Childs.

Sides and positions were not assigned to the contestants until the morning of the day before the debate, as it was desired that the debating should be, as far as possible, extemporaneous.

Each debater was allowed seven minutes for her first speech, and three minutes for rebuttal. Mr. Root, in announcing the judges' decision, said that they had met with the difficulties usually connected with their position. On one point, however, they were all agreed, namely, with regard to the prize of fifty dollars for the best junior debater, which was unanimously awarded to Gertrude Tubby. On the other two points their decisions were as follows: the gold medal, offered to the best debater, junior or senior, was won by Marie Stuart 1901, and the honors of the debate went to the seniors. Since this debate was given for the benefit of the Students' Building, an admission of twenty-five cents was charged, and about one hundred and fifty dollars was cleared.

The debate throughout was very creditable to the contestants, especially when the small amount of time allowed for team work is considered. The interest shown by the college at large proves that the inter-class debate supplies an element which the college has heretofore lacked, and which faculty and students alike are disposed to welcome, hoping that it may become a permanent institution.


The enthusiasm of a college audience is surely the truest criticism of a college play. From the moment when the curtain was raised upon the first tableau of the Morris House dramatics until it

Morris House Dramatics fell after the last words of the heroine, the hush of the audience and the spontaneous bursts of applause showed how truly the efforts of the actors and the splendid management of the committees were appreciated.

The play itself was a classic, a translation of Eugéne Scribe's "La Bataille de Dames." Although the plot was one with which we are well acquainted in these days of colonial novels, still there was to be found a new element in the strictly French setting. The story is that of a young French officer against whom a warrant of arrest had been issued. Disguised as a servant he finds refuge in a cousin's chateau, where he falls in love with a young girl who is visiting there. After many complications he is finally pardoned, and though loved by his cousin, the Countess d'Autreval, receives the hand of the woman he loves.

Mary Barrett 1901 was the young hero, M. Henri de Flavigneul. She portrayed ably the warm-hearted, impulsive youth, and in manner and gesture made real to us the keen, alert French soldier of the period. As a foil to the animation of Henri was the dignity of the mistress of the chateau. The gracious but clever grande dame was well interpreted. This part was taken

by Rosamond Lent 1901.

Mary Bohannan 1902 showed remarkable ability in the management of her part, the Baron de Montrichard, a capable officer, but somewhat of a fop and having a weakness for the fair sex. In voice, as well as in gesture and appearance, Miss Bohannan gave her rôle a perfect rendering.

M. Gustave de Grignon, the would-be brave lover of the Countess, stands out as a good piece of acting. Lucia Dewey 1902, who played this part, gave real touches of humor and added greatly to the general effect. Helena Kriegsmann 1901, as the young girl, Mlle. Leonie de Villegontier, was the ingènue, a part which is always charming when well acted.

The introduction of the minuet in the second act gave a beautiful touch, as it intensified the atmosphere of French life during the early part of the last century which permeated the play from beginning to end. The costumes and stage settings as a whole were good and combined with the acting formed a harmony which is not often seen in amateur plays and which is worthy of the enthusiasm it received.

The Countess d'Autreval..


.Rosamond Lent

Mlle. Leonie de Villegontier, her niece.....Helena Kriegsmann

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Dancers: Esther Greene, Florence Ross, Jessie Carter, Marion Evans, Florence Agard, Bertha Holden, Grace Zink, Mary Aull.

On Wednesday afternoon, February 20, Professor Wood's classes in Comparative Religions had the pleasure of listening to a lecture given by Dr. Harlan P. Beach, on "Confucianism in China." Mr. Beach said that everything in China was dominated by Confucianism. Education consists in committing to memory and in some slight degree understanding the classics which Confucius arranged and to which he gave his approval. The Chinese value education very highly. A scholar is a gentleman from the first day he goes to school and belongs to the "sect of the learned." The first thing a boy does in acquiring an education is to spend three years in memorizing the sacred books, being ignorant all the while of their meaning. Composition is valued highly, and modern scholars are continually trying to imitate old masters.

The system of examinations is very important in China. The examinations are public and any one may enter. Only a certain number of degrees can be given each year, and of the men who are successful in passing the examination, from to 2 per cent only can receive one of the nine degrees

which insure the possessor honor in his community and an official position proportionate to the grade of his degree. The badge of a degree is a button, which is worn on the top of the cap.

Confucianism not only influences the education of the people and their social and political life, but its expression in ancestor worship is felt in every part of the Empire. One of the greatest obstacles which Christianity has to meet in China is this worship of spirits.

Dr. Beach closed his very interesting talk by saying that every mine that is dug in China is a missionary, for it proves that dragons do not live under the ground, and every railroad helps break down superstition, which is the enemy of progress in China.


The Day of Prayer for Colleges was observed on Sunday, February 10. The vesper service began at a quarter to five, and Professor Tyler, Professor Wood, and Dr. Perry spoke. At the students' meeting, Miss Sage and Miss Hale, presidents of the Wellesley and Radcliffe associations, spoke. In the evening Dr. Blodgett gave an informal organ recital in Assembly Hall.

On Saturday evening, March 9, a stereopticon lecture on "The Personal Washington," was given by Mr. W. W. Ellsworth, for the benefit of the Students' Building.

On Sunday, February 24, the Reverend F. E. Clark of Boston, founder of the Christian Endeavor movement, spoke at vespers.


On Saturday afternoon, March 2, M. Gaston Deschamps gave a lecture in Assembly Hall on La vie de provence d'après les romans de Theuriet, Bozin, Loti, et Pouvillon."

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