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Prussian menace, The. Norman Hapgood. Harp. W., 59:273. Sept. Psychologie der Waffen und die Panik im Kriege, Der. H. Sartonius. Deutsche R., 39:102. July.

Rights and duties of the United States as a neutral. Chas. Hyde. World's Work, 28:126.

Serbien und Montenegro. Von "Miles." Öster. Runds., 40:181. Aug.
Socialism and the World War. G. L. Harding. Int. Soc. R., 15:141. Sept.
Soldatischer Gehorsam. Gen. v. Beseler. Deutsche R., 39:240. Aug.
Tragedy of Serajevo and its import. W. B. Foster-Bovill.

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War in Europe, The.

British R.,

David Starr Jordan. Harp. W., 59:153. Aug.

War in the air. George H. Emanuel. Int. Soc. R., 15:152. Sept.

Welt Krieg. Leopold Freihr. v. Chlumecky. Öster. Runds, 40:244. Aug.
Who caused the war? Norman Hapgood. Harpers W., 59:220. Sept.

Why the nations fight. Albert Bushnell Hart. World's Work, 28:9. Sept. Great Britain. Dominions and the command of the Sea, The. Archibald Hurd. Fort. R., 95:242. Aug.

Greece. Deutschland und Neugriechenland. Ludwig Schwering. Die Grenzboten, 73:55. July.


Für die Griechen! Die Zukunst, 22:66.

Prospects of Greater Greece. T. L. Stoddard. R. of R. (N. Y.), 50:219.

Hague Conference. Troisième Conférence de la Haye. Baron A. Hold Von Ferneck. R. politique Intern., Aug. 1914, p. 129.

India. Divide and Rule India's destruction. J. Pollen. Asiatic R., 5(n. s.):139. Aug.

England and Islam. Sir Thos. Barclay. Asiatic R., 5(n. s.):147. Aug. Japan. Japon, Le. Sa mission et son rôle dans les rapports entre l'orient et l'occident. A. Gerald. R. d'hist. dip. 28:375.

Martens, Geo. Fr. von. Georg Freiderich von Martens und die moderne Völkerrechts wissenschaft. Eduard Hubrick. Z. für Politik, 7:362.

Mediterranean. France et Triplice dans la Mediterranée. Jacques Barth. R. des Sciences politiques 1914, no 1, p. 48.

Mexico. La clöture de la Conférence de Niagara Falls. Q. dip., 38:123.

Intervention de los Estados Unidos en Mexico, La. Mariano Marfil. España Moderno, 307:154.

Man in Mexico City, The. Allene T. Wilkes. Harp. W., 59:231. Sept. Mexique (L'incident américain de Tampico; la declaration de guerre au général Huerta; les Américains à la Vera Cruz; l'attitude des révolutionnaires; les inquiétudes des Américains du Sud; la suspension d'armes). Henri Froidevaux. France-Amérique, July 1914. p. 39.

Real Mexican problem, The. Roland G. Usher. N. Amer. R., 199:45. July.

Washington and Mexico. Economist, 79:61.

Morocco. Allemagne et la protection du Maroc, L'. Robert de Caix. L'Afrique

francaise, 24:281. July.

Nationality. Décret sur la nationalité. (Tunis.) Q. dip., 38:121. July.

Opium. Monopole de l'opium dans l'Indo-Chine française, Le. Chas. Gide. R. pol ét parl., 81:5. July.

Panama. Advantages of making the canal zone a free city and a free port. W.D. Boyce. J. of Race Develop., 5:68. July.

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p. 13.

République de Panama, La. J. A. Arango. France-Amérique July, 1914.

Panama Canal. Canal de Panama et les intérêts français, Le. Angel Marvaud. Q. dip., 38:18. July.

Probable effect of the opening of the Panama Canal on our economic relations with the people of the West Coast of South America. Hiram Bingham. J. of Race Develop., 5:49. July.

Pan America. America moderno, La. Vincente Gay. La España Moderna, 307:154. July.

Contrasts in the development of nationality in the Anglo- and LatinAmerican. Don Federico A. Pezet. J. of Race Development, 5:1. July. Higher Education in Latin America. Edgar Ewing Brandon. J. of Race Develop., 5:84. July.

J. of Race Develop., 5:114.

J. of Race Develop., 5:19. July.

Mind of the Latin-American nations, The. Pan-American possibilities. John Barrett. Relations of the United States with the Latin-American Republics, The. Leopold Grahame. J. of Race Develop., 3:105. July.

Pan Slavism. Pan-Slavism in America. C. Lownley Sullam. Forum, 52:177. Aug. Peace. Französischer Friedenskongress in Lyon. J. von Schlumberger. VölkerFriede, July-Aug. 1914. p. 84.

Kirche und Friedensbewegung. O. Umfrid. Völker-Friede, July-Aug. 1914. p. 89.

Pazifismus und das Kirchliche Berlin, Der. Pfarrer Francke. VölkerFriede, July-Aug. 1914. p. 87.

Pazifistische Bedeutung der französischen wahlen. Duméril Hallberger. Völker-Friede, July-Aug. 1914. p. 85.

Victor Hugo et le Congrés de la paix de 1849. Frank Hedgcock. La Revue, 25:1. July.

Persia. Persia. By Diplomatist. Empire R., 27:368. July.

Perse entre les Anglais et les Russes, La. Y. Goblet. Q. dip., 38:71. July. Roumania. Roumania and her new territories. By a Bulgarian. Contemp. R., 106:20. July.

Russia. Contre-révolution en Russie, La. Maxime Kovaleosky. R. politique Intern. August 1914. p. 156.

Liberal fear of Russia, The. H. G. Wells. Harpers W., 59:268.

Safety at sea. Catastrophies maritimes et la recente conference de Londres sur la sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer, Les. Edgar de Geoffroy. Le Corresp., 220:65. July.

Safety of life at sea. Legislative results of the international convention. Stopford H. Rylett. Chambers Journal. Pt. 447th. p. 513. Aug. Servia. Nouvelle Serbe, La. André Chéredame. Le Corresp., 220:3. July. Servia irredenta. Francis Gribble. Edinb. R., 220:41. July.

Suttner, Bertha von. Tod der Baronin von Suttner, Der. O. Umfrid. Völker-Friede, July-Aug. 1914. p. 90.

Turkey. Jeunes-Turcs et la Grèce. Hussein Djahid Bey. R. Politique intern. 1914. no 2. p. 145.

Ruhe und Glück in der Türkei. General Itzzet Buda-Pascha. Deutsche R., 39:31. July.

United States. Universities and American International Relations, The. Geo. W. Nasmyth. J. of Race Develop., 5:98. July.

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Wilson foreign Policies. Chas. W. Eliot. Harp. W., 59:117. Aug.

War. Influence de la guerre sur les contrats privés. J. Loder. Clunet, 42:5. KATHRYN SELLERS.


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