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February, 1913.

Fabre, for France. In case of disagreement the King of England is to appoint a sur-arbitre. La paix par le droit, 1913:154.

March, 1913.

28 FRANCE. French decree putting into operation the INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY CONVENTION signed at Washington, June 2, 1911. R. de dr. int. privé et de dr. pénal int., 9:698.

31 NORWAY-SWEDEN. Convention relating to the right of Laplanders to pasturage for their reindeer. French text: An. de l'Union Interparlementaire, 1913:211.

May, 1913.

3 PANAMA SPAIN. Ratifications exchanged of arbitration treaty signed July 25, 1912. French text: Martens, 7:345; Spanish text: Ga. de Madrid, 1913:659.

5 COLOMBIA-MEXICO. Colombia recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:152.

10 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC-GERMANY. Parcel post convention signed. Spanish text: B. Rel. Ext. (Dominican Republic), 1:564.

24 HONDURAS-MEXICO. Honduras recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:150.

29 ITALY-MEXICO. Italy recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:154.

June, 1913.

The Gov

6 PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION AT THE HAGUE. ernment of Chile has appointed Señor Heliodoro Yañez, member of the Court from Chile, in place of the late Señor José Antolio Candrillas. Señor Yañez is a lawyer, Senator and Minister for Foreign Relations of Chile. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:171. 7 PERMANENT COURT OF ARBITRATION AT THE HAGUE. The Government of the Dominican Republic has appointed Señor Apolinar Tejera, member of the Court from the Dominican Republic, in place of Señor José Lamarche. Señor Tejera is the Secretary of the Department of Justice and Public Instruction of the Dominican Republic. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:172.

9 MEXICO-NORWAY. Norway recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:153.

June, 1913.

9 ECUADOR-MEXICO. Ecuador recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:155.

12 JAPAN-MEXICO. Japan recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:156.

15-July 23. SECOND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE RELATING TO BILLS OF EXCHANGE MET AT THE HAGUE. The first conference met at The Hague in 1910. The following nations sent delegates to the second conference: Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Japan, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Portugal, Roumania, Russia, Servia, Siam, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United States.

The convention and resolutions were signed by the 26 states following: Argentine Republic, Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Brazil, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Guatemala, Italy, Luxemburg, Mexico, Montenegro, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Russia, Salvador, Servia, Switzerland and Turkey. French text: An. de l'Union Interparlementaire, 1913:237; R. de dr. int. privé et de dr. int. pénal, 9: 628, English and French texts: United States Senate, 63d Cong., 1st sess., Doc. 162.

17 ITALY JAPAN. Exchange of ratifications of treaty of commerce and navigation signed Nov. 25, 1912. Italian decree promulgating treaty June 19, 1913. French text: R. di dir. int., Vol. 2 (Série 2):431.

20 JAPAN-NETHERLANDS. Dutch decree carrying into effect the treaty of commerce and navigation signed July 6, 1912. French text: Staats., 1913, No. 293.

July, 1918.

6 MEXICO-TURKEY. Turkey recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:317.

7 NETHERLANDS. Dutch decree relating to international telegraphs. Staats., 1913:323.


Dutch decree carrying into effect the

July, 1913.

treaty of navigation signed July 6, 1912. French text: Staatsb., 1913, No. 293.

21 DENMARK-MEXICO. Denmark recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:319.

28 GERMANY-NETHERLANDS. Convention extending to the German Protectorate of Kiautchou the provisions of the extradition treaty of Sept. 21, 1897. Ratified and proclaimed by Germany Aug. 25, 1913. German and Dutch texts: Reichs. G., 1913:704.

31 FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN SPAIN-PORTUGAL. A compromis was signed referring to the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague the settlement of the differences between Portugal and France, Great Britain and Spain relating to property belonging to religious associations confiscated by the Republic of Portugal. The Tribunal will be composed of Dr. Van Savornin, Dutch Minister of State, and Dr. Lardy, Swiss Minister to France. Hon. Elihu Root will serve as Umpire. London Daily Telegraph, Dec. 11, 1913.

August, 1913.

8 HAITI-MEXICO. Haiti recognized the Huerta Government in Mexico. B. Rel. Ext. (Mexico), 36:318.

8 FRANCE. French decree promulgating conventions signed April 4, May 23 and Oct. 28, 1912, between the Federal Railway Bureau of France and the Paris-Lyon-and-Mediterranean Railway for the use of the line from Geneva to La Plaine for the Paris-Lyonand-Mediterranean railway trains and their entrance into the Geneva-Cornavin station. French texts: J. O., 1913:7421. 10 BULGARIA-SERVIA, GREECE, MONTENEGRO and ROUMANIA. Treaty of peace ending the Second Balkan campaign. French text: Q. dipl., 36:240; English text: Supplement to this JOURNAL, p. 13. 11 BELGIUM-FRANCE. French decree promulgating a declaration signed July 18, 1900, modifying Article 10 of the extradition treaty between the two countries signed Aug. 15, 1874. J. O., 1913:7397.

12 NETHERLANDS-RUSSIA. Dutch decree promulgating convention relating to associations and companies, signed Sept. 29, 1911, ratifications of which were exchanged July 18, 1913. French and Dutch texts: Staats., 1913, No. 352.

August, 1913.

27 NETHERLANDS NORWAY. Dutch decree proclaiming treaty of commerce and navigation signed May 20, 1912, ratified by Nor

way Aug. 22, 1913, and Netherlands Aug. 25, 1913. French and Dutch texts: Staats., 1913, No. 362.

30 RED CROSs. French decree promulgating Geneva Convention of July 6, 1906.

September, 1913.

2 AUSTRIA-SWITZERLAND. Arbitration treaty signed, renewing the treaty of arbitration which expired Nov. 1, 1910. English summary: Peace Movement, 2:457; French summary: Mouvement Pacifiste, 2:449; German summary: Friedens-Bewegung, 2:470. 16 FRANCE-RUSSIA. French decree promulgating telephone convention signed April 19-June 27, 1912. French text: J. O., 1913: 8797.

19 FRANCE-ITALY. French decree promulgating convention signed Jan. 18, 1908, ratifications of which were exchanged Aug. 5, 1913, relating to fisheries of Corsica and Sardinia. French text: J. O., 1913:8465.

19 FRANCE-GREAT BRITAIN. French decree promulgating convention relating to telephone communication between the two countries, signed Feb. 5, 1912. French text: J. O., 1913:7510, 8462. 21 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Declaration of blockade of ports of Puerto Plata, Sanchez and Samana. J. O., 1913:8373.

24 FRANCE-LUXEMBURG. French decree promulgating telephone communication convention signed April 7, 1912. J. O., 1913:8773. 29 BULGARIA-TURKEY. Treaty relating to adjustment of frontiers, signed at Constantinople. French text: Q. dipl., 36:494; Times, Sept. 18, Sept. 30, 1913; English text; SUPPLEMENT to this JOURNAL, p. 27.

October, 1913.

1-6 INTERNATIONAL LAW ASSOCIATION. The 28th meeting of the International Law Association was held in Madrid, October 1 to 6. Peace Movement, 2:454; Mouvement Pacifiste, 2:443; FriedensBewegung, 2:464; Law Magazine & R., 39:69.

9 GERMANY-SWITZERLAND ITALY. St. Gotthard Railway Convention, signed Oct. 13, 1909, proclaimed by Germany. French and German texts: Reichs. G., 1913:719; this Journal, 7:601.

October, 1913.

13 TIBET. The conference on Tibet met at Simla, India. Sir Arthur McMahon is president. It appears that the Tibetans demand recognition by China of the autonomy of Tibet, the stipulation that henceforth no Chinese officials shall be stationed in Tibet, and the payment of indemnities to Tibet for damages by Chinese troops to property. Times, Oct. 14, 22, 1913.

14 FRANCE-GREAT BRITAIN. By an exchange of notes the arbitra

tion convention signed Oct. 13, 1903, and renewed for five years on Oct. 14, 1908, was renewed for a further period of five years. J. O., 1913:9757; Great Britain, Treaty Series, Nov. 18, 1913. 14 FRANCE-TURKEY. Accord signed for settlement of French claims against Turkey. French text: Q. dipl., 36:682; Mém. dipl., 51:547.

15 FRANCE HAITI. French decree promulgating agreement signed Sept. 10, 1913, relating to settlement of claims against Haiti. French text: J. O., 1913:9251; this JOURNAL, 7:865, Sept. 10. 22 TURKEY. A commission was appointed consisting of Turks and foreigners to examine into the modifications necessary in the capitulations. Mém. dipl., 51:562.

25 BALKAN WAR. Third Campaign. Servian troops were withdrawn from Albania to the Serbo-Bulgarian frontier laid down by the Treaty of London. This withdrawal is accredited to the ultimatum recently served on Servia by Austria. Times, Oct. 27, 1913.

25 FRANCE GREECE. French decree promulgating convention for the protection of dramatic works signed April 22, 1912, ratifications of which were exchanged at Athens, Sept. 22, 1913. French text: J. O., 1913:6590.

27 BELGIUM-FRANCE. French decree promulgating declaration concerning the transmission of judicial and extra-judicial acts in civil and commercial affairs, signed Oct. 10, 1912. French text: Arch. dipl., 125:76.

27 PERSIA-TURKEY. The British and Russian legations at Teheran presented a joint note to the Persian Government relating to the Turco-Persian Demarcation Commission, in which Persia is formally requested to invite the two Powers to send delegates to accompany the commission, and to give these delegates powers as arbitrators to effect a final settlement in the case of those districts

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